What Are The Names of The Translators Of Modern English Hebraic Roots Versions?

What Are The Names of The Translators Of Modern English Hebraic Roots Versions? Here Are Ours! No Guesswork Needed! 1-2-25

Abba YHUH is supposed to be the author of Scripture. That is the common faith and belief. We also know that all versions of Scripture are based on a few established ancient collections. All translators in all languages including Hebrew, work with these self same collections, until new ones are discovered. Here is the issue with other bibles. Since none of the translators are using the actual paleo-ancient documents and are working from those same 4-8 collections that came into being those many generations ago! This is a truth that no seminary will tell you. That any and all translators tasked to interpret, will also be using the same base and basic resources. No modern translator has access to an autograph, meaning the original and the first time it was given by YHUH!

Understanding this is essential. Any Scriptures that include latter day collections found via discovery, like the RSTNE, based on the most recent finds, are far more highly esteemed. All the other sources are the same and shared. The only way they can update their version is to accept a new discovery collection of either old or first covenant manuscripts, WHICH THEY ALL REFUSE TO DO!

We have a question then. Since they all use the same basic collections translated into more than 100 + languages, why do you never see their names? Why is it always a committee? A committee of scribes? What agenda do they have and what manmade cannon council authorized them? NONE!

Who forms and sits on these committees? What were the names of all the Masoretic scribes? What are the names of the 70 LXX scribes? What are the names of the scribes of Messiah’s day, those He so strongly rebuked? Why do modern translations hardly ever reveal the names and faces of their translators, if they are so proud of their work?

We know for example Jerome did the Vulgate, Luther the German translation, King James and his cronies the KJV. But why do none of these modern Hebraic roots versions list their translators, so they can be evaluated and assessed for scholarship? A few do list the alleged translator, but how can that person be qualified to translate a HEBRAIC VERSION, ANY HEBRAIC VERSION, when they cannot put a single sentence together in written or verbal Hebrew! Using Strong's Concordance does not make them a scholar.

Answer? They use someone else’s work and call it their own! Two well known modern Hebraic roots  versions, that some of you really love, were stolen verbatim and relabeld. Those are facts! Ask them if they can read the Torah in Hebrew in your presence. Then you will have your answer why the RSTNE is king by the power of the King of Kings!

We know Moses and Joshua wrote the Torah. The apostles the Newer Covenant. Where are are the names of all these translators? Why do they hide behind committees and LLCs and "501C3 bible print houses?" This troubles us and it should trouble you!

Only the RSTNE and its lines of products reveals both the name and qualifications of the translators of a Hebraic version. There is no mystery as to who did the translation and the follow-up checking. We have listed all involved in this great latter day calling. Twenty two years later the public is starting to grasp that the translators need to be public witnesses, seen by all, who also actually speak the languages, not those hiding under titles and committees, to continue the lie that their redacted versions need no updating or restoration. We are sure you agree!

-Your RSTNE Translation Team-

- Dr. Sholiach Apostle Moshe Yoseph Koniuchowsky- Hebrew scholar and Bible Missions Master Patriot University Colorado. 12 Years Of Hebrew Language Study.

-Rebetzin Rivkah Koniuchowsky - Hebraic Linguist with 12 years of Hebrew language instruction and study. Hebrew Academy of Nassau County Long Island.

-Yoshiyahu Ben Moshe-Trained apprentice in Hebrew and Greek analysis and etymology trained personally by Dr. Koniuchowsky.