The Keys-Maphtechot
The Keys To The RSTNE Online
For the first time in over 20 years we are making The Gold Standard available to you online. This makes it accessible to everyone as we get the best translation ever done into the most hands possible. Time is short and Messiah YAHUSHA will soon return. For sure! Now the RSTNE can be viewed around the world instantly by millions on any device at any time. Not only that, but the online version allows us to update texts and footnotes daily if needed, making sure His disciples have the latest insights and discoveries at their fingertips! This is a huge step of faith for us. Making the RSTNE ONLINE an open access Scripture at no cost as Adon admonished us. Having said that, we need everyone to refer people to to get hardcover copies, which will enable us to keep the online version as an open access no cost resource! It is essential that you partner with us and contribute, so others can have access to the online version, both the saved and the searching/lost alike. You can do that by sending all your friends and social media contacts to us for both the online open access version, as well as the hardcopies, which will help us keep this online access open and free. If you know that it is crucial to keep this step of faith going, please make a nice contribution by using this link or QR Code below. Please do consider a monthly recurring gift. Or, keep the work going by purchasing hardcover copies discounted when you get 2 or more. Thank you kindly!