Jasher-Sefer Yahshar Chapters 50-74

Sefer Yahshar Chapters 50-74

Study notes On The Bottom!!

The modern book of Jasher is a fraud. There are literally hundreds of errors and unrealistic accounts that contradict Torah and all other books in Scripture. It is not part of Scripture or the Apocrypha! However, for curiosity and overview purposes, we have with some hesitancy, left it online. The 3 assumed references in Scripture to Yahshar, meaning the Book of the Upright-Tzadikeem, are actually references to Jubilees, another name for the Book of the Law for the upright. This assesment is based on the best evidence available at the present time.


1 At that time the children of Tarshish came against the sons of Yishmael, and made war with them, and the children of Tarshish spoiled the Yishmaelites for a long time.

2 And the children of Yishmael were small in number in those days, and they could not prevail over the children of Tarshish, and they were sorely oppressed.

3 And the old men of the Yishmaelites sent a record to the melech of Mitzrayim, saying, Send I beg you to your servants officers and hosts to help us to fight against the children of Tarshish, for we have been consuming away for a long time.

4 And Pharaoh sent Yoseph with the mighty men and host that were with him, and also his mighty men from the melech's house.

5 And they went to the land of Havilah to the children of Yishmael, to assist them against the children of Tarshish, and the children of Yishmael fought with the children of Tarshish, and Yoseph smote the Tarshishites and he subdued all their land, and the children of Yishmael dwell therein to this day.

6 And when the land of Tarshish was subdued, all the Tarshishites ran away, and came on the border of their brothers the children of Yahvan, and Yoseph with all his mighty men and host returned to Mitzrayim, not one man of them missing.

7 And at the turn of the year, in the second year of Yoseph's reigning over Mitzrayim, YHUH gave great plenty throughout the land for seven years as Yoseph had spoken, for YHUH blessed all the produce of the earth in those days for seven years, and they ate and were greatly satisfied.

8 And Yoseph at that time had officers under him, and they collected all the food of the tov years, and heaped corn year by year, and they placed it in the treasuries of Yoseph.

9 And at any time when they gathered the food Yoseph commanded that they should bring the corn in the ears, and also bring with it some of the soil of the field, that it should not spoil.

10 And Yoseph did according to this year by year, and he heaped up corn like the sand of the sea for abundance, for his stores were immense and could not be numbered for abundance.

11 And also all the inhabitants of Mitzrayim gathered all sorts of food in their stores in great abundance during the seven tov years, but they did not do to it as Yoseph did.

12 And all the food that Yoseph and the Mitzrites had gathered during the seven years of plenty was secured for the land in stores for the seven years of famine, for the support of the whole land.

13 And the inhabitants of Mitzrayim filled each man his store and his concealed place with corn, to be for support during the famine.

14 And Yoseph placed all the food that he had gathered in all the cities of Mitzrayim, and he closed all the stores and placed guards over them.

15 And Yoseph's wife Osnath the daughter of Potiphera bare him two sons, Menasheh and Ephraim, and Yoseph was thirty-four years old when he begat them.

16 And the lads grew up and they went in his halachot and in his Torot, they did not deviate from the halacha which their abba taught them, either to the right or left.

17 And YHUH was with the lads, and they grew up and had understanding and skill in all wisdom and in all the affairs of government, and all the melech's officers and his great men of the inhabitants of Mitzrayim exalted the lads, and they were brought up among the melech's children.

18 And the seven years of plenty that were throughout the land were at an end, and the seven years of famine came after them as Yoseph had spoken, and the famine was throughout the land.

19 And all the people of Mitzrayim saw that the famine had commenced in the land of Mitzrayim, and all the people of Mitzrayim opened their stores of corn for the famine prevailed over them.

20 And they found all the food that was in their stores, full of vermin and not fit to eat, and the famine prevailed throughout the land, and all the inhabitants of Mitzrayim came and cried before Pharaoh, for the famine was heavy upon them.

21 And they said to Pharaoh, Give food to your servants, and why shall we die through hunger before your eyes, even we and our little ones?

22 And Pharaoh answered them, saying, And why do you cry to me? Did not Yoseph command that the corn should be laid up during the seven years of plenty for the years of famine? And why did you not listen to his voice?

23 And the people of Mitzrayim answered the melech, saying, As your being lives, our master, your servants have done all that Yoseph ordered, for your servants also gathered in all the produce of their fields during the seven years of plenty and laid it in the stores to this day.

24 And when the famine prevailed over your servants we opened our stores, and behold all our produce was filled with vermin and was not fit for food.

25 And when the melech heard all that had befallen the inhabitants of Mitzrayim, the melech was greatly afraid on account of the famine, and he was much terrified; and the melech answered the people of Mitzrayim, saying, Since all this has happened to you, go to Yoseph, do whatever he shall say to you, transgress not his commands.

26 And all the people of Mitzrayim went forth and came to Yoseph, and said to him, Give to us food, and why shall we die before you through hunger? For we gathered in our produce during the seven years as you did command, and we put it in store, and this has now befallen us.

27 And when Yoseph heard all the words of the people of Mitzrayim and what had befallen them, Yoseph opened all his stores of the produce and he sold it to the people of Mitzrayim.

28 And the famine prevailed throughout the land, and the famine was in all countries, but in the land of Mitzrayim there was produce for sale.

29 And all the inhabitants of Mitzrayim came to Yoseph to buy corn, for the famine prevailed over them, and all their corn was spoiled, and Yoseph daily sold it to all the people of Mitzrayim.

30 And all the inhabitants of the land of Kanaan and the Philistines, and those beyond the Yarden, and the children of the east and all the cities of the lands far and near heard that there was corn in Mitzrayim, and they all came to Mitzrayim to buy corn, for the famine prevailed over them.

31 And Yoseph opened the stores of corn and placed officers over them, and they daily stood and sold to all that came.

32 And Yoseph knew that his brothers also would come to Mitzrayim to buy corn, for the famine prevailed throughout the earth. And Yoseph commanded all his people that they should cause it to be proclaimed throughout the land of Mitzrayim, saying,

33 It is the pleasure of the melech, of his second and of their great men, that any person who wishes to buy corn in Mitzrayim shall not send his servants to Mitzrayim to purchase, but his sons, and also any Mitzrite or Kanaanite, who shall come from any of the stores from buying corn in Mitzrayim, and shall go and sell it throughout the land, he shall die, for no one shall buy but for the support of his household.

34 And any man leading two or three beasts shall die, for a man shall only lead his own beast.

35 And Yoseph placed guards at the gates of Mitzrayim, and commanded them, saying, Any person who may come to buy corn, allow him not to enter until his name, and the name of his abba, and the name of his abba's abba be written down, and whatever is written by day, send their names to me in the evening that I may know their names.

36 And Yoseph placed officers throughout the land of Mitzrayim, and he commanded them to do all these things.

37 And Yoseph did all these things, and made these laws, in order that he might know when his brothers should come to Mitzrayim to buy corn; and Yoseph's people caused it daily to be proclaimed in Mitzrayim according to these words and chukim that Yoseph had commanded.

38 And all the inhabitants of the east and west country, and of all the earth, heard of the statutes and regulations that Yoseph had enacted in Mitzrayim, and the inhabitants of the extreme parts of the earth came and they bought corn in Mitzrayim day after day, and then went away.

39 And all the officers of Mitzrayim did as Yoseph had commanded, and all that came to Mitzrayim to buy corn, the gate keepers would write their names, and their ahvots' names, and daily bring them in the evening before Yoseph.


1 And Yaakov afterward heard that there was corn in Mitzrayim, and he called to his sons to go to Mitzrayim to buy corn, for upon them also did the famine prevail, and he called to his sons, saying,

2 Behold I hear that there is corn in Mitzrayim, and all the people of the earth go there to purchase, now therefore why will you show yourselves satisfied before the whole earth? Go you also down to Mitzrayim and buy us a little corn among those that come there, that we may not die.

3 And the sons of Yaakov hearkened to the voice of their abba, and they rose up to go down to Mitzrayim in order to buy corn among the rest that came there.

4 And Yaakov their abba commanded them, saying, When you come into the city do not enter together in one gate, on account of the inhabitants of the land.

5 And the sons of Yaakov went forth and they went to Mitzrayim, and the sons of Yaakov did all as their abba had commanded them, and Yaakov did not send Binyamin, for he said, Lest an accident might befall him on the road like his brother; and ten of Yaakov's sons went forth.

6 And while the sons of Yaakov were going on the road, they repented of what they had done to Yoseph, and they spoke to each other, saying, We know that our brother Yoseph went down to Mitzrayim, and now we will seek him where we go, and if we find him we will take him from his master for a ransom, and if not, by force, and we will die for him.

7 And the sons of Yaakov agreed to this thing and strengthened themselves on account of Yoseph, to deliver him from the hand of his master, and the sons of Yaakov went to Mitzrayim; and when they came near to Mitzrayim they separated from each other, and they came through ten gates of Mitzrayim, and the gate keepers wrote their names on that day, and brought them to Yoseph in the evening.

8 And Yoseph read the names from the hand of the gate-keepers of the city, and he found that his brothers had entered at the ten gates of the city, and Yoseph at that time commanded that it should be proclaimed throughout the land of Mitzrayim, saying,

9 Go forth all you store guards, close all the corn stores and let only one remain open, that those who come may purchase from it.

10 And all the officers of Yoseph did so at that time, and they closed all the stores and left only one open.

11 And Yoseph gave the written names of his brothers to him that was set over the open store, and he said to him, Whosoever shall come to you to buy corn, ask his name, and when men of these names shall come before you, seize them and send them, and they did so.

12 And when the sons of Yaakov came into the city, they joined together in the city to seek Yoseph before they bought themselves corn.

13 And they went to the walls of the harlots, and they sought Yoseph in the walls of the harlots for three days, for they thought that Yoseph would come in the walls of the harlots, for Yoseph was very comely and well favored, and the sons of Yaakov sought Yoseph for three days, and they could not find him.

14 And the man who was set over the open store sought for those names that Yoseph had given him, and he did not find them.

15 And he sent to Yoseph, saying, These three days have passed, and those men whose names you did give to me have not come; and Yoseph sent servants to seek the men in all Mitzrayim, and to bring them before Yoseph.

16 And Yoseph's servants went and came into Mitzrayim and could not find them, and went to Goshen and they were not there, and then went to the city of Rameses and could not find them.

17 And Yoseph continued to send sixteen servants to seek his brothers, and they went and spread themselves in the four corners of the city, and four of the servants went into the house of the harlots, and they found the ten men there seeking their brother.

18 And those four men took them and brought them before him, and they bowed down to him to the ground, and Yoseph was sitting upon his throne in his temple, clothed with princely garments, and upon his head was a large keter of gold, and all the mighty men were sitting around him.

19 And the sons of Yaakov saw Yoseph, and his figure and comeliness and dignity of countenance seemed wonderful in their eyes, and they again bowed down to him to the ground.

20 And Yoseph saw his brothers, and he knew them, but they knew him not, for Yoseph was very great in their eyes, therefore they knew him not.

21 And Yoseph spoke to them, saying, From where do you come? And they all answered and said, Your servants have come from the land of Kanaan to buy corn, for the famine prevails throughout the earth, and your servants heard that there was corn in Mitzrayim, so they have come among the other comers to buy corn for their support.

22 And Yoseph answered them, saying, If you have come to purchase as you say, why do you come through ten gates of the city? It can only be that you have come to spy through the whole land.

23 And they all together answered Yoseph, and said, Not so my master, we are right, your servants are not spies, but we have come to buy corn, for your servants are all brothers, the sons of one man in the land of Kanaan, and our abba commanded us, saying, When you come to the city do not enter together at one gate on account of the inhabitants of the land.

24 And Yoseph again answered them and said, That is the thing which I spoke to you, you have come to spy through the land, therefore you all came through ten gates of the city; you have come to see the nakedness of the land.

25 Surely every one that comes to buy corn goes his way, and you are already three days in the land, and what do you do in the walls of harlots in which you have been for these three days? Surely spies do things like these things.

26 And they said to Yoseph, Far be it from our master to speak this, for we are twelve brothers, the sons of our abba Yaakov, in the land of Kanaan, the son of Yitzchak, the son of Avraham, the Ivri, and behold the youngest is with our abba this day in the land of Kanaan, and one is not, for he was lost from us, and we thought perhaps he might be in this land, so we are seeking him throughout the land, and have come even to the houses of harlots to seek him there.

27 And Yoseph said to them, And have you then sought him throughout the earth, that there only remained Mitzrayim for you to seek him in? And what also should your brother do in the houses of harlots, even if he were in Mitzrayim? Have you not said, That you are from the sons of Yitzchak, the son of Avraham, and what shall the sons of Yaakov do then in the houses of harlots?

28 And they said to him, Because we heard that Yishmaelites stole him from us, and it was told to us that they sold him in Mitzrayim, and your servant, our brother, is very comely and well favored, so we thought he would surely be in the houses of harlots, therefore your servants went there to seek him and give ransom for him.

29 And Yoseph still answered them, saying, Surely you speak falsely and utter lies, to say of yourselves that you are the sons of Avraham; as Pharaoh lives you are spies, therefore have you come to the houses of harlots that you should not be known.

30 And Yoseph said to them, And now if you find him, and his master requires of you a great price, will you give it for him? And they said, It shall be given.

31 And he said to them, And if his master will not consent to part with him for a great price, what will you do to him on his account? And they answered him, saying, If he will not give him to us we will slay him, and take our brother and go away.

32 And Yoseph said to them, That is the thing which I have spoken to you; you are spies, for you are come to slay the inhabitants of the land, for we heard that two of your brothers smote all the inhabitants of Shechem, in the land of Kanaan, on account of your sister, and you now come to do the same in Mitzrayim on account of your brother.

33 Only hereby shall I know that you are emet men; if you will send home one from among you to fetch your youngest brother from your abba, and to bring him here to me, and by doing this thing I will know that you are right.

34 And Yoseph called to seventy of his mighty men, and he said to them, Take these men and bring them into the prison.

35 And the mighty men took the ten men, they laid hold of them and put them into the prison, and they were in the prison three days.

36 And on the third day Yoseph had them brought out of the prison, and he said to them, Do this for yourselves if you be emet men, so that you may live, one of your brothers shall be confined in the prison while you go and take home the corn for your household to the land of Kanaan, and fetch your youngest brother, and bring him here to me, that I may know that you are emet men when you do this thing.

37 And Yoseph went out from them and came into the chamber, and wept a great weeping, for his pity was excited for them, and he washed his face, and returned to them again, and he took Shimeon from them and ordered him to be bound, but Shimeon was not willing to allow it, for he was a very powerful man and they could not bind him.

38 And Yoseph called to his mighty men and seventy valiant men came before him with drawn swords in their hands, and the sons of Yaakov were terrified at them.

39 And Yoseph said to them, Seize this man and confine him in prison until his brothers come to him, and Yoseph's valiant men hurried and they all laid hold of Shimeon to bind him, and Shimeon gave a loud and terrible shriek and the cry was heard at a distance.

40 And all the valiant men of Yoseph were terrified at the sound of the shriek, that they fell upon their faces, and they were greatly afraid and fled.

41 And all the men that were with Yoseph fled, for they were greatly afraid of their lives, and only Yoseph and Menasheh his son remained there, and Menasheh the son of Yoseph saw the strength of Shimeon, and he was exceedingly angry.

42 And Menasheh the son of Yoseph rose up to Shimeon, and Menasheh smote Shimeon a heavy blow with his fist against the back of his neck, and Shimeon was stopped in his rage.

43 And Menasheh laid hold of Shimeon and he seized him violently and he bound him and brought him into the house of confinement, and all the sons of Yaakov were astonished at the act of the youth.

44 And Shimeon said to his brothers, None of you must say that this is the smiting of a Mitzrite, but it is the smiting of the house of my abba.

45 And after this Yoseph ordered him to be called who was set over the storehouse, to fill their sacks with corn as much as they could carry, and to restore every man's money into his sack, and to give them provision for the road, and this did he to them.

46 And Yoseph commanded them, saying, Take heed lest you transgress my orders to bring your brother as I have told you, and it shall be when you bring your brother here to me, then will I know that you are emet men, and you shall traffic in the land, and I will restore to you your brother, and you shall return in shalom to your abba.

47 And they all answered and said, According as our master speaks so will we do, and they bowed down to him to the ground.

48 And every man lifted his corn upon his donkey, and they went out to go to the land of Kanaan to their abba; and they came to the inn and Levi spread his sack to give provender to his donkey, when he saw and behold his money in full weight was still in his sack.

49 And the man was greatly afraid, and he said to his brothers, My money is restored, and see, it is even in my sack, and the men were greatly afraid, and they said, What is this that YHUH has done to us?

50 And they all said, And where is YHUH's chesed with our ahvot, with Avraham, Yitzchak, and Yaakov, that YHUH has this day delivered us into the hands of the melech of Mitzrayim to contrive against us?

51 And Yahudah said to them, Surely we are guilty sinners before YHUH our YHUH for having sold our brother, our own flesh, and why do you say, Where is YHUH's chesed with our ahvot?

52 And Reuven said to them, Said I not to you, do not sin against the lad, and you would not listen to me? Now YHUH requires him from us, and how dare you say, Where is YHUH's chesed with our ahvot, while you have sinned against YHUH?

53 And they tarried overnight in that place, and they rose up early in the morning and laded their donkeys with their corn, and they led them and went on and came to their abba's house in the land of Kanaan.

54 And Yaakov and his household went out to meet his sons, and Yaakov saw and behold their brother Shimeon was not with them, and Yaakov said to his sons, Where is your brother Shimeon, whom I do not see? And his sons told him all that had befallen them in Mitzrayim.


1 And they entered their house, and every man opened his sack and they saw and behold every man's bundle of money was there, at which they and their abba were greatly terrified.

2 And Yaakov said to them, What is this that you have done to me? I sent your brother Yoseph to inquire after your welfare and you said to me. A wild beast did devour him.

3 And Shimeon went with you to buy food and you say the melech of Mitzrayim has confined him in prison, and you wish to take Binyamin to cause his death also, and bring down my gray hairs with sorrow to the grave on account of Binyamin and his brother Yoseph.

4 Now therefore my son shall not go down with you, for his brother is dead and he is left alone, and mischief may befall him by the way in which you go, as it befell his brother.

5 And Reuven said to his abba, You shall slay my two sons if I do not bring your son and place him before you; and Yaakov said to his sons, Abide here and do not go down to Mitzrayim, for my son shall not go down with you to Mitzrayim, nor die like his brother.

6 And Yahudah said to them, refrain from him until the corn is finished, and he will then say, Take down your brother, when he will find his own life and the life of his household in danger from the famine.

7 And in those days the famine was sore throughout the land, and all the people of the earth went and came to Mitzrayim to buy food, for the famine prevailed greatly among them, and the sons of Yaakov remained in Kanaan a year and two months until their corn was finished.

8 And it came to pass after their corn was finished, the whole household of Yaakov was pinched with hunger, and all the infants of the sons of Yaakov came together and they approached Yaakov, and they all surrounded him, and they said to him, Give to us bread, and why shall we all perish through hunger in your presence?

9 Yaakov heard the words of his son's children, and he wept a great weeping, and his pity was roused for them, and Yaakov called to his sons and they all came and sat before him.

10 And Yaakov said to them, And have you not seen how your children have been weeping over me this day, saying, Give to us bread, and there is none? Now therefore return and buy for us a little food.

11 And Yahudah answered and said to his abba, If you will send our brother with us we will go down and buy corn for you, and if you will not send him then we will not go down, for surely the melech of Mitzrayim particularly enjoined us, saying, You shall not see my face unless your brother be with you, for the melech of Mitzrayim is a strong and mighty melech, and behold if we shall go to him without our brother we shall all be put to death.

12 Do you not know and have you not heard that this melech is very powerful and wise, and there is none like him in all the earth? Behold we have seen all the melechim of the earth and we have not seen one like that melech, the melech of Mitzrayim; surely among all the melechim of the earth there is none greater than Avimelech melech of the Philistines, yet the melech of Mitzrayim is greater and mightier than he, and Avimelech can only be compared to one of his officers.

13 Abba, you have not seen his palace and his throne, and all his servants standing before him; you have not seen that melech upon his throne in his pomp and royal appearance, dressed in his kingly robes with a large golden keter upon his head; you have not seen the honor and glory which YHUH has given to him, for there is none like him in all the earth.

14 Abba, you have not seen the wisdom, the understanding and the knowledge that YHUH has given in his heart, nor heard his sweet voice when he spoke to us.

15 We know not, abba, who made him acquainted with our names and all that befell us, yet he asked also about you, saying, Is your abba still living, and is it well with him?

16 You have not seen the affairs of the government of Mitzrayim regulated by him, without inquiring of Pharaoh his master; you have not seen the awe and fear that he impressed upon all the Mitzrites.

17 And also when we went from him, we threatened to do to Mitzrayim like to the rest of the cities of the Amorites, and we were exceedingly angry against all his words which he spoke concerning us as spies, and now when we shall again come before him his terror will fall upon us all, and not one of us will be able to speak to him either a little or a great thing.

18 Now therefore abba, send we beg you the lad with us, and we will go down and buy you food for our support, and not die through hunger. And Yaakov said, Why have you dealt so ill with me to tell the melech you had a brother? What is this thing that you have done to me?

19 And Yahudah said to Yaakov his abba, Give the lad into my care and we will rise up and go down to Mitzrayim and buy corn, and then return, and it shall be when we return if the lad be not with us, then let me bear your blame le-olam-va-ed.

20 Have you seen all our infants weeping over you through hunger and there is no power in your hand to satisfy them? Now let your pity be roused for them and send our brother with us and we will go.

21 For how will YHUH's chesed to our ancestors be manifested to you when you say that the melech of Mitzrayim will take away your son? As YHUH lives, I will not leave him until I bring him and place him before you; but pray for us to YHUH, that he may deal kindly with us, to cause us to be received favorably and kindly before the melech of Mitzrayim and his men, for had we not delayed surely now we had returned a second time with your son.

22 And Yaakov said to his sons, I trust in YHUH Ahlohim that He may deliver you and give you favor in the sight of the melech of Mitzrayim, and in the sight of all his men.

23 Now therefore rise up and go to the man, and take for him in your hands a present from what can be obtained in the land and bring it before him, and may the Almighty YHUH give you chesed before him that he may send Binyamin and Shimeon your brothers with you.

24 And all the men rose up, and they took their brother Binyamin, and they took in their hands a large present of the best of the land, and they also took a double portion of silver.

25 And Yaakov strictly commanded his sons concerning Binyamin, Saying, Take heed of him in the way in which you are going, and do not separate yourselves from him in the road, neither in Mitzrayim.

26 And Yaakov rose up from his sons and spread forth his hands and he prayed to YHUH on account of his sons, saying, O YHUH Ahlohim of the shamayim and earth, remember your covenant with our abba Avraham, remember it with my abba Yitzchak and deal kindly with my sons and deliver them not into the hands of the melech of Mitzrayim; do it I pray you O YHUH for the sake of your mercies and redeem all my children and rescue them from Mitzrite power, and send them their two brothers.

27 And all the wives of the sons of Yaakov and their children lifted up their eyes to the shamayim and they all wept before YHUH, and cried to him to deliver their ahvot from the hand of the melech of Mitzrayim.

28 And Yaakov wrote a record to the melech of Mitzrayim and gave it into the hand of Yahudah and into the hands of his sons for the melech of Mitzrayim, saying,

29 From your servant Yaakov, son of Yitzchak, son of Avraham the Ivri, the prince of YHUH, to the powerful and wise melech, the revealer of secrets, melech of Mitzrayim, greetings.

30 Be it known to my master the melech of Mitzrayim, the famine was sore upon us in the land of Kanaan, and I sent my sons to you to buy us a little food from you for our support.

31 For my sons surrounded me and I being very old cannot see with my eyes, for my eyes have become very heavy through age, as well as with daily weeping for my son, for Yoseph who was lost from before me, and I commanded my sons that they should not enter the gates of the city when they came to Mitzrayim, on account of the inhabitants of the land.

32 And I also commanded them to go around Mitzrayim to seek for my son Yoseph, perhaps they might find him there, and they did so, and you did consider them as spies of the land.

33 Have we not heard concerning you that you did interpret Pharaoh's dream and did speak truly to him? How then do you not know in your wisdom whether my sons are spies or not?

34 Now therefore, my master and melech, behold I have sent my son before you, as you did speak to my sons; I beseech you to put your eyes upon him until he is returned to me in shalom with his brothers.

35 For do you not know, or have you not heard that which our YHUH did to Pharaoh when he took my ema Sarah, and what he did to Avimelech melech of the Philistines on account of her, and also what our abba Avraham did to the nine melechim of Eylam, how he smote them all with a few men that were with him?

36 And also what my two sons Shimeon and Levi did to the eight cities of the Amorites, how they destroyed them on account of their sister Dinah?

37 And also on account of their brother Binyamin they consoled themselves for the loss of his brother Yoseph; what will they then do for him when they see the hand of any people prevailing over them, for his sake?

38 Do you not know, O melech of Mitzrayim, that the power of YHUH is with us, and that also YHUH always hears our prayers and forsakes us not all the days?

39 And when my sons told me of your dealings with them, I called not to YHUH on account of you, for then you would have perished with your men before my son Binyamin came before you, but I thought that as Shimeon my son was in your house, perhaps you might deal kindly with him, therefore I did not this thing to you.

40 Now therefore behold Binyamin my son comes to you with my sons, take heed of him and put your eyes upon him, and then will YHUH place his eyes over you and throughout your malchut.

41 Now I have told you all that is in my heart, and behold my sons are coming to you with their brother, examine the face of the whole earth for their sake and send them back in shalom with their brothers.

42 And Yaakov gave the record to his sons into the care of Yahudah to give it to the melech of Mitzrayim.


1 And the sons of Yaakov rose up and took Binyamin and all of the presents, and they went and came to Mitzrayim and they stood before Yoseph.

2 And Yoseph beheld his brother Binyamin with them and he saluted them, and these men came to Yoseph's house.

3 And Yoseph commanded the superintendent of his house to give to his brothers to eat, and he did so to them.

4 And at noon time Yoseph sent for the men to come before him with Binyamin, and the men told the superintendent of Yoseph's house concerning the silver that was returned in their sacks, and he said to them, It will be well with you, fear not, and he brought their brother Shimeon to them.

5 And Shimeon said to his brothers, The master of the Mitzrites has acted very kindly to me, he did not keep me bound, as you saw with your eyes, for when you went out from the city he set me free and dealt kindly with me in his house.

6 And Yahudah took Binyamin by the hand, and they came before Yoseph, and they bowed down to him to the ground.

7 And the men gave the present to Yoseph and they all sat before him, and Yoseph said to them, Is it well with you, is it well with your children, is it well with your aged abba? And they said, It is well, and Yahudah took the record that Yaakov had sent and gave it into the hand of Yoseph.

8 And Yoseph read the letter and knew his abba's writing, and he wished to weep and he went into an inner room and he wept a great weeping; and he went out.

9 And he lifted up his eyes and beheld his brother Binyamin, and he said, Is this your brother of whom you spoke to me? And Binyamin approached Yoseph, and Yoseph placed his hand upon his head and he said to him, May YHUH be gracious to you my son.

10 And when Yoseph saw his brother, the son of his ema, he again wished to weep, and he entered the chamber, and he wept there, and he washed his face, and went out and refrained from weeping, and he said, Prepare food.

11 And Yoseph had a cup from which he drank, and it was of silver beautifully inlaid with onyx stones and bdellium, and Yoseph struck the cup in the sight of his brothers while they were sitting to eat with him.

12 And Yoseph said to the men, I know by this cup that Reuven is the bechor, Shimeon and Levi and Yahudah, Yissacher and Zevulun are children from one ema; seat yourselves to eat according to your births.

13 And he also placed the others according to their births, and he said, I know that this your youngest brother has no brother, and I, like him, have no brother; he shall therefore sit down to eat with me.

14 And Binyamin went up before Yoseph and sat upon the throne, and the men beheld the acts of Yoseph, and they were astonished at them; and the men ate and drank at that time with Yoseph, and he then gave presents to them, and Yoseph gave one gift to Binyamin, and Menasheh and Ephraim saw the acts of their abba, and they also gave presents to him, and Osnath gave him one present, and they were five presents in the hand of Binyamin.

15 And Yoseph brought them out wine to drink, and they would not drink, and they said, From the day on which Yoseph was lost we have not drunk wine, nor eaten any delicacies.

16 And Yoseph swore to them, and he pressed them hard, and they drank plentifully with him on that day, and Yoseph afterward turned to his brother Binyamin to speak with him, and Binyamin was still sitting upon the throne before Yoseph.

17 And Yoseph said to him, Have you begotten any children? And he said, Your servant has ten sons, and these are their names, Bela, Becher, Ashval, Gera, Naaman, Achi, Rosh, Mupim, Chupim, and Ord, and I called their names after my brother whom I have not seen.

18 And he ordered them to bring before him his map of the stars, whereby Yoseph knew all the times, and Yoseph said to Binyamin, I have heard that the Ivrim are acquainted with all wisdom, do you know anything of this?

19 And Binyamin said, Your servant is knowing also in all the wisdom which my abba taught me, and Yoseph said to Binyamin, Look now at this instrument and understand where your brother Yoseph is in Mitzrayim, who you said went down to Mitzrayim.

20 And Binyamin beheld that instrument with the map of the stars of the shamayim, and he was wise and looked therein to know where his brother was, and Binyamin divided the whole land of Mitzrayim into four divisions, and he found that he who was sitting upon the throne before him was his brother Yoseph, and Binyamin wondered greatly, and when Yoseph saw that his brother Binyamin was so much astonished, he said to Binyamin, What have you seen, and why are you astonished?

21 And Binyamin said to Yoseph, I can see by this that Yoseph my brother sits here with me upon the throne, and Yoseph said to him, I am Yoseph your brother, reveal not this thing to your brothers; behold I will send you with them when they go away, and I will command them to be brought back again into the city, and I will take you away from them.

22 And if they dare their lives and fight for you, then shall I know that they have repented of what they did to me, and I will make myself known to them, and if they forsake you when I take you, then shall you remain with me, and I will wrangle with them, and they shall go away, and I will not become known to them.

23 At that time Yoseph commanded his officer to fill their sacks with food, and to put each man's money into his sack, and to put the cup in the sack of Binyamin, and to give them provision for the road, and they did so to them.

24 And on the next day the men rose up early in the morning, and they loaded their donkeys with their corn, and they went forth with Binyamin, and they went to the land of Kanaan with their brother Binyamin.

25 They had not gone far from Mitzrayim when Yoseph commanded him that was set over his house, saying, Rise, pursue these men before they get too far from Mitzrayim, and say to them, Why have you stolen my master's cup?

26 And Yoseph's officer rose up and he reached them, and he spoke to them all the words of Yoseph; and when they heard this thing they became exceedingly angry, and they said, He with whom your master's cup shall be found shall die, and we will also become slaves.

27 And they hurried and each man brought down his sack from his donkey, and they looked in their bags and the cup was found in Binyamin's bag, and they all tore their garments and they returned to the city, and they smote Binyamin in the road, continually smiting him until he came into the city, and they stood before Yoseph.

28 And Yahudah's anger was kindled, and he said, This man has only brought me back to destroy Mitzrayim this day.

29 And the men came to Yoseph's house, and they found Yoseph sitting upon his throne, and all the mighty men standing at his right and left.

30 And Yoseph said to them, What is this act that you have done, that you took away my silver cup and went away? But I know that you took my cup in order to know thereby in what part of the land your brother was.

31 And Yahudah said, What shall we say to our master, what shall we speak and how shall we justify ourselves, YHUH has this day found the iniquity of all your servants, therefore has he done this thing to us this day.

32 And Yoseph rose up and caught hold of Binyamin and took him from his brothers with violence, and he came to the house and locked the door at them, and Yoseph commanded him that was set over his house that he should say to them, This says the melech, Go in shalom to your abba, behold I have taken the man in whose hand my cup was found.


1 And when Yahudah saw the dealings of Yoseph with them, Yahudah approached him and broke open the door, and came with his brothers before Yoseph.

2 And Yahudah said to Yoseph, Let it not seem grievous in the sight of my master, may your servant I beg you speak a word before you? And Yoseph said to him, Speak.

3 And Yahudah spoke before Yoseph, and his brothers were there standing before them; and Yahudah said to Yoseph, Surely when we first came to our master to buy food, you did consider us as spies of the land, and we brought Binyamin before you, and you still make sport of us this day.

4 Now therefore let the melech hear my words, and send I beg you our brother that he may go along with us to our abba, lest your being perish this day with all the beings of the inhabitants of Mitzrayim.

5 Do you not know what two of my brothers, Shimeon and Levi, did to the city of Shechem, and to seven cities of the Amorites, on account of our sister Dinah, and also what they would do for the sake of their brother Binyamin?

6 And I with my strength, who am greater and mightier than both of them, come this day upon you and your land if you are unwilling to send our brother.

7 Have you not heard what our YHUH who has chosen us did to Pharaoh on account of Sarah our ema, whom he took away from our abba, that he smote him and his household with heavy plagues, that even to this day the Mitzrites relate this wonder to each other? So will our YHUH do to you on account of Binyamin whom you have this day taken from his abba, and on account of the evils which you this day heaped over us in your land; for our YHUH will remember His covenant with our abba Avraham and bring evil upon you, because you have grieved the being of our abba this day.

8 Now therefore hear my words that I have this day spoken to you, and send our brother that he may go away lest you and the people of your land die by the sword, for you cannot all prevail over me.

9 And Yoseph answered Yahudah, saying, Why have you opened wide your mouth and why do you boast over us, saying, Strength is with you? As Pharaoh lives, if I command all my valiant men to fight with you, surely you and your brothers would sink in the mire.

10 And Yahudah said to Yoseph, Surely it becomes you and your people to fear me; as YHUH lives if I once draw my sword I shall not put it down again until I shall this day have slain all Mitzrayim, and I will commence with you and finish with Pharaoh your master.

11 And Yoseph answered and said to him, Surely strength belongs not alone to you; I am stronger and mightier than you, surely if you draw your sword I will put it to your neck and the necks of all your brothers.

12 And Yahudah said to him, Surely if I this day open my mouth against you I would swallow you up that you be destroyed from off the earth and perish this day from your malchut. And Yoseph said, Surely if you open your mouth I have power and might to close your mouth with a stone until you shall not be able to utter a word; see how many stones are before us, truly I can take a stone, and force it into your mouth and break your jaws.

13 And Yahudah said, YHUH is witness between us, that we have not come here desiring to battle with you; only give us our brother and we will go from you; and Yoseph answered and said, As Pharaoh lives, if all the melechim of Kanaan came together with you, you should not take him from my hand.

14 Now therefore go your way to your abba, and your brother shall be to me for a slave, for he has robbed the melech's house. And Yahudah said, What is it to you or to the character of the melech, surely the melech sends forth from his house, throughout the land, silver and gold either in gifts or expenses, and you still talk about your cup which you did place in our brother's bag and say that he has stolen it from you?

15 YHUH forbid that our brother Binyamin or any of the zera of Avraham should do this thing to steal from you, or from anyone else, whether melech, prince, or any man.

16 Now therefore cease this accusation lest the whole earth hear your words, saying, For a little silver the melech of Mitzrayim wrangled with the men, and he accused them and took their brother for a slave.

17 And Yoseph answered and said, Take to you this cup and go from me and leave your brother for a slave, for it is the mishpat of a thief to be a slave.

18 And Yahudah said, Why are you not ashamed of your words, to leave our brother and to take your cup? Surely if you give us your cup, or a thousand times as much, we will not leave our brother for the silver which is found in the hand of any man, that we will not die over him.

19 And Yoseph answered, And why did you forsake your brother and sell him for twenty pieces of silver until this day, and why then will you not do the same to this your brother?

20 And Yahudah said, YHUH is witness between me and you that we desire not your battles; now therefore give us our brother and we will go from you without quarreling.

21 And Yoseph answered and said, If all the melechim of the land should assemble they will not be able to take your brother from my hand; and Yahudah said, What shall we say to our abba, when he sees that our brother comes not with us, and will grieve over him?

22 And Yoseph answered and said, This is the thing that you shall tell to your abba, saying, The rope has gone after the bucket.

23 And Yahudah said, Surely you are a melech, and why speak you these things, giving a false mishpat? Woe to the melech who is like to you.

24 And Yoseph answered and said, There is no false mishpat in the word that I spoke on account of your brother Yoseph, for all of you sold him to the Midyanites for twenty pieces of silver, and you all denied it to your abba and said to him, An evil beast has devoured him, Yoseph has been torn to pieces.

25 And Yahudah said, Behold the fire of Shem burns in my heart, now I will burn all your land with fire; and Yoseph answered and said, Surely your sister-in-law Tamar, who killed your sons, extinguished the fire of Shechem.

26 And Yahudah said, If I pluck out a single hair from my flesh, I will fill all Mitzrayim with its blood.

27 And Yoseph answered and said, Such is your custom to do as you did to your brother whom you sold, and you dipped his coat in blood and brought it to your abba in order that he might say an evil beast devoured him and here is his blood.

28 And when Yahudah heard this thing he was exceedingly angry and his anger burned within him, and there was before him in that place a stone, the weight of which was about four hundred shekels, and Yahudah's anger was kindled and he took the stone in one hand and cast it to the shamayim and caught it with his left hand.

29 And he placed it afterward under his legs, and he sat upon it with all his strength and the stone was turned into dust from the force of Yahudah.

30 And Yoseph saw the act of Yahudah and he was very much afraid, but he commanded Menasheh his son and he also did with another stone like to the act of Yahudah, and Yahudah said to his brothers, Let not any of you say, this man is an Mitzrite, but by his doing this thing he is of our abba's family.

31 And Yoseph said, Not to you only is strength given, for we are also powerful men, and why will you boast over us all? And Yahudah said to Yoseph, Send I pray you our brother and ruin not your country this day.

32 And Yoseph answered and said to them, Go and tell your abba, an evil beast has devoured him as you said concerning your brother Yoseph.

33 And Yahudah spoke to his brother Naphtali, and he said to him, Make haste, go now and number all the streets of Mitzrayim and come and tell me; and Shimeon said to him, Let not this thing be a trouble to you; now I will go to the mount and take up one large stone from the mount and level it at every one in Mitzrayim, and kill all that are in it.

34 And Yoseph heard all these words that his brothers spoke before him, and they did not know that Yoseph understood them, for they imagined that he knew not how to speak Ivrit.

35 And Yoseph was greatly afraid at the words of his brothers lest they should destroy Mitzrayim, and he commanded his son Menasheh, saying, Go now make haste and gather to me all the inhabitants of Mitzrayim, and all the valiant men together, and let them come to me now upon horseback and on foot and with all sorts of musical instruments, and Menasheh went and did so.

36 And Naphtali went as Yahudah had commanded him, for Naphtali was light-footed as one of the swift stags, and he would go upon the ears of corn and they would not break under him.

37 And he went and numbered all the streets of Mitzrayim, and found them to be twelve, and he came hastily and told Yahudah, and Yahudah said to his brothers, Hasten you and put on every man his sword upon his loins and we will come over Mitzrayim, and smite them all, and let not a remnant remain.

38 And Yahudah said, Behold, I will destroy three of the streets with my strength, and you shall each destroy one street; and when Yahudah was speaking this thing, behold the inhabitants of Mitzrayim and all the mighty men came toward them with all sorts of musical instruments and with loud shouting.

39 And their number was five hundred cavalry and ten thousand infantry, and four hundred men who could fight without sword or spear, only with their hands and strength.

40 And all the mighty men came with great storming and shouting, and they all surrounded the sons of Yaakov and terrified them, and the ground quaked at the sound of their shouting.

41 And when the sons of Yaakov saw these troops they were greatly afraid for their lives, and Yoseph did so in order to terrify the sons of Yaakov to become tranquilized.

42 And Yahudah, seeing some of his brothers terrified, said to them, Why are you afraid while the rachamim of YHUH is with us? And when Yahudah saw all the people of Mitzrayim surrounding them at the command of Yoseph to terrify them, only Yoseph commanded them, saying, Do not touch any of them.

43 Then Yahudah hurried and drew his sword, and uttered a loud and bitter scream, and he smote with his sword, and he sprang upon the ground and he still continued to shout against all the people.

44 And when he did this thing YHUH caused the terror of Yahudah and his brothers to fall upon the valiant men and all the people that surrounded them.

45 And they all fled at the sound of the shouting, and they were terrified and fell one upon the other, and many of them died as they fell, and they all fled from before Yahudah and his brothers and from before Yoseph.

46 And while they were fleeing, Yahudah and his brothers pursued them to the house of Pharaoh, and they all escaped, and Yahudah again sat before Yoseph and roared at him like a lion, and gave a great and tremendous shriek at him.

47 And the shriek was heard at a distance, and all the inhabitants of Succoth heard it, and all Mitzrayim quaked at the sound of the shriek, and also the walls of Mitzrayim and of the land of Goshen fell in from the shaking of the earth, and Pharaoh also fell from his throne upon the ground, and also all the pregnant women of Mitzrayim and Goshen miscarried when they heard the noise of the shaking, for they were terribly afraid.

48 And Pharaoh sent word, saying, What is this thing that has this day happened in the land of Mitzrayim? And they came and told him all the things from beginning to end, and Pharaoh was alarmed and he wondered and was greatly afraid.

49 And his fright increased when he heard all these things, and he sent to Yoseph, saying, You have brought to me the Ivrim to destroy all Mitzrayim; what will you do with that thievish slave? Send him away and let him go with his brothers, and let us not perish through their evil, even we, you and all Mitzrayim.

50 And if you desire not to do this thing, cast off from you all my valuable things, and go with them to their land, if you delight in it, for they will this day destroy my whole country and slay all my people; even all the women of Mitzrayim have miscarried through their screams; see what they have done merely by their shouting and speaking, moreover if they fight with the sword, they will destroy the land; now therefore choose that which you desire, whether me or the Ivrim, whether Mitzrayim or the land of the Ivrim.

51 And they came and told Yoseph all the words of Pharaoh that he had said concerning him, and Yoseph was greatly afraid at the words of Pharaoh and Yahudah and his brothers were still standing before Yoseph indignant and enraged, and all the sons of Yaakov roared at Yoseph, like the roaring of the sea and its waves.

52 And Yoseph was greatly afraid of his brothers and on account of Pharaoh, and Yoseph sought a pretext to make himself known to his brothers, lest they should destroy all Mitzrayim.

53 And Yoseph commanded his son Menasheh, and Menasheh went and approached Yahudah, and placed his hand upon his shoulder, and the anger of Yahudah was stilled.

54 And Yahudah said to his brothers, Let no one of you say that this is the act of a Mitzrite youth for this is the work of my abba's house.

55 And Yoseph seeing and knowing that Yahudah's anger was stilled, he approached to speak to Yahudah in the language of mildness.

56 And Yoseph said to Yahudah, Surely you speak emet and have this day verified your assertions concerning your strength, and may your YHUH who delights in you, increase your welfare; but tell me truly why from among all your brothers do you wrangle with me on account of the lad, as none of them have spoken one word to me concerning him.

57 And Yahudah answered Yoseph, saying, Surely you must know that I was security for the lad to his abba, saying, If I brought him not to him I should bear his blame le-olam-va-ed.

58 Therefore have I approached you from among all my brothers, for I saw that you were unwilling to allow him to go from you; now therefore may I find rachamim in your sight that you shall send him to go with us, and behold I will remain as a substitute for him, to serve you in whatever you desire, for wherever you shall send me, I will go to serve you with great energy.

59 Send me now to a mighty melech, who has rebelled against you, and you shall know what I will do to him and to his land; although he may have cavalry and infantry or an exceeding mighty people, I will slay them all and bring the melech's head before you.

60 Do you not know or have you not heard that our abba Avraham with his servant Eliezer smote all the melechim of Eylam with their hosts in one night, they left not one remaining? And ever since that day our abba's strength was given to us for an inheritance, for us and our zera le-olam-va-ed.

61 And Yoseph answered and said, You speak emet, and falsehood is not in your mouth, for it was also told to us that the Ivrim have power and that YHUH their YHUH delights much in them, and who then can stand before them?

62 However, on this condition will I send your brother, if you will bring before me his brother the son of his ema, of whom you said that he had gone from you down to Mitzrayim; and it shall come to pass when you bring to me his brother I will take him in his stead, because not one of you was security for him to your abba, and when he shall come to me, I will then send with you his brother for whom you have been security.

63 And Yahudah's anger was kindled against Yoseph when he spoke this thing, and his eyes dropped blood with anger, and he said to his brothers, How does this man this day seek his own destruction and that of all Mitzrayim!

64 And Shimeon answered Yoseph, saying, Did we not tell you at first that we knew not the particular spot to which he went, and whether he is dead or alive, and why does my master speak things like this?

65 And Yoseph observing the countenance of Yahudah discerned that his anger began to kindle when he spoke to him, saying, Bring to me your other brother instead of this brother.

66 And Yoseph said to his brothers, Surely you said that your brother was either dead or lost, now if I should call him this day and he should come before you, would you give him to me instead of his brother?

67 And Yoseph began to speak and call out, Yoseph, Yoseph, come this day before me, and appear to your brothers and sit before them.

68 And when Yoseph spoke this thing before them, they looked each a different way to see from where Yoseph would come before them.

69 And Yoseph observed all their acts, and said to them, Why do you look here and there? I am Yoseph whom you sold to Mitzrayim; now therefore let it not grieve you that you sold me, for as a support during the famine did YHUH send me before you.

70 And his brothers were terrified at him when they heard the words of Yoseph, and Yahudah was exceedingly terrified at him.

71 And when Binyamin heard the words of Yoseph he was before them in the inner part of the house, and Binyamin ran to Yoseph his brother, and embraced him and fell upon his neck, and they wept.

72 And when Yoseph's brothers saw that Binyamin had fallen upon his brother's neck and wept with him, they also fell upon Yoseph and embraced him, and they wept a great weeping with Yoseph.

73 And the voice was heard in the house of Yoseph that they were Yoseph's brothers, and it pleased Pharaoh exceedingly, for he was afraid of them lest they should destroy Mitzrayim.

74 And Pharaoh sent his servants to Yoseph to congratulate him concerning his brothers who had come to him, and all the captains of the armies and troops that were in Mitzrayim came to rejoice with Yoseph, and all Mitzrayim rejoiced greatly about Yoseph's brothers.

75 And Pharaoh sent his servants to Yoseph, saying, Tell your brothers to fetch all belonging to them and let them come to me, and I will place them in the best part of the land of Mitzrayim, and they did so.

76 And Yoseph commanded him that was set over his house to bring out to his brothers gifts and garments, and he brought out to them many garments being robes of royalty and many gifts, and Yoseph divided them among his brothers.

77 And he gave to each of his brothers a change of garments of gold and silver, and three hundred pieces of silver, and Yoseph commanded them all to be dressed in these garments, and to be brought before Pharaoh.

78 And Pharaoh seeing that all Yoseph's brothers were valiant men, and of beautiful appearance, he greatly rejoiced.

79 And they afterward went out from the presence of Pharaoh to go to the land of Kanaan, to their abba, and their brother Binyamin was with them.

80 And Yoseph rose up and gave to them eleven mirkavot from Pharaoh, and Yoseph gave to them his mirkava, upon which he rode on the day of his being crowned in Mitzrayim, to fetch his abba to Mitzrayim; and Yoseph sent to all his brothers' children, garments according to their numbers, and a hundred pieces of silver to each of them, and he also sent garments to the wives of his brothers from the garments of the melech's wives, and he sent them.

81 And he gave to each of his brothers ten men to go with them to the land of Kanaan to serve them, to serve their children and all belonging to them in coming to Mitzrayim.

82 And Yoseph sent by the hand of his brother Binyamin ten suits of garments for his ten sons, a portion above the rest of the children of the sons of Yaakov.

83 And he sent to each fifty pieces of silver, and ten mirkavot on the account of Pharaoh, and he sent to his abba ten donkeys laden with all the luxuries of Mitzrayim, and ten female donkeys laden with corn and bread and nourishment for his abba, and to all that were with him as provisions for the road.

84 And he sent to his sister Dinah garments of silver and gold, and frankincense and myrrh, and aloes and women's ornaments in great plenty, and he sent the same from the wives of Pharaoh to the wives of Binyamin.

85 And he gave to all his brothers, also to their wives, all sorts of onyx stones and bdellium, and from all the valuable things among the great people of Mitzrayim, nothing of all the costly things was left but what Yoseph sent of to his abba's household.

86 And he sent his brothers away, and they went, and he sent his brother Binyamin with them.

87 And Yoseph went out with them to accompany them on the road to the borders of Mitzrayim, and he commanded them concerning his abba and his household, to come to Mitzrayim.

88 And he said to them, Do not quarrel on the road, for this thing was from YHUH to keep a great people from starvation, for there will be yet five years of famine in the land.

89 And he commanded them, saying, When you come to the land of Kanaan, do not come suddenly before my abba in this affair, but act in your wisdom.

90 And Yoseph ceased to command them, and he turned and went back to Mitzrayim, and the sons of Yaakov went to the land of Kanaan with joy and cheerfulness to their abba Yaakov.

91 And they came to the borders of the land, and they said to each other, What shall we do in this matter before our abba, for if we come suddenly to him and tell him the matter he will be greatly alarmed at our words and will not believe us.

92 And they went along until they came near to their houses, and they found Serach, the daughter of Asher, going forth to meet them, and the damsel was very tov and subtle, and knew how to play upon the harp.

93 And they called to her and she came before them, and she kissed them, and they took her and gave to her a harp, saying, Go now before our abba, and sit before him, and strike upon the harp, and speak these words.

94 And they commanded her to go to their house, and she took the harp and hurried before them, and she came and sat near Yaakov.

95 And she played well and sang, and uttered in the sweetness of her words, Yoseph my uncle is living, and he rules throughout the land of Mitzrayim, and is not dead.

96 And she continued to repeat and utter these words, and Yaakov heard her words and they were agreeable to him.

97 He listened while she repeated them twice and thrice, and joy entered the heart of Yaakov at the sweetness of her words, and the Ruach of YHUH was upon him, and he knew all her words to be emet.

98 And Yaakov blessed Serach when she spoke these words before him, and he said to her, My daughter, may death never prevail over you, for you have revived my ruach; only speak yet before me as you have spoken, for you have gladdened me with all your words.

99 And she continued to sing these words, and Yaakov listened and it pleased him, and he rejoiced, and the Ruach of YHUH was upon him.

100 While he was yet speaking with her, behold his sons came to him with horses and mirkavot and royal garments and servants running before them.

101 And Yaakov rose up to meet them, and saw his sons dressed in royal garments and he saw all the treasures that Yoseph had sent to them.

102 And they said to him, Be informed that our brother Yoseph is living, and it is he who rules throughout the land of Mitzrayim, and it is he who spoke to us as we told you.

103 And Yaakov heard all the words of his sons, and his heart palpitated at their words, for he could not believe them until he saw all that Yoseph had given them and what he had sent him, and all the signs which Yoseph had spoken to them.

104 And they opened them up before him, and showed him all that Yoseph had sent, they gave to each what Yoseph had sent him, and he knew that they had spoken the emet, and he rejoiced exceedingly on account of his son.

105 And Yaakov said, It is enough for me that my son Yoseph is still living; I will go and see him before I die.

106 And his sons told him all that had befallen them, and Yaakov said, I will go down to Mitzrayim to see my son and his offspring.

107 And Yaakov rose up and put on the garments that Yoseph had sent him, and after he had washed, and shaved his hair, he put upon his head the turban that Yoseph had sent him.

108 And all the people of Yaakov's house and their wives put on the garments which Yoseph had sent to them, and they greatly rejoiced at Yoseph that he was still living and that he was ruling in Mitzrayim,

109 And all the inhabitants of Kanaan heard of this thing, and they came and rejoiced much with Yaakov that he was still living.

110 And Yaakov made a feast for them for three days, and all the melechim of Kanaan and nobles of the land ate and drank and rejoiced in the house of Yaakov.


1 And it came to pass after this that Yaakov said, I will go and see my son in Mitzrayim and will then come back to the land of Kanaan of which YHUH had spoken to Avraham, for I cannot leave the land of my birth-place.

2 Behold the Word of YHUH came to him, saying, Go down to Mitzrayim with all your household and remain there, fear not to go down to Mitzrayim for I will there make you a great nation.

3 And Yaakov said within himself, I will go and see my son whether the fear of his YHUH is yet in his heart, amidst all the inhabitants of Mitzrayim.

4 And YHUH said to Yaakov, Fear not about Yoseph, for he still retains his integrity to serve me, as will seem tov in your sight, and Yaakov rejoiced exceedingly concerning his son.

5 At that time Yaakov commanded his sons and household to go to Mitzrayim according to the word of YHUH to him, and Yaakov rose up with his sons and all his household, and he went out from the land of Kanaan from Beersheva, with joy and gladness of heart, and they went to the land of Mitzrayim.

6 And it came to pass when they came near Mitzrayim, Yaakov sent Yahudah before him to Yoseph that he might show him a situation in Mitzrayim, and Yahudah did according to the word of his abba, and he hurried and ran and came to Yoseph, and they assigned for them a place in the land of Goshen for all his household, and Yahudah returned and came along the road to his abba.

7 And Yoseph harnessed the mirkava, and he assembled all his mighty men and his servants and all the officers of Mitzrayim in order to go and meet his abba Yaakov, and Yoseph's mandate was proclaimed in Mitzrayim, saying, All that do not go to meet Yaakov shall die.

8 And on the next day Yoseph went forth with all Mitzrayim a great and mighty host, all dressed in garments of fine linen and purple and with instruments of silver and gold and with their instruments of war with them.

9 And they all went to meet Yaakov with all sorts of musical instruments, with drums and timbrels, strewing myrrh and aloes all along the road, and they all went after this fashion, and the earth shook at their shouting.

10 And all the women of Mitzrayim went upon the roofs of Mitzrayim and upon the walls to meet Yaakov, and upon the head of Yoseph was Pharaoh's regal keter, for Pharaoh had sent it to him to put on at the time of his going to meet his abba.

11 And when Yoseph came within fifty cubits of his abba, he got down from the mirkava and he walked toward his abba, and when all the officers of Mitzrayim and her nobles saw that Yoseph had gone on foot toward his abba, they also got down and walked on foot toward Yaakov.

12 And when Yaakov approached the camp of Yoseph, Yaakov observed the camp that was coming toward him with Yoseph, and it gratified him and Yaakov was astonished at it.

13 And Yaakov said to Yahudah, Who is that man whom I see in the camp of Mitzrayim dressed in kingly robes with a very red garment upon him and a royal keter upon his head, who has got down from his mirkava and is coming toward us? And Yahudah answered his abba, saying, He is your son Yoseph the melech; and Yaakov rejoiced in seeing the glory of his son.

14 And Yoseph came near to his abba and he bowed to his abba, and all the men of the camp bowed to the ground with him before Yaakov.

15 And behold Yaakov ran and hurried to his son Yoseph and fell upon his neck and kissed him, and they wept, and Yoseph also embraced his abba and kissed him, and they wept and all the people of Mitzrayim wept with them.

16 And Yaakov said to Yoseph, Now I will die cheerfully after I have seen your face, that you are still living and with glory.

17 And the sons of Yaakov and their wives and their children and their servants, and all the household of Yaakov wept exceedingly with Yoseph, and they kissed him and wept greatly with him.

18 And Yoseph and all his people returned afterward home to Mitzrayim, and Yaakov and his sons and all the children of his household came with Yoseph to Mitzrayim, and Yoseph placed them in the best part of Mitzrayim, in the land of Goshen.

19 And Yoseph said to his abba and to his brothers, I will go up and tell Pharaoh, saying, My brothers and my abba's household and all belonging to them have come to me, and behold they are in the land of Goshen.

20 And Yoseph did so and took from his brothers Reuven, Yissacher Zevulun and his brother Binyamin and he placed them before Pharaoh.

21 And Yoseph spoke to Pharaoh, saying, My brothers and my abba's household and all belonging to them, together with their flocks and cattle have come to me from the land of Kanaan, to sojourn in Mitzrayim; for the famine was sore upon them.

22 And Pharaoh said to Yoseph, Place your abba and brothers in the best part of the land, withhold not from them all that is tov, and cause them to eat of the fat of the land.

23 And Yoseph answered, saying, Behold I have stationed them in the land of Goshen, for they are shepherds, therefore let them remain in Goshen to feed their flocks apart from the Mitzrites.

24 And Pharaoh said to Yoseph, Do with your brothers all that they shall say to you; and the sons of Yaakov bowed down to Pharaoh, and they went forth from him in shalom, and Yoseph afterward brought his abba before Pharaoh.

25 And Yaakov came and bowed down to Pharaoh, and Yaakov blessed Pharaoh, and he then went out; and Yaakov and all his sons, and all his household dwelt in the land of Goshen.

26 In the second year, that is in the hundred and thirtieth year of the life of Yaakov, Yoseph maintained his abba and his brothers, and all his abba's household, with bread according to their little ones, all the days of the famine; they lacked nothing.

27 And Yoseph gave to them the best part of the whole land; the best of Mitzrayim had they all the days of Yoseph; and Yoseph also gave to them and to the whole of his abba's household, clothes and garments year by year; and the sons of Yaakov remained securely in Mitzrayim all the days of their brother.

28 And Yaakov always ate at Yoseph's table, Yaakov and his sons did not leave Yoseph's table day or night, besides what Yaakov's children consumed in their houses.

29 And all Mitzrayim ate bread during the days of the famine from the house of Yoseph, for all the Mitzrites sold all belonging to them on account of the famine.

30 And Yoseph purchased all the lands and fields of Mitzrayim for bread on the account of Pharaoh, and Yoseph supplied all Mitzrayim with bread all the days of the famine, and Yoseph collected all the silver and gold that came to him for the corn which they bought throughout the land, and he accumulated much gold and silver, besides an immense quantity of onyx stones, bdellium and valuable garments which they brought to Yoseph from every part of the land when their money was spent.

31 And Yoseph took all the silver and gold that came into his hand, about seventy two talents of gold and silver, and also onyx stones and bdellium in great abundance, and Yoseph went and concealed them in four parts, and he concealed one part in the wilderness near the Yam Suf, and one part by the River Perath, and the third and fourth part he concealed in the desert opposite to the wilderness of Persia and Media.

32 And he took part of the gold and silver that was left, and gave it to all his brothers and to all his abba's household, and to all the women of his abba's household, and the rest he brought to the house of Pharaoh, about twenty talents of gold and silver.

33 And Yoseph gave all the gold and silver that was left to Pharaoh, and Pharaoh placed it in the treasury, and the days of the famine ceased after that in the land, and they sowed and reaped in the whole land, and they obtained their usual quantity year by year; they lacked nothing.

34 And Yoseph dwelt securely in Mitzrayim, and the whole land was under his advice, and his abba and all his brothers dwelt in the land of Goshen and took possession of it.

35 And Yoseph was very aged, advanced in days, and his two sons, Ephraim and Menasheh, remained constantly in the house of Yaakov, together with the children of the sons of Yaakov their brothers, to learn the halachot of YHUH and His Torah.

36 And Yaakov and his sons dwelt in the land of Mitzrayim in the land of Goshen, and they took possession in it, and they were fruitful and multiplied in it.


1 And Yaakov lived in the land of Mitzrayim seventeen years, and the days of Yaakov, and the years of his life were a hundred and forty seven years.

2 At that time Yaakov was attacked with that illness of which he died and he sent and called for his son Yoseph from Mitzrayim, and Yoseph his son came from Mitzrayim and Yoseph came to his abba.

3 And Yaakov said to Yoseph and to his sons, Behold I die, and the YHUH of your ancestors will visit you, and bring you back to the land, which YHUH swore to give to you and to your children after you; now therefore when I am dead, bury me in the cave which is in Machpelah in Hevron in the land of Kanaan, near my ancestors.

4 And Yaakov made his sons swear to bury him in Machpelah, in Hevron, and his sons swore to him concerning this thing.

5 And he commanded them, saying, Serve YHUH your Ahlohim, for He who delivered your ahvot will also deliver you from all trouble.

6 And Yaakov said, Call all your children to me, and all the children of Yaakov's sons came and sat before him, and Yaakov blessed them, and he said to them, YHUH Ahlohim of your ahvot shall grant you a thousand times as much and bless you, and may He give you the blessing of your abba Avraham; and all the children of Yaakov's sons went forth on that day after he had blessed them.

7 And on the next day Yaakov again called for his sons, and they all assembled and came to him and sat before him, and Yaakov on that day blessed his sons before his death, each man did he bless according to his blessing; behold it is written in the scroll of the Torah of YHUH pertaining to Yisrael.

8 And Yaakov said to Yahudah, I know my son that you are a mighty man for your brothers; reign over them, and your sons shall reign over their sons le-olam-va-ed.

9 Only teach your sons the bow and all the weapons of war, in order that they may fight the battles of their brother who will rule over his enemies.

10 And Yaakov again commanded his sons on that day, saying, Behold I shall be this day gathered to my people. Carry me up from Mitzrayim, and bury me in the cave of Machpelah as I have commanded you.

11 However take heed I pray you that none of your sons carry me, only yourselves, and this is the manner you shall do to me, when you carry my body to go with it to the land of Kanaan to bury me,

12 Yahudah, Yissacher and Zevulun shall carry my bier at the eastern side; Reuven, Shimeon and Gad at the south, Ephraim, Menasheh and Binyamin at the west, Dan, Asher and Naphtali at the north.

13 Let not Levi carry with you, for he and his sons will carry the Ark of the Covenant of YHUH with the Yisraelites in the camp, neither let Yoseph my son carry it, for as a melech so let his glory be; however, Ephraim and Menasheh shall be in their stead.

14 This shall you do to me when you carry me away; do not neglect anything of all that I command you; and it shall come to pass when you do this to me, that YHUH will remember you favorably and your children after you le-olam-va-ed.

15 And you my sons, honor each his brother and his relative, and command your children and your children's children after you to serve YHUH Ahlohim of your ancestors all the days.

16 In order that you may prolong your days in the land, you and your children and your children's children le-olam-va-ed, when you do what is tov and upright in the sight of YHUH your YHUH, to go in all His halachot.

17 And you, Yoseph my son, forgive I beg you the prongs of your brothers and all their misdeeds in the injury that they heaped upon you, for YHUH intended it for your and your children's benefit.

18 And O my son leave not your brothers to the inhabitants of Mitzrayim, neither hurt their feelings, for behold I consign them to the hand of YHUH and in your hand to guard them from the Mitzrites; and the sons of Yaakov answered their abba saying, O, our abba, all that you have commanded us, so will we do; may YHUH only be with us.

19 And Yaakov said to his sons, So may YHUH be with you when you keep all his halachot; turn not from his halachot either to the right or the left in performing what is tov and upright in His sight.

20 For I know that many and grievous troubles will befall you in the latter-days in the land, yes your children and children's children, only serve YHUH and He will save you from all trouble.

21 And it shall come to pass when you shall go after YHUH to serve Him and will teach your children after you, and your children's children, to know YHUH, then will YHUH raise up to you and your children a servant from among your children, and YHUH will deliver you through His hand from all affliction, and bring you out of Mitzrayim and bring you back to the land of your ahvot to inherit it securely.

22 And Yaakov ceased commanding his sons, and he drew his feet into the bed, he died and was gathered to his people.

23 And Yoseph fell upon his abba and he cried out and wept over him and he kissed him, and he called out in a bitter voice, and he said, O my abba, my abba.

24 And his son's wives and all his household came and fell upon Yaakov, and they wept over him, and cried in a very loud voice concerning Yaakov.

25 And all the sons of Yaakov rose up together, and they tore their garments, and they all put sackcloth upon their loins, and they fell upon their faces, and they cast dust upon their heads toward the shamayim.

26 And the thing was told to Osnath Yoseph's wife, and she rose up and put on a sack and she with all the Mitzrite women with her came and mourned and wept for Yaakov.

27 And also all the people of Mitzrayim who knew Yaakov came all on that day when they heard this thing, and all Mitzrayim wept for many days.

28 And also from the land of Kanaan did the women come to Mitzrayim when they heard that Yaakov was dead, and they wept for him in Mitzrayim for seventy days.

29 And it came to pass after this that Yoseph commanded his servants the doctors to embalm his abba with myrrh and frankincense and all manner of incense and perfume, and the doctors embalmed Yaakov as Yoseph had commanded them.

30 And all the people of Mitzrayim and the zachanim and all the inhabitants of the land of Goshen wept and mourned over Yaakov, and all his sons and the children of his household lamented and mourned over their abba Yaakov many days.

31 And after the days of his weeping had passed away, at the end of seventy days, Yoseph said to Pharaoh, I will go up and bury my abba in the land of Kanaan as he made me swear, and then I will return.

32 And Pharaoh sent Yoseph, saying, Go up and bury your abba as he said, and as he made you swear; and Yoseph rose up with all his brothers to go to the land of Kanaan to bury their abba Yaakov as he had commanded them.

33 And Pharaoh commanded that it should be proclaimed throughout Mitzrayim, saying, Whoever goes not up with Yoseph and his brothers to the land of Kanaan to bury Yaakov, shall die.

34 And all Mitzrayim heard of Pharaoh's proclamation, and they all rose up together, and all the servants of Pharaoh, and the zachanim of his house, and all the zachanim of the land of Mitzrayim went up with Yoseph, and all the officers and nobles of Pharaoh went up as the servants of Yoseph, and they went to bury Yaakov in the land of Kanaan.

35 And the sons of Yaakov carried the bier upon which he lay; according to all that their abba commanded them, so did his sons to him.

36 And the bier was of pure gold, and it was inlaid round about with onyx stones and bdellium; and the covering of the bier was gold woven work, joined with threads, and over them were hooks of onyx stones and bdellium.

37 And Yoseph placed upon the head of his abba Yaakov a large golden keter, and he put a golden scepter in his hand, and they surrounded the bier, as was the custom of melechim during their lives.

38 And all the troops of Mitzrayim went before him in this array, at first all the mighty men of Pharaoh, and the mighty men of Yoseph, and after them the rest of the inhabitants of Mitzrayim, and they were all girded with swords and equipped with coats of armor, and the trappings of war were upon them.

39 And all the weepers and mourners went at a distance opposite to the bier, going and weeping and lamenting, and the rest of the people went after the bier.

40 And Yoseph and his household went together near the bier barefooted and weeping, and the rest of Yoseph's servants went around him; each man had his ornaments upon him, and they were all armed with their weapons of war.

41 And fifty of Yaakov's servants went in front of the bier, and they strewed along the road myrrh and aloes, and all manner of perfume, and all the sons of Yaakov that carried the bier walked upon the perfumery, and the servants of Yaakov went before them strewing the perfume along the road.

42 And Yoseph went up with a heavy camp, and they did after this manner every day until they reached the land of Kanaan, and they came to the threshing floor of Atad, which was on the other side of Yarden, and they mourned an exceeding great and heavy mourning in that place.

43 And all the melechim of Kanaan heard of this thing and they all went forth, each man from his house, thirty-one melechim of Kanaan, and they all came with their men to mourn and weep over Yaakov.

44 And all these melechim beheld Yaakov's bier, and behold Yoseph's keter was upon it, and they also put their crowns upon the bier, and encircled it with crowns.

45 And all these melechim made in that place a great and heavy mourning with the sons of Yaakov and Mitzrayim over Yaakov, for all the melechim of Kanaan knew the valor of Yaakov and his sons.

46 And the report reached Esav, saying, Yaakov died in Mitzrayim, and his sons and all Mitzrayim are conveying him to the land of Kanaan to bury him.

47 And Esav heard this thing, and he was dwelling in mount Seir, and he rose up with his sons and all his people and all his household, a people exceedingly great, and they came to mourn and weep over Yaakov.

48 And it came to pass, when Esav came he mourned for his brother Yaakov, and all Mitzrayim and all Kanaan again rose up and mourned a great mourning with Esav over Yaakov in that place

49 And Yoseph and his brothers brought their abba Yaakov from that place, and they went to Hevron to bury Yaakov in the cave by his ahvot.

50 And they came to Kiryath-Arba, to the cave, and as they came Esav stood with his sons against Yoseph and his brothers as a hindrance in the cave, saying, Yaakov shall not be buried here, for it belongs to us and to our abba.

51 And Yoseph and his brothers heard the words of Esav's sons, and they were exceedingly angry, and Yoseph approached Esav, saying, What is this thing which they have spoken? Surely my abba Yaakov bought it from you for great riches after the death of Yitzchak, twenty-five years ago, and also all the land of Kanaan he bought from you and from your sons, and your zera after you.

52 And Yaakov bought it for his sons and his zera after him for an inheritance le-olam-va-ed, and why speak you these things this day?

53 And Esav answered, saying, You speak falsely and utter lies, for I sold not anything belonging to me in all this land, as you say, neither did my brother Yaakov buy anything belonging to me in this land.

54 And Esav spoke these things in order to deceive Yoseph with his words, for Esav knew that Yoseph was not present in those days when Esav sold all belonging to him in the land of Kanaan to Yaakov.

55 And Yoseph said to Esav, Surely my abba inserted these things with you in the record of purchase, and testified the record with witnesses, and behold it is with us in Mitzrayim.

56 And Esav answered, saying to him, Bring the record, all that you will find in the record, so will we do.

57 And Yoseph called to Naphtali his brother, and he said, Hasten quickly, stay not, and run I tell you to Mitzrayim and bring all the records; the record of the purchase, the sealed record and the open record, and also all the first records in which all the transactions of the bechor are written, you get them!

58 And you shall bring them to us here, that we may know from them all the words of Esav and his sons which they spoke this day.

59 And Naphtali hearkened to the voice of Yoseph and he hurried and ran to go down to Mitzrayim, and Naphtali was lighter on foot than any of the stags that were upon the wilderness, for he would go upon ears of corn without crushing them.

60 And when Esav saw that Naphtali had gone to fetch the records, he and his sons increased their resistance against the cave, and Esav and all his people rose up against Yoseph and his brothers to battle.

61 And all the sons of Yaakov and the people of Mitzrayim fought with Esav and his men, and the sons of Esav and his people were smitten before the sons of Yaakov, and the sons of Yaakov slew of Esav's people forty men.

62 And Chushim the son of Dan, the son of Yaakov, was at that time with Yaakov's sons, but he was about a hundred cubits distant from the place of battle, for he remained with the children of Yaakov's sons by Yaakov's bier to guard it.

63 And Chushim was dumb and deaf; still he understood the voice of consternation among men.

64 And he asked, saying, Why do you not bury the dead, and what is this great consternation? And they answered him the words of Esav and his sons; and he ran to Esav in the midst of the battle, and he slew Esav with a sword, and he cut off his head, and it sprang to a distance, and Esav fell among the people of the battle.

65 And when Chushim did this thing the sons of Yaakov prevailed over the sons of Esav, and the sons of Yaakov buried their abba Yaakov by force in the cave, and the sons of Esav beheld it.

66 And Yaakov was buried in Hevron, in the cave of Machpelah that Avraham had bought from the sons of Cheth for the possession of a burial place, and he was buried in very costly garments.

67 And no melech had such honor paid him as Yoseph paid to his abba at his death, for he buried him with great honor like the burial of melechim.

68 And Yoseph and his brothers made a mourning of seven days for their abba.


1 And it was after this that the sons of Esav waged war with the sons of Yaakov, and the sons of Esav fought with the sons of Yaakov in Hevron, and Esav was still lying dead, and not buried.

2 And the battle was heavy between them, and the sons of Esav were smitten before the sons of Yaakov, and the sons of Yaakov slew of the sons of Esav eighty men, and not one died of the people of the sons of Yaakov; and the hand of Yoseph prevailed over all the people of the sons of Esav, and he took Zepho, the son of Eliphaz, the son of Esav, and fifty of his men captive, and he bound them with chains of iron, and gave them into the hand of his servants to bring them to Mitzrayim.

3 And it came to pass when the sons of Yaakov had taken Zepho and his people captive, all those that remained were greatly afraid of their lives from the house of Esav, lest they should also be taken captive, and they all fled with Eliphaz the son of Esav and his people, with Esav's body, and they went on their road to Mount Seir.

4 And they came to Mount Seir and they buried Esav in Seir, but they had not brought his head with them to Seir, for it was buried in that place where the battle had been in Hevron.

5 And it came to pass when the sons of Esav had fled from before the sons of Yaakov, the sons of Yaakov pursued them to the borders of Seir, but they did not slay a single man from among them when they pursued them, for Esav's body which they carried with them excited their confusion, so they fled and the sons of Yaakov turned back from them and came up to the place where their brothers were in Hevron, and they remained there on that day, and on the next day until they rested from the battle.

6 And it came to pass on the third day they assembled all the sons of Seir the Horite, and they assembled all the children of the east, a multitude of people like the sand of the sea, and they went and came down to Mitzrayim to fight with Yoseph and his brothers, in order to deliver their brothers.

7 And Yoseph and all the sons of Yaakov heard that the sons of Esav and the children of the east had come upon them to battle in order to deliver their brothers.

8 And Yoseph and his brothers and the strong men of Mitzrayim went forth and fought in the city of Rameses, and Yoseph and his brothers dealt out a tremendous blow among the sons of Esav and the children of the east.

9 And they slew of them six hundred thousand men, and they slew among them all the mighty men of the children of Seir the Horite; there were only a few of them left, and they slew also a great many of the children of the east, and of the children of Esav; and Eliphaz the son of Esav, and the children of the east all fled before Yoseph and his brothers.

10 And Yoseph and his brothers pursued them until they came to Succoth, and they yet slew of them in Succoth thirty men, and the rest escaped and they fled each to his city.

11 And Yoseph and his brothers and the mighty men of Mitzrayim turned back from them with joy and cheerfulness of heart, for they had smitten all their enemies.

12 And Zepho the son of Eliphaz and his men were still slaves in Mitzrayim to the sons of Yaakov, and their pains increased.

13 And when the sons of Esav and the sons of Seir returned to their land, the sons of Seir saw that they had all fallen into the hands of the sons of Yaakov, and the people of Mitzrayim, on account of the battle of the sons of Esav.

14 And the sons of Seir said to the sons of Esav, You have seen and

therefore you know that this camp was on your account, and not one mighty man adept in war remains.

15 Now therefore go forth from our land, go from us to the land of Kanaan to the land of the dwelling of your ahvot. Why shall your children inherit the effects of our children in latter-days?

16 And the children of Esav would not listen to the children of Seir, and the children of Seir considered making war with them.

17 And the children of Esav sent secretly to Angeas melech of Africa, the same is Dinhavah, saying,

18 Send to us some of your men and let them come to us, and we will fight together with the children of Seir the Horite, for they have resolved to fight with us to drive us away from the land.

19 And Angeas melech of Dinhavah did so, for he was in those days friendly to the children of Esav, and Angeas sent five hundred valiant infantry to the children of Esav, and eight hundred cavalry.

20 And the children of Seir sent to the children of the east and to the children of Midiyan, saying, You have seen what the children of Esav have done to us, upon whose account we are almost all destroyed, in their battle with the sons of Yaakov.

21 Now therefore come to us and assist us, and we will fight them together, and we will drive them from the land and be avenged of the cause of our brothers who died for their sakes in their battle with their brothers the sons of Yaakov.

22 And all the children of the east listened to the children of Seir, and they came to them about eight hundred men with drawn swords, and the children of Esav fought with the children of Seir at that time in the wilderness of Paran.

23 And the children of Seir prevailed then over the sons of Esav, and the children of Seir slew on that day of the children of Esav in that battle about two hundred men of the people of Angeas melech of Dinhavah.

24 And on the second day the children of Esav came again to fight a second time with the children of Seir, and the battle was sore upon the children of Esav this second time, and it troubled them greatly on account of the children of Seir.

25 And when the children of Esav saw that the children of Seir were more powerful than they were, some men of the children of Esav turned and assisted the children of Seir their enemies.

26 And there fell yet of the people of the children of Esav in the second battle fifty-eight men of the people at Angeas melech of Dinhavah.

27 And on the third day the children of Esav heard that some of their brothers had turned from them to fight against them in the second battle; and the children of Esav mourned when they heard this thing.

28 And they said, What shall we do to our brothers who turned from us to assist the children of Seir our enemies? And the children of Esav again sent to Angeas melech of Dinhavah, saying,

29 Send to us again other men that with them we may fight with the children of Seir, for they have already twice been heavier than we were.

30 And Angeas again sent to the children of Esav about six hundred valiant men, and they came to assist the children of Esav.

31 And in ten days' time the children of Esav again waged war with the children of Seir in the wilderness of Paran, and the battle was very severe upon the children of Seir, and the children of Esav prevailed at this time over the children of Seir, and the children of Seir were smitten before the children of Esav, and the children of Esav slew from them about two thousand men.

32 And all the mighty men of the children of Seir died in this battle, and there only remained their young children that were left in their cities.

33 And all Midiyan and the children of the east betook themselves to flight from the battle, and they left the children of Seir and fled when they saw that the battle was severe upon them, and the children of Esav pursued all the children of the east until they reached their land.

34 And the children of Esav slew yet of them about two hundred and fifty men and from the people of the children of Esav there fell in that battle about thirty men, but this evil came upon them through their brothers turning from them to assist the children of Seir the Horite, and the children of Esav again heard of the evil doings of their brothers, and they again mourned on account of this thing.

35 And it came to pass after the battle, the children of Esav turned back and came home to Seir, and the children of Esav slew those who had remained in the land of the children of Seir; they slew also their wives and little ones, they left not a being alive except fifty young lads and damsels whom they allowed to live, and the children of Esav did not put them to death, and the lads became their slaves, and the damsels they took for wives.

36 And the children of Esav dwelt in Seir in the place of the children of Seir, and they inherited their land and took possession of it.

37 And the children of Esav took all belonging in the land to the children of Seir, also their flocks, their bullocks and their goods, and all belonging to the children of Seir, did the children of Esav take, and the children of Esav dwelt in Seir in the place of the children of Seir to this day, and the children of Esav divided the land into divisions to the five sons of Esav, according to their families.

38 And it came to pass in those days, that the children of Esav resolved to keter a melech over them in the land of which they became possessed. And they said to each other, Not so, for he shall reign over us in our land, and we shall be under his counsel and he shall fight our battles, against our enemies, and they did so.

39 And all the children of Esav swore, saying, That none of their brothers should ever reign over them, but a strange man who is not of their brothers, for the beings of all the children of Esav were embittered every man against his son, brother and friend, on account of the evil they sustained from their brothers when they fought with the children of Seir.

40 Therefore the sons of Esav swore, saying, From that day forward they would not choose a melech from their brothers, but one from a strange land to this day.

41 And there was a man there from the people of Angeas melech of Dinhavah; his name was Bela the son of Beor, who was a very valiant man, beautiful and comely and wise in all wisdom, and a man of sense and counsel; and there was none of the people of Angeas like him.

42 And all the children of Esav took him and anointed him and they crowned him for a melech, and they bowed down to him, and they said to him, May the melech live, may the melech live.

43 And they spread out the sheet, and they brought him each man earrings of gold and silver or rings or bracelets, and they made him very rich in silver and in gold, in onyx stones and bdellium, and they made him a royal throne, and they placed a regal keter upon his head, and they built a palace for him and he dwelt therein, and he became melech over all the children of Esav.

44 And the people of Angeas took their hire for their battle from the children of Esav, and they went and returned at that time to their master in Dinhavah.

45 And Bela reigned over the children of Esav thirty years, and the children of Esav dwelt in the land instead of the children of Seir, and they dwelt securely in their stead to this day.


1 And it came to pass in the thirty-second year of the Yisraelites going down to Mitzrayim that is in the seventy-first year of the life of Yoseph, in that year died Pharaoh melech of Mitzrayim, and Magron his son reigned in his stead.

2 And Pharaoh commanded Yoseph before his death to be an abba to his son, Magron, and that Magron should be under the care of Yoseph and under his counsel.

3 And all Mitzrayim consented to this thing that Yoseph should be melech over them, for all the Mitzrites loved Yoseph as before, only Magron the son of Pharaoh sat upon, his abba's throne, and he became melech in those days in his abba's stead.

4 Magron was forty-one years old when he began to reign, and forty years he reigned in Mitzrayim, and all Mitzrayim called his name Pharaoh after the name of his abba, as it was their custom to do in Mitzrayim to every melech that reigned over them.

5 And it came to pass when Pharaoh reigned in his abba's stead; he placed the laws of Mitzrayim and all the affairs of government in the hand of Yoseph, as his abba had commanded him.

6 And Yoseph became melech over Mitzrayim, for he superintended over all Mitzrayim, and all Mitzrayim was under his care and under his counsel, for all Mitzrayim inclined to Yoseph after the death of Pharaoh, and they loved him exceedingly to reign over them.

7 But there were some people among them, who did not like him, saying, No stranger shall reign over us; still the whole government of Mitzrayim devolved in those days upon Yoseph, after the death of Pharaoh, he being the regulator, doing as he liked throughout the land without any one interfering.

8 And all Mitzrayim was under the care of Yoseph, and Yoseph made war with all his surrounding enemies, and he subdued them; also all the land and all the Philistines, to the borders of Kanaan, did Yoseph subdue, and they were all under his power and they gave a yearly tax to Yoseph.

9 And Pharaoh melech of Mitzrayim sat upon his throne in his abba's stead, but he was under the control and counsel of Yoseph, as he was at first under the control of his abba.

10 Neither did he reign but in the land of Mitzrayim only, under the counsel of Yoseph, but Yoseph reigned over the whole country at that time, from Mitzrayim to the great River Perath.

11 And Yoseph was successful in all his halachot, and YHUH was with him, and YHUH gave Yoseph additional wisdom, and honor, and glory, and love toward him in the hearts of the Mitzrites and throughout the land, and Yoseph reigned over the whole country forty years.

12 And all the countries of the Philistines and Kanaan and Tzidon, and on the other side of Yarden, brought presents to Yoseph all his days, and the whole country was in the hand of Yoseph, and they brought to him a yearly tribute as it was regulated, for Yoseph had fought against all his surrounding enemies and subdued them, and the whole country was in the hand of Yoseph, and Yoseph sat securely upon his throne in Mitzrayim.

13 And also all his brothers the sons of Yaakov dwelt securely in the land, all the days of Yoseph, and they were fruitful and multiplied exceedingly in the land, and they served YHUH all their days, as their abba Yaakov had commanded them.

14 And it came to pass at the end of many days and years, when the children of Esav were dwelling quietly in their land with Bela their melech, that the children of Esav were fruitful and multiplied in the land, and they resolved to go and fight with the sons of Yaakov and all Mitzrayim, and to deliver their brother Zepho, the son of Eliphaz, and his men, for they were yet in those days slaves to Yoseph.

15 And the children of Esav sent to all the children of the east, and they made shalom with them, and all the children of the east came to them to go with the children of Esav to Mitzrayim to battle.

16 And there came also to them of the people of Angeas, melech of Dinhavah, and they also sent to the children of Yishmael and they also came to them.

17 And all this people assembled and came to Seir to assist the children of Esav in their battle, and this camp was very large and full with people, numerous as the sand of the sea, about eight hundred thousand men, infantry and cavalry, and all these troops went down to Mitzrayim to fight with the sons of Yaakov, and they encamped by Rameses.

18 And Yoseph went forth with his brothers with the mighty men of Mitzrayim, about six hundred men, and they fought with them in the land of Rameses; and the sons of Yaakov at that time again fought with the children of Esav, in the fiftieth year of the sons of Yaakov going down to Mitzrayim, that is the thirtieth year of the reign of Bela over the children of Esav in Seir.

19 And YHUH gave all the mighty men of Esav and the children of the east into the hand of Yoseph and his brothers, and the people of the children of Esav and the children of the east were smitten before Yoseph.

20 And of the people of Esav and the children of the east that were slain, there fell before the sons of Yaakov about two hundred thousand men, and their melech Bela the son of Beor fell with them in the battle, and when the children of Esav saw that their melech had fallen in battle and was dead, their hands became weak in the combat.

21 And Yoseph and his brothers and all Mitzrayim were still smiting the people of the house of Esav, and all Esav's people were afraid of the sons of Yaakov and fled from before them.

22 And Yoseph and his brothers and all Mitzrayim pursued them a day's journey, and they slew yet from them about three hundred men, continuing to smite them in the road; and they afterward turned back from them.

23 And Yoseph and all his brothers returned to Mitzrayim, not one man was missing from them, but of the Mitzrites there fell twelve men.

24 And when Yoseph returned to Mitzrayim he ordered Zepho and his men to be additionally bound, and they bound them in irons and they increased their grief.

25 And all the people of the children of Esav, and the children of the east, returned in shame each to his city, for all the mighty men that were with them had fallen in battle.

26 And when the children of Esav saw that their melech had died in battle they hurried and took a man from the people of the children of the east; his name was Yovav the son of Zarach, from the land of Botzrah, and they caused him to reign over them instead of Bela their melech.

27 And Yovav sat upon the throne of Bela as melech in his stead, and Yovav reigned in Edom over all the children of Esav ten years, and the children of Esav went no more to fight with the sons of Yaakov from that day forward, for the sons of Esav knew the valor of the sons of Yaakov, and they were greatly afraid of them.

28 But from that day forward the children of Esav hated the sons of Yaakov, and the hatred and enmity were very strong between them all the days, to this day.

29 And it came to pass after this, at the end of ten years, Yovav, the son of Zarach, from Botzrah, died, and the children of Esav took a man whose name was Chusham, from the land of Teman, and they made him melech over them instead of Yovav, and Chusham reigned in Edom over all the children of Esav for twenty years.

30 And Yoseph, melech of Mitzrayim, and his brothers, and all the children of Yisrael dwelt securely in Mitzrayim in those days, together with all the children of Yoseph and his brothers, having no hindrance or evil accident and the land of Mitzrayim was at that time at rest from war in the days of Yoseph and his brothers.


1 And these are the names of the sons of Yisrael who dwelt in Mitzrayim, who had come with Yaakov, all the sons of Yaakov came to Mitzrayim, every man with his household.

2 The children of Leah were Reuven, Shimeon, Levi, Yahudah, Yissacher and Zevulun, and their sister Dinah.

3 And the sons of Rachel were Yoseph and Binyamin.

4 And the sons of Zilpah, the handmaid of Leah, were Gad and Asher.

5 And the sons of Bilhah, the handmaid of Rachel, were Dan and Naphtali.

6 And these were their offspring that were born to them in the land of Kanaan, before they came to Mitzrayim with their abba Yaakov.

7 The sons of Reuven were Chanoch, Pallu, Chetzron and Carmi.

8 And the sons of Shimeon were Yemuel, Yamin, Ohad, Yachin, Zochar and Shaul, the son of the Canaanitish woman.

9 And the children of Levi were Gershon, Kohath and Merari, and their sister Yocheved, who was born to them in their going down to Mitzrayim.

10 And the sons of Yahudah were Er, Onan, Shelah, Peretz and Zarach.

11 And Er and Onan died in the land of Kanaan; and the sons of Peretz were Chezron and Chamul.

12 And the sons of Yissacher were Tola, Puvah, Iyov and Shomron.

13 And the sons of Zevulun were Sered, Eylon and Yachleel, and the son of Dan was Chushim.

14 And the sons of Naphtali were Yachzeel, Guni, Yetzer and Shilam.

15 And the sons of Gad were Ziphion, Chaggi, Shuni, Ezvon, Eri, Arodi and Areli.

16 And the children of Asher were Yimnah, Yishvah, Yishvi, Beriyah and their sister Serach; and the sons of Beriyah were Chever and Malchiel.

17 And the sons of Binyamin were Bela, Becher, Ashvel, Gera, Naaman, Achi, Rosh, Mupim, Chupim and Ord.

18 And the sons of Yoseph, that were born to him in Mitzrayim, were Menasheh and Ephraim.

19 And all the beings that went forth from the loins of Yaakov, were seventy beings; these are they who came with Yaakov their abba to Mitzrayim to dwell there: and Yoseph and all his brothers dwelt securely in Mitzrayim, and they ate of the best of Mitzrayim all the days of the life of Yoseph.

20 And Yoseph lived in the land of Mitzrayim ninety-three years, and Yoseph reigned over all Mitzrayim eighty years.

21 And when the days of Yoseph drew near that he should die, he sent and called for his brothers and all his abba's household, and they all came together and sat before him.

22 And Yoseph said to his brothers and to the whole of his abba's household, Behold I die, and YHUH will surely visit you and bring you up from this land to the land which He swore to your ahvot to give to them.

23 And it shall be when YHUH shall visit you to bring you up from here to the land of your ahvot, then bring up my bones with you from here.

24 And Yoseph made the sons of Yisrael to swear for their zera after them, saying, YHUH will surely visit you and you shall bring up my bones with you from here.

25 And it came to pass after this that Yoseph died in that year, the seventy-first year of the Yisraelites going down to Mitzrayim.

26 And Yoseph was one hundred and ten years old when he died in the land of Mitzrayim, and all his brothers and all his servants rose up and they embalmed Yoseph, as was their custom, and his brothers and all Mitzrayim mourned over him for seventy days.

27 And they put Yoseph in a coffin filled with spices and all sorts of perfume, and they buried him by the side of the river, that is Sihor, and his sons and all his brothers, and the whole of his abba's household made a seven-day mourning for him.

28 And it came to pass after the death of Yoseph, all the Mitzrites began in those days to rule over the children of Yisrael, and Pharaoh, melech of Mitzrayim, who reigned in his abba's stead, took all the laws of Mitzrayim and conducted the whole government of Mitzrayim under his counsel, and he reigned securely over his people.


1 And when the year came round, being the seventy-second year from the Yisraelites going down to Mitzrayim, after the death of Yoseph, Zepho, the son of Eliphaz, the son of Esav, fled from Mitzrayim, he and his men, and they went away.

2 And he came to Africa, which is Dinhavah, to Angeas melech of Africa, and Angeas received them with great honor, and he made Zepho the captain of his host.

3 And Zepho found favor in the sight of Angeas and in the sight of his people, and Zepho was captain of the host to Angeas melech of Africa for many days.

4 And Zepho enticed Angeas melech of Africa to collect all his army to go and fight with the Mitzrites, and with the sons of Yaakov, and to avenge of them the cause of his brothers.

5 But Angeas would not listen to Zepho to do this thing, for Angeas knew the strength of the sons of Yaakov, and what they had done to his army in their warfare with the children of Esav.

6 And Zepho was in those days very great in the sight of Angeas and in the sight of all his people, and he continually enticed them to make war against Mitzrayim, but they would not.

7 And it came to pass in those days there was in the land of Chittim a man in the city of Puzimna, whose name was Uzu, and he became degenerately deified by the children of Chittim, and the man died and had no son, only one daughter whose name was Yania.

8 And the damsel was exceedingly beautiful, comely and intelligent, there was none seen like her for beauty and wisdom throughout the land.

9 And the people of Angeas melech of Africa saw her and they came and praised her to him, and Angeas sent to the children of Chittim, and he requested to take her to himself for a wife, and the people of Chittim consented to give her to him for a wife.

10 And when the messengers of Angeas were going forth from the land of Chittim to take their journey, behold the messengers of Turnus melech of Biventu came to Chittim, for Turnus melech of Biventu also sent his messengers to request Yania for him, to take to himself for a wife, for all his men had also praised her to him, therefore he sent all his servants to her.

11 And the servants of Turnus came to Chittim, and they asked for Yania, to be taken to Turnus their melech for a wife.

12 And the people of Chittim said to them, We cannot give her, because Angeas melech of Africa desired her to take her to him for a wife before you came, and that we should give her to him, and now therefore we cannot do this thing to deprive Angeas of the damsel in order to give her to Turnus.

13 For we are greatly afraid of Angeas lest he come in battle against us and destroy us, and Turnus your master will not be able to deliver us from his hand.

14 And when the messengers of Turnus heard all the words of the children of Chittim, they turned back to their master and told him all the words of the children of Chittim.

15 And the children of Chittim sent a note to Angeas, saying, Behold Turnus has sent for Yania to take her to him for a wife, and this have we answered him; and we heard that he has collected his whole army to go to war against you, and he intends to pass by the road of Sardunia to fight against your brother Lucus, and after that he will come to fight against you.

16 And Angeas heard the words of the children of Chittim which they sent to him in the record, and his anger was kindled and he rose up and assembled his whole army and came through the islands of the sea, the road to Sardunia, to his brother Lucus melech of Sardunia.

17 And Niblos, the son of Lucus, heard that his uncle Angeas was coming, and he went out to meet him with a heavy army, and he kissed him and embraced him, and Niblos said to Angeas, When you ask my abba after his welfare, when I shall go with you to fight with Turnus, ask of him to make me captain of his host, and Angeas did so, and he came to his brother and his brother came to meet him, and he asked him after his welfare.

18 And Angeas asked his brother Lucus after his welfare, and to make his son Niblos captain of his host, and Lucus did so, and Angeas and his brother Lucus rose up and they went toward Turnus to battle, and there was with them a great army and many people.

19 And he came in ships, and they came into the province of Ashtorash, and behold Turnus came toward them, for he went forth to Sardunia, and intended to destroy it and afterward to pass on from there to Angeas to fight with him.

20 And Angeas and Lucus his brother met Turnus in the Valley of Canopia, and the battle was strong and mighty between them in that place.

21 And the battle was severe upon Lucus melech of Sardunia, and all his army fell, and Niblos his son fell also in that battle.

22 And his uncle Angeas commanded his servants and they made a golden coffin for Niblos and they put him into it, and Angeas again waged battle toward Turnus, and Angeas was stronger than he, and he slew him, and he smote all his people with the edge of the sword, and Angeas avenged the cause of Niblos his brother's son and the cause of the army of his brother Lucus.

23 And when Turnus died, the hands of those that survived the battle became weak, and they fled from before Angeas and Lucus his brother.

24 And Angeas and his brother Lucus pursued them to the highroad, which is between Alphanu and Romah, and they slew the whole army of Turnus with the edge of the sword.

25 And Lucus melech of Sardunia commanded his servants that they should make a coffin of brass, and that they should place therein the body of his son Niblos, and they buried him in that place.

26 And they built upon it a high tower there upon the highroad, and they called its name after the name of Niblos to this day, and they also buried Turnus melech of Biventu there in that place with Niblos.

27 And behold upon the highroad between Alphanu and Romah the grave of Niblos is on one side and the grave of Turnus on the other, and a pavement between them to this day.

28 And when Niblos was buried, Lucus his abba returned with his army to his land Sardunia, and Angeas his brother melech of Africa went with his people to the city of Biventu, that is the city of Turnus.

29 And the inhabitants of Biventu heard of his fame and they were greatly afraid of him, and they went forth to meet him with weeping and supplication, and the inhabitants of Biventu entreated of Angeas not to slay them nor destroy their city; and he did so, for Biventu was in those days reckoned as one of the cities of the children of Chittim; therefore he did not destroy the city.

30 But from that day forward the troops of the melech of Africa would go to Chittim to spoil and plunder it, and whenever they went, Zepho the captain of the host of Angeas would go with them.

31 And it was after this that Angeas turned with his army and they came to the city of Puzimna, and Angeas took there Yania the daughter of Uzu for a wife and brought her to his city to Africa.


1 And it came to pass at that time Pharaoh melech of Mitzrayim commanded all his people to make for him a strong palace in Mitzrayim.

2 And he also commanded the sons of Yaakov to assist the Mitzrites in the building, and the Mitzrites made a beautiful and elegant palace for a royal habitation, and he dwelt therein and he renewed his government and he reigned securely.

3 And Zevulun the son of Yaakov died in that year, that is the seventy-second year of the going down of the Yisraelites to Mitzrayim, and Zevulun died a hundred and fourteen years old, and was put into a coffin and given into the hands of his children.

4 And in the seventy-fifth year died his brother Shimeon, he was a hundred and twenty years old at his death, and he was also put into a coffin and given into the hands of his children.

5 And Zepho the son of Eliphaz the son of Esav, captain of the host to Angeas melech of Dinhavah, was still daily enticing Angeas to prepare for battle to fight with the sons of Yaakov in Mitzrayim, and Angeas was unwilling to do this thing, for his servants had related to him all the might of the sons of Yaakov, what they had done to them in their battle with the children of Esav.

6 And Zepho was in those days daily enticing Angeas to fight with the sons of Yaakov in those days.

7 And after some time Angeas hearkened to the words of Zepho and consented to him to fight with the sons of Yaakov in Mitzrayim, and Angeas got all his people in order, a people numerous as the sand which is upon the seashore, and he formed his resolution to go to Mitzrayim to battle.

8 And among the servants of Angeas was a youth fifteen years old, Balaam the son of Beor was his name and the youth was very wise and understood the art of witchcraft.

9 And Angeas said to Balaam, Conjure for us, I ask you, with the witchcraft, that we may know who will prevail in this battle to which we are now proceeding.

10 And Balaam ordered that they should bring him wax, and he made of it the likeness of mirkavot and horsemen representing the army of Angeas and the army of Mitzrayim, and he put them in the cunningly prepared mayim that he had for that purpose, and he took in his hand the boughs of myrtle trees, and he exercised his cunning, and he joined them over the mayim, and there appeared to him in the mayim the resembling images of the hosts of Angeas falling before the resembling images of the Mitzrites and the sons of Yaakov.

11 And Balaam told this thing to Angeas, and Angeas despaired and did not arm himself to go down to Mitzrayim to battle, and he remained in his city.

12 And when Zepho the son of Eliphaz saw that Angeas despaired of going forth to battle with the Mitzrites, Zepho fled from Angeas from Africa, and he went and came to Chittim.

13 And all the people of Chittim received him with great honor, and they hired him to fight their battles all the days, and Zepho became exceedingly rich in those days, and the troops of the melech of Africa still spread themselves in those days, and the children of Chittim assembled and went to Mount Cuptizia on account of the troops of Angeas melech of Africa, who were advancing upon them.

14 And it was one day that Zepho lost a young heifer, and he went to seek it, and he heard it mooing round about the mountain.

15 And Zepho went and he saw and behold there was a large cave at the bottom of the mountain, and there was a great stone there at the entrance of the cave, and Zepho split the stone and he came into the cave and he looked and behold, a large animal was devouring the ox; from the middle upward it resembled a man, and from the middle downward it resembled an animal, and Zepho rose up against the animal and slew it with his swords.

16 And the inhabitants of Chittim heard of this thing, and they rejoiced exceedingly, and they said, What shall we do to this man who has slain this animal that devoured our cattle?

17 And they all assembled to consecrate one day in the year to him, and they called the name of it Zepho after his name, and they brought to him drink offerings year after year on that day, and they brought to him gifts.

18 At that time Yania the daughter of Uzu wife of melech Angeas became ill, and her illness was heavily felt by Angeas and his officers, and Angeas said to his wise men, What shall I do to Yania and how shall I heal her from her illness? And his wise men said to him, Because the air of our country is not like the air of the land of Chittim, and our mayim is not like their mayim, therefore from this has the queen become ill.

19 For through the change of air and mayim she became ill, and also because in her country she drank only the mayim which came from Purmah, which her ancestors had brought up with bridges.

20 And Angeas commanded his servants, and they brought to him in vessels of the mayim of Purmah belonging to Chittim, and they weighed those mayim with all the mayim of the land of Africa, and they found those mayim lighter than the mayim of Africa.

21 And Angeas saw this thing, and he commanded all his officers to assemble the hewers of stone in thousands and tens of thousands, and they hewed stone without number, and the builders came and they built an exceedingly strong bridge, and they conveyed the spring of mayim from the land of Chittim to Africa, and those mayim were for Yania the queen and for all her concerns, to drink from and to bake, wash and bathe with, and also to water with it all zera from which food can be obtained, and all fruit of the ground.

22 And the melech commanded that they should bring of the soil of Chittim in large ships, and they also brought stones to build with, and the builders built palaces for Yania the queen, and the queen became healed of her illness.

23 And at the turn of the year the troops of Africa continued coming to the land of Chittim to plunder as usual, and Zepho son of Eliphaz heard their report, and he gave orders concerning them and he fought with them, and they fled before him, and he delivered the land of Chittim from them.

24 And the children of Chittim saw the valor of Zepho, and the children of Chittim resolved and they made Zepho melech over them, and he became melech over them, and while he reigned they went to subdue the children of Tuval, and all the surrounding islands.

25 And their melech Zepho went at their head and they made war with Tuval and the islands, and they subdued them, and when they returned from the battle they renewed his government for him, and they built for him a very large palace for his royal habitation and seat, and they made a large throne for him, and Zepho reigned over the whole land of Chittim and over the land of Italia fifty years.


1 In that year, being the seventy-ninth year of the Yisraelites going down to Mitzrayim, died Reuven the son of Yaakov, in the land of Mitzrayim; Reuven was a hundred and twenty-five years old when he died, and they put him into a coffin, and he was given into the hands of his children.

2 And in the eightieth year died his brother Dan; he was a hundred and twenty years at his death, and he was also put into a coffin and given into the hands of his children.

3 And in that year died Chusham melech of Edom, and after him reigned Hadad the son of Bedad, for thirty-five years; and in the eighty-first year died Yissacher the son of Yaakov, in Mitzrayim, and Yissacher was a hundred and twenty-two years old at his death, and he was put into a coffin in Mitzrayim, and given into the hands of his children.

4 And in the eighty-second year died Asher his brother, he was a hundred and twenty-three years old at his death, and he was placed in a coffin in Mitzrayim, and given into the hands of his children.

5 And in the eighty-third year died Gad, he was a hundred and twenty-five years old at his death, and he was put into a coffin in Mitzrayim, and given into the hands of his children.

6 And it came to pass in the eighty-fourth year, that is the fiftieth year of the reign of Hadad, son of Bedad, melech of Edom, that Hadad assembled all the children of Esav, and he got his whole army in readiness, about four hundred thousand men, and he directed his way to the land of Moav, and he went to fight with Moav and to make them tributary to him.

7 And the children of Moav heard this thing, and they were very much afraid, and they sent to the children of Midiyan to assist them in fighting with Hadad, son of Bedad, melech of Edom.

8 And Hadad came to the land of Moav, and Moav and the children of Midiyan went out to meet him, and they placed themselves in battle array against him in the field of Moav.

9 And Hadad fought with Moav, and there fell of the children of Moav and the children of Midiyan many slain ones, about two hundred thousand men.

10 And the battle was very severe upon Moav, and when the children of Moav saw that the battle was sore upon them, they weakened their hands and turned their backs, and left the children of Midiyan to carry on the battle.

11 And the children of Midiyan knew not the intentions of Moav, but they strengthened themselves in battle and fought with Hadad and all his army, and all Midiyan fell before him.

12 And Hadad smote all Midiyan with a heavy smiting, and he slew them with the edge of the sword, he left none remaining of those who came to assist Moav.

13 And when all the children of Midiyan had perished in battle, and the children at Moav had escaped, Hadad made all Moav at that time tributary to him, and they became under his hand, and they gave a yearly tax as it was ordered, and Hadad turned and went back to his land.

14 And at the turn of the year, when the rest of the people of Midiyan that were in the land heard that all their brothers had fallen in battle with Hadad for the sake of Moav, because the children of Moav had turned their backs in battle and left Midiyan to fight, then five of the princes of Midiyan resolved with the rest of their brothers who remained in their land, to fight with Moav to avenge the cause of their brothers.

15 And the children of Midiyan sent to all their brothers the children of the east, and all their brothers, all the children of Keturah came to assist Midiyan to fight with Moav.

16 And the children of Moav heard this thing, and they were greatly afraid that all the children of the east had assembled together against them for battle, and they the children of Moav sent a note to the land of Edom to Hadad the son of Bedad, saying,

17 Come now to us and assist us and we will smite Midiyan, for they all assembled together and have come against us with all their brothers the children of the east to battle, to avenge the cause of Midiyan that fell in battle.

18 And Hadad, son of Bedad, melech of Edom, went forth with his whole army and went to the land of Moav to fight with Midiyan, and Midiyan and the children of the east fought with Moav in the field of Moav, and the battle was very fierce between them.

19 And Hadad smote all the children of Midiyan and the children of the east with the edge of the sword, and Hadad at that time delivered Moav from the hand of Midiyan, and those that remained of Midiyan and of the children of the east fled before Hadad and his army, and Hadad pursued them to their land, and smote them with a very heavy slaughter, and the slain fell in the road.

20 And Hadad delivered Moav from the hand of Midiyan, for all the children of Midiyan had fallen by the edge of the sword, and Hadad turned and went back to his land.

21 And from that day forth, the children of Midiyan hated the children of Moav, because they had fallen in battle for their sake, and there was a great and mighty enmity between them all the days.

22 And all that were found of Midiyan in the road of the land of Moav perished by the sword of Moav, and all that were found of Moav in the road of the land of Midiyan, perished by the sword of Midiyan; this did Midiyan to Moav and Moav to Midiyan for many days.

23 And it came to pass at that time that Yahudah the son of Yaakov died in Mitzrayim, in the eighty-sixth year of Yaakov's going down to Mitzrayim, and Yahudah was a hundred and twenty-nine years old at his death, and they embalmed him and put him into a coffin, and he was given into the hands of his children.

24 And in the eighty-ninth year died Naphtali, he was a hundred and thirty-two years old, and he was put into a coffin and given into the hands of his children.

25 And it came to pass in the ninety-first year of the Yisraelites going down to Mitzrayim, that is in the thirtieth year of the reign of Zepho the son of Eliphaz, the son of Esav, over the children of Chittim, the children of Africa came upon the children of Chittim to plunder them as usual, but they had not come upon them for these thirteen years.

26 And they came to them in that year, and Zepho the son of Eliphaz went out to them with some of his men and smote them desperately, and the troops of Africa fled from before Zepho and the slain fell before him, and Zepho and his men pursued them, going on and smiting them until they were near to Africa.

27 And Angeas melech of Africa heard the thing that Zepho had done, and it vexed him exceedingly, and Angeas was afraid of Zepho all the days.


1 And in the ninety-third year died Levi, the son of Yaakov, in Mitzrayim, and Levi was a hundred and thirty-seven years old when he died, and they put him into a coffin and he was given into the hands of his children.

2 And it came to pass after the death of Levi, when all Mitzrayim saw that the sons of Yaakov the brothers of Yoseph were dead, all the Mitzrites began to afflict the children of Yaakov, and to embitter their lives from that day to the day of their going forth from Mitzrayim, and they took from their hands all the vineyards and fields which Yoseph had given to them, and all the elegant houses in which the people of Yisrael lived, and all the fat of Mitzrayim, the Mitzrites took all from the sons of Yaakov in those days.

3 And the hand of all Mitzrayim became more grievous in those days against the children of Yisrael, and the Mitzrites injured the Yisraelites until the children of Yisrael were wearied of their lives on account of the Mitzrites.

4 And it came to pass in those days, in the hundred and second year of Yisrael's going down to Mitzrayim, that Pharaoh melech of Mitzrayim died, and Melol his son reigned in his stead, and all the mighty men of Mitzrayim and all that generation which knew Yoseph and his brothers died in those days.

5 And another generation rose up in their stead, which had not known the sons of Yaakov and all the tov which they had done to them, and all their might in Mitzrayim.

6 Therefore all Mitzrayim began from that day forth to embitter the lives of the sons of Yaakov, and to afflict them with all manner of hard labor, because they had not known their ancestors who had delivered them in the days of the famine.

7 And this was also from YHUH, for the children of Yisrael, to benefit them in their latter-days, in order that all the children of Yisrael might know YHUH their YHUH.

8 And in order to know the signs and mighty wonders which YHUH would do in Mitzrayim on account of His people Yisrael, in order that the children of Yisrael might fear YHUH Ahlohim of their ancestors, and walk in all His halachot, they and their zera after them all their days.

9 Melol was twenty years old when he began to reign, and he reigned ninety-four years, and all Mitzrayim called his name Pharaoh after the name of his abba, as it was their custom to do to every melech who reigned over them in Mitzrayim.

10 At that time all the troops of Angeas melech of Africa went forth to spread along the land of Chittim as usual for plunder.

11 And Zepho the son of Eliphaz the son of Esav heard their report, and he went forth to meet them with his army, and he fought them there in the road.

12 And Zepho smote the troops of the melech of Africa with the edge of the sword, and left none remaining of them, and not even one returned to his master in Africa.

13 And Angeas heard of this which Zepho the son of Eliphaz had done to all his troops, that he had destroyed them, and Angeas assembled all his troops, all the men of the land of Africa, a people numerous like the sand by the seashore.

14 And Angeas sent to Lucus his brother, saying, Come to me with all your men and help me to smite Zepho and all the children of Chittim who have destroyed my men, and Lucus came with his whole army, a very great force, to assist Angeas his brother to fight with Zepho and the children of Chittim.

15 And Zepho and the children of Chittim heard this thing, and they were greatly afraid and a great terror fell upon their hearts.

16 And Zepho also sent a letter to the land of Edom to Hadad the son of Bedad melech of Edom and to all the children of Esav, saying,

17 I have heard that Angeas melech of Africa is coming to us with his brother for battle against us, and we are greatly afraid of him, for his army is very great, particularly as he comes against us with his brother and his army likewise.

18 Now therefore come you also up with me and help me, and we will fight together against Angeas and his brother Lucus, and you will save us out of their hands, but if not, know that we shall all die.

19 And the children of Esav sent a letter to the children of Chittim and to Zepho their melech, saying, We cannot fight against Angeas and his people for a covenant of shalom has been between us these many years, from the days of Bela the first melech, and from the days of Yoseph the son of Yaakov melech of Mitzrayim, with whom we fought on the other side of Yarden when he buried his abba.

20 And when Zepho heard the words of his brothers the children of Esav he refrained from them, and Zepho was greatly afraid of Angeas.

21 And Angeas and Lucus his brother arrayed all their forces, about eight hundred thousand men, against the children of Chittim.

22 And all the children of Chittim said to Zepho, Pray for us to the YHUH of your ancestors, perhaps He may deliver us from the hand of Angeas and his army, for we have heard that He is a great YHUH and that He delivers all who trust in Him.

23 And Zepho heard their words, and Zepho sought YHUH and he said,

24 0 YHUH Ahlohim of Avraham and Yitzchak my ancestors, this day I know that you are an emet YHUH, and all the ahlohim of the nations are vain and useless.

25 Remember now this day to me your covenant with Avraham our abba, which our ancestors related to us, and do graciously with me this day for the sake of Avraham and Yitzchak our ahvot, and save me and the children of Chittim from the hand of the melech of Africa who comes against us for battle.

26 And YHUH hearkened to the voice of Zepho, and He had regard for him on account of Avraham and Yitzchak, and YHUH delivered Zepho and the children of Chittim from the hand of Angeas and his people.

27 And Zepho fought Angeas melech of Africa and all his people on that day, and YHUH gave all the people of Angeas into the hands of the children of Chittim.

28 And the battle was severe upon Angeas, and Zepho smote all the men of Angeas and Lucus his brother, with the edge of the sword, and there fell from them to the evening of that day about four hundred thousand men.

29 And when Angeas saw that all his men perished, he sent a letter to all the inhabitants of Africa to come to him, to assist him in the battle, and he wrote in the letter, saying, All who are found in Africa let them come to me from ten years old and upward; let them all come to me, and behold if he comes not he shall die, and all that he has, with his whole household, the melech will take.

30 And all the rest of the inhabitants of Africa were terrified at the words of Angeas, and there went out of the city about three hundred thousand men and boys, from ten years upward, and they came to Angeas.

31 And at the end of ten days Angeas renewed the battle against Zepho and the children of Chittim, and the battle was very great and strong between them.

32 And from the army of Angeas and Lucus, Zepho sent many of the wounded to his hand, about two thousand men, and Sosiphtar the captain of the host of Angeas fell in that battle.

33 And when Sosiphtar had fallen, the African troops turned their backs to flee, and they fled, and Angeas and Lucus his brother were with them.

34 And Zepho and the children of Chittim pursued them, and they smote them still heavily on the road, about two hundred men, and they pursued Azdrubal the son of Angeas who had fled with his abba, and they smote twenty of his men in the road, and Azdrubal escaped from the children of Chittim, and they did not slay him.

35 And Angeas and Lucus his brother fled with the rest of their men, and they escaped and came into Africa with terror and consternation, and Angeas feared all the days lest Zepho the son of Eliphaz should go to war with him.


1 And Balaam the son of Beor was at that time with Angeas in the battle, and when he saw that Zepho prevailed over Angeas, he fled from there and came to Chittim.

2 And Zepho and the children of Chittim received him with great honor, for Zepho knew Balaam's wisdom, and Zepho gave to Balaam many gifts and he remained with him.

3 And when Zepho had returned from the war, he commanded all the children of Chittim to be numbered who had gone into battle with him, and behold not one was missed.

4 And Zepho rejoiced at this thing, and he renewed his malchut, and he made a feast to all his subjects.

5 But Zepho remembered not YHUH and considered not that YHUH had helped him in battle, and that he had delivered him and his people from the hand of the melech of Africa, but still walked in the halachot of the children of Chittim and the wicked children of Esav, to serve other alohim which his brothers the children of Esav had taught him; it is therefore said, From the wicked goes forth wickedness.

6 And Zepho reigned over all the children of Chittim securely, but knew not YHUH who had delivered him and all his people from the hand of the melech of Africa; and the troops of Africa came no more to Chittim to plunder as usual, for they knew of the power of Zepho who had smitten them all at the edge of the sword, so Angeas was afraid of Zepho the son of Eliphaz, and of the children of Chittim all the days.

7 At that time when Zepho had returned from the war, and when Zepho had seen how he prevailed over all the people of Africa and had smitten them in battle at the edge of the sword, then Zepho advised with the children of Chittim, to go to Mitzrayim to fight with the sons of Yaakov and with Pharaoh melech of Mitzrayim.

8 For Zepho heard that the mighty men of Mitzrayim were dead and that Yoseph and his brothers the sons of Yaakov were dead, and that all their children the children of Yisrael remained in Mitzrayim.

9 And Zepho considered to go to fight against them and all Mitzrayim, to avenge the cause of his brothers the children of Esav, whom Yoseph with his brothers and all Mitzrayim had smitten in the land of Kanaan, when they went up to bury Yaakov in Hevron.

10 And Zepho sent messengers to Hadad, son of Bedad, melech of Edom, and to all his brothers the children of Esav, saying,

11 Did you not say that you would not fight against the melech of Africa for he is a member of your covenant? Behold I fought with him and smote him and all his people.

12 Now therefore I have resolved to fight against Mitzrayim and the children of Yaakov who are there, and I will be revenged of them for what Yoseph, his brothers and ancestors did to us in the land of Kanaan when they went up to bury their abba in Hevron.

13 Now then if you are willing to come to me to assist me in fighting against them and Mitzrayim, then shall we avenge the cause of our brothers.

14 And the children of Esav hearkened to the words of Zepho, and the children of Esav gathered themselves together, a very great people, and they went to assist Zepho and the children of Chittim in battle.

15 And Zepho sent to all the children of the east and to all the children of Yishmael with words like these, and they gathered themselves and came to the assistance of Zepho and the children of Chittim in the war upon Mitzrayim.

16 And all these melechim, the melech of Edom and the children of the east, and all the children of Yishmael, and Zepho the melech of Chittim went forth and arrayed all their hosts in Hevron.

17 And the camp was very heavy, extending in length a distance of three days' journey, a people numerous as the sand upon the seashore which cannot be counted.

18 And all these melechim and their hosts went down and came against all Mitzrayim in battle, and encamped together in the Valley of Pathros.

19 And all Mitzrayim heard their report, and they also gathered themselves together, all the people of the land of Mitzrayim, and of all the cities belonging to Mitzrayim, about three hundred thousand men.

20 And the men of Mitzrayim sent also to the children of Yisrael who were in those days in the land of Goshen, to come to them in order to go and fight with these melechim.

21 And the men of Yisrael assembled and were about one hundred and fifty men, and they went into battle to assist the Mitzrites.

22 And the men of Yisrael and of Mitzrayim went forth, about three hundred thousand men and one hundred and fifty men, and they went toward these melechim to battle, and they placed themselves from outside the land of Goshen opposite Pathros.

23 And the Mitzrites believed not in Yisrael to go with them in their camps together for battle, for all the Mitzrites said, Perhaps the children of Yisrael will deliver us into the hand of the children of Esav and Yishmael, for they are their brothers.

24 And all the Mitzrites said to the children of Yisrael, Remain here together in your stand and we will go and fight against the children of Esav and Yishmael, and if these melechim should prevail over us, then come all together upon them and assist us, and the children of Yisrael did so.

25 And Zepho the son of Eliphaz the son of Esav melech of Chittim, and Hadad the son of Bedad melech of Edom, and all their camps, and all the children of the east, and children of Yishmael, a people numerous as sand, encamped together in the Valley of Pathros opposite Tachpanches.

26 And Balaam the son of Beor the Syrian was there in the camp of Zepho, for he came with the children of Chittim to the battle, and Balaam was a man highly honored in the eyes of Zepho and his men.

27 And Zepho said to Balaam, Try by divination for us that we may know who will prevail in the battle; us or the Mitzrites.

28 And Balaam rose up and tried the art of divination, and he was skillful in the knowledge of it, but he was confused and the work was destroyed in his hand.

29 And he tried it again but it did not succeed, and Balaam despaired of it and left it and did not complete it, for this was from YHUH, in order to cause Zepho and his people to fall into the hand of the children of Yisrael, who had trusted in YHUH, the YHUH of their ancestors, in their war.

30 And Zepho and Hadad put their forces in battle array, and all the Mitzrites went alone against them, about three hundred thousand men, and not one man of Yisrael was with them.

31 And all the Mitzrites fought with these melechim opposite Pathros and Tachpanches, and the battle was severe against the Mitzrites.

32 And the melechim were stronger than the Mitzrites in that battle, and about one hundred and eighty men of Mitzrayim fell on that day, and about thirty men of the forces of the melechim, and all the men of Mitzrayim fled from before the melechim, so the children of Esav and Yishmael pursued the Mitzrites, continuing to smite them to the place where was the camp of the children of Yisrael.

33 And all the Mitzrites cried to the children of Yisrael, saying, Hasten to us and assist us and save us from the hand of Esav, Yishmael and the children of Chittim.

34 And the hundred and fifty men of the children of Yisrael ran from their station to the camps of these melechim, and the children of Yisrael cried to YHUH their YHUH to deliver them.

35 And YHUH hearkened to Yisrael, and YHUH gave all the men of the melechim into their hand, and the children of Yisrael fought against these melechim, and the children of Yisrael smote about four thousand of the melechims' men.

36 And YHUH threw a great consternation in the camp of the melechim, so that the fear of the children of Yisrael fell upon them.

37 And all the armies of the melechim fled from before the children of Yisrael and the children of Yisrael pursued them continuing to smite them to the borders of the land of Cush.

38 And the children of Yisrael slew of them in the road yet two thousand men, and of the children of Yisrael not one fell.

39 And when the Mitzrites saw that the children of Yisrael had fought with such few men with the melechim, and that the battle was so very severe against them,

40 All the Mitzrites were greatly afraid of their lives on account of the strong battle, and all Mitzrayim fled, every man hiding himself from the arrayed forces, and they hid themselves in the road, and they left the Yisraelites to fight.

41 And the children of Yisrael inflicted a terrible blow upon the melechims' men, and they returned from them after they had driven them to the border of the land of Cush.

42 And all Yisrael knew the thing that the men of Mitzrayim had done to them, that they had fled from them in battle, and had left them to fight alone.

43 So the children of Yisrael also acted with cunning, and as the children of Yisrael returned from battle, they found some of the Mitzrites in the road and smote them there.

44 And while they slew them, they said to them these words:

45 Why did you go from us and leave us, being a few people, to fight against these melechim who had a great people to smite us, that you might thereby deliver your own beings?

46 And of some which the Yisraelites met on the road, they the children of Yisrael spoke to each other, saying, Smite, smite, for he is a Yishmaelite, or an Edomite, or from the children of Chittim, and they stood over him and slew him, and they knew that he was a Mitzrite.

47 And the children of Yisrael did these things cunningly against the Mitzrites, because they had deserted them in battle and had fled from them.

48 And the children of Yisrael slew of the men of Mitzrayim in the road in this manner, about two hundred men.

49 And all the men of Mitzrayim saw the evil which the children of Yisrael had done to them, so all Mitzrayim feared greatly the children of Yisrael, for they had seen their great power, and that not one man of them had fallen.

50 So all the children of Yisrael returned with joy on their road to Goshen, and the rest of Mitzrayim returned each man to his place.


1 And it came to pass after these things that all the counselors of Pharaoh, melech of Mitzrayim, and all the zachanim of Mitzrayim assembled and came before the melech and bowed down to the ground, and they sat before him.

2 And the counselors and zachanim of Mitzrayim spoke to the melech, saying,

3 Behold the people of the children of Yisrael is greater and mightier than we are, and you know all the evil that they did to us in the road when we returned from battle.

4 And you have also seen their strong power, for this power is to them from their ahvot, for but a few men stood up against a people numerous as the sand, and smote them at the edge of the sword, and of themselves not one has fallen, so that if they had been numerous they would then have utterly destroyed them.

5 Now therefore give us counsel what to do with them, until we gradually destroy them from among us, lest they become too numerous for us in the land.

6 For if the children of Yisrael should increase in the land, they will become an obstacle to us, and if any war should happen to take place, they with their great strength will join our enemy against us, and fight against us, destroy us from the land and go away from it.

7 So the melech answered the zachanim of Mitzrayim and said to them, This is the plan advised against Yisrael, from which we will not depart,

8 Behold in the land are Pithom and Rameses, cities unfortified against battle, it behooves you and us to build them, and to fortify them.

9 Now therefore go you also and act cunningly toward them, and proclaim a voice in Mitzrayim and in Goshen at the command of the melech, saying,

10 All you men of Mitzrayim, Goshen, Pathros and all their inhabitants! The melech has commanded us to build Pithom and Rameses, and to fortify them for battle; who among you of all Mitzrayim, of the children of Yisrael and of all the inhabitants of the cities, are willing to build with us, shall each have his wages given to him daily at the melech's order; so go you first and do cunningly, and gather yourselves and come to Pithom and Rameses to build.

11 And while you are building, cause a proclamation of this kind to be made throughout Mitzrayim every day at the command of the melech.

12 And when some of the children of Yisrael shall come to build with you, you shall give them their wages daily for a few days.

13 And after they shall have built with you for their daily hire, drag yourselves away from them daily one by one in secret, and then you shall rise up and become their task-masters and officers, and you shall leave them afterward to build without wages, and should they refuse, then force them with all your might to build.

14 And if you do this it will be well with us to strengthen our land against the children of Yisrael, for on account of the fatigue of the building and the work, the children of Yisrael will decrease, because you will deprive them from their wives day by day.

15 And all the zachanim of Mitzrayim heard the counsel of the melech, and the counsel seemed tov in their eyes and in the eyes of the servants of Pharaoh, and in the eyes of all Mitzrayim, and they did according to the word of the melech.

16 And all the servants went away from the melech, and they caused a proclamation to be made in all Mitzrayim, in Tachpanches and in Goshen, and in all the cities which surrounded Mitzrayim, saying,

17 You have seen what the children of Esav and Yishmael did to us, who came to war against us and wished to destroy us.

18 Now therefore the melech commanded us to fortify the land, to build the cities Pithom and Rameses, and to fortify them for battle, if they should again come against us.

19 Whosoever of you from all Mitzrayim and from the children of Yisrael will come to build with us, he shall have his daily wages given by the melech, as his command is to us.

20 And when Mitzrayim and all the children of Yisrael heard all that the servants of Pharaoh had spoken, there came from the Mitzrites, and the children of Yisrael to build with the servants of Pharaoh, Pithom and Rameses, but none of the children of Levi came with their brothers to build.

21 And all the servants of Pharaoh and his princes came at first with deceit to build with all Yisrael as daily hired laborers, and they gave to Yisrael their daily hire at the beginning.

22 And the servants of Pharaoh built with all Yisrael, and were employed in that work with Yisrael for a month.

23 And at the end of the month, all the servants of Pharaoh began to withdraw secretly from the people of Yisrael daily.

24 And Yisrael went on with the work at that time, but they then received their daily hire, because some of the men of Mitzrayim were yet carrying on the work with Yisrael at that time; therefore the Mitzrites gave Yisrael their hire in those days, in order that they, the Mitzrites their fellow-workmen, might also take the pay for their labor.

25 And at the end of a year and four months all the Mitzrites had withdrawn from the children of Yisrael, so that the children of Yisrael were left alone engaged in the work.

26 And after all the Mitzrites had withdrawn from the children of Yisrael they returned and became oppressors and officers over them, and some of them stood over the children of Yisrael as task masters, to receive from them all that they gave them for the pay of their labor.

27 And the Mitzrites did in this manner to the children of Yisrael day by day, in order to afflict in their work.

28 And all the children of Yisrael were alone engaged in the labor, and the Mitzrites refrained from giving any pay to the children of Yisrael from that time forward.

29 And when some of the men of Yisrael refused to work on account of the wages not being given to them, then the exactors and the servants of Pharaoh oppressed them and smote them with heavy blows, and made them return by force, to labor with their brothers; this did all the Mitzrites to the children of Yisrael all the days.

30 And all the children of Yisrael were greatly afraid of the Mitzrites in this matter, and all the children of Yisrael returned and worked alone without pay.

31 And the children of Yisrael built Pithom and Rameses, and all the children of Yisrael did the work, some making bricks, and some building, and the children of Yisrael built and fortified all the land of Mitzrayim and its walls, and the children of Yisrael were engaged in work for many years, until the time came when YHUH remembered them and brought them out of Mitzrayim.

32 But the children of Levi were not employed in the work with their brothers of Yisrael, from the beginning to the day of their going forth from Mitzrayim.

33 For all the children of Levi knew that the Mitzrites had spoken all these words with deceit to the Yisraelites, therefore the children of Levi refrained from approaching to the work with their brothers.

34 And the Mitzrites did not direct their attention to make the children of Levi work afterward, since they had not been with their brothers at the beginning, therefore the Mitzrites left them alone.

35 And the hands of the men of Mitzrayim were directed with continued severity against the children of Yisrael in that work, and the Mitzrites made the children of Yisrael work with rigor.

36 And the Mitzrites embittered the lives of the children of Yisrael with hard work, in mortar and bricks, and also in all manner of work in the field.

37 And the children of Yisrael called Melol the melech of Mitzrayim "Meror, melech of Mitzrayim," because in his days the Mitzrites had embittered their lives with all manner of work.

38 And all the work wherein the Mitzrites made the children of Yisrael labor, they exacted with rigor, in order to afflict the children of Yisrael, but the more they afflicted them, the more they increased and grew, and the Mitzrites were grieved because of the children of Yisrael.


1 At that time died Hadad the son of Bedad melech of Edom, and Samlah from Mesrekah, from the country of the children of the east, reigned in his place.

2 In the thirteenth year of the reign of Pharaoh melech of Mitzrayim, which was the hundred and twenty-fifth year of the Yisraelites going down into Mitzrayim, Samlah had reigned over Edom eighteen years.

3 And when he reigned, he drew forth his hosts to go and fight against Zepho the son of Eliphaz and the children of Chittim, because they had made war against Angeas melech of Africa, and they destroyed his whole army.

4 But he did not engage with him, for the children of Esav prevented him, saying, He was their brother, so Samlah listened to the voice of the children of Esav, and turned back with all his forces to the land of Edom, and did not proceed to fight against Zepho the son of Eliphaz.

5 And Pharaoh melech of Mitzrayim heard this thing, saying, Samlah melech of Edom has resolved to fight the children of Chittim, and afterward he will come to fight against Mitzrayim.

6 And when the Mitzrites heard this matter, they increased the labor upon the children of Yisrael, lest the Yisraelites should do to them as they did to them in their war with the children of Esav in the days of Hadad.

7 So the Mitzrites said to the children of Yisrael, Hasten and do your work, and finish your task, and strengthen the land, lest the children of Esav your brothers should come to fight against us, for on your account will they come against us.

8 And the children of Yisrael did the work of the men of Mitzrayim day by day, and the Mitzrites afflicted the children of Yisrael in order to lessen them in the land.

9 But as the Mitzrites increased the labor upon the children of Yisrael, so did the children of Yisrael increase and multiply, and all Mitzrayim was filled with the children of Yisrael.

10 And in the hundred and twenty-fifth year of Yisrael's going down into Mitzrayim, all the Mitzrites saw that their counsel did not succeed against Yisrael, but that they increased and grew, and the land of Mitzrayim and the land of Goshen were filled with the children of Yisrael.

11 So all the zachanim of Mitzrayim and its wise men came before the melech and bowed down to him and sat before him.

12 And all the zachanim of Mitzrayim and the wise men of it said to the melech, May the melech live le-olam-va-ed; you did counsel us the counsel against the children of Yisrael, and we did to them according to the word of the melech.

13 But in proportion to the increase of the labor so do they increase and grow in the land, and behold the whole country is filled with them.

14 Now therefore our master and melech, the eyes of all Mitzrayim are upon you to give them advice with your wisdom, by which they may prevail over Yisrael to destroy them, or to diminish them from the land; and the melech answered them saying, Give you counsel in this matter that we may know what to do to them.

15 And an officer, one of the melech's counselors, whose name was Iyov, from Mesopotamia, in the land of Uz, answered the melech, saying,

16 If it pleases the melech, let him hear the counsel of his servant; and the melech said to him, Speak.

17 And Iyov spoke before the melech, the princes, and before all the zachanim of Mitzrayim, saying,

18 Behold the counsel of the melech which he advised formerly respecting the labor of the children of Yisrael is very tov, and you must not remove from them that labor le-olam-va-ed.

19 But this is the advice counseled by which you may lessen them, if it seems tov to the melech to afflict them.

20 Behold we have feared war for a long time, and we said, When Yisrael becomes fruitful in the land, they will drive us from the land if a war should take place.

21 If it pleases the melech, let a royal decree go forth, and let it be written in the laws of Mitzrayim that shall not be revoked, that every male child born to the Yisraelites, his blood shall be spilled upon the ground.

22 And by your doing this, when all the male children of Yisrael shall have died, the evil of their wars will cease; let the melech do so and send for all the Ivri midwives and order them in this matter to execute it; so the thing pleased the melech and the princes, and the melech did according to the word of Iyov.

23 And the melech sent for the Ivri midwives to be called, of which the name of one was Shephrah, and the name of the other Puah.

24 And the midwives came before the melech, and stood in his presence.

25 And the melech said to them, When you do the office of a midwife to the Ivri women, and see them upon the stools, if it is a son, then you shall kill him, but if it is a daughter, then she shall live.

26 But if you will not do this thing, then will I burn you up and all your houses with fire.

27 But the midwives feared YHUH and did not listen to the melech of Mitzrayim or to his words, and when the Ivri women brought forth to the midwife son or daughter; then did the midwife do all that was necessary to the child and let it live; this did the midwives all the days.

28 And this thing was told to the melech, and he sent and called for the midwives and he said to them, Why have you done this thing and have saved the children alive?

29 And the midwives answered and spoke together before the melech, saying,

30 Let not the melech think that the Ivri women are as the Mitzrite women, for all the children of Yisrael are hale, and before the midwife comes to them they are delivered, and as for us your handmaids, for many days no Ivri woman has brought forth upon us, for all the Ivri women are their own midwives, because they are hale.

31 And Pharaoh heard their words and believed them in this matter, and the midwives went away from the melech, and YHUH dealt well with them, and the people multiplied and waxed exceedingly.


1 There was a man in the land of Mitzrayim of the zera of Levi, whose name was Amram, the son of Kehoth, the son of Levi, the son of Yisrael.

2 And this man went and took a wife, namely Yocheved the daughter of Levi his abba's sister, and she was one hundred and twenty-six years old, and he came to her.

3 And the women conceived and bare a daughter, and she called her name Miryam, because in those days the Mitzrites had embittered the lives of the children of Yisrael.

4 And she conceived again and bare a son and she called his name Aharon, for in the days of her conception, Pharaoh began to spill the blood of the male children of Yisrael.

5 In those days died Zepho the son of Eliphaz, son of Esav, melech of Chittim, and Yaneas reigned in his stead.

6 And the time that Zepho reigned over the children of Chittim was fifty years, and he died and was buried in the city of Navna in the land of Chittim.

7 And Yaneas, one of the mighty men of the children of Chittim, reigned after him and he reigned fifty years.

8 And it was after the death of the melech of Chittim that Balaam the son of Beor fled from the land of Chittim, and he went and came to Mitzrayim to Pharaoh melech of Mitzrayim.

9 And Pharaoh received him with great honor, for he had heard of his wisdom, and he gave him presents and made him a counselor, and aggrandized him.

10 And Balaam dwelt in Mitzrayim, in honor with all the nobles of the melech, and the nobles exalted him, because they all coveted to learn his wisdom.

11 And in the hundred and thirtieth year of Yisrael's going down to Mitzrayim, Pharaoh dreamed that he was sitting upon his kingly throne, and lifted up his eyes and saw an old man standing before him, and there were scales in the hands of the old man, such scales as are used by merchants.

12 And the old man took the scales and hung them before Pharaoh.

13 And the old man took all the zachanim of Mitzrayim and all its nobles and great men, and he tied them together and put them in one scale.

14 And he took a milk kid and put it into the other scale, and the kid outweighed them all.

15 And Pharaoh was astonished at this dreadful vision, why the kid should outweigh them all, and Pharaoh awoke and behold it was a dream.

16 And Pharaoh rose up early in the morning and called all his servants and related to them the dream, and the men were greatly afraid.

17 And the melech said to all his wise men, Interpret I ask you the dream that I dreamed, that I may know it.

18 And Balaam the son of Beor answered the melech and said to him, This means nothing else but a great evil that will spring up against Mitzrayim in the latter-days.

19 For a son will be born to Yisrael who will destroy all Mitzrayim and its inhabitants, and bring forth the Yisraelites from Mitzrayim with a mighty hand.

20 Now therefore, O melech, take counsel upon this matter, that you may destroy the hope of the children of Yisrael and their expectation, before this evil arise against Mitzrayim.

21 And the melech said to Balaam, And what shall we do to Yisrael? Surely after a certain manner did we at first counsel against them and could not prevail over them.

22 Now therefore give you also advice against them by which we may prevail over them.

23 And Balaam answered the melech, saying, Send now and call your two counselors, and we will see what their advice is upon this matter and afterward your servant will speak.

24 And the melech sent and called his two counselors Reuel the Midyanite and Iyov the Uzite, and they came and sat before the melech.

25 And the melech said to them, Behold you have both heard the dream which I have dreamed, and the interpretation of it; now therefore give counsel and know and see what is to be done to the children of Yisrael, whereby we may prevail over them, before their evil shall spring up against us.

26 And Reuel the Midyanite answered the melech and said, May the melech live, may the melech live le-olam-va-ed.

27 If it seem tov to the melech, let him desist from the Ivrim and leave them, and let him not stretch forth his hand against them.

28 For these are they whom YHUH chose in days of old, and took as the lot of his inheritance from among all the nations of the earth and the melechim of the earth; and who is there that stretched his hand against them with impunity, of whom their YHUH was not avenged?

29 Surely you know that when Avraham went down to Mitzrayim, Pharaoh, the former melech of Mitzrayim, saw Sarah his wife, and took her for a wife, because Avraham said, She is my sister, for he was afraid, lest the men of Mitzrayim should slay him on account of his wife.

30 And when the melech of Mitzrayim had taken Sarah then YHUH smote him and his household with heavy plagues, until he restored to Avraham his wife Sarah, then was he healed.

31 And Avimelech the Gerarite, melech of the Philistines, YHUH punished on account of Sarah wife of Avraham, in stopping up every womb from man to beast.

32 When their YHUH came to Avimelech in the dream of night and terrified him in order that he might restore to Avraham Sarah whom he had taken, and afterward all the people of Gerar were punished on account of Sarah, and Avraham prayed to his YHUH for them, and He was entreated of him, and he healed them.

33 And Avimelech feared all this evil that came upon him and his people, and he returned to Avraham his wife Sarah, and gave him with her many gifts.

34 He did so also to Yitzchak when he had driven him from Gerar, and YHUH had done wonderful things to him, that all the mayim courses of Gerar were dried up, and their productive trees did not bring forth.

35 Until Avimelech of Gerar, and Ahuzzath one of his friends, and Pichol the captain of his host, went to him and they bent and bowed down before him to the ground.

36 And they requested of him to supplicate for them, and he prayed to YHUH for them, and YHUH was entreated of him and He healed them.

37 Yaakov also, the plain man, was delivered through his integrity from the hand of his brother Esav, and the hand of Lavan the Syrian-Aramean his ema's brother, who had sought his life; likewise from the hand of all the melechim of Kanaan who had come together against him and his children to destroy them, and YHUH delivered them out of their hands, that they turned upon them and smote them, for who had ever stretched forth his hand against them with impunity?

38 Surely Pharaoh the former, your abba's abba, raised Yoseph the son of Yaakov above all the princes of the land of Mitzrayim, when he saw his wisdom, for through his wisdom he rescued all the inhabitants of the land from the famine.

39 After which he ordered Yaakov and his children to come down to Mitzrayim, in order that through their virtue, the land of Mitzrayim and the land of Goshen might be delivered from the famine.

40 Now therefore if it seems tov in your eyes, cease from destroying the children of Yisrael, but if it be not your will that they shall dwell in Mitzrayim, send them forth from here, that they may go to the land of Kanaan, the land where their ancestors sojourned.

41 And when Pharaoh heard the words of Yithro he was very angry with him, so that he rose with shame from the melech's presence, and went to Midiyan, his land, and took Yoseph's stick with him.

42 And the melech said to Iyov the Uzite, What say you Iyov, and what is your advice respecting the Ivrim?

43 So Iyov said to the melech, Behold all the inhabitants of the land are in your power; let the melech do, as it seems tov in his eyes.

44 And the melech said to Balaam, What do you say, Balaam, speak your word that we may hear it.

45 And Balaam said to the melech, Of all that the melech has counseled against the Ivrim will they be delivered, and the melech will not be able to prevail over them with any counsel.

46 For if you think to lessen them by the flaming fire, you cannot prevail over them, for surely their YHUH delivered Avraham their abba from Ur of the Chaldeans; and if you think to destroy them with a sword, surely Yitzchak their abba was delivered from it, and a ram was placed in his stead.

47 And if with hard and rigorous labor you think to lessen them, you will not prevail even in this, for their abba Yaakov served Lavan in all manner of hard work, and prospered.

48 Now therefore, O Melech, hear my words, for this is the counsel which is counseled against them, by which you will prevail over them, and from which you should not depart.

49 If it please the melech let him order all their children which shall be born from this day forward, to be thrown into the mayim, for by this can you wipe away their name, for none of them, nor of their ahvot, were tried in this manner.

50 And the melech heard the words of Balaam, and the thing pleased the melech and the princes, and the melech did according to the word of Balaam.

51 And the melech ordered a proclamation to be issued and a law to be made throughout the land of Mitzrayim, saying, Every male child born to the Ivrim from this day forward shall be thrown into the mayim.

52 And Pharaoh called to all his servants, saying, Go now and seek throughout the land of Goshen where the children of Yisrael are, and see that every son born to the Ivrim shall be cast into the river, but every daughter you shall let live.

53 And when the children of Yisrael heard this thing that Pharaoh had commanded, to cast their male children into the river, some of the people separated from their wives and others adhered to them.

54 And from that day forward, when the time of delivery arrived to those women of Yisrael who had remained with their husbands, they went to the field to bring forth there, and they brought forth in the field, and left their children upon the field and returned home.

55 And YHUH who had sworn to their ancestors to multiply them, sent one of His ministering malachim which are in the shamayim to wash each child in mayim, to anoint and swathe it and to put into its hands two smooth stones from one of which it sucked milk and from the other honey, and He caused its hair to grow to its knees, by which it might cover itself; to comfort it and to cleave to it, through His rachamim for it.

56 And when YHUH had rachamim over them and had desired to multiply them upon the face of the land, He ordered His earth to receive them to be preserved therein till the time of their growing up, after which the earth opened its mouth and vomited them forth and they sprouted forth from the city like the herb of the earth, and the grass of the forest, and they returned each to his family and to his abba's house, and they remained with them.

57 And the babes of the children of Yisrael were upon the earth like the herb of the field, through YHUH's rachamim to them.

58 And when all the Mitzrites saw this thing, they went forth, each to his field with his yoke of oxen and his ploughshare, and they ploughed it up as one ploughs the earth at zera time.

59 And when they ploughed they were unable to hurt the infants of the children of Yisrael, so the people increased and waxed exceedingly.

60 And Pharaoh ordered his officers daily to go to Goshen to seek for the babes of the children of Yisrael.

61 And when they had sought and found one, they took it from its ema's bosom by force, and threw it into the river, but the female child they left with its ema; this did the Mitzrites do to the Yisraelites all the days.


1 And it was at that time the Ruach of YHUH was upon Miryam the daughter of Amram the sister of Aharon, and she went forth and prophesied around the house, saying, Behold a son will be born to us from my abba and ema this time, and he will save Yisrael from the hands of Mitzrayim.

2 And when Amram heard the words of his daughter, he went and took his wife back to the house, after he had driven her away at the time when Pharaoh ordered every male child of the house of Yaakov to be thrown into the mayim.

3 So Amram took Yocheved his wife, three years after he had driven her away, and he came to her and she conceived.

4 And at the end of seven months from her conception she brought forth a son, and the whole house was filled with great light as of the light of the sun and moon at the time of their shining.

5 And when the woman saw the child that it was tov and pleasing to the sight, she hid it for three months in an inner room.

6 In those days the Mitzrites conspired to destroy all the Ivrim there.

7 And the Mitzrite women went to Goshen where the children of Yisrael were, and they carried their young ones upon their shoulders, their babes who could not yet speak.

8 And in those days, when the women of the children of Yisrael brought forth, each woman had hidden her son from before the Mitzrites, that the Mitzrites might not know of their bringing forth, and might not destroy them from the land.

9 And the Mitzrite women came to Goshen and their children who could not speak were upon their shoulders, and when a Mitzrite woman came into the house of an Ivri woman her babe began to cry.

10 And when it cried the child that was in the inner room answered it, so the Mitzrite women went and told it at the house of Pharaoh.

11 And Pharaoh sent his officers to take the children and slay them; this did the Mitzrites to the Ivri women all the days.

12 And it was at that time, about three months from Yocheved's concealment of her son, that the thing was known in Pharaoh's house.

13 And the woman hurried to take away her son before the officers came, and she took for him an ark of bulrushes, and daubed it with slime and with pitch, and put the child therein, and she laid it in the flags by the river's brink.

14 And his sister Miryam stood afar off to know what would be done to him, and what would become of her words.

15 And YHUH sent forth at that time a terrible heat in the land of Mitzrayim, which burned up the flesh of man like the sun in his circuit, and it greatly oppressed the Mitzrites.

16 And all the Mitzrites went down to bathe in the river, on account of the consuming heat that burned up their flesh.

17 And Bathiya, the daughter of Pharaoh, went also to bathe in the river, owing to the consuming heat, and her maidens walked at the riverside, and all the women of Mitzrayim as well.

18 And Bathiya lifted up her eyes to the river, and she saw the basket upon the mayim, and sent her maid to fetch it.

19 And she opened it and saw the child, and behold the babe wept, and she had rachamim on him, and she said, This is one of the Ivri children.

20 And all the women of Mitzrayim walking on the riverside desired to give him suck, but he would not suck, for this thing was from YHUH, in order to restore him to his ema's breast.

21 And Miryam his sister was at that time among the Mitzrite women at the riverside, and she saw this thing and she said to Pharaoh's daughter, Shall I go and fetch a nurse of the Ivri women, that she may nurse the child for you?

22 And Pharaoh's daughter said to her, Go, and the young woman went and called the child's ema.

23 And Pharaoh's daughter said to Yocheved, Take this child away and suckle it for me, and I will pay you your wages, two bits of silver daily; and the woman took the child and nursed it.

24 And at the end of two years, when the child grew up, she brought him to the daughter of Pharaoh, and he was to her as a son, and she called his name Moshe, for she said, Because I drew him out of the mayim.

25 And Amram his abba called his name Chavar, for he said, It was for him that he associated with his wife from whom he had turned away.

26 And Yocheved his ema called his name Yekuthiel, because, she said, I have hoped for him to the Almighty, and YHUH restored him to me.

27 And Miryam his sister called him Yered, for she descended after him to the river to know what his end would be.

28 And Aharon his brother called his name Avi-Zanuch, saying, My abba left my ema and returned to her on his account.

29 And Kohath the abba of Amram called his name Avigdor, because on his account did YHUH repair the breach of the house of Yaakov, that they could no longer throw their male children into the mayim.

30 And their nurse called him Avi-Sucho, saying, In his tabernacle was he hidden for three months, on account of the children of Ham.

31 And all Yisrael called his name Shemayah, son of Nethanel, for they said, In his days has YHUH heard their cries and rescued them from their oppressors.

32 And Moshe was in Pharaoh's house, and was to Bathiya, Pharaoh's daughter, as a son, and Moshe grew up among the melech's children.


1 And the melech of Edom died in those days, in the eighteenth year of his reign, and was buried in his temple that he had built for himself as his royal residence in the land of Edom.

2 And the children of Esav sent to Pethor, which is upon the river, and they fetched from there a young man of beautiful eyes and comely aspect, whose name was Shaul, and they made him melech over them in the place of Samlah.

3 And Shaul reigned over all the children of Esav in the land of Edom for forty years.

4 And when Pharaoh melech of Mitzrayim saw that the counsel which Balaam had advised respecting the children of Yisrael did not succeed, but that still they were fruitful, multiplied and increased throughout the land of Mitzrayim,

5 Then Pharaoh commanded in those days that a proclamation should be issued throughout Mitzrayim to the children of Yisrael, saying, No man shall diminish any thing of his daily labor.

6 And the man who shall be found deficient in his labor which he performs daily, whether in mortar or in bricks, then his youngest son shall be put in their place.

7 And the labor of Mitzrayim strengthened upon the children of Yisrael in those days, and behold if one brick was deficient in any man's daily labor, the Mitzrites took his youngest boy by force from his ema, and put him into the building in the place of the brick which his abba had left wanting.

8 And the men of Mitzrayim did so to all the children of Yisrael day by day, all the days for a long period.

9 But the tribe of Levi did not at that time work with the Yisraelites their brothers, from the beginning, for the children of Levi knew the cunning of the Mitzrites that they exercised at first toward the Yisraelites.


1 And in the third year from the birth of Moshe, Pharaoh was sitting at a banquet, when Alparanith the queen was sitting at his right and Bathiya at his left, and the lad Moshe was lying upon her bosom, and Balaam the son of Beor with his two sons, and all the princes of the malchut were sitting at table in the melech's presence.

2 And the lad stretched forth his hand upon the melech's head, and took the keter from the melech's head and placed it on his own head.

3 And when the melech and princes saw the work that the boy had done, the melech and princes were terrified, and one man to his neighbor expressed astonishment.

4 And the melech said to the princes who were before him at table, What speak you and what say you, O you princes, in this matter, and what is to be the mishpat against the boy on account of this act?

5 And Balaam the son of Beor the magician answered before the melech and princes, and he said, Remember now, O my master and melech, the dream which you did dream many days since, and that which your servant interpreted to you.

6 Now therefore this is a child from the Ivrim children, in whom is the Ruach of YHUH, and let not my master the melech imagine that this youngster did this thing without knowledge.

7 For he is an Ivri boy, and wisdom and understanding are with him, although he is yet a child, and with wisdom has he done this and chosen to himself the malchut of Mitzrayim.

8 For this is the manner of all the Ivrim to deceive melechim and their nobles, to do all these things cunningly, in order to make the melechim of the earth and their men tremble.

9 Surely you know that Avraham their abba acted like this, who deceived the army of Nimrod melech of Bavel, and Avimelech melech of Gerar, and that he possessed himself of the land of the children of Cheth and all the kingdoms of Kanaan.

10 And that he descended into Mitzrayim and said of Sarah his wife, she is my sister, in order to mislead Mitzrayim and her melech.

11 His son Yitzchak also did so when he went to Gerar and dwelt there, and his strength prevailed over the army of Avimelech melech of the Philistines.

12 He also thought of making the malchut of the Philistines stumble, in saying that Rivkah his wife was his sister.

13 Yaakov also dealt treacherously with his brother, and took from his hand his bechor and his blessing.

14 He went then to Padan-Aram to the house of Lavan his ema's brother, and cunningly obtained from him his daughter, his cattle, and all belonging to him, and fled away and returned to the land of Kanaan to his abba.

15 His sons sold their brother Yoseph, who went down into Mitzrayim and became a slave, and was placed in the prison house for twelve years.

16 Until the former Pharaoh dreamed dreams, and withdrew him from the prison house, and magnified him above all the princes in Mitzrayim on account of his interpreting his dreams to him.

17 And when YHUH caused a famine throughout the land he sent for and brought his abba and all his brothers, and the whole of his abba's household, and supported them without price or reward, and bought the Mitzrites for slaves.

18 Now therefore my master melech behold this child has risen up in their stead in Mitzrayim, to do according to their deeds and to trifle with every melech, prince and judge.

19 If it please the melech, let us now spill his blood upon the ground, lest he grow up and take away the government from your hand, and the hope of Mitzrayim perish after he shall have reigned.

20 And Balaam said to the melech, Let us moreover call for all the shophtim of Mitzrayim and the wise men of it, and let us know if the mishpat of death is due to this boy as you did say, and then we will slay him.

21 And Pharaoh sent and called for all the wise men of Mitzrayim and they came before the melech, and a malach of YHUH came among them, and he was like one of the wise men of Mitzrayim.

22 And the melech said to the wise men, Surely you have heard what this Ivri boy who is in the house has done, and this has Balaam judged in the matter.

23 Now judge you also and see what is due to the boy for the act he has committed.

24 And the malach, who seemed like one of the wise men of Pharaoh, answered and said as follows, before all the wise men of Mitzrayim and before the melech and the princes:

25 If it please the melech let the melech send for men who shall bring before him an onyx stone and a coal of fire, and place them before the child, and if the child shall stretch forth his hand and take the onyx stone, then shall we know that with wisdom has the youth done all that he has done, and we must slay him.

26 But if he stretches forth his hand upon the coal, then shall we know that it was not with knowledge that he did this thing, and he shall live.

27 And the thing seemed tov in the eyes of the melech and the princes, so the melech did according to the word of the malach of YHUH.

28 And the melech ordered the onyx stone and coal to be brought and placed before Moshe.

29 And they placed the boy before them, and the lad endeavored to stretch forth his hand to the onyx stone, but the malach of YHUH took his hand and placed it upon the coal, and the coal became extinguished in his hand, and he lifted it up and put it into his mouth, and burned part of his lips and part of his tongue, and he became heavy in mouth and tongue.

30 And when the melech and princes saw this, they knew that Moshe had not acted with wisdom in taking off the keter from the melech's head.

31 So the melech and princes refrained from slaying the child, so Moshe remained in Pharaoh's house, growing up, and YHUH was with him.

32 And while the boy was in the melech's house, he was robed in purple and he grew among the children of the melech.

33 And when Moshe grew up in the melech's house, Bathiya the daughter of Pharaoh considered him as a son, and all the household of Pharaoh honored him, and all the men of Mitzrayim were afraid of him.

34 And he daily went forth and came into the land of Goshen, where his brothers the children of Yisrael were, and Moshe saw them daily in shortness of breath and hard labor.

35 And Moshe asked them, saying, Why is this labor meted out to you day by day?

36 And they told him all that had befallen them, and all the injunctions that Pharaoh had put upon them before his birth.

37 And they told him all the counsels which Balaam the son of Beor had counseled against them, and what he had also counseled against him in order to slay him when he had taken the melech's keter from off his head.

38 And when Moshe heard these things his anger was kindled against Balaam, and he sought to kill him, and he was in ambush for him day by day.

39 And Balaam was afraid of Moshe, and he and his two sons rose up and went forth from Mitzrayim, and they fled and delivered their beings and took themselves to the land of Cush to Kikianus, melech of Cush.

40 And Moshe was in the melech's house going out and coming in, YHUH gave him favor in the eyes of Pharaoh, and in the eyes of all his servants, and in the eyes of all the people of Mitzrayim, and they loved Moshe exceedingly.

41 And the day arrived when Moshe went to Goshen to see his brothers, that he saw the children of Yisrael in their burdens and hard labor, and Moshe was grieved on their account.

42 And Moshe returned to Mitzrayim and came to the house of Pharaoh, and came before the melech, and Moshe bowed down before the melech.

43 And Moshe said to Pharaoh, I ask you my master, I have come to seek a small request from you, turn not away my face empty; and Pharaoh said to him, Speak.

44 And Moshe said to Pharaoh, Let there be given to your servants the children of Yisrael who are in Goshen, one day to rest in from their labor.

45 And the melech answered Moshe and said, Behold I have lifted up your face in this thing to grant your request.

46 And Pharaoh ordered a proclamation to be issued throughout Mitzrayim and Goshen, saying,

47 To you, all the children of Yisrael, this says the melech, for six days you shall do your work and labor, but on the seventh day you shall rest, and shall not perform any work, this shall you do all the days, as the melech and Moshe the son of Bathiya have commanded.

48 And Moshe rejoiced at this thing that the melech had granted to him, and all the children of Yisrael did as Moshe ordered them.

49 For this thing was from YHUH to the children of Yisrael, for YHUH had begun to remember the children of Yisrael to save them for the sake of their ahvot.

50 And YHUH was with Moshe and his fame went throughout Mitzrayim.

51 And Moshe became great in the eyes of all the Mitzrites, and in the eyes of all the children of Yisrael, seeking tov for his people Yisrael and speaking words of shalom regarding them to the melech.


1 And when Moshe was eighteen years old, he desired to see his abba and ema and he went to them to Goshen, and when Moshe had come near Goshen, he came to the place where the children of Yisrael were engaged in work, and he observed their burdens, and he saw a Mitzrite smiting one of his Ivri brothers.

2 And when the man who was beaten saw Moshe he ran to him for help, for the man Moshe was greatly respected in the house of Pharaoh, and he said to him, My master attend to me, this Mitzrite came to my house in the night, bound me, and came to my wife in my presence, and now he seeks to take my life away.

3 And when Moshe heard this wicked thing, his anger was kindled against the Mitzrite, and he turned this way and the other, and when he saw there was no man there he smote the Mitzrite and hid him in the sand, and delivered the Ivri from the hand of him that smote him.

4 And the Ivri went to his house, and Moshe returned to his home, and went forth and came back to the melech's house.

5 And when the man had returned home, he thought of repudiating his wife, for it was not right in the house of Yaakov, for any man to come to his wife after she had been defiled.

6 And the woman went and told her brothers, and the woman's brothers sought to slay him, and he fled to his house and escaped.

7 And on the second day Moshe went forth to his brothers, and saw, and behold two men were quarreling, and he said to the wicked one, Why do you smite your neighbor?

8 And he answered him and said to him, Who has set you for a prince and judge over us? Do you think to slay me as you did slay the Mitzrite? And Moshe was afraid and he said, Surely the thing is known?

9 And Pharaoh heard of this affair, and he ordered Moshe to be slain, so YHUH sent His Malach, and he appeared to Pharaoh in the likeness of a captain of the guard.

10 And the Malach of YHUH took the sword from the hand of the captain of the guard, and took his head off with it, for the likeness of the captain of the guard was turned into the likeness of Moshe.

11 And the Malach of YHUH took hold of the right hand of Moshe, and brought him forth from Mitzrayim, and placed him outside the borders of Mitzrayim, a distance of forty days' journey.

12 And Aharon his brother alone remained in the land of Mitzrayim, and he prophesied to the children of Yisrael, saying,

13 This says YHUH Ahlohim of your ancestors, Throw away, each man, the abominations of his eyes, and do not defile yourselves with the idols of Mitzrayim.

14 And the children of Yisrael rebelled and would not listen to Aharon at that time.

15 And YHUH thought to destroy them, were it not that YHUH remembered the covenant which he had made with Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov.

16 In those days the hand of Pharaoh continued to be severe against the children of Yisrael, and he crushed and oppressed them until the time when YHUH sent forth His Word and took notice of them.


1 And it was in those days that there was a great war between the children of Cush and the children of the east and Aram, and they rebelled against the melech of Cush in whose hands they were.

2 So Kikianus melech of Cush went forth with all the children of Cush, a people numerous as the sand, and he went to fight against Aram and the children of the east, to bring them under subjection.

3 And when Kikianus went out, he left Balaam the magician, with his two sons, to guard the city, and the lowest sort of the people of the land.

4 So Kikianus went forth to Aram and the children of the east, and he fought against them and smote them, and they all fell down wounded before Kikianus and his people.

5 And he took many of them captives and he brought them under subjection as at first, and he encamped upon their land to take tribute from them as usual.

6 And Balaam the son of Beor, when the melech of Cush had left him to guard the city and the poor of the city, he rose up and advised with the people of the land to rebel against melech Kikianus, not to let him enter the city when he should come home.

7 And the people of the land hearkened to him, and they swore to him and made him melech over them, and his two sons for captains of the army.

8 So they rose up and raised the walls of the city at the two corners, and they built an exceeding strong building.

9 And at the third corner they dug ditches without number, between the city and the river that surrounded the whole land of Cush, and they made the mayim of the river burst forth there.

10 At the fourth corner they collected numerous serpents by their incantations and enchantments, and they fortified the city and dwelt therein, and no one went out or in before them.

11 And Kikianus fought against Aram and the children of the east and he subdued them as before, and they gave him their usual tribute, and he went and returned to his land.

12 And when Kikianus the melech of Cush approached his city and all the captains of the forces with him, they lifted up their eyes and saw that the walls of the city were built up and greatly elevated, so the men were astonished at this.

13 And they said one to the other, It is because they saw that we were delayed, in battle, and were greatly afraid of us, therefore have they done this thing and raised the city walls and fortified them so that the melechim of Kanaan might not come in battle against them.

14 So the melech and the troops approached the city door and they looked up and behold, all the gates of the city were closed, and they called out to the guards, saying, Open to us, that we may enter the city.

15 But the guards refused to open to them by the order of Balaam the magician, their melech; they allowed them not to enter their city.

16 So they raised a battle with them opposite the city gate, and one hundred and thirty men of the army at Kikianus fell on that day.

17 And on the next day they continued to fight and they fought at the side of the river; they endeavored to pass but were not able, so some of them sank in the pits and died.

18 So the melech ordered them to cut down trees to make rafts, upon which they might pass to them, and they did so.

19 And when they came to the place of the ditches, the mayim revolved by mills, and two hundred men upon ten rafts were drowned.

20 And on the third day they came to fight at the side where the serpents were, but they could not approach there, for the serpents slew of them one hundred and seventy men, and they ceased fighting against Cush, and they besieged Cush for nine years, no person came out or in.

21 At that time that the war and the siege were against Cush, Moshe fled from Mitzrayim from Pharaoh who sought to kill him for having slain the Mitzrite.

22 And Moshe was eighteen years old when he fled from Mitzrayim from the presence of Pharaoh, and he fled and escaped to the camp of Kikianus, which at that time was besieging Cush.

23 And Moshe was nine years in the camp of Kikianus melech of Cush; all the time that they were besieging Cush, and Moshe went out and came in with them.

24 And the melech and princes and all the fighting men loved Moshe, for he was great and worthy, his stature was like a noble lion, his face was like the sun, and his strength was like that of a lion, and he was counselor to the melech.

25 And at the end of nine years, Kikianus was seized with a mortal disease, and his illness prevailed over him, and he died on the seventh day.

26 So his servants embalmed him and carried him and buried him opposite the city gate to the north of the land of Mitzrayim.

27 And they built over him an elegant strong and high building, and they placed great stones below.

28 And the melech's scribes engraved upon those stones all the might of their melech Kikianus, and all his battles which he had fought, behold they are written there at this day.

29 Now after the death of Kikianus melech of Cush it grieved his men and troops greatly on account of the war.

30 So they said one to the other, Give us counsel what we are to do at this time, as we have resided in the wilderness nine years away from our homes.

31 If we say we will fight against the city many of us will fall wounded or killed, and if we remain here in the siege we shall also die.

32 For now all the melechim of Aram and of the children of the east will hear that our melech is dead, and they will attack us suddenly in a hostile manner, and they will fight against us and leave no remnant of us.

33 Now therefore let us go and make a melech over us, and let us remain in the siege until the city is delivered up to us.

34 And they wished to choose on that day a man for melech from the army of Kikianus, and they found no object of their choice like Moshe to reign over them.

35 And they hurried and stripped off each man his garments and cast them upon the ground, and they made a great heap and placed Moshe thereon.

36 And they rose up and blew with trumpets and called out before him, and said, May the melech live, may the melech live!

37 And all the people and nobles swore to him to give him for a wife Adoniah the queen, the Cushite, wife of Kikianus, and they made Moshe melech over them on that day.

38 And all the people of Cush issued a proclamation on that day, saying, Every man must give something to Moshe of what is in his possession.

39 And they spread out a sheet upon the heap, and every man cast into it something of what he had, one a gold earring and the other a coin.

40 Also of onyx stones, bdellium, pearls and marble did the children of Cush cast to Moshe upon the heap, also silver and gold in great abundance.

41 And Moshe took all the silver and gold, all the vessels, and the bdellium and onyx stones, which all the children of Cush had given to him, and he placed them among his treasures.

42 And Moshe reigned over the children of Cush on that day, in the place of Kikianus melech of Cush.


1 In the fifty-fifth year of the reign of Pharaoh melech of Mitzrayim, that is in the hundred and fifty-seventh year of the Yisraelites going down into Mitzrayim, reigned Moshe in Cush.

2 Moshe was twenty-seven years old when he began to reign over Cush, and forty years did he reign.

3 And YHUH granted Moshe favor and rachamim in the eyes of all the children of Cush, and the children of Cush loved him exceedingly, so Moshe was favored by YHUH and by men.

4 And in the seventh day of his reign, all the children of Cush assembled and came before Moshe and bowed down to him to the ground.

5 And all the children spoke together in the presence of the melech, saying, Give us counsel that we may see what is to be done to this city.

6 For it is now nine years that we have been besieging round about the city, and have not seen our children and our wives.

7 So the melech answered them, saying, If you will listen to my voice in all that I shall command you, then will YHUH give the city into our hands and we shall subdue it.

8 For if we fight with them as in the former battle that we had with them before the death of Kikianus, many of us will fall down wounded as before.

9 Now therefore behold here is counsel for you in this matter; if you will listen to my voice, then will the city be delivered into our hands.

10 So all the forces answered the melech, saying, All that our master shall command that will we do.

11 And Moshe said to them, Pass through and proclaim a voice in the whole camp to all the people, saying,

12 This says the melech, Go into the forest and bring with you of the young ones of the stork, each man a young one in his hand.

13 And any person transgressing the word of the melech, who shall not bring his young one, he shall die, and the melech will take all belonging to him.

14 And when you shall bring them they shall be in your keeping, you shall rear them until they grow up, and you shall teach them to dart upon, as is the way of the young ones of the hawk.

15 So all the children of Cush heard the words of Moshe, and they rose up and caused a proclamation to be issued throughout the camp, saying,

16 Unto you, all the children of Cush, the melech's order is, that you go all together to the forest, and catch there the young storks each man his young one in his hand, and you shall bring them home.

17 And any person violating the order of the melech shall die, and the melech will take all that belongs to him.

18 And all the people did so, and they went out to the wood and they climbed the fir trees and caught, each man a young one in his hand, all the young of the storks, and they brought them into the desert and reared them by order of the melech, and they taught them to dart upon, similar to the young hawks.

19 And after the young storks were reared, the melech ordered them to be hungered for three days, and all the people did so.

20 And on the third day, the melech said to them, strengthen yourselves and become valiant men, and put on each man his armor and gird on his sword upon him, and ride each man his horse and take each his young stork in his hand.

21 And we will rise up and fight against the city at the place where the serpents are; and all the people did as the melech had ordered.

22 And they took each man his young one in his hand, and they went away, and when they came to the place of the serpents the melech said to them, Send forth each man his young stork upon the serpents.

23 And they sent forth each man his young stork at the melech's order, and the young storks ran upon the serpents and they devoured them all and destroyed them out of that place.

24 And when the melech and people had seen that all the serpents were destroyed in that place, all the people set up a great shout.

25 And they approached and fought against the city and took it and subdued it, and they entered the city.

26 And there died on that day one thousand and one hundred men of the people of the city, all that inhabited the city, but of the people besieging not one died.

27 So all the children of Cush went each to his home, to his wife and children and to all belonging to him.

28 And Balaam the magician, when he saw that the city was taken, he opened the gate and he and his two sons and eight brothers fled and returned to Mitzrayim to Pharaoh melech of Mitzrayim.

29 They are the sorcerers and magicians who are mentioned in the scroll of the Torah, standing against Moshe when YHUH brought the plagues upon Mitzrayim.

30 So Moshe took the city by his wisdom, and the children of Cush placed him on the throne instead of Kikianus melech of Cush.

31 And they placed the royal keter upon his head, and they gave him for a wife Adoniah the Cushite queen, wife of Kikianus.

32 And Moshe feared YHUH Ahlohim of his ahvot, so that he came not to her, nor did he turn his eyes to her.

33 For Moshe remembered how Avraham had made his servant Eliezer swear, saying to him, You shall not take a woman from the daughters of Kanaan for my son Yitzchak.

34 Also what Yitzchak did when Yaakov had fled from his brother, when he commanded him, saying, You shall not take a wife from the daughters of Kanaan, nor make alliance with any of the children of Ham.

35 For YHUH our YHUH gave Ham the son of Noach, and his children and all his zera, as slaves to the children of Shem and to the children of Yahpheth, and to their zera after them for slaves, le-olam-va-ed.

36 Therefore Moshe turned not his heart nor his eyes to the wife of Kikianus all the days that he reigned over Cush.

37 And Moshe feared YHUH his YHUH all his life, and Moshe walked before YHUH in emet, with all his heart and being, he turned not from the right halacha all the days of his life; he declined not from the halacha either to the right or to the left, in which Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov had walked.

38 And Moshe strengthened himself in the malchut of the children of Cush, and he guided the children of Cush with his usual wisdom, and Moshe prospered in his malchut.

39 And at that time Aram and the children of the east heard that Kikianus melech of Cush had died, so Aram and the children of the east rebelled against Cush in those days.

40 And Moshe gathered all the children of Cush, a people very mighty, about thirty thousand men, and he went forth to fight with Aram and the children of the east.

41 And they went at first to the children of the east, and when the children of the east heard their report, they went to meet them, and engaged in battle with them.

42 And the war was severe against the children of the east, so YHUH gave all the children of the east into the hand of Moshe, and about three hundred men fell down slain.

43 And all the children of the east turned back and retreated, so Moshe and the children of Cush followed them and subdued them, and put a tax upon them, as was their custom.

44 So Moshe and all the people with him passed from there to the land of Aram for battle.

45 And the people of Aram also went to meet them, and they fought against them, and YHUH delivered them into the hand of Moshe, and many of the men of Aram fell down wounded.

46 And Aram also were subdued by Moshe and the people of Cush, and also gave their usual tax.

47 And Moshe brought Aram and the children of the east under subjection to the children of Cush, and Moshe and all the people who were with him, returned to the land of Cush.

48 And Moshe strengthened himself in the malchut of the children of Cush, and YHUH was with him, and all the children of Cush were afraid of him.


1 In the end of years died Shaul melech of Edom, and Baal Chanan the son of Achbor reigned in his place.

2 In the sixteenth year of the reign of Moshe over Cush, Baal Chanan the son of Achbor reigned in the land of Edom over all the children of Edom for thirty-eight years.

3 In his days Moav rebelled against the power of Edom, having been under Edom since the days of Hadad the son of Bedad, who smote them and Midiyan, and brought Moav under subjection to Edom.

4 And when Baal Chanan the son of Achbor reigned over Edom, all the children of Moav withdrew their allegiance from Edom.

5 And Angeas melech of Africa died in those days, and Azdruval his son reigned in his stead.

6 And in those days died Yaneas melech of the children of Chittim, and they buried him in his temple that he had built for himself in the plain of Canopia for a residence, and Latinus reigned in his stead.

7 In the twenty-second year of the reign of Moshe over the children of Cush, Latinus reigned over the children of Chittim forty-five years.

8 And he also built for himself a great and mighty tower, and he built therein an elegant temple for his residence, to conduct his government, as was the custom.

9 In the third year of his reign he caused a proclamation to be made to all his skilful men, who made many ships for him.

10 And Latinus assembled all his forces, and they came in ships, and went therein to fight with Azdruval son of Angeas melech of Africa, and they came to Africa and engaged in battle with Azdruval and his army.

11 And Latinus prevailed over Azdruval, and Latinus took from Azdruval the aqueduct that his abba had brought from the children of Chittim, when he took Yaniah the daughter of Uzi for a wife, so Latinus overthrew the bridge of the aqueduct, and smote the whole army of Azdruval a severe blow.

12 And the remaining strong men of Azdruval strengthened themselves, and their hearts were filled with envy, and they courted death, and again engaged in battle with Latinus melech of Chittim.

13 And the battle was severe upon all the men of Africa, and they all fell wounded before Latinus and his people, and Azdruval the melech also fell in that battle.

14 And the melech Azdruval had a very beautiful daughter, whose name was Ushpezena, and all the men of Africa embroidered her likeness on their garments, on account of her great beauty and comely appearance.

15 And the men of Latinus saw Ushpezena, the daughter of Azdruval, and praised her to Latinus their melech.

16 And Latinus ordered her to be brought to him, and Latinus took Ushpezena for a wife, and he turned back on his way to Chittim.

17 And it was after the death of Azdruval son of Angeas, when Latinus had turned back to his land from the battle, that all the inhabitants of Africa rose up and took Anival the son of Angeas, the younger brother of Azdruval, and made him melech instead of his brother over the whole land at Africa.

18 And when he reigned, he resolved to go to Chittim to fight with the children of Chittim, to avenge the cause of Azdruval his brother, and the cause of the inhabitants of Africa, and he did so.

19 And he made many ships, and he came therein with his whole army, and he went to Chittim.

20 So Anival fought with the children of Chittim, and the children of Chittim fell wounded before Anival and his army, and Anival avenged his brother's cause.

21 And Anival continued the war for eighteen years with the children of Chittim, and Anival dwelt in the land of Chittim and encamped there for a long time.

22 And Anival smote the children of Chittim very severely, and he slew their great men and princes, and of the rest of the people he smote about eighty thousand men.

23 And at the end of days and years, Anival returned to his land of Africa, and he reigned securely in the place of Azdruval his brother.

Jasher 54:8  Judah’s ongoing valor; a trait found in the tribe as well.
Jasher 54:107 All Yisraelite men wore and should continue to wear head coverings.

Jasher 55:35 Ephraimites seen studying Torah in Yisrael’s dwellings.

Jasher 56:6 See Deut. 1:10-11

Jasher 56:9 Second Schmuel 1:18.

Jasher 56:60 This battle for Hebron and the Cave of Machpelah continues today, as both Yisrael and Edomites claim the cave and Hebron as their land.

Jasher 61:25 Europe? Italy?

Jasher 65:37 As in maror the word used for bitter herbs.

Jasher 66:22 Apparently, this must be the same Job from the Book of Iyov, as stated in Job 1:1, since he was from the land of Uz. Therefore this same Job must have at some point converted to the true worship of YHUH from paganism. It is after giving this murderous advice against Yisrael, that he must have had a major conversion experience, in order to be declared righteous and upright by YHUH in Job chapter 1.

Jasher 67:19 Moshe Rabainu in the literal pashat, and Yahusha in the remez.

Jasher 67:41 Yithro later was to become a Yisraelite by faith and later through his daughter’s marriage to Moshe.