Restoration Scriptures True Name Eighth Editions
The Restoration Scriptures Restored Torah True Paleo Name Eighth Edition Softcover
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Gen.-Rev. + All Main Books Found at Bath Abarah-Qumran [see list below] + In Depth RSTNE Study Guide based on over 40 years in Scripture analysis! Includes free USA Economy shipping!
The RSTNE Restored Torah Eighth Edition’s primary purpose is to combine the excellence of the RSTNE with the veracity of Scripture found and preserved in the Zadokite priestly library at Beth Abarah, Qumran. At Beth Abarah the true legitimate High Priest, John the Baptist, was the overseer and curator of the true biblical canon. Any books found at Qumran are included in the RSTNE Restored Torah Eighth Edition. Several dubious books described in detail below were removed, because we discovered they never were Scripture and the determining body were the true legitimate priests of Yasharal, the Zadokites, as seen in such references as Ezekiel 43:19, 44:15-16. The books of Jasher, Maccabees and Judith were not part of the true Zadokite non Pharisaic canon and will not appear here. The church canon is also misguided and irrelevant for true scholarship, as the Zadokite overseers alone establish Torah canon. The Book of Esther, not found at The Bath Abarah library canon, was also missing and this is still under further and intense review while it continues to be part of the RSTNE.
In addition, based on that understanding there is no need whatsoever to continue to incorrectly divide YHUH‘s Word between unlawful church or Pharisaic canon and the so-called Apocrypha, a term meaning hidden, never used by YHUH or any other prophets. That term is a product of those that produced false non authoritative canons, without scriptural authority. The RSTNE Restored Torah Eighth Edition alone has embedded all restored books, falsely called Apocrypha, within the contents of either The First or The Renewed Covenant in a proper logical order.
With that vital understanding, there is no need to divide YHUH‘s words any longer between Old and New Testament, there is no need to divide His Word between Christian or Pharisaic canon and Apocrypha. Technically, there is no such thing as The Apocrypha, meaning hidden, as all Scripture was at one time hidden from man, until its revelation to man. Those manmade divisions have caused much confusion and have been removed in the RSTNE Restored Torah Eighth Edition.
Perhaps just as importantly is the return of both Jubilees and Enoch [not the fraudulent 2nd and 3rd Enoch] to their rightful place of honor as Torah, much in the same way that The Renewed Covenant instructions are also given to the remnant as Torah! It may be unfamiliar and strange at first, true, but knowing that Torah is not and never was limited to five Pharisaic rabbinically approved books, is liberating, as we see these ancient books restored to their rightful place. These two books, despite all ecclesiastical opposition by the sons of darkness and false curators, have finally found their rightful place of honorable placement right in the front, along with Genesis-Revelation. We realize this is a bold step but sometimes boldness is required for full restoration Acts 3:21. And then boldness is provided and honored by YHUH.
Regarding new Covenant restored books, we leaned heavily on the Spirit-Set Apart Ruach and scholarship, to discern why some books clearly once considered part of the Apostolic Writings or letters, were no longer held in such regard. The Ruach has led us to restore these key manuscripts, that we are certain were used by the early communities of the Nazarene Yasharalites and held in the highest regard. Historical apostolic sanction was the overriding factor, to include these manuscripts. The negation of these letters in later backslidden and agenda driven generations, far removed from the first apostles and their disciples, was not a factor. These manuscripts are most precious and must be restored before our Messiah Yahusha returns according to Acts 3:20-21. We have done so using the True Names of The Father and Son of course, in Paleo Hebrew font. Additionally, we use both Ahlohim with an upper case "A, as well as Aloah, with an upper case A."
Some books that we cannot discern as holding the weight or burden of Scripture at this hour, we have not included, until more evidence can be collected and then given to The Ruach for possible confirmation. Beware of big bibles that throw every book under the sun in their collection, simply to make money and outsize other translations, hoping you will respond to the size or the ‘more books for your money factor’. Some books do not belong in Scripture and should not be peddled as Scripture, just to make money and trap people. The RSTNE alone applies very strict standards for inclusion, the primary being the Zadokite Beth Abarah Library and the apostolic approbation of the apostles and their first generation disciples.
This edition has many basic Hebrew words in the text and will help all those desiring to learn a little Hebrew as they study His Word.
+++ All the updates from other editions brought fully up to date! 8.5 by 11 1,023 pages, extra firm softcover, perfect binding, glossy color covers. Larger 12 point black font. Each RSTNE Torah Restored Version Softcover [book one] comes with plastic wrap. The Study Guide is bubble wrapped.
INCLUDES STUDY GUIDE-2 BOOK SET! For RSTNE Study guide description please see this link.
-Contents Of Books In The RSTNE Restored Torah True Paleo Name Eighth Edition-
7 Books of Torah
Genesis (Beresheeth), Enoch (Chanok), Exodus (Shemoth), Yovleem (Jubilees), Leviticus (Wayiqra), Numbers (Bamidbar),Deuteronomy; (Devarim).
To Our Forefathers Yahsrahal
Joshua (Yahoshua), Judges (Shophtim), Ruth (Root), First Shmuel (Shmuel Alef),Second Shmuel (Shmuel Bet), First Kings (Melechim Alef), Second Kings (Melechim Bet), Isaiah (Yeshayahu), Jeremiah (Yirmeyahu), Baruch (Baruk),;Ezekiel (Yechezkel), Daniel (Daniyel), Prayer of Azariah (Tefillat Azaryah), Hosea (Husha), Tobias (Toviyah) , The Prayer of Menasheh (Tefillat Menashe), Joel (Yoel), Amos (Ahmos), Obadiah (Ovadyah), Jonah (Yonah), Micah (Mikha), Nahum (Nachum), Zephaniah (Tzephanyah), Habakkuk (Chabakook), Haggai (Chaggai), Zechariah (Zecharyah), Malachi (Malaki), Psalms (Tehillim), Proverbs (Mishle), Job (Iyov), Song of Songs (Shir HaShirim), Lamentations (Echah), Ecclesiastes (Koheleth), Esther (Hadasah) First Esdras (Ezrah Alef), The Three Guards (Shalosh Shomrim), Bel & The Serpent (Bel Ve Hatanin), Susanna (Shoshanna), Second Esdras (Ezrah Bet), Nehemiah (Nechemyah), 1st Chronicles Divre HaYamim Alef, 2nd Chronicles, Divre HaYamim Bet, Book Of Wisdom (Sefer Chochmah), Ecclesiasticus (Sirach).
The Renewed Covenant
Matthew (Mattityahu), Mark (Yochanan Moshe), Luke (Luka), John (Yochanan), Acts (Maaseh Shlichim), Teachings Of The Twelve-Didache (Tortam Shel HaShanim-Asar), James (Yaakov), Hebrews (Ivrim), Barnabas (Bar-Nava), First Peter (Kefa Alef), Second Peter (Kefa Bet), First Clement (Qlemes Alef), First John (Yochanan Alef), Second John (Yochanan Bet), Third John (Yochanan Gimel), Jude (Yahudah), Romans (Romiyah), First Corinthians (Qorintyah Alef), Second Corinthians (Qorintyah Bet), Third Corinthians-(Qorintyah Gimel) , Galatians (Galutyah), Ephesians (Ephsiyah), Philippians (Phylypsiyah), Colossians (Qolesayah), 1st Thessalonians (Tesloniqyah Alef), 2nd Thessalonians (Tesloniqyah Bet), Philemon (Phileymon), First Timothy (Timtheous Alef), Second Timothy (Timtheous Bet), Titus (Teitus), Revelation (Chazon), Glossary-(Meelon).
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