Testament Of the 12 Patriarchs-Tzuot Ha-Shevatim

The Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs

Tzuot Ha-Shevatim

The Testament of Reuben the First born Son of Yaakov and Leah

1 The copy of the Testament of Reuben, even the commands which he gave his sons before he died in the hundred and twenty-fifth year of his chayim.

Two years after the death of Yoseph his brother, when Reuben fell ill, his sons and his sons' sons were gathered together to visit him.

And he said to them: My children, behold I am dying, and go the way of my ahvoth.

And seeing there Yahudah, and Gad, and Asher, his brethren, he said to them: Raise me up, that I may tell to my brethren and to my children what things I have hidden in my lev, for behold now at length I am passing away.

And he arose and kissed them, and said unto them: Hear, my brethren, and do you, my children, give ear to Reuben your abba in the commands which I give unto you.

And behold I call to witness against you this yom the Ahlohim of shamayim, that you walk not in the sins of youth and fornication, wherein I was poured out, and defiled the bed of my Abba Yaakov.

And I tell you that he smote me with a sore plague in my loins for seven chodasheem; and had not my abba Yaakov prayed for me to YHUH, YHUH would have destroyed me.

For I was thirty years old when I wrought the evil thing before YHUH, and for seven chodasheem I was sick unto death.

And after this I repented with set purpose of my soul for seven years before YHUH. And wine and strong drink I drank not, and flesh entered not into my mouth, and I eat no pleasant food; but I mourned over my sin, for it was great, such as had not been in Yisrael.

2 And now hear me, my children, what things I saw concerning the seven ruachem of deceit, when I repented.

Seven ruachem therefore are appointed against man, and they are the leaders in the works of youth.

[And seven other ruacheem are given to him at his creation, that through them should be done every work of man.

The first is the ruach of chayim, with which the constitution (of man) is created. The second is the sense of sight, from with which arises desire.

The third is the sense of hearing, with which comes teaching. The fourth is the sense of smell, with which tastes are given to draw air and breath.

The fifth is the power of speech, with which comes knowledge.

The sixth is the sense of taste, with which comes the eating of meats and drinks; and by it strength is produced, for in food is the foundation of strength.

The seventh is the power of procreation and sexual intercourse, with which through ahava of pleasure sins enter in.

Wherefore it is the last in the order of creation, and the first in that of youth, because it is filled with ignorance, and leads the youth as a blind man to a pit, and as a beast to a precipice.

3 Besides all these there is an eighth ruach of sleep, with which is brought about the trance of nature and the image of death.

With these ruacheem are mingled the ruacheem of error.

[First, the ruach of fornication is seated in the nature and in the senses; the second, the ruach of insatiableness, in the belly; the third, the ruach of fighting, in the liver and gall.

The fourth is the ruach of obsequiousness and chicanery, that through officious attention one may be fair in seeming.

The fifth is the ruach of pride, that one may be boastful and arrogant. The sixth is the ruach of lying, in perdition and jealousy to practice deceits, and concealments from kindred and chaverim.

The seventh is the ruach of injustice, with which are thefts and acts of rapacity, that a man may fulfill the desire of his lev; for injustice works together with the other ruacheem by the taking of gifts.

And with all these the ruach of sleep is joined which is (that) of error and fantasy.]

And so perishes every young man, darkening his mind from the emet, and not understanding the Torah of YHUH, nor obeying the admonitions of his ahvot as befell me also in my youth.

And now, my children, ahava the emet, and it will preserve you: hear  the words of Reuben your abba.

Pay no heed to the face of a woman, Nor associate with another man's isha, Nor meddle with affairs of womankind.

For had I not seen Bilhah bathing in a covered place, I had not fallen into this great iniquity.

For my mind taking in the thought of the woman's nakedness, allowed me not to sleep until I had wrought the abominable thing.

For while Yaakov our abba had gone to Yitzchak his abba, when we were in Eder, near to Ephrath in Bethlehem, Bilhah became drunk and was asleep uncovered in her chamber.

Having therefore gone in and beheld nakedness, I wrought the impiety without her perceiving it, and leaving her sleeping I departed.

And forthwith a malach of YHUH revealed to my abba concerning my impiety, and he came and mourned over me, and touched her no more.

4 Pay no heed, therefore, my children, to the beauty of women, nor set your mind on their affairs; but walk in singleness of lev in the fear of YHUH, and expend labor on tov deeds, and on study and on your flocks, until YHUH gives you an isha, whom He will, that you suffer not as I did.

For until my abba's death I had not boldness to look in his face, or to speak to any of my brethren, because of the reproach.

Even until now my conscience causes me anguish on account of my impiety.

And yet my abba comforted me much and prayed for me unto YHUH, that the anger of YHUH might pass from me, even as YHUH showed. And from then until now I have been on my guard and sinned not.

Therefore, my children, I say unto you, observe all things whatsoever I command you, and you shall not sin.

For a pit unto the soul is the sin of fornication, separating it from Ahlohim, and bringing it near to idols, because it deceives the mind and understanding, and leads young men into hell before their time.

For many has fornication destroyed; because, though a man be old or noble, or rich or poor, he brings reproach upon himself with the sons of men and derision with s.a.tan

For you heard regarding Yoseph how he guarded himself from a woman, and purged his thoughts from all fornication, and found chen in the sight of Ahlohim and men.

For the Mitzrite woman did many things to him, and summoned magicians, and offered him ahava potions, but the purpose of his soul admitted no evil desire;

Therefore the Ahlohim of your ahvoth delivered him from every evil (and) hidden death.

For if fornication overcomes not your mind, neither can s.a.tan overcome you.

5 For evil are women, my children; and since they have no power or strength over man, they use wiles by outward attractions, that they may draw him to themselves.

And whom they cannot bewitch by outward attractions, him they overcome by craft.

For moreover, concerning them, the malach of YHUH told me, and taught me, that women are overcome by the ruach of fornication more than men, and in their lev they plot against men; and by means of their adornment they deceive first their minds, and by the glance of the eye instill the poison, and then through the accomplished act they take them captive.

For a woman cannot force a man openly, but by a harlot's bearing she beguiles him. Flee, therefore, fornication, my children, and command your wives and your daughters, that they adorn not their heads and faces to deceive the mind: because every woman who uses these wiles has been reserved for eternal punishment.

For likewise they allured the Ireem who were before the flood; for as these continually beheld them, they lusted after them, and they conceived the act in their mind; for they changed themselves into the shape of men, and appeared to them when they were with their husbands.

And the women lusting in their minds after their forms, gave birth to giants, for the Ireem appeared to them as reaching even unto shamayim.

6 Beware, therefore, of fornication; and if you wish to be pure in mind, guard your senses from every woman.

And command the women likewise not to associate with men, that they also may be pure in mind.

For constant meetings, even though the ungodly deed be not wrought, are to them an irremediable disease, and to us a destruction by s.a.tan and an eternal reproach.

For in fornication there is neither understanding nor Shabbat guarding piety, and all jealousy dwells in the lust of it.

Therefore, then I say unto you, you will be jealous against the sons of Levi, and will seek to be exalted over them; but you shall not be able.

For Ahlohim will avenge them, and you shall die by an evil death.

For to Levi Ahlohim gave the sovereignty [and to Yahudah with him and to me also, and to Dan and Yoseph, that we should be for rulers].

Therefore I command you to shema to Levi, because he shall know the Torah of YHUH, and shall give ordinances for   mishpat and shall sacrifice for all Yisrael until the consummation of the times, as the anointed High Priest, of whom YHUH spoke,

I adjure you by the Ahlohim of the shamayim to do emet each one and to his neighbour and to entertain ahavah each one for his brother.

And draw you near to Levi in humbleness of lev, that you may receive a bracha from his mouth.

For he shall bless Yisrael and Yahudah, because him hath YHUH chosen to be melech over all the nation.

And bow down before his zera, for on our behalf it will die in wars visible and invisible, and will be among you an eternal melech.

7 And Reuben died, having given these commands to his sons.

And they placed him in a coffin until they carried him up from Mitzrayim, and buried him in Chevron in the cave where his abba was.

The Testament of Simeon the Second of Yaakov and Leah

8 The copy of the words of Simeon, the things which he spoke to his sons before he died, in the hundred and twentieth year of his chayim, at which time Yoseph, his brother, died.

For when Simeon was sick, his sons came to visit him, and he strengthened himself and sat up and kissed them, and said:  

9 Shema, my children, to Simeon your abba, And I will declare unto you what things I have in my lev.

I was born of Yaakov as my abba's second son; And my eema Leah called me Simeon, Because YHUH had heard her tefilah.

Moreover, I became strong exceedingly; I shrank from no achievement, Nor was I afraid of anything.

For my lev was hard, And my liver was immovable, And my bowels without compassion.

Because valor also has been given from the Most High to men in soul and body.

For in the time of my youth I was jealous in many things of Yoseph, because my abba loved him beyond all.

And I set my mind against him to destroy him, because the sar of deceit sent forth the ruach of jealousy and blinded my mind, so that I regarded him not as a brother, nor did I spare even Yaakov my abba.

But his Ahlohim and the Ahlohim of his ahvot sent forth His malach, and delivered him out of my hands.

For when I went to Shechem to bring ointment for the flocks, and Reuben to Dothan, where were our necessaries and all our stores, Yahudah my brother sold him to the Ishmaelites.

And when Reuben heard these things he was grieved, for he wished to restore him to his abba.

But on hearing this I was exceedingly angry against Yahudah in that he let him go away alive, and for five months I continued angry against him.

But YHUH restrained me, and withheld from me the power of my hands; for my right hand was half withered for seven days.

And I knew, my children, that because of Yoseph this had befallen me, and I repented and wept; and I besought YHUH Ahlohim that my hand might be restored, and that I might hold myself apart from all pollution and envy and from all folly.

For I knew that I had devised an evil thing before YHUH and Yaakov my abba, on account of Yoseph my brother, in that I envied him.

10 And now, my children, shema unto me and beware of the ruach of deceit and envy.

For envy rules over the whole mind of a man, and allows him neither to eat nor to drink, nor to do any tov thing.

But it ever suggests (to him) to destroy him that he envies; and so long as he that is envied flourishes, he that envies fades away.

Two years therefore I afflicted my soul with fasting in the fear of YHUH, and I learned that deliverance from envy comes by the fear of Ahlohim.

For if a man flee to YHUH, the evil ruach runs away from him, and his mind is lightened.

And from then on he sympathizes with him whom he envied and forgives those who are hostile to him, and so ceases from his envy.

11 And my abba asked Concerning me, because he saw that I was sad; and I said unto him, I am pained in my liver.

For I mourned more than they all, because I was guilty of the selling of Yoseph.

And when we went down into Mitzrayim, and he bound me as a spy, I knew that I was suffering justly, and I grieved not.

Now Yoseph was a tov man, and had the Ruach of Ahlohim within him: being compassionate and pitiful, he bore no malice against me; but loved me even as the rest of his brethren.

Beware, therefore, my children, of all jealousy and envy, and walk in singleness of soul and with tov lev, keeping in mind Yoseph your abba's brother, that Ahlohim may give you also chesed and esteem, and blessing upon your heads, even as you saw in Yoseph's case.

All his days he reproached us not concerning this thing, but loved us as his own soul, and beyond his own sons glorified us, and gave us riches, and cattle and fruits.

Do you also, my children, have ahava each one his brother with a tov lev and the ruach of envy will withdraw from you.

For this makes savage the soul and destroys the body; it causes anger and war in the mind, and stirs up unto deeds of blood, and leads the mind into frenzy, and suffers not prudence to act in men; moreover, it takes away sleep, [and causes tumult to the soul and trembling to the body]. For even in sleep some malicious jealousy, deluding him, gnaws and with wicked ruacheem disturbs his soul, and causes the body to be troubled, and wakes the mind from sleep in confusion; and as a wicked and poisonous ruach, so appears it to men.

12 Therefore was Yoseph comely in appearance and goodly to look upon, because no wickedness dwelt in him; for some of the trouble of the ruach the face manifests. And now, my children, Make your levavot tov before YHUH, and your derachot straight before men.

And you shall find chesed before YHUH and men. Beware, therefore, of fornication, For fornication is the eema of all evils, Separating from Ahlohim, and bringing near to s.a.tan.

For I have seen it inscribed in the writings of Chanok-Enoch that your sons shall be corrupted in fornication, and shall do harm to the sons of Levi with the sword. But they shall not be able to withstand Levi; for he shall wage the war of YHUH, and shall conquer all your hosts. And they shall be few in number, divided in Levi and Yahudah, and there shall be none of you for sovereignty, even as also our abba prophesied in his blessings.

13 Behold I have told you all things, that I may be acquitted of your sin.

Now, if you remove from you your envy and all stiff-neckedness, as a rose, shall my bones flourish in Yisrael, and as a lily my flesh in Yaakov, And my odor shall be as the odor of Levanon; And as cedars shall kiddushim be multiplied from me le-olam-va-ed, And their branches shall stretch afar off. Then shall perish the zera of Kanaan, And a remnant shall not be unto Amalek, And all the Cappadocians shall perish, and all the Hittites shall be utterly destroyed. Then shall fail the land of Ham, And all the people shall perish. Then shall all the earth rest from trouble, And all the olam under the shamayim from war. Then the Mighty One of Yisrael shall glorify Shem, For YHUH Ahlohim shall appear on earth, And Himself save men. Then shall all the ruacheem of deceit be given to be trodden under foot, And men shall rule over wicked ruacheem. Then shall I arise in joy, And will bless the Most High because of His marvellous works.

14 And now, my children, obey Levi and Yahudah, and be not lifted up against these two tribes, for from them shall arise unto you the salvation of Ahlohim. For YHUH shall raise up from Levi as it were a Kohen Gadol, and from Yahudah as it were a Melech, He shall save all [the goyim and] the race of Yisrael. Therefore I give you these commands that you also may command your children that they may observe them throughout their generations.

15 And when Simeon had made an end of commanding his sons, he slept with his ahvoth, being an hundred and twenty years old. And they laid him in a wooden coffin, to take up his bones to Chevron. And they took them up secretly during a war of the Mitzrites. For the bones of Yoseph the Mitzrites guarded in the tombs of the melechim. For the sorcerers told them; that on the departure of the bones of Yoseph there should be throughout all the land darkness and gloom, and an exceeding great plague to the Mitzrites, so that even with a lamp a man should not recognize his brother.

16 And the sons of Simeon bewailed their abba. And they were in Mitzrayim until the yom of their departure by the hand of Moshe.

The Testament of Levi the Third Son of Yaakov and Leah

17 The copy of the words of Levi, the things which he ordained unto his sons, according to all that they should do, and what things should befall them until the yom of   mishpat.

He was sound in health when he called them to him; for it had been revealed to him that he should die. And when they were gathered together he said to them:

18 I, Levi, was born in Charan, and I came with my abba to Shechem.

And I was young, about twenty years of age, when, with Simeon, I wrought vengeance on Hamor for our sister Dinah. And when I was feeding the flocks in Abel-Maul, the ruach of understanding of YHUH came upon me, and I saw all men corrupting their ways, and that unrighteousness had built for itself walls, and the Torah-less sat upon towers. And I was grieving for the race of the sons of men, and I prayed to YHUH that I might be saved.

Then there fell upon me a sleep, and I beheld a high mountain, and I was upon it.

And behold the shamayim were opened and a malach of Ahlohim said to me, Levi enter

And I entered from the first shamayim, and I saw there a great sea hanging. And further I saw a second shamayim far brighter and more brilliant, for there was a boundless light also there in it. And I said to the malach, Why Is this so? And the malach said to me, Marvel not at this, for you shall see another shamayim more brilliant and incomparable. And when you have ascended there, You shall stand near YHUH, And shall be His minister, And shall declare His mysteries to men, And shall proclaim concerning Him that shall redeem Yisrael. And by you and Yahudah shall YHUH appear among men saving every race of men. And from YHUH's portion shall be your chayim, And He shall be your field and vineyard, And fruits, gold, and silver.

19 l Hear, therefore, regarding the shamayim which have been shown to you. The lowest is for this cause gloomy unto you, in that it beholds all the unrighteous deeds of men.

And it has fire, snow, and ice made ready for the yom of mishpat, in the righteous mishpat of Ahlohim; for in it are all the ruacheem of the retributions for vengeance on men.

And in the second are the hosts of the armies which are ordained for the yom of mishpat, to work vengeance on the ruacheem of deceit and of s.a.tan. And above them are the kadosh ones. And in the highest of all dwells the Great Glory YHUH, far above all holiness.

In [the shamayim next to] it are the archangels, who minister and make propitiation to YHUH for all the sins of ignorance of the righteous; Offering to YHUH a sweet- smelling savour, a reasonable and a bloodless offering. And [in the shamayim below this] are the malachim who bear answers to the malachim of the presence of YHUH. And in the shamayim next to this are thrones and dominions, in which always they offer praise to Ahlohim. When, therefore, YHUH looks upon us, all of us are shaken; yes, the shamayim, and the earth, and the abysses are shaken at the presence of His majesty. But the sons of men, having no perception of these things sin and provoke the Most High.

20 Now, therefore, know that YHUH shall execute mishpat upon the sons of men. Because when the rocks are being rent, And the shemesh quenched, And the waters dried up, And the fire cowering, and all creation troubled, And the invisible ruacheem melting away; And Hell takes spoils through the visitations of the Most High, Men will be unbelieving and persist in their iniquity. On this account with punishment shall they be judged. Therefore the Most High has heard your tefilah, to separate you from iniquity, and that you should become to Him a son, and an eved, and a minister of His presence. The light of knowledge shall you light up in Yaakov. And as the shemesh shall you be to all the zera of Yisrael. And there shall be given to you a blessing, and to all your zera, until YHUH shall visit all the goyim in His tender mercies for ever.

And therefore there have been given to you counsel and understanding, That you might instruct your sons concerning this; Because they that bless Him shall be blessed, And they that curse Him shall perish.

21 And thereupon the malach opened to me the gates of shamayim, and I saw the kadosh temple, and upon a throne of esteem the Most High. And He said to me: Levi, I have given you the blessings of the priesthood until I come and sojourn in the midst of Yisrael.

Then the malach brought me down to the earth, and gave me a shield and a sword, and said to me: Execute vengeance on Shechem because of Dinah, your sister, and I will be with you because YHUH hath sent me. And I destroyed at that time the sons of Chamor, as it is written in the heavenly tables. And I said to him: I pray you, O YHUH, tell me Your name, that I may call upon You in a yom of tribulation. And he said: I am the malach who intercedsfor the nation of Yisrael that they may not be smitten utterly, for every evil ruach attacks it.

And after these things I awoke, and blessed the Most High, and the malach who interceds for the nation of Yisrael and for all the righteous.

22 And when I was going to my abba, I found a brazen shield; wherefore also the name of the mountain is Aspis, which is near Gebal, to the south of Abila And I kept these words in my lev.

And after this I counselled my abba, and Reuben my brother, to bid the sons of Chamor not to be brit milah; for I was zealous because of the abomination which they had wrought on my sister. And I slew Shechem first, and Simeon slew Chamor. And after this my brothers came and smote that city with the edge of the sword. And my abba heard these things and was angry, and he was grieved in that they had received the circumcision, and after that had been put to death, and in his blessings he looked amiss upon us. For we sinned because we had done this thing against his will, and he was sick on that yom. But I saw that the sentence of Ahlohim was for evil upon Shechem; for they sought to do to Sarah and Rebecca as they had done to Dinah our sister, but YHUH prevented them. And they persecuted Abraham our abba when he was a stranger, and they vexed his flocks when they were big with young; and Eblaen, who was born in his house, they most shamefully handled. And this they did to all strangers, taking away their wives by force, and they banished them. But the wrath of YHUH came upon them to the uttermost.

23 And I said to my abba Yaakov: By you will YHUH spoil the Kanaanites, and will give their land to you and to your zera after you. For from this yom forward shall Shechem be called a city of imbeciles; for as a man mockea a fool, so did we mock them. Because also they had wrought folly in Yisrael by defiling my sister. And we departed and came to Bethel.

24 And there again I saw a vision as the former, after we had spent there seventy days.

And I saw seven men in white raiment saying unto me: Arise, put on the robe of the priesthood, and the keter of tzedakah, and the breastplate of understanding, and the garment of emet, and the plate of faith, and the turban of the head, and the ephod of prophecy. And they severally carried (these things) and put (them,) on me, and said unto me: From henceforth become a kohen of YHUH, you and your zera for ever. And the first anointed me with kadosh oil, and gave to me the staff of mishpat. The second washed me with pure water, and fed me with bread and wine (even) the most kadosh things, and clad me with a kadosh and glorious robe. The third clothed me with a linen vestment like an ephod. The, fourth put around me a girdle like unto purple. The fifth gave me a branch of rich olive. The sixth placed a keter on my head. The seventh placed on my head a diadem of priesthood, and filled my hands with incense, that I might serve as kohen to YHUH Ahlohim. And they said to me: Levi, your zera shall be divided into three offices, for a sign of the esteem of YHUH who is to come.

And the first portion shall be great; yes, greater than it shall none be. The second shall be in the priesthood. And the third shall be called by a new name, because a melech shall arise in Yahudah, and shall establish a new priesthood, after the fashion of the nations. And His presence is beloved, as a Navi of the Most High, of the zera of Abraham our abba.

Therefore, every desirable thing in Yisrael shall be for you and for your zera. And you shall eat everything fair to look upon, And the table of YHUH shall your zera apportion. And some of them shall be high priests, and judges, and scribes; For by their mouth shall the kadosh place be guarded. And when I awoke, I understood that this (dream) was like the first dream.

And I hid this also in my lev, and told it not to any man upon the earth.

25 And after two days I and Yahudah went up with our abba Yaakov to Yitzchak our abba's abba.

And my abba's abba blessed me according to all the words of the visions which I had seen. And he would not come with us to Bethel. And when we came to Bethel, my abba saw a vision concerning me, that I should be their kohen unto Ahlohim. And he rose up early in the morning, and paid maaser of all to YHUH through me. And so we came to Chevron to dwell there. And Yitzchak called me continually to put me in remembrance of the Torah of YHUH, even as the malach of YHUH showed unto me. And he taught me the Torah of the priesthood, of sacrifices, whole burnt-offerings, first-fruits, freewill-offerings, peace-offerings. And each yom he was instructing me, and was busy on my behalf before YHUH, and said to me: Beware of the ruach of fornication; for this shall continue and shall by your zera pollute the kadosh place. Take, therefore, to yourself an isha without blemish or pollution, while yet you are young, and not of the race of strange nations. And before entering into the kadosh place, bathe; and when you offer the sacrifices wash; and again, when you finish the sacrifice, wash Of twelve trees having leaves offer to YHUH, as Abraham taught me also. And of every clean beast and bird offer a sacrifice to YHUH. And of all your first -fruits and of wine offer the first, as a sacrifice to YHUH Ahlohim; and every sacrifice you shall salt with salt.

26 Now, therefore, observe whatsoever I command you, children: for whatsoever things I have heard from my ahvoth I have declared unto you. And behold I am clear from your ungodliness and transgression, which you shall commit in the end of the ages, deceiving Yisrael, and stirring up against it great evils from YHUH. And you shall deal lawlessly together with Yisrael, so He shall not bear with Jerusalem because of your wickedness; but the veil of the temple shall be rent, so as not to cover your shame. And you shall be scattered as captives among the goyim, and shall be for a reproach and for a curse there. For the house which YHUH shall choose shall be called Jerusalem, as is contained in the book of Chanok-Enoch the righteous.

27 Therefore when I took an isha I was twenty-eight years old, and her name was Malcha. And she conceived and bare a son, and I called his name Gershom, for we were sojourners in our land, And I saw concerning him, that he would not be in the first rank, And Kohath was born in the thirty-fifth year of my chayim, towards sunrise. And I saw in a vision that he was standing on high in the midst of all the congregation, Therefore I called his name Kohath [which is, beginning of majesty and instruction]. And she bare me a third son, in the fortieth year of my chayim; and since his eema bare him with difficulty, I called him Merari, that is, 'my bitterness,' because he also was likely to die. And Yochebed was born in Mitzrayim, in my sixty-fourth year, for I was renowned then in the midst of my brethren.

28 And Gersam took an isha, and she bare to him Lomni and Semei. And the sons of Kohath, Ambram, Issachar, Chevron, and Ozeel. And the sons of Merari, Mooli, and Mouses. And in the ninety-fourth year Amram took Yochebed my daughter to him to isha, for they were born in one yom, he and my daughter. Eight years old was I when I went into the land of Canaan, and eighteen years when I slew Shechem, and at nineteen years I became kohen, and at twenty-eight years I took an isha, and at forty-eight I went into Mitzrayim. And behold, my children, you are a third generation. In my hundred and eighteenth year Yoseph died.

29 And now, my children, I command you: Fear YHUH your Ahlohim with your whole lev, and walk in simplicity according to all His Torah. And do you also teach your children doctrine, That they may have understanding all their chayim, Reading unceasingly the Torah of Ahlohim. For every one that knows the Torah of YHUH shall be honored, And shall not be a stranger wherever they go. Yes, many friends shall he gain more than his parents, and many men shall desire to serve him. And to hear the Torah from his mouth. Work tzedakah, therefore, my children, upon the earth, That you may have (it) as a treasure in shamayim. And sow tov things in your souls, that you may find them in your chayim. But if you sow evil things, you shall reap every trouble and affliction. Get cochma in the fear of Ahlohim with diligence; For though there be a leading into captivity, and cities and lands be destroyed, and gold and silver and every possession perish, the chochmah of the wise nothing can take away, except the blindness of ungodliness, and the callousness (that comes) of sin. For if one keeps oneself from these evil things, then even among his enemies shall cochma be an esteem to him. And in a strange country a fatherland, and in the midst of foes shall prove a friend. Whosoever teaches noble things and does them, shall be enthroned with melechim, as was also Yoseph my brother.

30 Therefore, my children, I have learnt that at the end of the ages you will transgress against YHUH, stretching out hands to wickedness; and to all the Gentiles shall you become a scorn. For our abba Yisrael is pure from the transgressions of the chief priests. For as the shamayim is purer in YHUH's sight than the earth, so also be you, the lights of Yisrael, (purer) than all the Gentiles. But if you be darkened through transgressions, what, therefore, will all the Gentiles do living in blindness? Yes, you shall bring a curse upon our race, because the light of the Torah which was given for to lighten every man this you desire to destroy by teaching commandments contrary to the ordinances of Ahlohim. The offerings of YHUH you shall rob, and from His portion shall you steal choice portions, eating (them) contemptuously with harlots. And out of covetousness you shall teach the commandments of YHUH, wedded women shall you pollute, and the virgins of Yahrushalayim shall you defile: and with harlots and adulteresses shall you be joined, and the daughters of the Gentiles shall you take to isha, purifying them with an unlawful purification; and your union shall be like unto Sodom and Gomorrah. And you shall be puffed up because of your kohanoot, lifting yourselves up against men, and not only so, but also against the commands of Ahlohim. For you shall not pollute the kadosh things with mocking and laughter

31 Therefore the temple, which YHUH shall choose, shall be laid waste through your uncleanness, and you shall be captives throughout all nations. And you shall be an abomination unto them, and you shall receive reproach and everlasting shame from the righteous mishpat of Ahlohim.

And all who hate you shall rejoice at your destruction. And if you were not to receive mercy through Abraham, Yitzchak, and Yaakov, our ahvoth, not one of our zera should be left upon the earth.

32 And now I have learned that for seventy weeks you shall go astray, and profane the priesthood, and pollute the sacrifices. And you shall make void the Torah, and set aside the words of the neviim by evil perverseness. And you shall persecute tzadik men, and hate the pious, the words of the faithful shall you abhor. And your kadosh places shall be laid waste even to the ground because of it. And you shall have no place that is clean; but you shall be among the Gentiles a curse and a dispersion until He shall again visit you and in pity shall receive you.

33 And whereas you have heard concerning the seventy weeks, hear also concerning the kohanoot. For in each jubilee there shall be a kohanoot.

And in the first jubilee, the first who is anointed to the kohanoot shall be great, and shall speak to Ahlohim as to an abba. And his priesthood shall be perfect with YHUH. In the second jubilee, he that is anointed shall be conceived in the sorrow of beloved ones; and his kohanoot shall be honored and shall be glorified by all. And the third kohen shall be taken hold of by sorrow. And the fourth shall be in pain, because unrighteousness shall gather itself against him exceedingly, and all Yisrael shall hate each one his neighbor. The fifth shall be taken hold of by darkness. Likewise also the sixth and the seventh. And in the seventh shall be such pollution as I cannot express before men, for they shall know it who do these things. Therefore shall they be taken captive and become a prey, and their land and their substance shall be destroyed. And in the fifth week they shall return to their desolate country, and shall renew the house of YHUH. And in the seventh week shall become kohanim, (who are) idolaters, adulterers, lovers of money, proud, lawless, lascivious, abusers of children and beasts.

34 And after their punishment shall have come from YHUH, the kohanoot shall fail. Then shall YHUH raise up a new kohen. And to him all the words of YHUH shall be revealed; And he shall execute a righteous mishpat upon the earth for a multitude of days. And His star shall arise in shamayim as of a melech. Lighting up the light of knowledge as the shemesh the yom, and He shall be magnified in the world. He shall shine forth as the shemesh on the earth, and shall remove all darkness from under shamayim, And there shall be shalom in all the earth. The shamayim shall be exalted in his days, And the earth shall be glad, and the clouds shall rejoice, and the knowledge of YHUH shall be poured forth upon the earth, as the water of the seas; And the malachim of the esteem of the presence of YHUH shall be glad in Him. The shamayim shall be opened, And From the temple of esteem shall come upon him sanctification, With the Abba's voice as from Abraham to Yitzchak. And the esteem of the Most High shall be uttered over Him, And the ruach of understanding and sanctification shall rest upon Him. For he shall give the majesty of YHUH to His sons in emet for evermore; And there shall none succeed him for all generations for ever.

And in his kohanoot the Gentiles shall be multiplied in knowledge upon the earth, And enlightened through the chesed of YHUH: In his kohanoot shall sin come to an end, and the lawless shall cease to do evil. [And the just shall rest in him.] And He shall open the gates of paradise, and shall remove the threatening sword against Ahdam. And He shall give to the kiddushim to eat from the tree of chayim, and the ruach of kedusha shall be on them. And s.a.tan shall be bound by Him, And He shall give power to His children to tread upon the evil ruacheem. And YHUH shall rejoice in His children, And be well pleased in His beloved ones for ever.

Then shall Abraham and Yitzchak and Yaakov be exalted, and will be glad, and all the saints shall clothe themselves with joy.

35 And now, my children, you have heard all; choose, therefore, for yourselves either the light or the darkness, either the Torah of YHUH or the works of s.a.tan. And his sons answered him, saying, Before YHUH we will walk according to His Torah. And their abba said unto them, YHUH is witness, and His malachim are witnesses, and you are witnesses, and I am witness, concerning the word of your mouth. And his sons said unto him: We are witnesses. And thus Lewi ceased commanding his sons; and he stretched out his feet on the bed, and was gathered to his ahvot, after he had lived a hundred and thirty-seven years. And they laid him in a coffin, and afterwards they buried him in Chevron, with Abraham, Yitzchak, and Yaakov

The Testament of Yahudah the Fourth Son of Yaakov and Leah

36 The copy of the words of Yahudah, what things he spoke to his sons before he died. They gathered themselves together, therefore, and came to him, and he said to them: Shema, my children, to Yahudah your abba.

I was the fourth son born to my abba Yaakov; and Leah my eema named me Yahudah, saying, I give thanks to YHUH, because He has given me a fourth son also. I was swift in my youth, and obedient to my abba in everything. And I honored my eema and my eema's sister. And it came to pass, when I became a man, that my abba blessed me, saying, You shall be a melech, prospering in all things.

37 And YHUH showed me favor in all my works both in the field and in the house. I know that I raced a hind, and caught it, and prepared the meat for my abba, and he did eat. And the roes I used to master in the chase, and overtake all that was in the plains. A wild mare I overtook, and caught it and tamed it. I slew a lion and plucked a kid out of its mouth. I took a bear by its paw and hurled it down the cliff, and it was crushed. I outran the wild boar, and seizing it as I ran, I tore it in sunder. A leopard in Chevron leaped upon my dog, and I caught it by the tail, and hurled it on the rocks, and it was broken in twain. I found a wild ox feeding in the fields, and seizing it by the horns, and whirling it round and stunning it, I cast it from me and slew it.

38 And when the two melechim of the Kanaanites came sheathed in armor against our flocks, and much people with them, single-handedly I rushed upon the melech of Chazor, and smote him on the greaves and dragged him down, and so I slew him. And the other, the melech of Tappuah, as he sat upon his horse, [I slew, and so I scattered all his people]. Achor the melech a man of giant stature I found, hurling javelins before and behind as he sat on horseback, and I took up a stone of sixty pounds weight, and hurled it and smote his horse, and killed it. And I fought with (this) other for two hours; and I broke his shield in two, and I chopped off his feet, and killed him. And as I was stripping off his breastplate, behold nine men his companions began to fight with me.

And I wound my garment on my hand; and I slung stones at them, and killed four of them, and the rest fled. And Yaakov my abba slew Baalesath, melech of all the melechim, a naphal in strength, twelve cubits high.,

And fear fell upon them, and they ceased warring against us.

Therefore my abba was free from anxiety in the wars when I was with my brethren. For he saw in a vision concerning me that a Malach of might followed me everywhere, that I should not be overcome.

39 And in the south there came upon us a greater war than that in Shechem; and I joined in battle array with my brethren, and pursued a thousand men, and slew of them two hundred men and four melechim. And I went up upon the wall, and I slew four mighty men. And so we captured Chazor, and took all the spoil.

40 On the next yom we departed to Aretan, a city strong and walled and inaccessible, threatening us with death. But I and Gad approached on the east side of the city, and Reuben and Levi on the west. And they that were upon the wall, thinking that we were alone, were drawn down against us.

And so my brothers secretly climbed up the wall on both sides by stakes, and entered the city, while the men knew it not. And we took it with the edge of the sword. And as for those who had taken refuge in the tower, we set fire to the tower and took both it and them. And as we were departing the men of Tappuah set upon our spoil, and delivering it up to our sons we fought with them as far as Tappuah. And we slew them and burnt their city, and took as spoil all that was in it.

41 And when I was at the waters of Kozeba, the men of Yobel came against us to battle. And we fought with them and routed them; and their allies from Shiloh we slew, and we did not leave them power to come in against us.

And the men of Makir came upon us the fifth yom, to seize our spoil; and we attacked them and overcame them in fierce battle: for there was a host of mighty men amongst them, and we slew them before they had gone up the ascent. And when we came to their city their women rolled upon us stones from the brow of the hill on which the city stood, And I and Simeon hid ourselves behind the town, and seized upon the heights, and destroyed this city also.

42 And the next yom it was told us that the melech of the city of Gaash with a mighty host was coming against us. I, therefore, and Dan feigned ourselves to be Amorites, and as allies went into their city. And in the depth of night our brethren came and we opened to them the gates; and we destroyed all the men and their substance, and we took for a prey all that was theirs, and their three walls we cast down. And we drew near to Thamna, where was all the substance of the hostile melechim. Then being insulted by them, I was therefore angry, and rushed against them to the summit; and they kept slinging against me stones and darts. And had not Dan my brother aided me, they would have slain me. We came upon them, therefore, with wrath, and they all fled; and passing by another way, they besought my abba, and he made shalom with them. And we did to them no harm, and they became tributary to us, and we restored to them their spoil. And I built Thamna, and my abba built Pabael. I was twenty years old when this war befell. And the Kanaanites feared me and my brethren.

43 And I had much cattle, and I had for chief herdsman Iram the Adullamite. And when I went to him I saw Parsaba, melech of Adullam; and he spoke unto us, and he made us a feast; and when I was heated he gave me his daughter Bathshua to isha. She bare me Er, and Onan and Shelah; and two of them YHUH smote: for Shelah lived, and his children are you.

44 And eighteen years my abba abode in shalom with his brother Esav, and his sons with us, after that we came from Mesopotamia, from Lavan. And when eighteen years were fulfilled, in the fortieth year of my chayim, Esav, the brother of my abba, came upon us with a mighty and strong people.

And Yaakov smote Esav with an arrow, and he was taken up wounded on Mount Seir, and as he went he died at Anoniram. And we pursued after the sons of Esav. Now they had a city with walls of iron and gates of brass; and we could not enter into it, and we encamped around, and besieged it.

And when they opened not to us in twenty days, I set up a ladder in the sight of all and with my shield upon my head I went up, sustaining the assault of stones, upwards of three talents weight; and I slew four of their mighty men.

And Reuben and Gad slew six others.

Then they asked from us terms of shalom; and having taken counsel with our abba, we received them as avadim.

And they gave us five hundred stalks of wheat, five hundred baths of oil, five hundred measures of wine, until the famine, when we went down into Mitzrayim.

45 And after these things my son Er took to isha Tamar, from Mesopotamia, a daughter of Aram. Now Er was wicked, and he was in need concerning Tamar, because she was not of the land of Canaan. And on the third night a malach of YHUH smote him. And he had not known her according to the evil craftiness of his eema, for he did not wish to have children by her. In the days of the wedding-feast I gave Onan to her in marriage; and he also in wickedness knew her not, though he spent with her a year. And when I threatened him he went in unto her, but he spilled the zera on the ground, according to the command of his eema, and he also died through wickedness.

And I wished to give Shelah also to her, but his eema did not permit it; for she wrought evil against Tamar, because she was not of the daughters of Canaan, as she also herself was.

46 And I knew that the race of the Kanaanites was wicked, but the impulse of youth blinded my mind. And when I saw her pouring out wine, owing to the intoxication of wine I was deceived, and took her although my abba had not counselled (it). And while I was away she went and took for Shelah an isha from Kanaan. And when I knew what she had done, I cursed her in the anguish of my nephesh. And she also died through her wickedness together with her sons.

47 And after these things, while Tamar was a widow, she heard after two years that I was going up to shear my sheep, and adorned herself in bridal array, and sat in the city Enaim by the gate. For it was a Torah of the Amorites, that she who was about to marry should sit in fornication seven days by the gate. Therefore being drunk with wine, I did not recognize her; and her beauty deceived me, through the fashion of her adorning. And I turned aside to her, and said: Let me go in unto you. And she said: What will you give me? And I gave her my staff, and my girdle, and the diadem of my kingdom in pledge. And I went in unto her, and she conceived. And not knowing what I had done, I wished to slay her; but she privily sent my pledges, and put me to shame. And when I called her, I heard also the secret words which I spoke when lying with her in my drunkenness; and I could not slay her, because it was from YHUH. For I said, Lest haply she did it in subtlety, having received the pledge from another woman. But I came not again near her while I lived, because I had done this abomination in all Yisrael. Moreover, they who were in the city said there was no harlot in the gate, because she came from another place, and sat for a while in the, gate. And I thought that no one knew that I had gone in to her. And after this we came into Mitzrayim to Yoseph, because of the famine. And I was forty and six years old, and seventy and three years lived I in Mitzrayim.

48 And now I command you, my children, shema to Yahudah your abba, and keep my sayings to perform all the ordinances of YHUH, and to obey the mitzvoth of Ahlohim. And walk not after your lusts, nor in the imaginations of your thoughts in haughtiness of lev; and esteem not in the deeds and strength of your youth, for this also is evil in the eyes of YHUH. Since I also gloried that in wars no comely woman's face ever enticed me, and reproved Reuben my brother concerning Bilhah, the isha of my abba, the ruacheem of jealousy and of fornication arrayed themselves against me, until I lay with Bathshua the Canaanite, and Tamar, who was espoused to my sons. For I said to my abba-in-Torah: I will take counsel with my abba, and so will I take your daughter. And he was unwilling, but he showed me a boundless store of gold in his daughter's behalf; for he was a melech. And he adorned her with gold and pearls, and caused her to pour out wine for us at the feast with the beauty of women. And the wine turned aside my eyes, and pleasure blinded my lev. And I became enamoured of and I lay with her, and transgressed the commandment of YHUH and the commandment of my ahvoth, and I took her to isha. And YHUH rewarded me according to the imagination of my lev, inasmuch as I had no joy in her children.

49 And now, my children, I say unto you, be not drunk with wine; for wine turns the mind away from the emet, and inspires the passion of lust, and leads the eyes into error. For the ruach of fornication has wine as a minister to give pleasure to the mind; for these two also take away the mind of man. For if a man drink wine to drunkenness, it disturbs the mind with filthy thoughts leading to fornication, and heats the body to carnal union; and if the occasion of the lust be present, he will work the sin, and is not ashamed.

Such is the inebriated man, my children; for he who is drunken reverences no man. For, lo, it made me also to err, so that I was not ashamed of the multitude in the city, in that before the eyes of all I turned aside unto Tamar, and I did  a great sin, and I uncovered the covering of my sons' shame. After I had drunk wine I reverenced not the mitzvoth of Ahlohim, and I took a woman of Canaan to isha. For much discretion needs the man who drinks wine, my children; and herein is discretion in drinking wine a man may drink so long as he preserves modesty. But if he go beyond this limit the ruach of deceit attacks his mind, and it makes the drunkard to talk filthily, and to transgress and not to be ashamed, but even to esteem in his shame, and to account himself honorable.

50 He that commits fornication is not aware when he suffers loss, and is not ashamed when put to dishonor. For even though a man be a melech and commit fornication, he is stripped of his kingship by becoming the slave of fornication, as I myself also suffered. For I gave my staff, that is, the ot of my tribe; and my girdle, that is, my power; and my keter, that is, the esteem of my kingdom. And indeed I repented of these things; wine and flesh I eat not until my old age, nor did I behold any joy. And the malach of Ahlohim showed me that for ever do women bear rule over melech and beggar alike. And from the melech they take away his esteem, and from the valiant man his might, and from the beggar even that little which is the ot of his poverty.

51 Observe, therefore, my children, the rights limit in wine; for there are in it four evil ruacheem: f lust, of hot desire, of recklessness of filthy lucre. If you drink wine in gladness, be you modest in the fear of Ahlohim. For if in (your) gladness the fear of Ahlohim departs, then drunkenness arises and shamelessness enters in. But if you would live soberly do not touch wine at all, lest you sin in words of outrage, and in fightings and slanders, and transgressions of the mitzvoth of Ahlohim, and you perish before your time. Moreover, wine reveals the mysteries of Ahlohim and men, even as I also revealed the commandments of Ahlohim and the mysteries of Yaakov my abba to the Kanaanitish woman Bathshua, which Ahlohim told  me not to reveal. And wine is a cause both of war and confusion.

52 And now, I command you, my children, not to ahava money, nor to gaze upon the beauty of women; because for the sake of money and beauty I was led astray to Bathshua the Kanaanite. For I know that because of these two things shall my race fall into wickedness. For even wise men among my sons shall they mar, and shall cause the malchut of Yahudah to be diminished, which YHUH gave me because of my obedience to my abba. For I never caused grief to Yaakov, my abba: for all things whatsoever he commanded I did. And Yitzchak, the abba of my abba, blessed me to be melech in Yisrael, and Yaakov further blessed me in like manner. And I know that from me shall the malchut be established.

53 And I know what evils you will do in the last days. Beware, therefore, my children, of fornication, and the ahava of money, and shema to Yahudah your abba. For these things withdraw you from the Torah of Ahlohim, And blind the inclination of the soul, And teach arrogance, and suffer not a man to have compassion upon his neighbor. They rob his soul of all goodness, And oppress him with toils and troubles, And drive away sleep from him, And devour his flesh. And he hinders the sacrifices of Ahlohim; and he remembers not the bracha of Ahlohim, He hearkens not to a navi when he speaks, And resents the words of tov. For he is a slave to two contrary passions, And cannot obey Ahlohim, Because they have blinded his nephesh. And he walks in the yom as in the night.

54 My children, the ahava of money leads to idolatry; because, when led astray through money, men name as ahlohim those who are not ahlohim, and it causes him who has it, to fall into madness. For the sake of money I lost my children, and had not my repentance, and my humiliation, and the prayers of my abba been accepted, I should have died childless. But the Ahlohim of my ahvoth had rachamim on me, because I did it in ignorance. And the sar of deceit blinded me, and I sinned as a man and as flesh, being corrupted through sins; and I learned my own weakness while thinking myself invincible.

55 Know, therefore, my children, that two ruacheem wait upon man the ruach of emet and the ruach of deceit. And in the midst is the ruach of understanding of the mind, to which it belongs to turn whithersoever it will. And the works of emet and the works of deceit are written upon the levavot of men, and each one of them YHUH knows. And there is no time at which the works of men can be hid; for on the lev itself have they been written down before YHUH. And the ruach of emet testifies all things, and accuses all; and the sinner is burnt up by his own lev, and cannot raise his face to the judge.

56 And now, my children, I command you, grant ahava to Levi, that you may abide, and exalt not yourselves against him, lest you be utterly destroyed. For to me YHUH gave the malchut, and to him the kohanoot, and He set the malchut beneath the priesthood. To me He gave the things upon the earth; to him the things in the shamayim. As the shamayim is higher than the earth, so is the priesthood of Ahlohim higher than the earthly malchut, unless it falls away through sin from YHUH and is dominated by the earthly kingdom. For the Malach of YHUH said unto me: YHUH chose him rather than you, to draw near to Him, and to eat of His table and to offer Him the bikkurim of the choice things of the sons of Yisrael; but you shall be melech of Yaakov. And you shall be amongst them as the sea. For as, on the sea, just and unjust are tossed about, some taken into captivity while some are enriched, so also shall every race of men be in you: some shall be impoverished, being taken captive, and others grow rich by plundering the possessions of others. For the melechim shall be as sea-monsters. They shall swallow men like fishes: The sons and daughters of free men shall they enslave; Houses, lands, flocks, money shall they plunder: And with the flesh of many shall they wrongfully feed the ravens and the cranes; And they shall advance in evil, in covetousness uplifted, And there shall be false neviim like tempests, And they shall persecute all righteous men.

57 And YHUH shall bring upon them divisions one against another. And there shall be continual wars in Yisrael; And among men of another race shall my kingdom be brought to an end, Until the YAHUSHA of Yisrael shall come, Until the appearing of the Ahlohim of Tzedakah, so that Yaakov [and all the Gentiles] may rest in shalom. And He shall shomer the might of my malchut for ever; For YHUH swore to me with an oath that He would not destroy the malchut from my zera for ever.

58 Now I have much grief, my children, because of your lewdness and witchcrafts, and idolatries which you shall practice against the malchut, following them that have familiar ruacheem, diviners, and demons of error. You shall make your daughters singing girls and harlots, and you shall mingle in the abominations of the Gentiles. For which things sake YHUH shall bring upon you famine and pestilence, death and the sword, beleaguering by enemies, and the reviling of chaverim, the slaughter of children, the rape of wives, the plundering of possessions, the burning of the temple of Ahlohim, the laying waste of the land, the enslavement of yourselves among the Gentiles. And they shall make some of you eunuchs for their wives. Until YHUH visit you, when with perfect lev you repent and walk in all His mitzvoth; and He bring you up from captivity among the Gentiles.

59 And after these things shall a cochav arise to you from Yaakov in shalom, And a man shall arise [from my zera], like the Shemesh of Tzedakah, walking with the sons of men in meekness and tzedakah; And no sin shall be found in Him. And the shamayim shall be open unto Him, To pour out the Ruach, (even) the blessing of the Abba Kadosh; And He shall pour out the Ruach of chesed upon you; And you shall be unto Him sons in emet, And you shall walk in His mitzvoth the first and last. Then shall the scepter of my malchut shine forth; And from your root shall arise a stem; And from it shall grow a rod of tzedakah to the Gentiles, To judge and to save all that call upon YHUH.

60 And after these things shall Abraham and Yitzchak and Yaakov arise unto chayim, and I and my brethren shall be chiefs of the tribes of Yisrael: Levi first, I the second, Yoseph third, Benjamin fourth, Simeon fifth; Issachar sixth, and so all in order. And YHUH blessed Levi, and The Angel of the Presence, me; the powers of esteem, Simeon; the shamayim, Reuben; the earth, Issachar; the sea, Zebulun; the mountains, Yoseph; the tabernacle, Benjamin; the luminaries, Dan; Eden, Naphtali; the shemesh, Gad; the moon, Asher. And you shall be the people of YHUH, and have one tongue; And there shall be there no ruach of deceit of s.a.tan, For he shall be cast into the fire for ever. And they who have died in grief shall arise in joy, And they who were poor for YHUH's sake shall be made rich, And they who are put to death for YHUH's sake shall awake to chayim. And the harts of Yaakov shall run in joyfulness, And the eagles of Yisrael shall fly in gladness; And all the people shall glorify YHUH for ever.

61 Observe, therefore, my children, all the Torah of YHUH, for there is hope for all them who hold fast unto His ways. And he said to them: Behold, I die before your eyes this yom, a hundred and nineteen years old. Let no one bury me in costly apparel, nor tear open my bowels, for this shall they who are melechim do; and carry me up to Chevron with you. And Yahudah, when he had said these things, fell asleep; and his sons did according to all whatsoever he commanded them, and they buried him in Chevron, with his ahvoth.  

The Testament of Issachar the Fifth Son of Yaakov and Leah 

62 The copy of the words of Issachar. For he called his sons and said to them: Shema, my children, to Issachar your abba; Give ear to the words of him who is beloved of YHUH. I was born the fifth son to Yaakov, by way of hire for the mandrakes. For Reuben my brother brought in mandrakes from the field, and Rachel met him and took them. And Reuben wept, and at his voice Leah my eema came forth. How these (mandrakes) were sweet-smelling apples which were produced in the land of Charan below a ravine of water. And Rachel said: I will not give them to you, but they shall be to me instead of children. For YHUH hath despised me, and I have not borne children to Yaakov. Now there were two apples; and Leah said to Rachel: Let it suffice you that you have taken my husband: will you take these also? And Rachel said to her: You shall have Yaakov this night for the mandrakes of your son. And Leah said to her: Yaakov is mine, for I am the isha of his youth. But Rachel said: Boast not, and vaunt not yourself; for he espoused me before you, and for my sake he served our abba fourteen years. And had not craft increased on the earth and the wickedness of men prospered, you would not now see the face of Yaakov. For you are not his isha, but in craft were taken to him in my place. And my abba deceived me, and removed me on that night, and did not alloe Yaakov to see me; for had I been there, this had not happened to him. Nevertheless, for the mandrakes I am hiring Yaakov to you for one night. And Yaakov knew Leah, and she conceived and bare me, and on account of the hire I was called Issachar.

63 Then appeared to Yaakov a malach of YHUH, saying: Two children shall Rachel bear, inasmuch as she has refused company with her husband, and has chosen continency. And had not Leah my eema paid the two apples for the sake of his company, she would have borne eight sons; for this reason she bare six, and Rachel bare the two: for on account of the mandrakes YHUH visited her. For He knew that for the sake of children she wished to be with Yaakov, and not for lust of pleasure. For the next yom she again gave up Yaakov. Because of the mandrakes; therefore, YHUH hearkened to Rachel. For though she desired them, she ate them not, but offered them in the house of YHUH, presenting them to the kohen of the Most High who was at that time.

64 When, therefore, I grew up, my children, I walked in tzedakah of lev, and I became a farmer for my abba and my brethren, and I brought in fruits from the field according to their season. And my abba blessed me, for he saw that I walked in rectitude before him. And I was not a busybody in my doings, nor envious and malicious against my neighbor. I never slandered any one, nor did I censure the chayim of any man, walking as I did in singleness of eye. Therefore, when I was thirty-five years old, I took to myself an isha, for my labor wore away my strength, and I never thought upon pleasure with women; but owing to my toil, sleep overcame me. And my abba always rejoiced in my rectitude, because I offered through the kohen to YHUH all bikkurim; then to my abba also. And YHUH increased ten thousand fold His benefits in my hands; and also Yaakov, my abba, knew that Ahlohim aided my singleness. For on all the poor and oppressed I bestowed the tov things of the earth in the singleness of my lev.

65 And now, shema to me, my children, And walk in singleness of your lev, For I have seen in it all that is well-pleasing to YHUH. The single-(minded) man covets not gold, He overreaches not his neighbor, He longs not after manifold dainties, He delights not in varied apparel. He does not desire to live a long chayim, But only waitsfor the will of Ahlohim. And the ruacheem of deceit have no power against him, For he looks not on the beauty of women, Lest he should pollute his mind with corruption. There is no envy in his thoughts, [No malicious person makes his soul to pine away,] Nor worry with insatiable desire in his mind. For he walks in singleness of nephesh, And beholds all things in uprightness of lev, Shunning eyes made evil through the error of the olam hazeh, Lest he should see the perversion of any of the mitzvoth of YHUH.

66 Keep, therefore, my children, the Torah of Ahlohim, And get singleness of lev. And walk in guilelessness, Not playing the busybody with the business of your neighbor, But ahava YHUH and your neighbor, Have compassion on the poor and weak. Bow down your back unto farming, and toil in labors in all manner of farming, offering gifts to YHUH with thanksgiving. For with the bikkurim of the earth will YHUH bless you, even as He blessed all the kidushim from Abel even until now. For no other portion is given to you than of the fatness of the earth, whose fruits are raised by toil. For our abba Yaakov blessed me with blessings of the earth and of bikkurim. And Lewi and Yahudah were glorified by YHUH even among the sons of Yaakov; for YHUH gave them an inheritance, and to Levi He gave the kohanoot, and to Yahudah the kingdom. And therefore obey them, and walk in the singleness of propose of your abba; for unto Gad hath it been given to destroy the troops that are coming upon Yisrael.

67 Know you therefore, my children, that in the last times Your sons will forsake singleness, And will cleave unto insatiable desire; And leaving guilelessness will draw near to malice; And forsaking the commandments of YHUH, They will cleave unto Beliar. And leaving husbandry, They will follow after their own wicked devices, And they shall be dispersed among the Gentiles. And shall serve their enemies. And do you therefore give these commands to your children, that, if they sin, they may the more quickly return to YHUH; For He is merciful, and will deliver them, even to bring them back into their land.

68 Behold, therefore, as you see, I am a hundred and twenty-six years old and am not conscious of committing any sin. Except my isha I have not known any woman. I never committed fornication by the uplifting of my eyes. I drank not wine, to be led astray thereby; I coveted not any desirable thing that was my neighbor's. Guile arose not in my lev; A lie passed not through my lips. If any man were in distress I joined my sighs with his, And I shared my bread with the poor. I wrought tov, all my days; I kept emet I loved YHUH; Likewise also every man with all my lev. So do you also these things, my children, And every ruach of s.a.tan shall flee from you, And no deed of wicked men shall rule over you; And every wild beast shall you subdue, Since you have with you the Ahlohim of shamayim and earth (And) walk with men in singleness of lev. And having said these things, he commanded his sons that they should carry him up to Chevron, and bury him there in the cave with his ahvoth. And he stretched out his feet and died, at a tov old age; with every limb sound, and with strength unabated, he slept the eternal sleep.

The Testament of Zebulun the Sixth Son of Yaakov and Leah

69 The copy of the words of Zevulun, which he gave to his sons before he died in the hundred and fourteenth year of his chayim, two years after the death of Yoseph. And he said to them: Shema to me, you sons of Zevulun, attend to the words of your abba. I, Zevulun, was born a tov gift to my parents. For when I was born my abba was increased very exceedingly, both in flocks and herds, when with the striped rods he had his portion. I am not conscious that I have sinned all my days, save in thought. Nor yet do I remember that I have done any iniquity, except the sin of ignorance which I committed against Yoseph; for I covenanted with my brethren not to tell my abba what had been done. But I wept in secret many days on account of Yoseph, for I feared my brethren, because they had all agreed that if any one should declare the secret, he should be slain. But when they wished to kill him, I adjured them much with tears not to be guilty of this sin.  

70 For Simeon and Gad came against Yoseph to kill him, and he said unto them with tears: Pity me, my brethren, have mercy upon the bowels of Yaakov our abba: lay not upon me your hands to shed innocent blood, for I have not sinned against you. And if indeed I have sinned, with chastening chastise me, my brethren but lay not upon me your hand, for the sake of Yaakov our abba. And as he spoke these words, wailing as he did so, I was unable to bear his lamentations, and began to weep, and my liver was poured out, and all the substance of my bowels was loosened. And I wept with Yoseph, and my lev sounded, and the joints of my body trembled, and I was not able to stand. And when Yoseph saw me weeping with him, and them coming against him to slay him, he fled behind me, beseeching them. But meanwhile Reuben arose and said: Come, my brethren, let us not slay him, but let us cast him into one of these dry pits, which our ahvoth dug and found no water. For for this cause YHUH forbade that water should rise up in them, in order that Yoseph should be preserved. And they did so, until they sold him to the Ishmaelites.

71 For in his price I had no share, my children. But Simeon and Gad and six other of our brethren took the price of Yoseph, and bought sandals for themselves, and their wives, and their children, saying: We will not eat of it, for it is the price of our brother's blood, but we will assuredly tread it under foot, because he said that he would be melech over us, and so let us see what will become of his dreams. Therefore it is written in the writing of the Torah of Moshe, that whosoever will not raise up zera to his brother, his sandal should be unloosed, and they should spit in his face. And the brethren of Yoseph wished not that their brother should live, and YHUH loosed from them the sandal which they wore against Yoseph their brother. For when they came into Mitzrayim they were unloosed by the servants of Yoseph outside the gate, and so they made obeisance to Yoseph after the fashion of Melech Pharaoh. And not only did they make obeisance to him, but were spit upon also, falling down before him, and so they were put to shame before the Mitzrites. For after this the Mitzrites heard all the evils that they had done to Yoseph.

72 And after he was sold my brothers sat down to eat and drink. But I, through pity for Yoseph, did not eat, but watched the pit, since Yahudah feared lest Simeon, Dan, and Gad should rush off and slay him. But when they saw that I did not eat, they set me to watch him, till he was sold to the Ishmaelites. And when Reuben came and heard that while he was away (Yoseph) had been sold, he rent his garments, (and) mourning, said: How shall I look on the face of my abba Yaakov? And he took the money and ran after the merchants, but as he failed to find them he returned grieving. But the merchants had left the broad road and marched through the Troglodytes by a short cut. But Reuben was grieved, and ate no food that yom. Dan therefore came to him and said:, Weep not, neither grieve; for we have found what we can say to our abba Yaakov. Let us slay a kid of the goats, and dip in it the coat of Yoseph; and let us send it to Yaakov, saying: Know, is this the coat of your son? And they did so. For they stripped off from Yoseph his coat when they were selling him, and put upon him the garment of an eved. Now Simeon took the coat, and would not give it up, for he wished to rend it with his sword, as he was angry that Yoseph lived and that he had not slain him. Then we all rose up and said unto him: If you give not up the coat, we will say to our abba that you alone did this evil thing in Yisrael. And so he gave it unto them, and they did even as Dan had said.

73 I And now, my children, I bid you to keep the commands of YHUH, and to show mercy to your neighbors, and to have compassion towards all, not towards men only, but also towards, beasts. For all this thing's sake YHUH blessed me, and when all my brethren were sick, I escaped without sickness, for YHUH knows the purposes of each. Have, therefore, compassion in your levavot, my children, because even as a man does to his neighbor, even so also will YHUH do to him. For the sons of my brethren were all sick and were dying on account of Yoseph, because they showed not mercy in their levavot; but my sons were preserved without sickness, as you know. And when I was in the land of Kanaan, by the sea-coast, I made a catch of fish for Yaakov my abba; and when many were choked in the sea, I continued unhurt.

74 I was the first to make a boat to sail upon the sea, for YHUH gave me understanding and chochmah about that. And I let down a rudder behind it, and I stretched a sail upon another upright piece of wood in the midst. And I sailed there along the shores, catching fish for the house of my abba until we came to Mitzrayim. And through compassion I shared my catch with every stranger. And if a man were a stranger, or sick, or aged, I boiled the fish, and dressed them well, and offered them to all men, as every man had need, grieving with and having compassion upon them. Therefore also YHUH satisfied me with abundance of fish when catching fish; for he that shares with his neighbor receives manifold more from YHUH. For five years I caught fish and gave thereof to every man whom I saw, and it was sufficient for all the house of my abba. And in the summer I caught fish, and in the winter I kept sheep with my brethren.

75 Now I will declare unto you what I did. I saw a man in distress through nakedness in winter time, and had compassion upon him, and stole away a garment secretly from my abba's house, and gave it to him who was in distress. Do you, therefore, my children, from that which Ahlohim pours upon you, show compassion and mercy without hesitation to all men, and give to every man with a tov lev. And if you have not the means to give to him that needs, have compassion for him in bowels of rachamim. I know that my hand found not the means to give to him that needed, and I walked with him weeping for seven furlongs, and my bowels yearned towards him in compassion.

76 Have, therefore, yourselves also, my children, compassion towards every man with rachamim, that YHUH also may have compassion and mercy upon you. Because also in the last days Ahlohim will send His compassion on the earth, and wheresoever He finds bowels of mercy He dwells in him. For in the degree in which a man hath compassion upon his neighbors, in the same degree has YHUH also upon him. And when we went down into Mitzrayim, Yoseph bore no malice against us. To whom taking heed, do you also, my children, approve yourselves without malice, and have ahava one to the another; and do not set down in account, each one of you, evil against his brother.

For this breaks unity and divides all kindred, and troubles the soul, and wears away the countenance.

77 Observe, therefore, the mayim, and know when they flow together, they sweep along stones, trees, earth, and other things. But if they are divided into many streams, the earth swallows them up, and they vanish away. So shall you also be if you be divided. Be not you, therefore, divided into two heads, for everything which YHUH made has but one head, and two shoulders, two hands, two feet, and all the remaining members. For I have learned in the writings of my ahvot, that you shall be divided in Yisrael, And you shall follow two melechim, And shall work every abomination. And your enemies shall lead you captive, And you shall be evil entreated among the Gentiles, With many infirmities and tribulations. And after these things you shall remember YHUH, and repent, And He shall cause you to return; for He is merciful and compassionate. And He setts not down in account evil to the sons of men, because they are flesh, And the ruacheem of deceit deceive them in all their deeds. And after these things there shall arise unto you YHUH Himself, the Light of Tzedakah, and healing and compassion shall be in His wings. He shall redeem all the captivity of the sons of men from s.a.tan; And every ruach of deceit shall be trodden down; And he shall bring back all the Gentiles into zeal for Him. And you shall return unto your land. And you shall see Him in Yahrushalayim, for His name's sake. And again through the wickedness of your works shall you provoke Him to anger, And you shall be cast away by Him unto the time of consummation.

78 And now, my children, grieve not that I am dying, nor be cast down in that I am coming to my end. For I shall rise again in the midst of you, as a ruler in the midst of his sons; and I shall rejoice in the midst of my tribe, as many as shall keep the Torah of YHUH, and the mitzvoth of Zebulun their abba. But upon the evil ones shall YHUH bring eternal fire, and destroy them throughout all generations. But I am now hastening away to my rest, as did also my ahvot. But  you fear YHUH our Ahlohim with all your strength all the days of your chayim. And when he had said these things he fell asleep, at a tov old age. And his sons laid him in a wooden coffin. And afterwards they carried him up and buried him in Chevron, with his ahvot.

The Testament of Dan the Seventh Son of Yaakov and Bilhah

79 The copy of the words of Dan, which he spoke to his sons in his last days, in the hundred and twenty-fifth year of his chayim. For he called together his family, and said: Shema to my words, you sons of Dan; and give heed to the words of your abba. I have proved in my lev, and in my whole chayim, that emet with just dealing is tov and well pleasing to Ahlohim, and that lying and anger are evil, because they teach man all wickedness. I confess, therefore, this yom to you, my children, that in my lev I resolved on the death of Yoseph my brother, the true and tov man. And I rejoiced that he was sold, because his abba loved him more than us. For the ruach of jealousy and vain glory said to me: You yourself also are his son. And one of the ruacheem of s.a.tan stirred me up, saying: Take this sword, and with it slay Yoseph: so shall your abba have ahava for you when he is dead. Now this is the ruach of anger that persuaded me to crush Yoseph as a leopard crushs a kid. But the Ahlohim of my ahvoth did not suffer him to fall into my hands, so that I should find him alone and slay him, and cause a second tribe to be destroyed in Yisrael.

80 And now, my children, behold I am dying, and I tell you of an emet, that unless you keep yourselves from the ruach of lying and of anger, and ahav the emet and longsuffering, you shall perish. For anger is blindness, and does not suffer one to see the face of any man with emet. For though it be a abba or a eema, he behaves towards them as enemies; though it be a brother, he knows him not; though it be a navi of YHUH, he disobeys him; though a tzadik man, he regards him not; though a chaver, he does not acknowledge him. For the ruach of anger encompasses him with the net of deceit, and blinds his eyes, and through lying darkens his mind, and gives him its own peculiar vision. And how  does it encompass it his eyes? With hatred of lev, so as to be envious of his brother.

81 For anger is an evil thing, my children, for it troubles even the nephesh itself. And the body of the angry man it makes its own, and over his soul it gets the mastery, and it bestows upon the body power that it may work all iniquity. And when the body does all these things, the nephesh justifies what is done, since it sees not right. Therefore he that is angry, if he be a mighty man, has a threefold power in his anger: one by the help of his avadim; and a second by his wealth, whereby he persuades and overcomes  wrongfully; and thirdly, having his own natural power he works thereby the evil. And though the angry man be weak, yet has he a power twofold of that which is by nature; for wrath always aides such in Torahlessness. This ruach goes always with lying at the right hand of s.a.tan, that with cruelty and lying his works may be done. [Lying cruelty and anger all come from s.a.tan]

82 Understand you, therefore, the power of wrath, that it is vain. For it first of all gives provocation by word; then by deeds it strengthens him who is angry, and with sharp losses disturbs his mind, and so stirs up with great wrath his nephesh. Therefore, when any one speaks against you, be not you moved to anger, and if any man praises you as kadosh men, be not uplifted: be not moved either to delight or to disgust. For first it pleases the hearing, and so makes the mind keen to perceive the grounds for provocation; and then being enraged, he thinks that he is justly angry. If you fall into any loss or ruin, my children, be not afflicted; for this very ruach makes a man desire that which is perishable, in order that he may be enraged through the affliction. And if you suffer loss voluntarily, or involuntarily, be not vexed; for from vexation arises wrath with lying. Moreover, a twofold mischief is wrath with lying; and they assist one another in order to disturb the lev; and when the nephesh is continually disturbed, YHUH departs from it, and s.a.tan rules over it.

83 Observe, therefore, my children, the mitzvoth of YHUH, and keep His Torah; Depart from wrath, And hate lying, That YHUH may dwell among you, And s.a.tan may flee from you. Speak emet each one with his neighbor. So shall you not fall into wrath and confusion; But you shall be in shalom, having the Ahlohim of peace, So shall no war prevail over you. Love YHUH through all your chayim, And one another with a true lev. I know that in the last days you shall depart from YHUH, and you shall provoke Lewi unto anger, And fight against Yahudah; But you shall not prevail against them, for a Malach of YHUH shall guide them both; For by them shall Yisrael stand. And whenever you depart from YHUH, you shall walk in all evil and work the abominations of the Gentiles, going a-whoring after women of the lawless ones, while with all wickedness the ruacheem of wickedness work in you. For I have read in the book of Chanok-Enoch, the tazdik, that your prince is s.a.tan, and that all the ruacheem of wickedness and pride will conspire to attend constantly on the sons of Lewi, to cause them to sin before YHUH. And my sons will draw near to Lewi. And sin with them in all things; And the sons of Yahudah will be covetous, Plundering other men's goods like lions. Therefore shall you be led away with them into captivity, And there shall you receive all the plagues of Mitzrayim, And all the evils of the Gentiles. And so when you return to YHUH you shall obtain rachamim, And He shall bring you into His sanctuary, And He shall give you shalom. And there shall arise unto you from the tribe of [Yahudah and of] Lewi the YAHUSHA of YHUH; And He shall make war against s.a.tan. And execute an everlasting vengeance on our enemies; And the captivity shall he take from s.a.tan  [the souls of the kidushim], And turn disobedient levavot unto YHUH, And give to them that call upon Him eternal shalom. And the kidushim shall rest in Gan Eden, And in the New Jerusalem shall the righteous rejoice, And it shall be unto the esteem of Ahlohim forever. And no longer shall Yahrushalayim endure desolation, nor Yisrael be led captive; For YHUH shall be in the midst of it, And the Kadosh One of Yisrael shall reign over it.

84 And now, fear YHUH, my children, and beware of s.a.tan and his ruacheem. Draw near unto Ahlohim and unto the malach that intercedes for you, for he is a Mediator between Ahlohim and man, and for the shalom of Yisrael He shall stand up against the kingdom of the enemy. Therefore is the enemy eager to destroy all that call upon YHUH. For he knows that upon the yom on which Yisrael shall repent, the malchut of the enemy shall be brought to an end. For the very Malach of Shalom shall strengthen Yisrael, that it fall not into the extremity of evil. And it shall be in the time of the Torahlessness of Yisrael, that YHUH will not depart from them, but will transform them into a nation that does His will, for none of the malachim will be equal unto him. And His Name shall be in every place in Yisrael, and among the Gentiles. Keep, therefore, yourselves, my children, from every evil work, And cast away wrath and all lying, And have ahava for emet and long-suffering. And the things which you have heard from your abba, do you also impart to your children. Depart, therefore, from all unrighteousness, and cleave unto the tzedakah of Ahlohim, and your race will be saved forever. And bury me near my ahvot.

85 And when he had said these things he kissed them, and fell asleep at a tov old age. And his sons buried him, And after that they carried up his bones, and placed them near Abraham, and Yitzchak, and Yaakov. [Nevertheless, Dan prophesied unto them that they should forget their Ahlohim, and should be alienated from the land of their inheritance and from the race of Yisrael, and from the family of their zera.]

The Testament of Naphtali the Eighth Son of Yaakov and Bilhah

86 The copy of the testament of Naphtali, which he ordained at the time of his death in the hundred and thirtieth year of his chayim. When his sons were gathered together in the seventh month, on the first yom of the month, while still in tov health, he made them a feast of food and wine. And after he was awake in the morning, he said to them, I am dying; and they believed him not. And as he glorified YHUH, he grew strong and said that after yesterday's moed he should die. And he began then to say: Hear, my children, you sons of Naphtali, hear the words of your abba. I was born from Bilhah, and because Rachel dealt craftily, and gave Bilhah in place of herself to Yaakov, and she conceived and bare me upon Rachel's knees, therefore she called my name Naphtali. For Rachel loved me very much because I was born upon her lap; and when I was still young she was wont to kiss me, and say: May I have a brother of thine from mine own womb, like unto you. Then also Yoseph was like unto me in all things, according to the prayers of Rachel. Now my eema was Bilhah, daughter of Rotheus the brother of Deborah, Rivkah's nurse, who was born on one and the self-same yom with Rachel. And Rotheus was of the mishpacha of Abraham, a Chaldean, Ahlohim fearing, free-born, and noble. And he was taken captive and was bought by Lavan; and he gave him Euna his handmaid to isha, and she bore a daughter, and called her name Zilpah, after the name of the village in which he had been taken captive. And next she bore Bilhah, saying: My daughter hastens after what is new, for immediately that she was born she seized the breast and hastened to suck it. 

87 And I was swift on my feet like the deer, and my abba Yaakov appointed me for all messages, and as a deer did he give me his blessing. For as the potter knows the vessel, how much it is to contain, and brings clay accordingly, so also does YHUH make the body after the likeness of the ruach, and according to the capacity of the body does He implant the ruach. And the one does not fall short of the other by a third part of a hair; for by weight, and measure, and rule was all the creation made. And as the potter knows the use of each vessel, what it is tov for, so also does YHUH know the body, how far it will persist in goodness, and when it begins in evil. For there is no inclination or thought which YHUH knows not, for He created every man after His own image. As a man's strength, so also is his work; and as his mind, so also is his skill; and as his purpose, so also is his achievement; and as his lev, so also is his mouth; as his eye, so also is his sleep; as his nephesh, so also is his word, either in the Torah of YHUH or in the works of s.a.tan. And as there is a division between light and darkness, between seeing and hearing, so also is there a division between man and man, and between woman and woman; and it is not to be said that the one is like the other either in face or in mind. For Ahlohim made all things tov in their order, the five senses in the head, and He joined on the neck to the head, adding to it the hair also for comeliness and esteem, then the lev for understanding, the belly for excrement, and the stomach for (grinding), the windpipe for taking in (the breath), the liver for wrath, the gall for bitterness, the spleen for laughter, the reins for prudence, the muscles of the loins for power, the lungs for drawing in, the loins for strength, and so forth. So then, my children, let all your works be done in order with tov intent in the fear of Ahlohim, and do nothing disorderly in scorn or out of its due season. For if you bid the eye to hear, it cannot; so neither while you are in darkness can you do the works of light.

88 Be you, therefore, not eager to corrupt your doings through covetousness or with vain words to beguile your souls; because if you keep silence in purity of lev, you shall understand how to hold fast the will of Ahlohim, and to cast away the will of s.a.tan. The shemesh, yarayach and cochavim change not their order; so do you also change not the Torah of Ahlohim in the disorderliness of your doings. The Gentiles went astray, and forsook YHUH, and changed their order, and obeyed stocks and stones, ruacheem of deceit. But you shall not be so, my children, recognizing in the firmament, in the earth, and in the sea, and in all created things, YHUH who made all things, that you become not as Sodom, which changed the order of nature. In like manner the Watchers also changed the order of their nature, whom YHUH cursed at the flood, on whose account He made the earth without inhabitants and fruitless.  

89 These things I say unto you, my children, for I have read in the writing of Chanok-Enoch that you yourselves also shall depart from YHUH, walking according to all the Torahlessness of the Gentiles, and you shall do according to all the wickedness of Sodom. And YHUH shall bring captivity upon you, and there shall you serve your enemies, and you shall be bowed down with every affliction and tribulation, until YHUH have consumed you all. And after you have become small and made few, you shall return and acknowledge YHUH your Ahlohim; and He shall bring you back into your land, according to His abundant rachamim. And it shall be, that after that they come into the land of their ahvot, they shall again forget YHUH and become wicked. And YHUH shall scatter them upon the face of all the earth, until the compassion of YHUH shall comes, The Man working tzedakah and working rachamim unto all them that are afar off, and to them that are near.

90 For in the fortieth year of my chayim, I saw a vision on the Mount of Olives, on the east of Yahrushalayim, that the shemesh and the yarayach were standing still. And behold Yitzchak, the abba of my abba, said to us; Run and lay hold of them, each one according to his strength; and to him that seizesthem will the shemesh and yarayach belong. And we all of us ran together, and Lewi laid hold of the shemesh, and Yahudah outstripped the others and seized the yarayach, and they were both of them lifted up with them. And when Levi became as a shemesh, lo, a certain young man gave to him twelve branches of palms; and Yahudah was bright as the yarayach, and under their feet were twelve rays. [And the two, Levi and Yahudah, ran, and laid hold of them.] And, a bull upon the earth, with two great horns, and an eagle's wings upon its back; and we wished to seize him; but could not. But Yoseph came, and seized him, and ascended up with him on high. And I saw, for I was there, and behold a kadosh writing appeared to us, saying: Assyrians, Medes, Persians, [Chaldeans,] Syrians, shall possess in captivity the twelve tribes of Yisrael.

91 And again, after seven days, I saw our abba Yaakov standing by the sea of Yamnia, and we were with him. And behold, there came a ship sailing by, without sailors or pilot; and there was written upon the ship, The Ship of Yaakov. And our abba said to us: Come, let us embark on our ship. And when he had gone on board, there arose a vehement storm, and a mighty tempest of wind; and our abba, who was holding the helm, departed from us. And we, being tossed with the tempest, were borne along over the sea; and the ship was filled with water, (and was) pounded by mighty waves, until it was broken up. And Yoseph fled away upon a little boat, and we were all divided upon nine planks, and Lewi and Yahudah were together. And we were all scattered unto the ends of the earth. Then Lewi, girt about with sackcloth, prayed for us all unto YHUH. And when the storm ceased, the ship reached the land as it were in shalom. And, our abba came, and we all rejoiced with one accord.

92 These two dreams I told to my abba; and he said to me: These things must be fulfilled in their season, after that Yisrael hath endured many things. Then my abba said unto me: I believe Ahlohim that Yoseph lives, for I see always that YHUH numbers him with you, And he said, weeping: Ah me, my son Yoseph, you lives, though I behold you not, and you see you not Yaakov that begat you. He caused me also, therefore, to weep by these words, and I burned in my lev to declare that Yoseph had been sold, but I feared my brethren.

93 And lo! my children, I have shown unto you the last times, how everything shall come to pass in Yisrael. Do you also, therefore, charge your children that they be united to Lewi and to Yahudah; For through them shall YAHUSHA arise unto Yisrael, And in them shall Yaakov be blessed. For through their tribes shall Ahlohim appear on earth, To save the race of Yisrael, And to gather together the righteous from among the Gentiles. If you work that which is tov, my children, Both men and malachim shall bless you; And Ahlohim shall be esteemed among the Gentiles through you, And the devil shall flee from you, And the wild beasts shall fear you, And YHUH shall have ahava to you, [And the malachim shall cleave to you]. As a man who has trained a child well is kept in kindly remembrance: So also for a tov work there is a tov remembrance before Ahlohim. But him that does not that which is tov, both malachim and men shall curse, And Ahlohim shall be dishonored among the Gentiles through him, And the devil shall make him as his own peculiar instrument, And every wild beast shall master him, And YHUH shall hate him. For the commandments of the Torah are twofold, And through prudence they must be fulfilled. For there is a season for a man to embrace his isha, And a season to abstain for his tefilah. So, then, there are two commandments; and, unless they be done in due order, they bring very great sin upon men. So also is it with the other commandments. Be you therefore wise in Ahlohim, my Children, and prudent, understanding the order of His commandments, and the laws of every Word, that YHUH may ahava you.

94 And when he had charged them with many such words, he exhorted them that they should remove his bones to Chevron, and that they should bury him with his ahvot. And when he had eaten and drunken with a merry lev, he covered his face and died. And his sons did according to all that Naphtali their abba had commanded them.

The Testament of Gad the Ninth Son of Yaakov and Zilpah

95 The copy of the testament of Gad, what things he spoke unto his sons, in the hundred and twenty-fifth year of his chayim, saying unto them: Shema, my children, I was the ninth son born to Yaakov, and I was valiant in keeping the flocks. Accordingly I guarded at night the flock; and whenever the lion came, or the wolf, or any wild beast against the fold, I pursued it, and overtaking it I seized its foot with my hand and hurled it about a stone's throw, and so killed it. Now Yoseph my brother was feeding the flock with us for upwards of thirty days, and being young, he fell sick by reason of the heat. And he returned to Chevron to our abba, who made him lie down near him, because he loved him greatly. And Yoseph told our abba that the sons of Zilpah and Bilhah were slaying the best of the flock and eating them against the mishpat of Reuben and Yahudah. For he saw that I had delivered a lamb out of the mouth of a bear, and put the bear to death; but had slain the lamb, being grieved concerning it that it could not live, and that we had eaten it. And regarding this matter I was wroth with Yoseph until the yom that he was sold. And the ruach of hatred was in me, and I wished not either to hear of Yoseph with the ears, or see him with the eyes, because he rebuked us to our faces saying that we were eating of the flock without Yahudah. For whatsoever things he told our abba, he believed him.

96 I confess now my din, my children, that oftentimes I wished to kill him, because I hated him from my lev. Moreover, I hated him yet more for his dreams; and I wished to lick him out of the land of the living, even as an ox licks up the grass of the field. Therefore I and Simeon sold him to the Ishmaelites [for thirty pieces of gold, and ten of them we hid, and showed the twenty to our brethren] And thus through covetousness we were bent on slaying him. Thus the Ahlohim of our ahvoth delivered him from our hands, that we should not work great Torahlessness in Yisrael.

97 And now, my children, shema to the words of emet to work tzedakah, and all the Torah of the Most High, and go not astray through the ruach of hatred, for it is evil in all the doings of men. Whatsoever a man does the hater abominates him: and though a man works the Torah of YHUH, he praises him not; though a man fears YHUH, and takes pleasure in that which is righteous, he loveth him not. He dispraised the emet, he envies him that prospers, he welcomes evil-speaking, he loves arrogance, for hatred blindness soul; as I also then looked on Yoseph.

 98 Beware, therefore, my children of hatred, for it worketh Torahlessness even against YHUH Himself. For it will not hear the words of His commandments concerning the loving of one's--neighbor, and it sins against Ahlohim. For if a brother stumble, it delights immediately to proclaim it to all men, and is urgent that he should be judged for it, and be punished and be put to death. And if it be a servant it stirs him up against his master, and with every affliction it devises against him, if possibly he can be put to death. For hatred works  with envy also against them that prosper: so long as it hears of or sees their success it always languishes. For as ahava would quicken even the dead, and would call back them that are condemned to die, so hatred would slay the living, and those that had sinned venially it would not suffer to live. For the ruach of hatred works together with s.a.tan, through hastiness of ruacheem, in all things to men's death; but the ruach of ahava works together with the Torah of Ahlohim in long-suffering unto the YAHUSHA of men.

99 Hatred, therefore, is evil, for it constantly mates with lying, speaking against the emet; and it makes small things to be great, and causes the light to be darkness, and calls the sweet bitter, and teaches slander, and kindles wrath, and stirs up war, and violence and all covetousness; it fills the lev with evils and devilish poison. These things, therefore, I say to you from experience, my children, that you may drive forth hatred, which is of the devil, and cleave to the ahava of Ahlohim. Righteousness casts out hatred, humility destroys envy. For he that is tzadik and humble is ashamed to do what is unjust, being reproved not of another, but of his own lev, because YHUH looks on his inclination. He speaks not against a kadosh man, because the fear of Ahlohim overcomes hatred. For fearing lest he should offend YHUH, he will not do wrong to any man, even in thought. These things I learnt at last, after I had repented concerning Yoseph.

For true repentance after a godly sort destroys ignorance, and drives away the darkness, and enlightens the eyes, and gives knowledge to the soul, and leads the mind to salvation. And those things which it has not learned from man, it knows through teshuvah. For Ahlohim brought upon me a disease of the liver; and had not the prayers of Yaakov my abba helped me, it had hardly failed but my ruach had departed. For by what things a man transgresses by the same also is he punished. Since, therefore, my liver was set mercilessly against Yoseph, in my liver too I suffered mercilessly, and was judged for eleven months, for so long a time as I had been angry against Yoseph.

100 And now, my children, I exhort you, have ahava each one for his brother, and put away hatred from your levavot, have ahava to one another in deed, and in word, and in the inclination of the nephesh. For in the presence of my abba I spoke peaceably to Yoseph; and when I had gone out, the ruach of hatred darkened my mind, and stirred up my nephesh to slay him. Love you one another from the lev; and if a man sin against you, speak peaceably to him, and in your soul hold not guile; and if he repents and confesses, forgive him. But if he deny it, do not get into a passion with him, lest catching the poison from you he take to swearing and so you sin doubly. Let not another man hear your secrets when engaged in legal strife, lest he come to hate you and become your enemy, and commit a great sin against you; for ofttimes he addresses you guilefully or busies himself about you with wicked intent. And though he deny it and yet have a sense of shame when reproved, give over reproving him. For maybe who denies may repent so as not again to wrong you; yes, he may also honor you, and fear and be at shalom with you. And if he be shameless and persist in his wrong-doing, even so forgive him from the lev, and leave to Ahlohim the avenging.

101 If a man prospers more than you, do not be vexed, but pray also for him, that he may have perfect prosperity for so it is expedient for you. And if he be further exalted, be not envious of him, remembering that all flesh shall die; and offer praise to Ahlohim, who gives things tov and profitable to all men. Seek out the mishpatim of YHUH, and your mind will rest and be in shalom. And though a man become rich by evil means, even as Esav, the brother of my abba, be not jealous; but wait for the end of YHUH. For if he takes away from a man wealth gotten by evil means He forgives him if he repents, but the unrepentant is reserved for eternal punishment. For the poor man, if free from envy he pleases YHUH in all things, is blessed beyond all men, because he has not the travail of vain men. Put away, therefore, jealousy from your souls, and have ahava for one another with uprightness of lev.

102 Do you also therefore tell these things to your children, that they honor Yahudah and Levi, for from them shall YHUH raise up YAHUSHA to Yisrael. For I know that at the last your children shall depart from Him, and shall walk in  wickedness, and affliction and corruption before YHUH. And when he had rested for a little while, he said again; My children, obey your abba, and bury me near to my ahvoth. And he drew up his feet, and fell asleep in shalom. And after five years they carried him up to Chevron, and laid him with his ahvoth.

The Testament of Asher the Tenth Son of Yaakov and Zilpah

103 The copy of the Testament of Asher, what things he spoke to his sons in the hundred and twenty-fifth year of his chayim. For while he was still in health, he said to them: Shema, you children of Asher, to your abba, and I will declare to you all that is upright in the sight of YHUH. Two ways has Ahlohim given to the sons of men, and two inclinations, and two kinds of action, and two modes (of action), and two issues. Therefore all things are by twos, one over against the other. For there are two ways of tov and evil, and with these are the two inclinations in our breasts discriminating them. Therefore if the nephesh take pleasure in the tov (inclination), all its actions are in tzedakah; and if it sin it straightway repents. For, having its thoughts set upon tzedakah, and casting away wickedness, it immediately overthrows the evil, and uproots the sin. But if it incline to the evil inclination, all its actions are in wickedness, and it drives away the tov, and cleaves to the evil, and is ruled by s.a.tan; even though it works what is tov, he perverts it to evil. For whenever it begins to do tov, he forces the issue of the action into evil for him, seeing that the treasure of the inclination is filled with an evil ruach.

104 A person then may with words help the tov for the sake of the evil, yet the issue of the action leads to mischief. There is a man who shows no compassion upon him who serves his turn in evil; and this thing has two aspects, but the whole is evil. And there is a man that loves him that works evil, because he would prefer even to die in evil for his sake; and concerning this it is clear that it hath two aspects, but the whole is an evil work. Though indeed he have ahava, yet is he wicked who conceals what is evil for the sake of the tov name, but the end of the action tends unto evil. Another steals, does unjustly, plunders defrauds, and withal pities the poor: this too hath a twofold aspect, but the whole is evil. He who defrauds his neighbor provoks Ahlohim, and swears falsely against the Most High, and yet pities the poor: YHUH who commands the Torah he sets at nothing and provokes, and yet he refreshes the poor. He defiles the soul, and makes gay the body; he kills many, and pities a few: this, too, has a twofold aspect, but the whole is evil. Another commit's adultery and fornication, and abstains from meats, and when he fasts he doe s evil, and by the power of his wealth overwhelms many; and notwithstanding his excessive wickedness he does the mitzvoth: this, too, has a twofold aspect, but the whole is evil. Such men are hares; clean,- like those that divide the hoof, but in very deed are unclean. For Ahlohim in the tables of the commandments has thus declared.

105 But do not you, my children, wear two faces like unto them, of goodness and of wickedness; but cleave unto goodness only, for Ahlohim hath his habitation there, and men desire it. But from wickedness flee away, destroying the (evil) inclination by your tov works; for they that are double-faced serve not Ahlohim, but their own lusts, so that they may please s.a.tan and men like unto themselves.

106 For tov men, even they that are of single face, though they be thought by them that are double faced to sin, are just before Ahlohim. For many in killing the wicked do two works, of tov and evil; but the whole is tov, because he hath uprooted and destroyed that which is evil. One man hateth the merciful and unjust man, and the man who committeth adultery and fasteth: this, too, hath a two fold aspect, but the whole work is tov, because he followeth YHUH's example, in that he accepteth not the seeming tov as the genuine tov. Another desires not to see a tov yom with them that riot, lest he defile his body and pollute his soul: this, too, is double-faced, but the whole is tov. For such men are like to stags and to hinds, because in the manner of wild animals they seem to be unclean, but they are altogether clean; because they walk in zeal for YHUH and abstain from what Ahlohim also hates and forbids by His mitzvoth, warding off the evil from the tov.

107 Ye see, my children, how that there are two in all things, one against the other, and the one is hidden by the other: in wealth (is hidden) covetousness, in conviviality drunkenness, in laughter grief, in wedlock licentiousness, death succeeds to chayim, dishonor to esteem, night to yom, and darkness to light; [and all things are under the yom, just things under chayim, unjust things under death;] wherefore also eternal chayim awaits death. Nor may it be said that emet is a lie, nor right wrong; for all emet is under the light, even as all things are under Ahlohim. All these things, therefore, I proved in my chayim, and I wandered not from the emet of YHUH, and I searched out the commandments of the Most High, walking according to all my strength with singleness of face unto that which is tov.

108 Take heed, therefore, you also, my children, to the mitzvoth of YHUH, following the emet with singleness of face. For they that are double-faced are guilty of a twofold sin; for they both do the evil thing and they have pleasure in them that do it, following the example of the ruacheem of deceit, and striving against mankind. Do you, therefore, my children, keep the Torah of YHUH, and give not heed unto evil as unto tov; but look unto the thing that is really tov, and keep it in all mitzvoth of YHUH, having your conversation therein, and resting therein. For the latter ends of men do show their tzedakah (or unrighteousness), when they meet the malachim of YHUH and of Satan.

For when the nephesh departs troubled, it is tormented by the evil ruach which also it served in lusts and evil works. But if he is peaceful with siracha he meets the malach of peace, and he leads him into eternal chayim.

109 Become not, my children, as Sodom, which sinned against the malachim of YHUH, and perished for ever. For I know that you shall sin, and be delivered into the hands of your enemies; and your land shall be made desolate, and your kadosh places destroyed, and you shall be scattered unto the four corners of the earth. And you shall be set at nought in the dispersion vanishing away as water. Until the Most High shall visit the earth, coming Himself and breaking the head of the dragon in the water. He shall save Yisrael and all the Gentiles Therefore do you also, my children, tell these things to your children, that they disobey Him not. For I have known that you shall assuredly be disobedient, and assuredly act ungodly, not giving heed to the Torah of Ahlohim, but to the commandments of men, being corrupted through wickedness. And therefore shall you be scattered as Gad and Dan my brethren, and you shall know not your lands, tribe, and tongue. But YHUH will gather you together in faith through His tender mercy, and for the sake of Abraham, Yitzchak, and Yaakov.]

110 And when he had said these things unto them he commanded them, saying: Bury me in Chevron. And he fell asleep and died at a tov old age. And his sons did as he had commanded them, and they carried him up to Chevron, and buried him with his ahvoth.

The Testament of Yoseph the Eleventh Son of Yaakov and Rachel

111 The copy of the Testament of Yoseph. When he was about to die he called his sons and his brethren together, and said to them: My brethren and my children, Shema to Yoseph the beloved of Yisrael; Give ear, my sons, unto your abba. I have seen in my chayim envy and death, Yet I went not astray, but persevered in the emet of YHUH. These my brethren hated me, but YHUH loved me: They wished to slay me, but the Ahlohim of my ahvoth guarded me: They let me down into a pit, and the Most High brought me up again. I was sold into avdoot, and YHUH of all made me free: I was taken into captivity, and His strong hand helped me. I was beset with hunger, and YHUH Himself nourished me. I was alone, and Ahlohim comforted me: I was sick, and YHUH visited me: I was in prison, and my Ahlohim showed favor unto me; In bonds, and He released me; slandered, and He pleaded my cause; Bitterly spoken against by the Mitzrites, and He delivered me; Envied by my fellow-slaves, and He exalted me.

112 And this chief captain of Pharaoh entrusted to me his house. And I struggled against a shameless woman, urging me to transgress with her; but the Ahlohim of Yisrael my abba delivered me from the burning flame. I was cast into prison, I was beaten, I was mocked; but YHUH granted me to find mercy in the sight of the keeper of the prison. For YHUH doth not forsake them that fear Him, Neither in darkness, nor in bonds, nor in tribulations, nor in necessities. For Ahlohim is not put to shame as a man, Nor as the son of man is he afraid, Nor as one that is earth-born is He [weak or] affrighted. But in all those things does He give protection, And in divers ways dos He comfort, (Though) for a little space He departs to try the inclination of the nephesh. In ten temptations He showed me approved, And in all of them I endured; For endurance is a mighty charm, And patience gives many tov things.

113 How often did the Mitzrayim woman threaten me with death! How often did she give me over to punishment, and then call me back and threaten me, and when I was unwilling to company with her, she said to me: You shall be lord of me, and all that is in my house, if you will give yourself unto me, and you shall be as our master. But I remembered the words of my abba, and going into my chamber, I wept and prayed unto YHUH. And I fasted in those seven years, and I appeared to the Mitzrites as one living delicately, for they that fast for Ahlohim's sake receive beauty of face. And if my lord were away from home, I drank no wine; nor for three days did I take my food, but I gave it to the poor and sick. And I sought YHUH early, and I wept for the Mitzrite woman of Memphis, for very unceasingly did she trouble me, for also at night she came to me under pretense of visiting me. And because she had no male child she pretended to regard me as a son, and so I prayed to YHUH, and she bare a male child. And for a time she embraced me as a son, and I knew it not; but later, she sought to draw me into fornication. And when I perceived it I sorrowed unto death; and when she had gone out, I came to myself, and lamented for her many days, because I recognized her guile and her deceit. And I declared unto her the words of the Most High, if haply she would turn from her evil lust.

114 Often, therefore, did she flatter me with words as a kadosh man, and guilefully in her talk praise my chastity before her husband, while desiring to ensnare me when we were alone. For she lauded me openly as chaste, and in secret she said unto me: Fear not my husband; for he is persuaded concerning your chastity: for even should one tell him concerning us, he would not believe. Owing to all these things I lay upon the ground, and besought Ahlohim that YHUH would deliver me from her deceit. And when she had prevailed nothing thereby, she came again to me under the plea of instruction, that she might learn the word of Ahlohim. And she said unto me: If you will that I should leave my idols, lie with me, and I will persuade my husband to depart from his idols, and we will walk in the Torah of your YHUH. And I said unto her: The YHUH wills not that those who reverence Him should be in uncleanness, nor doth He take pleasure in them that commit adultery, but in those that approach Him with a pure lev and undefiled lips. But she held her shalom, longing to accomplish her evil desire. And I gave myself yet more to fasting and tefilah, that YHUH might deliver me from her.

115 And again, at another time she said unto me: If you will not commit adultery, I will kill my husband by poison; and take you to be my husband. I therefore, when I heard this, rent my garments, and said unto her: Woman, reverence Ahlohim, and do not this evil deed, lest you be destroyed; for know indeed that I will declare this your device unto all men. She therefore, being afraid, besought that I would not declare this device. And she departed soothing me with gifts, and sending to me every delight of the sons of men.

116 And afterwards she sent me food mingled with enchantments. and when the eunuch who brought it came, I looked up and beheld a terrible man giving me with the dish a sword, and I perceived that (her) scheme was to beguile me. And when he had gone out I wept, nor did I taste that or any other of her food. So then after one yom she came to me and observed the food, and said unto me: Why is it that you have not eaten of the food? And I said unto her: It is because you have filled it with deadly enchantments; and how do you say: I come not near to idols, but to YHUH alone. Now therefore know that the Ahlohim of my abba has revealed unto me by His malach your wickedness, and I have kept it to convict you, if haply you may see and repent. But that you may learn that the wickedness of the ungodly has no power over them that worship Ahlohim with chastity, behold I will take of it and eat before you. And having so said, I prayed thus: The Ahlohim of my ahvoth and the malach of Abraham, be with me; and ate. And when she saw this she fell upon her face at my feet, weeping; and I raised her up and admonished her. And she promised to do this iniquity no more.

117 But her lev was still set upon evil, and she looked around how to ensnare me, and sighing deeply she became downcast, though she was not sick. And when her husband saw her, he said unto her: Why is your countenance fallen? And she said unto him: I have a pain at my lev, and the groanings of my ruach oppress me; and so he comforted her who was not sick. Then, accordingly seizing an opportunity, she rushed unto me while her husband was yet without, and said unto me: I will hang myself, or cast myself over a cliff, if you will not lie with me. And when I saw the ruach of s.a.tan was troubling her, I prayed unto YHUH, and said unto her: Why, wretched woman, are you troubled and disturbed, blinded through, sins? Remember that if you kill yourself, Asteho, the concubine of your husband, your rival, will beat your children, and you will destroy your memorial from off the earth. And she said unto me: Lo, then you love me; let this suffice me: only strive for my chayim and my children, and I expect that I shall enjoy my desire also. But she knew not that because of my YHUH I spoke thus, and not because of her. For if a man has fallen before the passion of a wicked desire and become enslaved by it, even as she, whatever tov thing he may hear with regard to that passion, he receives it with a view to his wicked desire.

118 I declare, therefore, unto you, my children, that it was about the sixth hour when she departed from me; and I knelt before YHUH all yom, and all the night; and about dawn I rose up, weeping the while and praying for a release from her. At last, then, she laid hold of my garments, forcibly dragging me to have sex with her. When, therefore, I saw that in her madness she was holding fast to my garment, I left it behind, and fled away naked. And holding fast to the garment she falsely accused me, and when her husband came he cast me into prison in his house; and on the next morning, he scourged me and sent me into Pharaoh's prison. And when I was in bonds, the Mitzrite woman was oppressed with grief, and she came and heard how I gave thanks unto YHUH and sang praises in the abode of darkness, and with glad voice rejoiced, glorifying my Ahlohim that I was delivered from the lustful desire of the Mitzrayimian woman. 

119 And often has she sent unto me saying: Consent to fulfill my desire, and I will release you from your bonds, and I will free you from the darkness. And not even in thought did I incline unto her. For Ahlohim loves him who in a den of wickedness combines fasting with chastity, rather than the man who in melechim' chambers combines luxury with license. And if a man lives in chastity, and desires also esteem, and the Most High knows that it is expedient for him, He bestows this also upon me. How often, though she were sick, did she come down to me at unlooked for times, and listened to my voice as I prayed! And when I heard her groanings I held my shalom. For when I was in her house she was wont to bare her arms, and breasts, and legs, that I might lie with her; for she was very beautiful, splendidly adorned in order to beguile me. And YHUH guarded me from her devices.

120 Ye see, therefore, my children, how great things patience worketh, and tefilah with fasting. So you too, if you follow after chastity and purity with patience and tefilah, with fasting in humility of lev, YHUH will dwell among you, because He loves chastity. And wheresoever the Most High dwells, even though envy, or slavery, or slander befalls (a man), YHUH who dwells in him, for the sake of his chastity not only delivers him from evil, but also exalts him even as me. For in every way the man is lifted up, whether in deed, or in word, or in thought. My brethren knew how my abba loved me, and yet I did not exalt myself in my mind: although I was a child, I had the fear of Ahlohim in my lev; for I knew that all things would pass away. And I did nor raise myself (against them) with evil intent, but I honored my brethren; and out of respect for them, even when I was being sold, I refrained from telling the Ishmaelites that I was a son of Yaakov, a great man and a mighty.

121 Do you also, my children, have the fear of Ahlohim in all your works before your eyes, and honor your brethren. For every one who does the Torah of YHUH shall be loved by Him. And when I came to the Indocolpitae with the Ishmaelites, they asked me, saying: Are you a slave? And I said that I was a home-born slave, that I might not put my brethren to shame. And the eldest of them said unto me: You art not a slave, for even your appearance does make it manifest. But I said that I was their eved. Now when we came into Mitzrayim they strove concerning me, which of them should buy me and take me. Therefore it seemed tov to all that I should remain in Mitzrayim with the merchant of their trade, until they should return bringing merchandise. And YHUH gave me favor in the eyes of the merchant, and he entrusted to me his house. And Ahlohim blessed him by my means, and increased him in gold and silver and in household avadim. And I was with him three months and five days.

122 And about that time the Memphian woman, the isha of Pentephri, came down in a chariot, with great pomp, because she had heard from her eunuchs concerning me. And she told her husband that the merchant had become rich by means of a young Hebrew, and they say that he had assuredly been stolen out of the land of Canaan. Now, therefore, render justice unto him, and take away the youth to your house; so shall the Ahlohim of the Hebrews bless you, for chesed from shamayim is upon him.

123 And Pentephris was persuaded by her words, and commanded the merchant to be brought, and said unto him: What is this that I hear concerning you, that you steal persons out of the land of Kanaan, and sell them for avadim? But the merchant fell at his feet, and besought him, saying: I beseech you, my lord, I know not what you say. And Pentephris said unto him: Whence, then, is the Hebrew slave? And he said: The Ishmaelites entrusted him unto me until they should return. But he believed him not, but commanded him to be stripped and beaten. And when he persisted in this statement, Pentephris said: Let the youth be brought. And when I was brought in, I did obeisance to Pentephris (for he was third in rank of the officers of Pharaoh). And he took me apart from him, and said unto me: Are you an eved or free? And I said: An eved. And he said: Whose? And I said: The Ishmaelites. And he said: How did you become their eved? And I said: They bought me out of the land of Kanaan. And he said unto me: Truly you lie; and immediately  he commanded me to be stripped and beaten. 

124 Now the Memphian woman was looking through a window at me while I was being beaten, for her house was near, and she sent unto him saying: Thymishpat is unjust; for you do punish a free man who has been stolen, as though he were a transgressor. And when I made no change in my statement, though I was beaten, he ordered me to be imprisoned, until, he said, the owners of the boy should come. And the woman said unto her husband: Why dot you detain the captive and well-born lad in bonds, who ought rather to be set at liberty, and be waited upon? For she wished to see me out of a desire of sin, but I was ignorant concerning all these things. And he said to her: It is not the custom of the Mitzrites to take that which belongs to others before proof is given. This, therefore, he said concerning the merchant; but as for the lad, he must be imprisoned.

125 Now after four and twenty days came the Ishmaelites; for they had heard that Yaakov my abba was mourning much concerning me. And they came and said unto me: How is it that you said that you were an eved? And lo, we have learned that you art the son of a mighty man in the land of Kanaan, and your abba still mourns for you in sackcloth and ashes. When I heard this my bowels were dissolved and my lev melted, and I desired greatly to weep, but I restrained myself, that I should not put my brethren to shame. And I said unto them, I know not, I am a slave. Then, therefore, they took counsel to sell me, that I should not be found in their hands. For they feared my abba, lest he [should come and] execute upon them a grievous vengeance. For they had heard that he was mighty with Ahlohim and with men. Then said the merchant unto them: Release me from the mishpat of Pentiphri. And they came and requested of me, saying: Say that you were bought by us with money, and he will set us free.

126 Now the Memphian woman said to her husband: Buy the youth; for I hear, said she, that they are selling him. And straightway she sent a eunuch to the Ishmaelites, and asked them to sell me. But since the eunuch would not agree to buy me (at their price) he returned, having made trial of them, and he made known to his mistress that they asked a large price for their slave. And she sent another eunuch, saying: Even though they demand two minas, give them, do not spare the gold; only buy the boy, and bring him to me. The eunuch therefore went and gave them eighty pieces of gold, and he received me; but to the Mitzrite woman he said: I have given a hundred. And though I knew (this) I held my shalom, lest the eunuch should be put to shame.

127 Ye see, therefore, my children, what great things I endured that I should not put my brethren to shame. Do you also, therefore have ahava one to another, and with long-suffering hide you one another's faults. For Ahlohim delights in the unity of brethren, and in the purpose of a lev that takes pleasure in ahava. And when my brethren came into Mitzrayim they learned that I had returned their money unto them, and upbraided them not, and comforted them. And after the death of Yaakov my abba I loved them more abundantly, and all things whatsoever he commanded I did very abundantly for them, And I allowed them not to be afflicted in the smallest matter; and all that was in my hand I gave unto them. And their children were my children, and my children as their servants; and their chayim was my chayim, and all their suffering was my suffering, and all their sickness was my infirmity. My land was their land, and their counsel my counsel. And I exalted not myself among them in arrogance because of my worldly esteem, but I was among them as one of the least.

128 If you also, therefore, walk in the mitzvoth of YHUH, my children, He will exalt you there, and will bless you with tov things le-olam-va-ed. And if any one seeks to do evil unto you, do well unto him, and make tefillah for him, and you shall be redeemed of YHUH from all evil. [For], behold, you see that out of my humility and long -suffering I took unto isha the daughter of the kohen of Heliopolis. And a hundred talents of gold were given me with her, and YHUH made them to serve me. And He gave me also beauty as a flower beyond the beautiful ones of Yisrael; and He preserved me unto old age in strength and in beauty, because I was like in all things to Yaakov.

129 Hear you, therefore, me vision which I saw. I saw twelve harts feeding. And nine of them were dispersed. Now the three were preserved, but on the following yom they also were dispersed. And I saw that the three harts became three lambs, and they cried to YHUH, and He brought them forth into a flourishing and well watered place, yes He brought them out of darkness into light. And there they cried unto YHUH until there gathered together unto them the nine harts, and they became as twelve sheep, and after a little time they increased and became many flocks. And after these things I saw and behold, twelve bulls were sucking one cow, which produced a sea of milk, and there drank thereof the twelve flocks and innumerable herds. And the horns of the fourth bull went up unto shamayim and became as a wall for the flocks, and in the midst of the two horns there grew another horn. And I saw a bull calf which surrounded them twelve times, and it became a help to the bulls wholly. And these things must come to pass in their season. Do you therefore, my children, observe the mitzvoth of YHUH, and honor Levi and Yahudah; for from them shall arise unto you one who saves [all the nations and] Yisrael. For His kingdom is an everlasting malchut, which shall not pass away; but my malchut among you shall come to an end as a watcher's hammock, which after the summer disappears.

130 For I know that after my death the Mitzrites will afflict you, but Ahlohim will avenge you, and will bring you into that which He promised to your ahvot. But you shall carry up my bones with you; for when my bones are being taken up there, YHUH shall be with you in light, and s.a.tan shall be in darkness with the Mitzrites. And carry  up Asenath your eema to the Hippodrome, and near Rachel your eema bury her. And when he had said these things he stretched out his feet, and died at a tov old age. And all Yisrael mourned for him, and all Mitzrayim, with a great mourning. And when the children of Yisrael went out of Mitzrayim, they took with them the bones of Yoseph, and they buried him in Chevron with his ahvot, and the years of his chayim were one hundred and ten years.

The Testament of Benjamin the Twelfth Son of Yaakov and Rachel

131 The copy of the words of Benjamin, which he commanded his sons to observe, after he had lived a hundred and twenty-five years. And he kissed them, and said: As Yitzchak was born to Abraham in his old age, so also was I to Yaakov. And since Rachel my eema died in giving me birth, I had no milk; therefore I was suckled by Bilhah her handmaid. For Rachel remained barren for twelve years after she had borne Yoseph; and she prayed YHUH with fasting twelve days, and she conceived and bare me. For my abba loved Rachel dearly, and prayed that he might see two sons born from her. Therefore was I called Benjamin, that is, a son of days.  

132 And when I went into Mitzrayim, to Yoseph, and my brother recognized me, he said unto me: What did they tell my abba when they sold me? And I said unto him, They dabbled your coat with blood and sent it, and said: Know whether this be your son's coat. And Yoseph said unto me: Even so, brother, the Kanaanite merchants stole me by force, And it came to pass that as they went on their way they concealed my garment, as though a wild beast had met me and slain me. And so his associates sold me to the Ishmaelites. And they did not lie in saying this. For he wished to conceal from me the deeds of my brethren. And he called to him his brethren and said: Do not tell my abba what you have done unto me, but tell him as I have told Benjamin. And let the thoughts among you be such, and let not these things come to the lev of my abba.

133 Do you also, therefore, my children, ahava YHUH Ahlohim of shamayim and earth, and keep His mitzvoth, following the example of the tov and kadosh man Yoseph. And let your mind be unto tov, even as you know me; for he that hath his mind right sees all things rightly. Fear you YHUH, and have ahava for your neighbor; and even though the ruacheem of s.a.tan claim you to afflict you with every evil, yet shall they not have dominion over you, even as they had not over Yoseph my brother. How many men wished to slay him, and Ahlohim shielded him! For he that fears Ahlohim and loves his neighbor cannot be smitten by the ruach of s.a.tan, being shielded by the fear of Ahlohim. Nor can he be ruled over by the device of men or beasts, for he is helped by YHUH through the ahava which he hath towards his neighbor. For Yoseph also besought our abba that he would pray for his brethren, that YHUH would not impute to them as sin whatever evil they had done unto him. And thus Yaakov cried out: My tov child, you have prevailed over the bowels of your abba Yaakov. And he embraced him, and kissed him for two hours.

134 See you, therefore, my children, the end of the tov man? Be followers of his compassion, therefore, with a tov mind, that you also may wear crowns of esteem. For the tov man has not a dark eye; for he shows mercy to all men, even though they be sinners. And though they devise with evil intent concerning him, by doing tov he overcomes evil, being shielded by Ahlohim: and he loves the tzadikim as his own nephesh. If any one is essteemed, he envies him not; if any one is enriched, he is not jealous; if any one is valiant, he praises him; the virtuous man he laudes, on the poor man he has mercy; on the weak he has compassion; unto Ahlohim he sings tehellot and  protects him as with a shield; him that loves Ahlohim he helps; him that rejects the Most High he admonishes and turns back; and him that has the chesed of a tov ruach he loves as his own soul.

135 If, therefore, you also have a tov mind, then will both wicked men be at shalom with you, and the licentious will reverence you and turn unto tov; and the covetous will not only cease from their inordinate desire, but even give the objects of their covetousness to them that are afflicted. If you do well, even the unclean ruacheem will flee from you; and the beasts will dread you. For where there is reverence for tov works and light in the mind, even darkness flees away from him. For if any one does violence to a kadosh man, he repents; for the kadosh man is merciful to his reviler, and holds his shalom. And if any one betrays a tzadik man, the tzadik man prays: though for a little he be humbled, yet not long after he appears far more glorious, as was Yoseph my brother.

136 The inclination of the tov man is not in the power of the deceit of the ruach of s.a.tan, for the malach of shalom guides his soul. And he gazes not passionately upon corruptible things, nor gathers together riches through a desire of pleasure. He delights not in pleasure, [he grieves for not his neighbor], he satisfies not himself with luxuries, he fails not in the uplifting of the eyes, YHUH is his portion. The tov inclination receives not esteem nor dishonor from men, and it knows not any guile, or lie, or fighting or reviling; for YHUH dwells in him and lights up his soul, and he rejoices towards all men always. The tov mind has not two tongues, of blessing and of cursing, of contumely and of honor, of sorrow and of joy, of quietness and of confusion, of hypocrisy and of emet, [of poverty and of wealth]; but it hath one disposition, uncorrupt and pure, concerning all men. It hath no double sight, nor double hearing; for in everything which he does, or speaks, or sees, he knows that YHUH looks on his soul. And he cleanses his mind that he may not be condemned by men as well as by Ahlohim. And in like manner the works of s.a.tan are twofold, and there is no singleness in them.

137 Therefore, my children, I tell you, flee the malice of s.a.tan; for he gives a sword to them that obey him. And the sword is the eema of seven evils. First the mind conceives through s.a.tan, and first there is bloodshed; secondly ruin; thirdly, tribulation; fourthly, exile; fifthly, dearth; sixthly, panic; seventhly, destruction. Therefore was Qayin also delivered over to seven vengeances by Ahlohim, for in every hundred years YHUH brought one plague upon him. And when he was two hundred years old he began to suffer, and in the nine-hundredth year he was destroyed. For on account of Hevel, his brother, with all the evils was he judged, but Lamech with seventy times seven. Because for ever those who are like Qayin in envy and hatred of brethren, shall be punished with the same mishpat.

138 And do you, my children, flee evil-doing, envy, and hatred of brethren, and cleave to goodness and ahava. He that has a pure mind in ahava, looks not after a woman with a view to fornication; for he has no defilement in his lev, because the Ruach of Ahlohim rests upon him. For as the shemesh is not defiled by shining on dung and mire, but rather dries up both and drives away the evil smell; so also the pure mind, though encompassed by the defilements of earth, rather cleanses (them) and is not itself defiled.

139 And I believe that there will be also evil-doings among you, from the words of Chanok-Enoch the tzadik: that you shall commit fornication with the fornication of Sodom, and shall perish, all save a few, and shall renew wanton deeds with women; and the malchut of YHUH shall not be among, you, for quickly He shall take it away. Nevertheless the temple of Ahlohim shall be in your portion, and the last (temple) shall be more glorious than the first. And the twelve tribes shall be gathered together there, and all the Gentiles, until the Most High shall send forth His YAHUSHA in the visitation of an only begotten prophet.

140 Now when Yoseph was in Mitzrayim, I longed to see his figure and the form of his countenance; and through the prayers of Yaakov my abba I saw him, while awake in the daytime, even his entire figure exactly as he was. And when he had said these things, he said unto them: Know you, therefore, my children, that I am dying. Do you, therefore, emet and tzedakah each one to his neighbor, and mishpat unto confirmation, and keep the Torah of YHUH and his mitzvoth. For these things do I leave you instead of inheritance. Do you also, therefore, give them to your children for an everlasting possession; for so did both Abraham, and Yitzchak, and Yaakov. For all these things they gave us for an inheritance, saying: Keep the mitzvoth of Ahlohim, until YHUH shall reveal His salvation to all nations. And then shall you see Chanok- Enoch, Noach, and Shem, and Avraham, and Yitzchak, and Yaakov, rising on the right hand in simcha. Then shall we also rise, each one over our tribe, worshipping the Melech of shamayim. Then also all men shall rise, some unto esteem and some unto shame. If you therefore, my children, walk in holiness according to the mitzvoth of YHUH, you shall again dwell securely with me, and all Yisrael shall be gathered unto YHUH.

141 And I shall no longer be called a ravening wolf on account of your ravages, but a worker of YHUH, distributing food to them that work what is tov. And there shall rise up from my zera in the latter times one beloved of YHUH, hearing His voice and a doer of the tov pleasure of His will, [enlightening with new knowledge all the Gentiles, even the light of knowledge, bursting in upon Yisrael for YAHUSHA].

142 And when he finished his words, he said: I command you, my children, carry up my bones out of Mitzrayim, and bury me at Chevron, near my ahvot. So Benyamin died a hundred and twenty-five years old, at a tov old age, and they placed him in a coffin. And in the ninety-first year from the entrance of the children of Yisrael into Mitzrayim, they and their brethren brought up the bones of their ahvot secretly during the Kannanite war; and they buried them in Chevron, by the feet of their ahvot. And they returned from the land of Kanaan and dwelt in Mitzrayim until the yom of their departure from the land of Mitzrayim.X