Acts-Maaseh Shlichim


Acts Of The Apostles

Maaseh Shlichim-To All Nations

When attending “Bible College,” or seminary, or other such religious-based classes, often the teacher or instructor will make a startling statement that seems logical, but is the cause for great misunderstandings of the emet emunah of the disciples. Usually the remark will sound something like this: “The Scroll of Acts is a historical scroll used to record the transition between the Jewish dispensation and the ‘New Yisrael’ i.e. the church. Therefore this scroll should not and cannot be used for doctrine, or to establish church theological positions as the rest of Katuv, which can and should be used for doctrine.” Now years later, understanding the Two-House emet, we can understand why this was taught to many. These statements were designed to keep believers away from Torah and a first-century Yisraelite lifestyle. As you will shortly see, the Scroll of Acts is a most Hebraic resource, showing vividly the practice of Torah in the chayim of all believers in Moshiach. In this scroll, we see the shlichim wrestling with how to incorporate the returning non-Yahudim into a Torah-based lifestyle. As such, these issues are all doctrinal issues ranging from ecclesiology (the study of just who is the one emet elect bride of YHUH ), to soteriology (the study of salvation itself) to even the demonization of believers. Therefore the Scroll of Acts must be viewed and studied not merely as a historical, or a transitional document as some claim, but as a worthy scroll from which we can derive practical instruction, as well as settle ongoing doctrinal issues, as we receive clarity from its pages. Second Timothy 3:16 reminds us of this emet, by stating that all Katuv is profitable for any and every use, including doctrine and conduct today. Let those who have been discouraged from doing so in the past, begin to look to this scroll again, not merely as a record of early Nazarene Yisraelite history but as a guide in our lifestyle and cultural return back into the Commonwealth of Yisrael.

1 The first scroll have I made, O Theophilos, of all that YAHUSHA-YHUH began both to do and teach,

2 Until the yom in which He was taken up, after He through The Ruach Hakodesh had given His Torah to the shlichim whom He had chosen:

3 To whom also He showed Himself alive after His passion by many infallible proofs, being seen by them forty yamim and speaking of the things pertaining to the malchut of YHUH.

4 And, as He ate lechem together with them, He commanded them that they should not depart from Yahrushalayim, but wait for the Promise of Abba, which, He said, you have heard from Me.

5 For Yochanan ha Matbeel truly immersed with mayim; but you shall be immersed with The Ruach Hakodesh not many yamim from now.

6 When they therefore had come together, they asked Him, saying, Master, will You at this time restore again the malchut to Yisrael?

7 And He said to them, It is not for you to know the times, or the moadeem, which Abba has put under His own authority. 

8 But you shall receive Power, after The Ruach Hakodesh has come upon you: and you shall be witnesses to Me both in Yahrushalayim and in all Yahudah and in Shomron and to the four corners of the olam.

9 And when He had spoken these things, while they looked, He was taken up; and a cloud received Him out of their sight.

10 And while they looked steadfastly toward the shamayim as He went up, see, two men stood by them in white apparel;

11 Who also said, You men of Galil, why do you stand gazing up into the shamayim? This same YAHUSHA-YHUH, who is taken up from you into the shamayim, shall so come in like manner as you have seen Him go into the shamayim.

12 Then they returned to Yahrushalayim from the har called Olives, which is from Yahrushalayim a Shabbat yom’s journey.

13 And when they came back, they went up into an upper room, where there were staying Kefa and Yaakov and Yochanan and Andri, Philip and Toma, Bartholomi and Mattityahu, Yaakov the son of Alphai and Shimon the Zealot and Yahudah the brother of Yaakov.

14 These all continued with one accord in the tefillot and supplication, with the women and Miryam the eema of YAHUSHA-YHUH and with His brothers.

15 And in those yamim Kefa stood up in the midst of the talmidim – the number of names together were about a hundred twenty – and said,

16 Men and Yisraelite brothers, this Katuv had to have been fulfilled, which The Ruach Hakodesh by the mouth of Dawid spoke before concerning Yahudah, who was a guide to them that took YAHUSHA-YHUH.

17 For he was numbered with us and had obtained part of this service.

18 Now this man purchased a field with the reward of iniquity; and falling head first, he burst open in the middle and all his intestines gushed out.

19 And it was known to all the dwellers at Yahrushalayim; so that field is called in their own language, Akel-Dahma, that is to say, The Field of Dahm.

20 For it is written in the Scroll of Tehillim, Let his dwelling be desolate and let no man dwell in it: and let his office of service be given to another.

21 It is therefore necessary that one of these men who have been with us all the time that the Savior YAHUSHA-YHUH went in and out among us,

22 Beginning from the mikvah of Yochanan ha Matbeel, to the same yom that He was taken up from us, one must be ordained to be a witness with us of His resurrection.

23 And they appointed two, Yoseph called Bar-Nava, who was surnamed Ha-Tzadik and Mattityahu.

24 And they made tefillah and said, You, Master YHUH, who knows the levavot of all men, show which of these two You have chosen,

25 That he may take part of this service and calling, from which Yahudah by transgression fell, that he might go to his own place.

26 And they gave out their lots; and the lot fell upon Mattityahu; and he was numbered with the eleven shlichim.

2 And when the moed of Shavuot was fully counted by the omer, they were all with one accord in one place.

2 And suddenly there came a sound from the shamayim as of a groaning Ruach and it filled all the Bayit-House where they were sitting.

3 And there appeared to them divided tongues like as of fire and it sat upon each of them.

4 And they were all filled with The Ruach Hakodesh and began to speak with other tongues, as The Ruach Hakodesh gave them the utterance.

5 And there were dwelling at Yahrushalayim, Yahudim, devout men, out of every nation under the shamayim.

6 Now when this was noised abroad, the multitude came together, and were confused because every man heard them speak in his own language.

7 And they were all amazed and marveled, saying one to another, See, are not all these who speak Galilaeans?

8 How then do we hear them speaking in our own native language?

9 Parthians and Medes and Eylamites and those Yisraelites dwelling in Aram, among whom were Yahudim and those from Kappadokia, those from Pontos and also Asia Minor,

10 Phrygia and Pamphulia, in Mitzrayim and in the parts of Libya near Cyrene and Yahudim and gerim from Romiyah, along with the Yireh-YHUH,

11 Cretans and Arabians, we do hear them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of Ahloha.

12 And they were all amazed and stunned and were in doubt, saying one to another, What does this mean?

13 Others mocking said, These men are full of new wine.

14 But Kefa, standing up with the eleven, lifted up his voice and said to them, You men of Yahudah and all you that are staying at Yahrushalayim, be this known to you and listen to my words:

15 For these men are not drunk, as you suppose, seeing it is but nine in the boker.

16 But this is that which was spoken by the navi Yo-El;

17 And it shall come to pass in the yamim acharonim, said YHUH, I will pour out from My Ruach upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy and your young men shall see visions and your old men shall dream dreams:

18 And on My avadim and on My female avadim I will pour out in those yamim from My Ruach; and they shall prophesy:

19 And I will show wonders in the shamayim above and signs in the olam beneath; dahm and fire and vapor of smoke:

20 The shemesh shall be turned into darkness and the yarayach into dahm, before that great and terrible Yom YHUH comes:

21 And it shall come to pass, that whoever shall call on the Name of The Master YHUH shall be saved.

22 You men of Yisrael, listen to these words; YAHUSHA-YHUH of Natzeret, a man approved of YHUH among you by nisim and wonders and signs, which YHUH did through Him in the midst of you, as you yourselves also know:

23 Him, being delivered by the determined counsel and foreknowledge of YHUH, you have taken and by the hands of Torah-less men, you have impaled and killed:

24 Whom YHUH has raised up, having demolished the cords of death: because it was not possible for Sheol to hold Him.

25 For Dawid spoke concerning Him, I saw my YHUH always before my face, for He is on my Right Hand, that I should not be shaken:

26 Therefore did my lev have gilah and my tongue had simcha; moreover also my gooff shall rest in tikvah:

27 Because You will not leave my being in Sheol, neither will You allow the Kadosh-One of Yisrael to see corruption.

28 You have made known to me the derachot of chayim; You shall make me full of simcha with Your presence.

29 Men and Yisraelite brothers, let me freely speak to you of the patriarch Dawid, that he is both dead and buried and his tomb is with us to this yom.

30 Being a navi and knowing that YHUH had sworn with an oath to him, that of the fruit of his loins, according to the flesh, he would raise up The Moshiach to sit on his kesay;

31 He seeing this before spoke of the resurrection of The Moshiach, that His being was not left in the Sheol, neither did His flesh see corruption.

32 This YAHUSHA-YHUH has YHUH raised up, of which we all are witnesses.

33 Therefore being as the Right Hand of YHUH exalted and having received from Abba the promise of The Ruach Hakodesh, He has sent out all this, which you now see and hear.

34 For Dawid is not ascended into the shamayim: but he said himself, The Master YHUH said to My Master, Sit at My right hand,

35 Until I make Your enemies Your footstool.

36 Therefore let kol Beit Yisrael know assuredly, that The Master YHUH has made known that same YAHUSHA-YHUH, whom you have impaled, as both Melech and Moshiach.

37 Now when they heard this, they were pierced in their levavot and said to Kefa and to the rest of the shlichim, Men and Yisraelite brothers, what shall we do?

38 Then Kefa said to them, Shuv and be immersed every one of you in the Name of The Master-YAH YAHUSHA-YHUH Ha Moshiach for the forgiveness of sins and you shall receive the gift of The Ruach Hakodesh.

39 For the promise is to you and to your children and to all that are far off, even as many as YHUH our Ahloha shall call.

40 And with many other words did he testify and exhort them, saying, Save yourselves from this sinful generation.

41 Then they that gladly received his word were immersed: and the same yom there were added to them about three thousand beings.

42 And they continued steadfastly in the shlichim’s Torah and chavurah and in breaking of lechem and in the tefillot.

43 And fear came upon every being: and many wonders and signs were done by the shlichim.

44 And all that believed were echad and had all things be-yachad;

45 And sold their possessions and goods and divided them to all men, as every man had need.

46 And they, continuing daily as echad in the Beit HaMikdash, breaking lechem from bayit to bayit, and did eat their food with simcha and a pure lev,

47 Offering tehilla to YHUH and having chen with all the people. And YHUH added to the kehilla of Yisrael daily all those being saved.

3 Now Kefa and Yochanan went up together into the Beit HaMikdash at the hour of tefillah, being the ninth hour.

2 And a certain man lame from his eema’s womb was carried, whom they laid daily at the gate of the Beit HaMikdash which is called the Yahpha Gate, to ask assistance from those that entered into the Beit HaMikdash;

3 Who seeing Kefa and Yochanan about to go into the Beit HaMikdash asked for assistance.

4 And Kefa, staring at him with Yochanan, said, Look at us.

5 And he listened to them, expecting to receive something from them.

6 Then Kefa said, Silver and gold I have none; but what I have I give you: In the Name of YAHUSHA-YHUH Ha Moshiach of Natzeret rise up and walk.

7 And he took him by the right hand and lifted him up: and immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength.

8 And he leaped up and stood and he walked and entered the Beit HaMikdash with them, walking and leaping and giving tehilla to Ahloha.

9 And all the people saw him walking and giving tehilla to Ahloha:

10 And they knew that it was the one who sat for assistance at the Yahpha Gate of the Beit HaMikdash: and they were filled with wonder and amazement at that which had happened to him.

11 And as the lame man who was healed held Kefa and Yochanan, all the people ran together to them in the porch that is called Shlomo’s, greatly wondering.

12 And when Kefa saw it, he answered the people, You men of Yisrael, why do you marvel at this? Or, why do you look so intently at us, as though by our own power or set apartness we have made this man to walk?

13 The Ahloha of Avraham and of Yitzchak and of Yaakov, the Ahloha of our ahvot, has esteemed His Son YAHUSHA-YHUH; whom you delivered up and denied Him in the presence of Pilate, when he was determined to let Him go.

14 But you denied the Kadosh-One and the Tzadik-One of Yisrael and desired that a murderer be released to you;

15 And killed the Sar of Chayim, whom YHUH has raised from the dead; of which we are witnesses.

16 And His Name through emunah in His Name has made this man strong, whom you see and know: yes, the emunah, which is by Him, has given him this perfect soundness in the presence of all of you.

17 And now, Yisraelite brothers, I know that through ignorance you did it, as did also your rulers.

18 But those things, which Ahloha before had showed by the mouth of all His neviim, that The Moshiach should suffer, He has now fulfilled.

19 Make teshuvah therefore and be converted in lev, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of The Master YHUH;

20 And He shall send YAHUSHA-YHUH Ha Moshiach, who before was proclaimed to you:

21 Whom the shamayim must receive until the times of the restoration of all things, which YHUH has spoken by the mouth of all His kadosh neviim since the olam began.

22 For Moshe truly said to the ahvot, A Navi shall The Master YHUH your Ahloha raise up to you from your Yisraelite brothers, like me; you shall listen to Him in all things and whatever He shall say to you.

23 And it shall come to pass, that every being, who will not hear that Navi, shall be destroyed from among the people of Yisrael.

24 Yes and all the neviim from Shmuel and those that followed after, as many as have spoken, have likewise foretold of these yamim.

25 You are the children of the neviim and of the brit that YHUH made with our ahvot, saying to Avraham: And in your zera shall all the goyim of the olam be blessed/mixed.

26 To you first YHUH, having raised up His Son YAHUSHA-YHUH, sent Him to give you brachot, in turning away all of you from your iniquities.

4 And as they spoke to the people, the kohanim and the leaders of the Beit HaMikdash and the Tzadukim, came upon them,

2 Being disturbed that they taught the people of Yisrael and proclaimed through YAHUSHA-YHUH the resurrection from the dead.

3 And they laid hands on them and put them in prison until the next yom: for it was now evening.

4 But many of them who heard The Word believed; and the number of the men were about five thousand.

5 And it came to pass on the next yom, that their rulers and zechanim and Torah Sophrim,

6 And Chanan the Kohen HaGadol and Cayapha and Yochanan and Alexander and as many as were from the mishpacha of the Kohen HaGadol, were gathered together at Yahrushalayim.

7 And when they had set the talmidim in their midst, they asked, By what Power, or by what Name, have you done this?

8 Then Kefa, filled with The Ruach Hakodesh, said to them, You rulers of the people and zechanim of Yisrael,

9 If we are examined today because of the tov mitzvah done to the helpless man, by what means he is made healthy;

10 Be it known to you all and to kol Yisrael, that by the Name of YAHUSHA-YHUH Ha Moshiach of Natzeret, whom you impaled, whom YHUH raised from the dead, even by Him does this man stand here before you healthy.

11 This is the Stone that was rejected by you builders, that has become The Rosh Pina.

12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is no other Name under the shamayim given among men, by which we must be saved.

13 Now when they saw the boldness of Kefa and Yochanan and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marveled; and they took special note, that they had been with YAHUSHA-YHUH.

14 And beholding the man who was healed standing with them, they could say nothing against it.

15 But when they had commanded them to go outside out of the Sanhedrin, they conferred among themselves,

16 Saying, What shall we do to these men? For that indeed a notable ness has been done by them is known to all them that dwell in Yahrushalayim; and we cannot deny it.

17 But that it spreads no further among the people, let us strictly threaten them that they speak to no man in this Name from now on.

18 And they called them and commanded them not to speak at all nor teach in the Name of YAHUSHA-YHUH.

19 But Kefa and Yochanan answered and said to them, Whether it is right in the sight of Ahloha to listen to you more than to YHUH, you can judge.

20 We just cannot stop speaking about the things, which we have seen and heard.

21 So when they had further threatened them, they let them go, finding nothing on how they might punish them because of the people: for all men gave tehilla to YHUH for that which was done.

22 For the man was above forty years old, on whom this ness of healing was done.

23 And being let go, they went to their own people and reported all that the chief kohanim and zechanim had said to them.

24 And when they heard that, they lifted up their voice to YHUH with one accord and said, Master YHUH, You are Ahloha, who has made the shamayim and the olam and the sea and all that is in them:

25 Who by the mouth of Your eved Dawid has said, Why did the heathen rage and the people imagine worthless things?

26 The melechim of the olam stood up and the rulers were gathered together against The Master YHUH and against His Moshiach.

27 For of an emet against Your kadosh Son YAHUSHA-YHUH, whom You have anointed, both Herod and Pontius Pilate, with the pagans and the people of Yisrael, were gathered together,

28 To do whatever Your hand and Your counsel determined before to be done.

29 And now, Master YHUH, see their threats: and grant to Your avadim, that with all boldness they may speak Your Word,

30 By stretching out Your hand to heal; and that signs and wonders may be done by the Name of Your kadosh Son YAHUSHA-YHUH.

31 And when they had made tefillah, the place was shaken where they were assembled together; and they were all filled with The Ruach Hakodesh and they spoke The Word of YHUH with boldness.

32 And the multitude of them that believed were echad: no one claimed that any of the things, which he possessed, was his own; but they had all things be-yachad.

33 And with great Power gave the shlichim witness of the resurrection of the Savior YAHUSHA-YHUH: and great chen was upon them all.

34 Neither was there any among them that lacked: for as many as were possessors of lands, or houses sold them and brought the prices of those things that were sold,

35 And laid them down at the shlichim’s feet: and then distributions were made to every man according as he had need.

36 And Yoseph, who by the shlichim was surnamed Bar-Nava, which is, being interpreted, The Son of Encouragement a Lewite and of the country of Cyprus,

37 Had a field and sold it and brought the money and placed it at the disposal of the shlichim.

5 But a certain man named Chananyah, with Shappirah his isha, sold a field,

2 And kept back part of the proceeds, his isha also knowing about it and brought a certain part and laid it at the shlichim’s feet.

3 But Kefa said, Chananyah, why has s.a.tan filled your lev to lie to The Ruach Hakodesh, to keep back part of the price of the field?

4 While it remained in your care, was it not your own? And after it was sold, was it not under your own authority? Why have you conceived this thing in your lev? You have not lied to men, but to YHUH.

5 And Chananyah hearing these words fell down and gave up the ruach: and great fear came on all them that heard these things.

6 And the young men arose, wrapped him up and carried him out and buried him.

7 And it was about three hours later, when his isha, not knowing what was done, came in.

8 And Kefa asked her, Tell me whether you sold the field for this much? And she said, Yes, for this much.

9 Then Kefa said to her, How is it that you have agreed together to test The Ruach of The Master YHUH? See, the feet of those who have buried your husband are at the door and shall carry you out.

10 Then she fell down at his feet immediately and yielded up the ruach: and the young men came in and found her dead and, carried her out and buried her next to her husband.

11 And great fear came upon all the kehilla of Yisrael and upon as many as heard these things.

12 And by the hands of the shlichim were many signs and wonders done among the people; and they were all with one accord in Shlomo’s Porch.

13 And of the rest of the leaders in the Beit HaMikdash, dared not seize them: but the people magnified them.

14 And believers were added to YHUH, more and more even multitudes both of men and women.

15 So that they brought out the sick into the streets and laid them on mats and couches, so that at the very least, the shadow of Kefa passing by might overshadow some of them.

16 There came also a multitude out of the cities around Yahrushalayim, bringing sick folks and those who were troubled with shadim: and they were healed every one.

17 Then the Kohen HaGadol rose up and all they that were with him, which is the sect of the Tzadukim and were filled with indignation,

18 And laid their hands on the shlichim and put them in the common prison.

19 But a heavenly malach of The Master YHUH opened the prison doors at lyla and brought them out and said,

20 Go, stand and speak in the Beit HaMikdash to the people of Yisrael all The Words of this Derech of chayim.

21 And when they heard that, they entered into the Beit HaMikdash early in the boker and taught. But the Kohen HaGadol came and they that were with him and called the Sanhedrin together and all the Sanhedrin of the children of Yisrael sent word to the prison to have them brought out.

22 But when the officers came and found them not in the prison, they returned,

23 Saying, The prison truly we found shut with all safety and the guards standing outside the doors: but when we had opened the doors, we found no man inside.

24 Now when the Kohen HaGadol and the captain of the Beit HaMikdash and the chief kohanim heard these things, they were puzzled and wondered how this could happen.

25 Then came one and told them, saying, See, the men whom you put in prison are standing in the Beit HaMikdash and teaching the people of Yisrael.

26 Then the captain with the officers brought the talmidim in without violence: for they feared the people, lest they should be stoned.

27 And when they had brought them, they sat them before the Sanhedrin: and the Kohen HaGadol asked them,

28 Saying, Did not we strictly command you that you should not teach in this Name? And, see, you have filled Yahrushalayim with your teaching and now you intend to bring this Man’s dahm upon us.

29 Then Kefa and the other shlichim answered and said, We must first obey Ahloha rather than men.

30 The Ahloha of our ahvot raised up YAHUSHA-YHUH, whom you killed and hanged on an eytz of execution.

31 This very One has YHUH exalted with His Right Hand to be the Sar and Savior, to grant teshuvah to Yisrael and the forgiveness of sins.

32 And we are His witnesses of these things; and so is also The Ruach Hakodesh, whom Ahloha has given to them that obey Him.

33 When they heard these words, they were enraged and took counsel to murder them.

34 Then stood up one in the Sanhedrin, a Prush, named Gamliel, an honored Torah teacher, held in the highest esteem among all the people of Yisrael, who commanded that the shlichim be taken out of the chamber for a while;

35 And said to them, You men of Yisrael, take heed to yourselves what you intend to do to these men.

36 For before these yamim rose up Todah, boasting himself to be somebody great; to whom a number of men, about four hundred, joined themselves: he was killed; and all, that obeyed him, were scattered and brought to nothing.

37 After this man rose up Yahudah of Galil in the yamim of the taxing and drew away many people after him: he also perished; and all those who obeyed him were dispersed.

38 And now I say to you, Refrain from hurting these men and leave them alone: for if these ideas, or this work be from men, it will come to nothing:

39 But if it be of Ahloha, you cannot overthrow it; lest you be found in a fight against Ahloha.

40 And they agreed with him: and when they had called the shlichim and had beaten them, they commanded that they should not speak in the Name of YAHUSHA-YHUH and let them go.

41 And they departed from the presence of the Sanhedrin, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for His Name.

42 And daily in the Beit HaMikdash and in every bayit, they ceased not to teach and proclaim YAHUSHA-YHUH Ha Moshiach.

6 And in those yamim, when the number of the talmidim was multiplied, there arose a murmuring of the Hellenists against the Avrim because their widows were neglected in the daily distribution.

2 Then the twelve called the multitude of the talmidim to them and said, It is not right that we should leave The Word of YHUH and serve food.

3 Therefore, Yisraelite brothers, look for seven men of honest report, full of The Ruach of The Master YHUH and chochmah, whom we may appoint over this business.

4 But we will give ourselves continually to tefillah and to the service of The Word.

5 And the saying pleased the entire multitude: and they chose Tzephanyah, a man full of emunah and The Ruach Hakodesh and Philip and Prochoros and Nikanor and Timon and Parmenas and Nikolaos a Yisraelite of Antioch:

6 Who were set before the shlichim: and when they had made tefillah, they laid their hands on them.

7 And The Word of YHUH increased; and the number of the talmidim multiplied in Yahrushalayim greatly; and a large group of the kohanim and others from the Yahudite emunah were obedient to the Netsarim emunah.

8 And Tzephanyah, full of emunah and Power, did great wonders and nisim among the people.

9 Then there arose certain of the synagogue, which is called the Synagogue of the Libertines and Cyrenians and Alexandrians and of them of Cilikia and of Asia Minor, disputing with Tzephanyah.

10 And they were not able to resist the chochmah and The Ruach by which he spoke.

11 Then they instigated other men, who said, We have heard him speak blasphemous words against Moshe and against Ahloha.

12 And they stirred up the people and the zechanim and the Sophrim and all these came upon him and caught him and brought him to the Sanhedrin,

13 And set up false witnesses, who said, This man ceases not to speak blasphemous words against the Kadosh-Place and the Torah:

14 For we have heard him say, that this YAHUSHA-YHUH of Natzeret shall destroy this place and shall change the derachot that Moshe delivered to us.

15 And all that sat in the Sanhedrin, looking steadfastly at him, saw his face as if it had been the face of a heavenly malach.

7 Then the Kohen HaGadol said, Are these things the emet?

2 And he said, Men, Yisraelite brothers and ahvot, listen to me; The Ahloha of tifereth appeared to our abba Avraham, when he was in Mesopotamia, before he dwelt in Charan,

3 And said to him, Get out of your country and from your mishpacha and come into the land that I shall show you.

4 Then he came out of the land of the Chaldeans and dwelt in Charan: and from there, when his abba was dead, he moved into this land, in which you now dwell.

5 And He gave him no inheritance in it, no, not so much as to set his foot on: yet He promised that He would give it to him for a possession and to his zera after him, when as yet he had no children.

6 And Ahloha spoke saying, That his zera should sojourn in a strange land; and that they should bring them into bondage and mistreat them with evil four hundred years.

7 And the nation to whom they shall be in bondage will I judge, said YHUH: and after that shall they come out and serve Me in this place.

8 And He gave him the brit of brit-milah: and so Avraham brought out Yitzchak and performed brit-milah on him the eighth yom; and Yitzchak brought out Yaakov; and Yaakov brought out the twelve ahvot.

9 And the ahvot, moved with envy, sold Yoseph into Mitzrayim: but Ahloha was with him,

10 And delivered him out of all his afflictions and gave him chen and chochmah in the sight of Pharaoh melech of Mitzrayim; and He made him governor over Mitzrayim and all his bayit.

11 Now there came a famine over all the land of Mitzrayim and Kanaan and great affliction: and our ahvot found no food.

12 But when Yaakov heard that there was grain in Mitzrayim, he sent out our ahvot first.

13 And the second time Yoseph was made known to his brothers; and Yoseph’s mishpacha was made known to Pharaoh.

14 Then Yoseph sent and called his abba Yaakov to him and all his mishpacha, seventy-five beings.

15 So Yaakov went down into Mitzrayim and died, he and our ahvot,

16 And were carried over into Shechem and laid in the tomb that Avraham bought for a sum of money from the sons of Chamor The Abba of Shechem.

17 But when the time of the promise drew near, which Ahloha had sworn to Avraham, the people grew and multiplied in Mitzrayim,

18 Until another melech arose, who knew not Yoseph.

19 The same dealt deceitfully with our people and mistreated our ahvot; so that they made them cast out their young children, so that they might not live.

20 In which time Moshe was born and was favored and pleasing to Ahloha and was raised in his abba’s bayit three chodashem:

21 And when he was exposed, Pharaoh’s daughter took him in and nourished him even as her own son.

22 And Moshe was learned in all the chochmah of the Mitzrites and was mighty in words and in deeds.

23 And when he was forty years old, it came into his lev to visit his brothers the children of Yisrael.

24 And seeing one of them mistreated, he defended him and avenged him that was oppressed and smote the Mitzri:

25 For he supposed his Yisraelite brothers would have understood how Ahloha by his hand would deliver them: but they understood not.

26 And the next yom he showed himself to them as they fought and would have made them echad again, saying, Men, you are Yisraelite brothers; why do you do wrong to one another?

27 But he that did his neighbor wrong pushed him away, saying, Who made you a ruler and a shophet over us?

28 Will you kill me, as you did the Mitzri yesterday?

29 Then Moshe ran at this saying and was a stranger in the land of Midyan, where he brought forth two sons.

30 And when forty years were expired, there appeared to him in the wilderness of Har Senai The Malach-YHUH from The Master YHUH in a flame of fire in a bush.

31 When Moshe saw it, he wondered at the sight: and as he drew near to see it, the voice of The Master YHUH came to him,

32 Saying, I AM YHUH the Ahloha of your ahvot, the Ahloha of Avraham and the Ahloha of Yitzchak and the Ahloha of Yaakov. Then Moshe trembled and dared not look.

33 Then said The Master YHUH to him, Take off your sandals from your feet: for the place where you stand is kadosh ground.

34 I have seen, yes I have seen the affliction of My people who are in Mitzrayim and I have heard their groaning and am come down to deliver them. And now come, I will send you into Mitzrayim.

35 This Moshe whom they refused, saying, Who made you a ruler and a shophet? The same one did YHUH send to be a ruler and a deliverer by the hand of The Malach-YHUH who appeared to him in the bush.

36 He brought them out, after that he had showed wonders and signs in the land of Mitzrayim and in the Yam Suf and in the wilderness for forty years.

37 This is that Moshe, who said to the children of Yisrael, A Navi shall The Master YHUH your Ahloha raise up to you from your Yisraelite brothers, like me; to Him shall you listen.

38 This is he, that was in the eidta-ekklesia-kehilla of Yisrael in the wilderness with The Malach-YHUH who spoke to him on Har Senai and with our ahvot: who received the living Words to give to us:

39 To whom our ahvot would not obey, but threw him from them and in their levavot turned back again into Mitzrayim,

40 Saying to Aharon, Make us mighty ones to go before us: for as for this Moshe, who brought us out of the land of Mitzrayim, we do not know what is become of him.

41 And they made a calf in those yamim and offered sacrifices to the idol and rejoiced in the works of their own hands.

42 Then Ahloha turned and gave them up to worship the cochavim of the shamayim; as it is written in the scroll of the neviim, O you people of Yisrael, why have you offered to Me slain beasts and sacrifices during forty years in the wilderness?

43 Yes, you took up the sukkah of Moloch and the cochav of your mighty one Remphan-Derphan and made images to worship: and so I will carry you away beyond Bavel.

44 Our ahvot had the tent of witness in the wilderness, as He had appointed, speaking to Moshe, that he should make it according to the pattern that he had seen.

45 Which also our ahvot that came after brought in with Yahoshua son of Nun, into this land of the goyim, whom Ahloha drove out before the faces of our ahvot, up until the yamim of Dawid;

46 Who found chen before YHUH and desired to find a tent for the Ahloha of Yaakov.

47 But Shlomo built Him a Bayit.

48 But El-Elyon dwells not in temples made with hands; as said the navi,

49 Heaven is My kesay and the olam is My footstool: what bayit will you build Me? Says The Master YHUH: or where is the place of My rest?

50 Has not My hand made all these things?

51 You stiff-necked and uncircumcised in lev and ears, you do always resist The Ruach Hakodesh: as your ahvot did, so do you.

52 Which of the emet neviim have not your ahvot persecuted? And they have also killed those who spoke before of the coming of the Tzadik-One; whom you now have betrayed by murder:

53 Who have received the Torah like the very commands given to heavenly malachim, but have not kept it.

54 When they heard these things, they were enraged and they gnashed on him with their teeth.

55 But he, being full of The Ruach Hakodesh, looked up staring into the shamayim and saw the tifereth of YHUH and YAHUSHA-YHUH standing on the right hand of Al-Alyon,

56 And said, See, I see the shamayim opened and the Ben-Ahdahm standing on the Right Hand of YHUH.

57 Then they cried out with a loud voice and covered their ears and ran upon him with one accord,

58 And cast him out of the city and stoned him: and the witnesses laid down their clothes at a young man’s feet, whose name was Shaul.

59 And they stoned Tzephanyah, while he was calling upon Ahloha and saying, Master YAHUSHA-YHUH, receive my ruach.

60 And he kneeled down and cried with a loud voice, Master YAHUSHA-YHUH; lay not this sin against them. And when he had said this, he died.

8 And Shaul was approving of Tzephanyah’s death. And at that time there was a great persecution against the kehilla of Yisrael at Yahrushalayim; and they were all scattered abroad throughout the regions of Yahudah and Shomron, except the shlichim.

2 And devout men carried Tzephanyah to his burial and mourned over him in great human sorrow.

3 As for Shaul, he made havoc of the kehilla of Yisrael, entering into every bayit and seizing men and women, throwing them into prison.

4 Therefore they that were scattered abroad went everywhere proclaiming The Word.

5 Then Philip went down to the city of Shomron, and proclaimed The Moshiach to them.

6 And the people with one accord gave heed to those things that Philip spoke, hearing and seeing the nisim that he did.

7 For shadim, crying with loud voices, came out of many that were possessed with them: and many who were paralyzed and that were lame, were healed.

8 And there was great simcha in that city.

9 But there was a certain man, called Shimon, who in the past in the same city used sorcery and bewitched the people of Shomron, claiming to be the I AM:

10 To whom they all made tefillah, from the least to the greatest, saying, This man is the great Power of Ahloha.

11 And to him they paid careful attention because for a long time he had amazed them with sorceries.

12 But when they believed Philip proclaiming the things concerning the malchut of YHUH and the Name of YAHUSHA-YHUH Ha Moshiach, they were immersed, both men and women.

13 Then Shimon himself believed also: and when he was immersed, he continued with Philip and was impressed, beholding the nisim and signs that were done.

14 Now when the shlichim who were at Yahrushalayim heard that Shomron had received The Word of YHUH, they sent to them Kefa and Yochanan:

15 Who, when they had come down, made tefillah for them, that they might receive The Ruach Hakodesh:

16 For until then He had not fallen upon them: they only were immersed in the Name of the Savior YAHUSHA-YHUH.

17 Then they laid their hands on them and they received The Ruach Hakodesh.

18 And when Shimon saw that through laying on of the shlichim’s hands that The Ruach Hakodesh was given, he offered them money,

19 Saying, Give me also this Power, that on whoever I lay hands; he may receive The Ruach Hakodesh.

20 But Kefa said to him, Your money perishes with you because you have thought that the gift of YHUH may be purchased with money.

21 You have nothing to do with our emunah: for your lev is not right in the sight of YHUH.

22 Repent therefore of your wickedness and make tefillah to Ahloha, if perhaps the thoughts of your lev may be forgiven you.

23 For I perceive that you are poisoned with bitterness, bound by Torah violations.

24 Then answered Shimon and said, Make tefillah to the Savior for me, that none of these things that you have spoken come upon me.

25 And, when they had testified and proclaimed The Word of YHUH, they returned to Yahrushalayim and proclaimed The Besorah in many villages of the Shomronim.

26 And a heavenly malach of The Master YHUH spoke to Philip, saying, Arise and go toward the south to the derech that goes down from Yahrushalayim to Azah, which is desert.

27 And he arose and went: and, see, a man of Kush, a faithful believer, a treasurer of great authority under Kandace malqa of the Kushim, who was in charge of all her treasure and had come to Yahrushalayim to worship,

28 Was returning and sitting in his mirkavah reading Yeshayahu the navi.

29 Then The Ruach said to Philip, Go near and join this mirkavah.

30 And Philip ran to him and heard him reading Yeshayahu the navi and said; Do you understand what you read?

31 And he said, How can I, except some man should teach me? And he desired that Philip would come up and sit with him.

32 The place of The Katuv from where he read was this, He was led as a sheep to the slaughter; and like a Lamb is dumb before His shearer, so He opened not His mouth:

33 In His humiliation His mishpat was taken away: and who shall declare His generation? For His chayim is taken from the olam.

34 And the faithful believer asked Philip and said, I ask you, of whom does the navi speak this? Of himself, or of some other man?

35 Then Philip opened his mouth and began at the same Katuv and proclaimed to him YAHUSHA-YHUH.

36 And as they went on their derech, they came to a certain mayim: and the faithful believer said, See, here is mayim; what does stop me from being immersed?

37 And Philip said, If you believe with all your lev, you may. And he answered and said, I believe that YAHUSHA-YHUH Ha Moshiach is The Son of YHUH.

38 And he commanded the mirkavah to stop: and they both went down into the mayim, both Philip and the faithful believer; and he immersed him.

39 And when they had come up out of the mayim, The Ruach of The Master YHUH caught Philip away to another place, so that the faithful believer saw him no more: and he went on his derech with gilah.

40 But Philip was found at Ashdod: and passing through he proclaimed in all the cities, until he came to Caesarea.

9 And Shaul, yet breathing out threatening and slaughter against the talmidim of the Savior, went to the Kohen HaGadol,

2 And desired letters from him to Dameshek to the synagogues, that if he found any of this Derech, whether they were men, or women, he might bring them bound to Yahrushalayim.

3 And as he journeyed, he came near Dameshek: and suddenly there shone all around him an ohr from the shamayim:

4 And he fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to him, Shaul, Shaul, why are you persecuting Me personally?

5 And he said, Who are You, Master? And He said, I AM YAHUSHA-YHUH whom you are persecuting: it is hard for you to offer against Me this worthless resistance.

6 And he trembling and astonished said, Master, what will You have me to do? And YAHUSHA-YHUH said to him, Arise and go into the city and it shall be told to you what you must do.

7 And the men who journeyed with him stood speechless, hearing a voice, but seeing no man.

8 And Shaul arose from the ground; and when his eyes were opened, he saw no man: but they led him by the hand and brought him into Dameshek.

9 And he was three yamim without sight and neither did eat nor drink.

10 And there was a certain talmid at Dameshek, named Chananyah; and YAHUSHA-YHUH said to him in a vision, Chananyah. And he said, See, Hinayne, my Master YHUH.

11 And YAHUSHA-YHUH said to him, Arise and go into the street which is called Yahshar and ask in the bayit of Yahudah for one called Shaul, of Tarsus: for, see, he makes tefillah,

12 And has seen in a vision a man named Chananyah coming in and putting his hand on him, that he might receive his sight.

13 Then Chananyah answered, Master, I have heard from many about this man, how much evil he has done to Your Yisraelite kidushim at Yahrushalayim:

14 And here he has authority from the chief kohanim to imprison all that call on Your Name.

15 But The Master YAHUSHA-YHUH said to him, Arise and go: for he is a chosen vessel to Me, to bear My Name before the goyim and melechim and the children of Yisrael:

16 For I will show him how many great things he must suffer for My Name’s sake.

17 And Chananyah went on his derech and entered into the bayit; and putting his hands on him said, Brother Shaul, the Moshiach YAHUSHA-YHUH, that appeared to you in the derech as you came, has sent me, that you might receive your sight and be filled with The Ruach Hakodesh.

18 And immediately there fell from his eyes something like scales: and he received sight immediately and arose and was immersed.

19 And when he had received food, he was strengthened. Then Shaul stayed for a while with the talmidim that were at Dameshek.

20 And right away he proclaimed YAHUSHA-YHUH in the synagogues, that YAHUSHA-YHUH is The Son of YHUH.

21 But all that heard him were amazed, saying; Is not this the one that destroyed those who called on this Name in Yahrushalayim and came here for that purpose, that he might bring them bound to the chief kohanim?

22 But Shaul increased even more in strength and confused the Yahudim who dwelt at Dameshek, proving that this is The Moshiach.

23 And after many yamim, the Yahudim took counsel to kill him:

24 But Shaul knew their laying in wait. And they watched the gates yom and lyla to kill him.

25 Then the talmidim took him by lyla and let him down from the wall in a basket.

26 And when Shaul had come to Yahrushalayim, he desired to join himself to the talmidim: but they were all afraid of him and believed not that he was a talmid.

27 But Bar-Nava took him and brought him to the shlichim and declared to them how he had seen The Master YHUH in the derech, and that He had spoken to him and how he had proclaimed boldly at Dameshek in the Name of YAHUSHA-YHUH.

28 And he was with them coming in and going out at Yahrushalayim.

29 And he spoke boldly in the Name of the Savior YAHUSHA-YHUH and disputed against the Hellenists: and they went about to murder him.

30 Which when the Yisraelite brothers knew, they brought him down to Caesarea and sent him out to Tarsus.

31 Then had the kehellot of Yisrael shalom throughout all Yahudah and Galil and Shomron and were built up; having their halacha in the fear of YHUH and in the comfort of The Ruach Hakodesh and were multiplied.

32 And it came to pass, as Kefa passed through various cities, he came down also to the Yisraelite kidushim who dwelt at Lod.

33 And there he found a certain man named Anyah, who had been bound to his mat eight years and was sick from paralysis.

34 And Kefa said to him, Anyah,YAHUSHA-YHUH Ha Moshiach makes you healthy: arise and take your mat. And he arose immediately.

35 And all that dwelt at Lod and Sharon saw him and turned to YHUH.

36 Now there was at Yapho a certain talmida named Tavitha, which by interpretation is called Dorcas: this woman was full of tov mitzvoth and kind acts that she did.

37 And it came to pass in those yamim, that she was sick and died: who when they had washed her, they laid her in an upper room.

38 And since Lod was near to Yapho and the talmidim had heard that Kefa was there, they sent to him two men, desiring that he would not delay to come to them.

39 Then Kefa arose and went with them. When he had come, they brought him into the upper chamber: and all the widows stood by him weeping and showing the coats and garments that Dorcas made, while she was with them.

40 But Kefa put them all out and kneeled down and made tefillah; and turning to the gooff said, Tavitha, arise. And she opened her eyes: and when she saw Kefa, she sat up.

41 And he gave her his hand and lifted her up and when he had called the Yisraelite kidushim and widows, he presented her alive.

42 And it was known throughout all Yapho; and many believed in YAHUSHA-YHUH because of it.

43 And it came to pass, that he stayed many yamim in Yapho with Shimon a leather-tanner.

10 There was a certain man in Caesarea called Cornelius, a captain of the Italian regiment,

2 A tzadik man, a Yireh-YHUH along with all his bayit, who gave much assistance to the people and made tefillah to Ahloha always.

3 He saw in a vision, evidently about three in the afternoon, a heavenly malach of YHUH coming in to him and saying to him, Cornelius.

4 And when he looked at him, he was afraid and said, What is it, Master? And he said to him, your tefillot and your mitzvoth have come up as a memorial before Ahloha.

5 And now send men to Yapho and call for Shimon, who is called Kefa:

6 He lodges with Shimon a tanner, whose bayit is by the sea:

7 And when the heavenly malach who spoke to Cornelius had departed, he called two of his household avadim and a tzadik soldier from those that waited on him continually;

8 And when he had declared all these things to them, he sent them to Yapho.

9 On the next yom, as they went on their journey and drew near to the city, Kefa went up to the housetop to make tefillah about noon:

10 And he became very hungry and desired to eat: but while they prepared food for him, he fell into a trance,

11 And he saw the shamayim opened and a certain vessel descending to him, like a large linen cloth at the four corners, and let down into the olam:

12 In it were all manner of four-footed beasts of the olam and wild beasts and creeping things and fowl of the air.

13 And there came a voice to him, Rise, Kefa; slaughter and eat!

14 But Kefa said, Not so, Master; for I have never eaten anything that is not kadosh, or that is unkosher.

15 And The Voice spoke to him again the second time, What YHUH has cleansed, that you should not call unkosher or unclean.

16 This was done three times: and the vessel was received up again into the shamayim.

17 Now while Kefa doubted within himself what this vision which he had seen should mean, see, the men who were sent from Cornelius had arrived and asked for Shimon’s bayit and stood outside the gate,

18 They called out and asked whether Shimon, who was surnamed Kefa, was lodged there.

19 While Kefa thought on the vision, The Ruach said to him, See, three men seek you.

20 Arise therefore and go down and go with them, doubting nothing: for I have sent them.

21 Then Kefa went down to the men who were sent to him from Cornelius; and said, See, I am the one whom you seek: what is the cause for which you came?

22 And they said, Cornelius the captain, a tzadik man and one that is a Yireh-YHUH and has a tov report among all the nation of the Yahudim, was instructed by Ahloha through a kadosh heavenly malach to send for you to his bayit and to hear words from you.

23 Kefa invited them in and lodged them. And the next yom Kefa went away with them and certain Yisraelite brothers from Yapho accompanied him.

24 And the next yom after they entered into Caesarea, Cornelius was waiting for them and had called together his relatives and close chaverim.

25 And as Kefa was coming in, Cornelius met him and fell down at his feet and worshipped him.

26 But Kefa took him up, saying, Stand up; I myself also am only a man.

27 And as he talked with him, he went in and found many that had come together.

28 And he said to them, You know how that it is rabbinically forbidden for a man that is a Yahudi to keep company, or come to one of another nation; but YHUH has showed me that I should not call any man common, unkosher, or unclean.

29 Therefore I came to you without hesitation, as soon as I was sent for: I ask therefore for what purpose you have sent for me?

30 And Cornelius said, Four yamim ago I was fasting until this hour; and at 3 in the afternoon, I made tefillah in my bayit and, see, a man stood before me in bright clothing,

31 And said, Cornelius, your tefillot are heard and your mitzvoth are had in remembrance in the sight of Ahloha.

32 Send therefore to Yapho and call here Shimon, whose surname is Kefa; he is lodged in the bayit of Shimon a tanner by the sea: who, when he comes, shall speak to you.

33 Immediately therefore I sent for you; and you have done well that you have come. Now therefore we are all here present before Ahloha, to hear all things that are commanded you by Ahloha.

34 Then Kefa opened his mouth and said, Of an emet I perceive that YHUH is not a respecter of persons:

35 But in every nation those that fear Him and work tzedakah, are accepted by Him.

36 The Word that The Master YHUH sent to the children of Yisrael, proclaiming shalom by YAHUSHA-YHUH Ha Moshiach: He is Master of all:

37 That word, I say, you know, which was published throughout all Yahudah and began at Galil, after the mikvah that Yochanan ha Matbeel proclaimed;

38 How YHUH anointed YAHUSHA-YHUH of Natzeret with The Ruach Hakodesh and with Power: who went about doing all tov and healing all that were oppressed of s.a.tan; for YHUH was with Him.

39 And we are witnesses of all things which He did both in the land of the Yahudim and in Yahrushalayim; whom they killed and hanged on an eytz:

40 Him YHUH raised up on the third yom and showed Him openly;

41 Not to all the people, but to witnesses chosen before by YHUH, even to us, who did eat and drink with Him after He rose from the dead.

42 And He commanded us to proclaim to the people and to testify that it is He who was ordained by YHUH to be the Shophet of the living and dead.

43 To Him give all the neviim witness that through His Name whoever believes in Him shall receive remission of sins.

44 While Kefa yet spoke these words, The Ruach Hakodesh fell on all them who heard The Word.

45 And the Yahudim who believed were astonished, all those who came with Kefa because that on the goyim also was poured out the same gift of The Ruach Hakodesh.

46 For they heard them speak with other languages and magnify YHUH.Then answered Kefa,

47 Can any man forbid mayim for their mikvah, that these should not be immersed, who have received The Ruach Hakodesh as well as we have?

48 And he commanded them to be immersed in the Name of YAHUSHA-YHUH. Then they asked him to stay certain yamim.

11 And the shlichim and Yisraelite brothers that were in Yahudah heard that the goyim had also received The Word of YHUH.

2 And when Kefa had come up to Yahrushalayim, they that were of the brit-milah contended with him,

3 Saying, You went in with men not in brit milah and did eat with them.

4 But Kefa rehearsed the matter from the beginning and explained it in order to them, saying,

5 I was in the city of Yapho making tefillah: and in a trance I saw a vision, A certain vessel descended, as it had been a great sheet, let down from the shamayim by four corners; and it came even to me:

6 When I had intently looked inside, I considered and saw four-footed beasts of the olam and wild beasts and creeping things and fowls of the air.

7 And I heard a voice saying to me, Arise, Kefa; kill and eat.

8 But I said, Not so, Master: for nothing common, or unkosher has at any time entered into my mouth.

9 But the voice answered me again from the shamayim, What YHUH has cleansed, that call not common.

10 And this was done three times: and all were drawn up again into the shamayim.

11 And, see, immediately there were three men already who had come to the bayit where I was, sent from Caesarea to me.

12 And The Ruach told me go with them, doubting nothing. Moreover, these six Yisraelite brothers accompanied me too and we entered into the man’s bayit:

13 And he showed us how he had seen a heavenly malach in his bayit, who stood and said to him, Send men to Yapho and call for Shimon, whose surname is Kefa;

14 Who shall tell you words, by which you and all your bayit shall be saved.

15 And as I began to speak, The Ruach Hakodesh fell on them, as on us at the beginning.

16 Then I remembered The Word of YAHUSHA-YHUH, how that He said, Yochanan ha Matbeel indeed immersed with mayim; but you shall be immersed with The Ruach Hakodesh.

17 Forasmuch then as YHUH gave them the same gift as He did to us, who believed on YAHUSHA-YHUH Ha Moshiach; who was I, that I could withstand YHUH?

18 When they heard these things, they became silent and gave tehilla to YHUH, saying, So then YHUH has also granted teshuvah to chayim to all the goyim.

19 Now they who were scattered abroad upon the persecution that arose over Tzephanyah traveled as far as Phoenicia and Cyprus and Antioch, proclaiming The Word to none but to the Yahudim only.

20 And some of them were men of Cyprus and Cyrene, who, when they were come to Antioch, spoke to the Hellenists, proclaiming YAHUSHA-YHUH Ha Moshiach.

21 And the hand of The Master YHUH was with them: and a great number believed and returned to YHUH.

22 Then tidings of these things came to the ears of the kehilla of Yisrael, which was in Yahrushalayim: and they sent out Bar-Nava, that he should go as far as Antioch.

23 Who, when he came and had seen the chen of YHUH, had gilah and exhorted them all, that with a full purpose of lev they must cleave to YHUH.

24 For he was a tov man and full of The Ruach Hakodesh and of emunah: and many people were added to YHUH.

25 Then Bar-Nava departed to Tarsus, to seek Shaul:

26 And when he had found him, he brought him to Antioch. And it came to pass, that for a full year they assembled themselves with the kehilla of Yisrael and taught many people. And the talmidim were called Natrsarim first in Antioch.

27 And in those yamim came neviim from Yahrushalayim to Antioch.

28 And there stood up one of them named Hagavus and signified by The Ruach that there should be great famine throughout all the land: which came to pass in the yamim of Claudius Kaiser.

29 Then the talmidim, every man according to his ability, determined to send relief to the Yisraelite brothers who dwelt in Yahudah:

30 Which also they did and sent it to the zechanim by the hands of Bar-Nava and Shaul.

12 Now about that time Herod the melech stretched out his hands to do evil to certain of the kehilla of Yisrael.

2 And he killed Yaakov the brother of Yochanan with the sword.

3 And because he saw it pleased the unbelieving Yahudim, he proceeded further to take Kefa also. These were the yamim of Chag Matzoth.

4 And when he had apprehended him, he put him in prison and delivered him to four squads of soldiers to guard him; intending after Pesach to bring him out to the people.

5 Kefa therefore was kept in prison: but tefillah was made without ceasing by the kehilla of Yisrael to YHUH for him.

6 And when Herod would have brought him out, the same lyla Kefa was sleeping between two soldiers, bound with two chains: and the guards in front of the door guarded the prison.

7 And, see, the heavenly malach of The Master YHUH came upon him and an ohr shone in the prison: and he touched Kefa on the side and raised him up, saying, Rise up quickly. And his chains fell off from his hands.

8 And the heavenly malach said to him, Gird yourself and tie your sandals. And so he did. And he said to him, Cast your garment around you and follow me.

9 And he went out and followed him; and did not know that it was real which was done by the heavenly malach; but thought he saw a vision.

10 When they were past the first and the second guard posts, they came to the iron gate that leads to the city; which opened to them on its own accord: and they went out and passed on through one street; and at once the heavenly malach departed from him.

11 And when Kefa had come to himself, he said, Now I know for sure, that The Master YHUH has sent His heavenly malach and has delivered me out of the hand of Herod and from all the expectation of the people among the unbelieving Yahudim.

12 And when he had realized this, he came to the bayit of Miryam the eema of Yochanan, whose surname was Moshe-Markus; where many were gathered together making tefillah.

13 And as Kefa knocked at the door of the gate, a young girl came to listen, named Rhoda.

14 And when she knew Kefa’s voice, she did not open the gate due to uncontrollable simcha, but ran in and told how Kefa stood outside the gate.

15 And they said to her, You are meshugas. But she constantly affirmed that it was even so. Then they said, It is his heavenly malach.

16 But Kefa continued knocking: and when they had opened the door and saw him, they were astonished.

17 But he, beckoning to them with the hand to be quiet, declared to them how The Master YHUH had brought him out of the prison. And he said, Go show these things to Yaakov and to the Yisraelite brothers. And he departed and went into another place.

18 Now as soon as it was yom, there was no small stir among the soldiers, about what had become of Kefa.

19 And when Herod had sought for him and found him not, he questioned the guards and commanded that they should be put to death. And he went down from Yahudah to Caesarea and stayed there.

20 And Herod was highly displeased with them of Tsor and Tzidon: but they came with one accord to him and, having made Blastus the melech’s officer their chaver, desired shalom; because their country was nourished by the melech’s country.

21 And upon a set yom Herod, arrayed in royal apparel, sat upon his kesay and made a verbal address to them.

22 And the people gave a shout, saying, It is the voice of a mighty one and not of a man.

23 And immediately the heavenly malach of The Master YHUH killed him because he gave not YHUH the tifereth: and he was eaten by worms and gave up the ruach.

24 But The Word of YHUH grew and multiplied.

25 And Bar-Nava and Shaul returned from Yahrushalayim, when they had fulfilled their service and took with them Yochanan, whose surname was Moshe-Markus.

13 Now there were in the kehilla of Yisrael that was at Antioch certain neviim and morim; as Bar-Nava and Shimon that was called Niger, and Lucius of Cyrene and Manachem, who had been brought up with Herod the tetrarch and Shaul.

2 As they made tefillah and fasted to YHUH, The Ruach Hakodesh said, Appoint for Me Bar-Nava and Shaul for the work for which I have called them.

3 Then having fasted and made tefillah and having laid hands on them, they sent them away.

4 So they, being sent out by The Ruach Hakodesh, departed to Seleukia; and from there they sailed to Cyprus.

5 And when they were at Salamis, they proclaimed The Word of YHUH in the synagogues of the Yahudim: and they had also Yochanan-Moshe-Markus with them.

6 And when they had gone through the island to Paphos, they found a certain sorcerer, a false navi, a Yahudi, whose name was Bar-Yeshua:

7 Who was with the deputy of the country, Sergeus Paulus, a wise man; who called for Bar-Nava and Shaul and desired to hear The Word of Ahloha.

8 But Elymas the sorcerer (for so is his name by interpretation) withstood them, seeking to turn away the deputy from the emunah.

9 Then Shaul, who also is called Paul, filled with The Ruach Hakodesh, set his eyes on him,

10 And said, O full of all deceit and all mischief, you child of the devil, you enemy of all tzedakah, will you not cease to pervert the right halachot of The Master YHUH?

11 And now, see, the hand of The Master YHUH is upon you and you shall be blind, not seeing the shemesh for a season. And immediately there fell on him a mist and darkness; and he went about seeking someone to lead him by the hand.

12 Then the deputy, when he saw what was done, believed, being astonished at the Torah of The Master YHUH.

13 Now when Shaul and his company left from Paphos, they came to Perga in Pamphylia: and Yochanan Moshe-Mark departed from them and returned to Yahrushalayim.

14 But when they departed from Perga, they came to Antioch in Pisidia and went into the synagogue on The Shabbat and sat down.

15 And after the reading of the Torah parsha and the haftarah, the rulers of the synagogue sent for them, saying, Men and Yisraelite brothers, if you have any Word of exhortation for the people, go ahead and say it.

16 Then Shaul stood up and beckoning with his hand said, Men of Yisrael and you that fear Ahloha, pay attention!

17 The Ahloha of this people of Yisrael chose our ahvot and exalted the people when they dwelt as strangers in the land of Mitzrayim and with a Mighty Arm He brought them out.

18 And for forty years He preserved them in the wilderness.

19 And when He had destroyed seven goyim in the land of Kanaan, He divided their land by inheritance.

20 And after that He gave to them shophtim for around four hundred fifty years, until Shmuel the navi.

21 And afterward they desired a melech: and YHUH gave to them Shaul the son of Kish, a man from the tribe of Benyamin, for about forty years.

22 And when He had removed him, He raised up Dawid to be their melech; and regarding him He gave testimony and said, I have found Dawid the son of Yishai, a man after My own lev, who shall do all My will.

23 Of this man’s zera has YHUH according to His promise raised up for Yisrael a Moshiach, YAHUSHA-YHUH:

24 Whom Yochanan ha Matbeel had firs proclaimed even before his coming by the mikvah of teshuvah, to all the people of Yisrael.

25 And as Yochanan ha Matbeel fulfilled his course, he said, Who do you think that I am? I am not He. But, see, there comes One after me, whose sandals I am not worthy to loose.

26 Men and Yisraelite brothers, children of the race of Avraham and whoever among you are Yireh-YHUH, to you is The Word of this salvation sent.

27 For they that dwell at Yahrushalayim and their rulers because they knew Him not, nor the voices of the neviim that are read every Shabbat, they have fulfilled those words by condemning Him.

28 And though they found no cause of death in Him, yet they asked Pilate that He should be killed.

29 And when they had fulfilled all that was written of Him, they took Him down from the eytz and laid Him in a tomb.

30 But YHUH raised Him from the dead:

31 And He was seen many yamim by those who came up with Him from Galil to Yahrushalayim, who are His witnesses to the people.

32 And we declare to you The Besorah, how that the promise which was made to the ahvot,

33 YHUH has fulfilled the same promise to us their children, in that He has raised up YAHUSHA-YHUH again; as it is also written in Tehillim Bet, You are My Son, this yom have I begotten You.

34 And since He raised Him up from the dead, no more to return to corruption, He said this, I will give You the sure rachamim of Dawid.

35 For this reason He said also in another mizmor, You shall not allow Your Kadosh- One to see corruption.

36 For Dawid, after he had served his own generation by the will of YHUH, died and was laid with his ahvot and saw corruption:

37 But He, whom YHUH raised again, saw no corruption.

38 Be it known to you therefore, men and Yisraelite brothers, that through this Man is proclaimed to you the forgiveness of sins:

39 And by Him all that believe are justified from all things, from which you could not be justified by the Torah of Moshe.

40 Beware therefore, lest that come upon you, which is spoken of in the neviim;

41 See, you despisers and wonder and perish: for I work a work in your yamim, a work which you shall in no way believe, though a man declare it to you.

42 And when the Yahudim had gone out of the synagogue, the non-Yahudim begged that these words might be proclaimed to them the next Shabbat.

43 Now when the kehilla was dismissed, many of the Yahudim and religious proselytes followed Shaul and Bar-Nava: who were speaking to them and persuaded them to continue in the chen of YHUH.

44 And the next Shabbat almost the entire city came together to hear The Word of YHUH.

45 But when the Yahudim saw the multitudes, they were filled with envy and spoke against those things, which were spoken by Shaul, contradicting and blaspheming him.

46 Then Shaul and Bar-Nava grew bold and said, It was necessary that The Word of YHUH should first have been spoken to you: but seeing you put it away from you and judge yourselves unworthy of everlasting chayim, look, we turn to the goyim.

47 For this is what YHUH commanded us, saying, I have set you to be an ohr of the goyim that you should be for salvation to the ends of the olam.

48 And when the non-Yahudim heard this, they were full of simcha and gave tehilla to The Word of YHUH: and as many as were ordained to eternal chayim believed.

49 And The Word of The Master YHUH was published throughout that entire region.

50 But the Yahudim stirred up the devout and honorable women and the ruling men of the city and raised persecution against Shaul and Bar-Nava and expelled them out of their borders.

51 But they shook off the dust of their feet against them and came to Ikoniom.

52 And the talmidim were filled with simcha and with The Ruach Hakodesh.

14 And it came to pass in Ikoniom, that they went both together into the synagogue of the Yahudim and so spoke, that a great multitude both of the Yahudim and also of the Greeks believed.

2 But the unbelieving Yahudim stirred up the non-Yahudim and affected their minds with evil against the Yisraelite brothers.

3 So they remained there a long time speaking boldly in The Master

YHUH, who gave testimony to The Word of His chen and granted signs and wonders to be done by their hands.

4 But the multitude of the city was divided: a part sided with the unbelieving Yahudim and a part sided with the shlichim.

5 And when there was an assault made by the non-Yahudim and also by the unbelieving Yahudim with their rulers, to use them despitefully and to stone them,

6 They were made aware of it and fled to Lustra and Derbe, cities of Lukaonia and to the region all around:

7 And there they proclaimed The Besorah.

8 And there sat a certain man at Lustra, impotent in his feet, being a cripple from his eema’s womb, who never had walked:

9 The same heard Shaul speak: who firmly looked at him and perceived that he had emunah to be healed,

10 Said with a loud voice, Stand up straight on your feet. And he leaped and walked.

11 And when the people saw what Shaul had done, they lifted up their voices, saying in the speech of the Lukaonians, The mighty ones have come down to us in the likeness of men.

12 And they called Bar-Nava, Zeus; and Shaul, Hermes because he was the chief speaker.

13 Then the kohen of Zeus, who was before their city, brought oxen and wreaths to the gates and wanted to sacrifice to them along with the people.

14 Which when the shlichim, Bar-Nava and Shaul, heard of it, they tore their clothes and ran in among the people, crying out,

15 And saying, Sirs, why do you do these things? We also are men of like passions with you and proclaim to you that you should make teshuvah from these vanities to the living Ahloha, who made the shamayim and the olam and the sea and all things that are in them:

16 Who in times past allowed all goyim to have their halacha in their own derachot.

17 Nevertheless He left not Himself without witness, in that He did tov and gave us rain from the shamayim and fruitful moadem, filling our levavot with food and simcha.

18 And with these sayings they barely restrained the people, so that they did not sacrifice to them.

19 And there came certain unbelieving Yahudim from Antioch and Ikoniom, who persuaded the people to turn against the shlichim and, having stoned Shaul, drew him out of the city, thinking he was dead.

20 But, as the talmidim stood all around him, he rose up and came into the city: and the next yom he departed with Bar-Nava to Derbe.

21 And when they had proclaimed The Besorah to that city and had taught many, they returned again to Lustra and to Ikoniom and Antioch,

22 Exhorting the talmidim and reminding them to continue in the emunah and that we must through great tribulation enter into the malchut of YHUH.

23 And when they had ordained zechanim in every kehilla of Yisrael and had made tefillah and fasted, they commended them to YAHUSHA-YHUH, on whom they believed.

24 And after they had passed throughout Pisidia, they came to Pamphulia.

25 And when they had proclaimed The Word of The Master YHUH in Perge, they went down into Attalia:

26 And from there they sailed to Antioch, from where they had been recommended to the chen of The Master YHUH for the work that they fulfilled.

27 And when they had come and had gathered the kehilla of Yisrael together, they rehearsed all that YHUH had done with them and how He had opened the door of emunah to the goyim.

28 And there they stayed a long time with the talmidim.

15 And certain men which came down from Yahudah taught the Yisraelite brothers and said, Except you receive brit-milah after the manner of Moshe, you cannot be saved.

2 When therefore Shaul and Bar-Nava had no small dissension and disputation with them, they determined that Shaul and Bar-Nava and certain others of them, should go up to Yahrushalayim to the shlichim and zechanim about this question.

3 And being sent on their derech by the kehilla of Yisrael, they passed through Phoenicia and Shomron, declaring the return of the goyim: and they caused great simcha to all the Yisraelite brothers.

4 And when they had come to Yahrushalayim, they were received by the kehilla of Yisrael and by the shlichim and zechanim and they declared all things that YHUH had done through them.

5 But there rose up certain of the sect of the Prushim who believed, saying, That it was needful to give them brit-milah and to command them to keep the Torah of Moshe.

6 And the shlichim and zechanim came together to consider this matter.

7 And when there had been much disputing, Kefa rose up and said to them, Men and Yisraelite brothers, you know how that a long time ago YHUH made choices among us, that the goyim by my mouth should hear The Word of The Besorah and believe.

8 And YHUH, who knows the levavot, bore them witness, giving them The Ruach Hakodesh even as He did to us;

9 And put no difference between us and them; purifying their levavot by emunah.

10 Now therefore why do you test YHUH, to put a yoke upon the neck of the talmidim, which neither our ahvot nor we were able to bear?

11 But we believe that through the chen of YAHUSHA-YHUH Ha Moshiach we shall be saved, even as they will.

12 Then the entire multitude kept silent and listened to Bar-Nava and Shaul, declaring what nisim and wonders YHUH had done among the goyim by them.

13 And after they had kept silent, Yaakov answered, saying, Men and Yisraelite brothers, listen to me:

14 Shimon has declared how YHUH at first did visit the goyim, to take out from them a people for His Name.

15 And to this agree the words of the neviim; as it is written,

16 After this I will return and will rebuild again the Sukkah of Dawid, which has fallen down; and I will rebuild again its ruins and I will set it up once more:

17 That the remnant of men might seek after The Master YHUH and all the goyim, upon whom My Name is called, said The Master YHUH, who does all these things.

18 Known to YHUH are all His works from the beginning of the olam.

19 Because of this, my mishpat is that we trouble not those, who are from among the goyim and who are returning to YHUH:

20 But that we write to them, that they abstain from the filth of idols and from fornication and from things strangled and from dahm.

21 For Moshe from old times has in every city those that proclaim his teachings, with his Torah being read in the synagogues every Shabbat.

22 Then it pleased the shlichim and zechanim, with the entire kehilla of Yisrael, to send chosen men of their own company to Antioch with Shaul and Bar-Nava; namely, Yahudah surnamed Bar-Savas and Sila, key men among the Yisraelite brothers:

23 And they gave them written letters to be delivered saying; The shlichim and zechanim and Yisraelite brothers send greetings to the Yisraelite brothers, which are of the goyim in Antioch and Syria and Cilikia:

24 Forasmuch as we have heard, that certain which went out from us have troubled you with words, subverting your beings, saying, You must receive brit-milah first and keep the Torah immediately: to whom we gave no such commandment:

25 It seemed tov to us, being assembled as echad, to send chosen men to you with our beloved Bar-Nava and Shaul,

26 Men that have risked their chayim for the Name of our Master YAHUSHA-YHUH Ha Moshiach.

27 We have sent therefore Yahudah and Sila, who shall also tell you the same things by mouth.

28 For it seemed tov to The Ruach Hakodesh and to us, to lay upon you no greater burden than these necessary initial things;

29 That you abstain from meats offered to idols and from dahm and from things strangled and from fornication: if you guard yourselves regarding these, you shall do well. Be strong!

30 So when they were dismissed, they came to Antioch: and when they had gathered the multitude together, they delivered the letter:

31 Which when they had read, they rejoiced for the encouragement.

32 And Yahudah and Sila, being neviim also themselves, exhorted the Yisraelite brothers with many words and confirmed them.

33 And after they had stayed a while, they were let go in shalom from the Yisraelite brothers back to the shlichim.

34 But it pleased Sila to stay there still.

35 Shaul also and Bar-Nava continued in Antioch, teaching and proclaiming The Word of YHUH, with many others also.

36 And some yamim later Shaul said to Bar-Nava, Let us go again and visit our Yisraelite brothers in every city where we have proclaimed The Word of YHUH and see how they are doing.

37 And Bar-Nava determined to take with them Yochanan, whose surname was Moshe-Markus.

38 But Shaul thought it not tov to take him with them because he departed from them from Pamphylia and continued not with them in the work.

39 And the contention was so sharp between them that they departed after separating from each other: and so Bar-Nava took Moshe-Markus and sailed to Cyprus;

40 And Shaul chose Sila and departed, being recommended by the Yisraelite brothers to the chen of YHUH.

41 And he went through Syria and Cilikia, confirming the kehellot of Yisrael.

16 Then he came to Derbe and Lustra: and, see, a certain talmid was there, named Timtheous, the son of a certain woman, who was a Yahudi and believed; but his abba was an Aramean:

2 Which was well reported of by the Yisraelite brothers that were at Lustra and Ikoniom.

3 Shaul desired to have him travel with him; and took him and conducted brit-milah for him because of the Yahudim who were in those quarters: for they all knew that his abba was an Aramean.

4 And as they went through the cities, they delivered to them the decrees to keep that were ordained by the shlichim and zechanim who were at Yahrushalayim.

5 And so the kehellot of Yisrael were established in the emunah and increased in number daily.

6 Now when they had gone throughout Phrygia and the region of Galutyah, they were forbidden by The Ruach Hakodesh to proclaim The Word in Asia Minor,

7 After they were come to Mysia, they desired to go into Bitunyah: but The Ruach did not allow them.

8 And they passing by Mysia came down to Troas.

9 And a vision appeared to Shaul in the lyla; There stood a man of Makedonia and begged him, saying, Come over into Makedonia and help us.

10 And after he had seen the vision, immediately we sought to go into Makedonia, knowing for sure that YHUH had called us to proclaim The Besorah to them.

11 We left Troas; we came with a straight course to Samothrake and the next yom to Neapolis;

12 And from there to Philippi, which is the main city of that part of Makedonia and a colony: and we were in that city abiding certain yamim.

13 And on The Shabbat we went out of the city by a riverside, where tefillah was always made; and we sat down and spoke to the women who assembled there:

14 And a certain woman named Lydyah, a seller of purple, from the city of Thyatira, who worshipped YHUH, listened to us: whose lev YHUH opened, that she received those things that were spoken of by Shaul.

15 And when she was immersed and her household, she asked us, saying, If you have judged me to be faithful to YHUH, come into my bayit and stay there. And she urged us.

16 And it came to pass, as we went to Shabbat tefillot, a certain young girl possessed with an unclean ruach of Python met us, who brought her masters much profit by fortune telling:

17 The same followed Shaul and us and cried, saying, These men are the avadim of El-Elyon, who show to us the derech of salvation.

18 And this she did many yamim. But Shaul, being disturbed, turned and said to the unclean ruach, I command you in the Name of YAHUSHA-YHUH Ha Moshiach to come out of her. And it came out the same hour.

19 And when her masters saw that the ongoing possibility of further gain was gone, they caught Shaul and Sila and dragged them into the marketplace to the rulers,

20 And brought them to the authorities, saying, These men, being Yahudim, do exceedingly trouble our city,

21 And teach customs, which are not lawful for us to receive, neither to observe, being Romayim.

22 And the multitude rose up together against them: and the authorities tore off their clothes and commanded to beat them.

23 And when they had laid many stripes upon them, they cast them into prison, commanding that the prison guard keep them safely:

24 Who, having received such a charge, threw them into the inner prison and made their feet secure in the stocks.

25 And at midnight Shaul and Sila made tefillah and sang tehillim to YHUH: and the prisoners heard them.

26 And suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken: and immediately all the doors were opened and everyone’s chains were loosed.

27 And the keeper of the prison woke out of his sleep and seeing the prison doors open, he drew out his sword and would have killed himself, supposing that the prisoners had escaped.

28 But Shaul shouted with a loud voice, saying, Do yourself no harm: for we are all here.

29 Then the keeper of the prison called for an ohr and ran in and came trembling and fell down before Shaul and Sila,

30 And having led them out, he said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved?

31 And they said, Believe on The Master YAHUSHA-YHUH Ha Moshiach and you shall be saved and also your bayit.

32 And they spoke to him The Word of The Master YHUH and to all that were in his bayit.

33 And he took them in that same hour of the lyla and washed their stripes; and was immersed, he and all his mishpacha, right away.

34 And when he had brought them into his bayit, he prepared food for them and rejoiced, believing in YHUH with all his bayit.

35 And when it was yom, the authorities sent the prison officers, saying, Let those men go.

36 And the keeper of the prison told this to Shaul, The authorities have sent to let you go: now therefore depart and go in shalom.

37 But Shaul said to them, They have beaten us openly uncondemned, being Romiyah citizens and have cast us into prison; and now do they throw us out privately? No! Indeed; let them come here themselves and bring us out.

38 And the prison officers told these words to the authorities: and they feared, when they heard that they were Romayim.

39 And they came and pleaded with them and brought them outside the gates and desired them to depart out of the city.

40 And they went out of the prison and entered into the bayit of Lydyah and when they had seen the Yisraelite brothers, they comforted them and left.

17 1 Now when they had passed through Apollonia, they came to Tesloniqyah, where was a synagogue of the Yahudim:

2 And Shaul, as his manner was, went in and for three Shabbats reasoned with them from the Keetvay HaKadosh,

3 Opening and alleging, that Moshiach needed to have suffered and risen again from the dead; and that this YAHUSHA-YHUH, whom I proclaim to you, is Moshiach.

4 And some of them believed, and joined with Shaul and Sila; and of the devout Greeks a great multitude, and many of the leading women.

5 But the Yahudim who believed not, moved with envy, took some wicked men from the city streets and gathered a large mob and caused disturbances in the city and assaulted the bayit of Yason and sought to bring them out to the people.

6 And when they found them not, they drew Yason and certain Yisraelite brothers to the rulers of the city, crying, These that have turned the olam upside down have come here also;

7 Whom Yason has received: and these all do contrary to the decrees of Kaiser, saying that there is another Melech, named YAHUSHA-YHUH.

8 And they troubled the people and the rulers of the city, when they heard these things.

9 And when they had taken bail from Yason and from the others, they let them go.

10 And the Yisraelite brothers immediately sent away Shaul and Sila by lyla to Berea: who coming there went into the synagogue of the Yahudim.

11 These were more noble than those in Tesloniqyah, in that they received The Word with all readiness of mind and searched the Keetvay HaKadosh daily, whether those things were so.

12 Therefore many of them believed; also many honorable women and men who were Greeks.

13 But when the unbelieving Yahudim of Tesloniqyah had da’at that The Word of YHUH was proclaimed by Shaul at Berea, they came there also and stirred up the people.

14 And then immediately the Yisraelite brothers sent away Shaul to go as it were to the sea: but Sila and Timtheous stayed there still.

15 And they that conducted his trip brought Shaul to Athens: and receiving a commandment to Sila and Timtheous to come to him fast, they departed.

16 Now while Shaul waited for them at Athens, his ruach was stirred in him, when he saw the city totally given to idolatry.

17 Therefore he disputed in the synagogue with the Yahudim and with the devout persons, and in the market daily with them that met with him.

18 Then certain philosophers of the Epicureans and of the Stoicks, encountered him. And some said: What will this babbler say? Others said, He seems to be a proclaimer of strange mighty ones: because he proclaimed to them YAHUSHA-YHUH and the resurrection.

19 And they arrested him and brought him to Areopagus, saying, May we know what is this new teaching, that you bring?

20 For you bring certain strange things to our ears: we would like to know therefore what these things mean.

21 For all the Athenians and strangers who were there, spent their time in nothing else, but either to tell, or to hear some new thing.

22 Then Shaul stood in the midst of Areopagus and said, You men of Athens, I perceive that in all things you are very religious.

23 For as I passed by and looked at your devotions, I found an altar with this inscription, TO THE UNKNOWN MIGHTY ONE. Whom you therefore ignorantly worship, him I do declare to you.

24 YHUH that made the olam and all things in it, seeing that He is Ruler of the shamayim and the olam, dwells not in temples made with hands;

25 Neither is worshipped with men’s hands, as though He needed anything, seeing He gives to all chayim and Ruach and all things;

26 And has made all goyim of men from one dahm to dwell on all the face of the olam and has determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their dwelling;

27 That they should seek Him, if possibly they might reach out for Him and find Him, though He be not far from any one of us:

28 For in Him we live and move and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also His offspring.

29 Now then since we are the offspring of YHUH, we should not think that El-Elyon is anything like gold, or silver, or stone, created by man’s mind, or devices.

30 For the past times of ignorance YHUH overlooked; but now commands all men every where to make teshuvah:

31 Because He has appointed a Yom Din, in which He will judge the olam in tzedakah by that Man whom He has ordained; by which He has given proof to all men, in that He has raised Him from the dead.

32 And when they heard of the resurrection of the dead, some mocked: and others said, We will listen to you again on this matter.

33 So Shaul departed from among them.

34 But certain men joined him and believed: among whom was Dionusios the Areopagite and a woman named Damaris and others with them.

18 After these things Shaul departed from Athens and came to Corinth;

2 And found a certain Yahudi named Aquila, born in Pontus, who had recently come from Italy, with his isha Priscilla; because Claudius had commanded all Yahudim to depart from Romiyah and they came to them.

3 And because he was of the same trade, he stayed with them and they worked together: for by their occupation they were tallit makers.

4 And he reasoned in the synagogue every Shabbat and persuaded the Yahudim and the Greeks.

5 And when Sila and Timtheous were come from Makedonia, Shaul was pressed in The Ruach because the Yahudim opposed and blasphemed as he testified that YAHUSHA-YHUH was The Moshiach.

6 And when they opposed themselves and blasphemed, he shook off his garment and said to them, Your dahm be upon your own heads; I am clean: from now on I will go to the goyim.

7 And he departed there and entered into a certain man’s bayit, named Justus, one that worshipped YHUH, whose bayit was next to the synagogue.

8 And Crispus, the rabbi of the synagogue, believed on YAHUSHA-YHUH with all his bayit; and many of the Corinthians hearing believed and were immersed.

9 Then spoke The Master YHUH to Shaul in the lyla by a vision, Be not afraid, but speak and do not keep silent:

10 For I YHUH AM with you and no man shall attack you to hurt you: for I have many people in this city.

11 And he stayed there a year and six chodashem, teaching The Word of YHUH among them.

12 And when Gallion was the proconsul of Achayah, the unbelieving Yahudim made insurrection with one accord against Shaul and brought him to the mishpat bema,

13 Saying, This fellow persuades men to worship Ahloha contrary to the Torah.

14 And when Shaul was now about to open his mouth, Gallion said to the Yahudim, If it were a matter of criminal wrong, or wicked lewdness, O you Yahudim, there would be a reason that I should listen to you:

15 But if it is a question of words and names, and of your Torah, you can settle it; for I do not wish to be a shophet of such matters.

16 And he removed all of them from the mishpat bema.

17 Then all the pagans took Sosthenes, the rabbi of the synagogue and beat him before the mishpat seat. And Gallion cared for none of those things.

18 And Shaul after this stayed there yet a tov while and then took his leave from the Yisraelite brothers and sailed from there into Aram and with him Priscilla and Aquila; having shaved his head in Cenchrea: for he was under a Nazarite vow.

19 And he came to Ephsiyah and left them there: but he himself entered into the synagogue and reasoned with the Yahudim.

20 When they desired him to stay longer with them, he declined;

21 But bade them farewell, saying, I must by all means keep this moed that comes in Yahrushalayim: but I will return again to you, if YHUH wills. And he sailed from Ephsiyah.

22 And when he had landed at Caesarea and went up and greeted the kehilla of Yisrael, then he went down to Antioch.

23 And after he had spent some time there, he departed and went over all the country of Galutyah and Phrygia, strengthening all the talmidim.

24 And a certain Yahudi named Apollos, born at Alexandria, an eloquent man and mighty in the Keetvay HaKadosh, came to Ephsiyah.

25 This man was instructed in the Torah and halacha of The Master YHUH; and being fervent in The Ruach, he spoke and taught diligently the things of YHUH, knowing only the mikvah of Yochanan ha Matbeel.

26 And he began to speak boldly in the synagogue: and when Aquila and Priscilla had heard him, they took him to them and expounded to him the derech of YHUH more fully.

27 And when he was disposed to pass into Achayah, the Yisraelite brothers wrote, exhorting the talmidim to receive him and when he arrived, helped them much who had believed through chen:

28 For he mightily refuted the Yahudim, publicly, showing by the Keetvay HaKadosh that YAHUSHA-YHUH was in fact The Moshiach.

19 And it came to pass, that, while Apollos was at Corinth, Shaul having passed through the upper borders came to Ephsiyah: and finding certain talmidim,

2 He said to them, Have you received The Ruach Hakodesh when you believed? And they said to him, We have not even heard whether there is any Ruach Hakodesh.

3 And he said to them, Into what then were you immersed? And they said, Into Yochanan ha Matbeel’s mikvah.

4 Then said Shaul, Yochanan ha Matbeel truly immersed with the mikvah of teshuvah, saying to the people, that they should believe on Him who should come after him, that is, on Moshiach YAHUSHA-YHUH.

5 When they heard this, they were immersed in the Name of The Master YAHUSHA-YHUH.

6 And when Shaul had laid his hands upon them, The Ruach Hakodesh came on them; and they spoke with tongues and prophesied.

7 And all the men were about twelve.

8 And he went into the synagogue and spoke boldly for around three chodashem, disputing and persuading the things concerning the malchut of YHUH.

9 But when some were hardened and obeyed not, but spoke evil of the Derech before the multitude, he departed from them and separated the talmidim and they held midrash daily in the yeshiva of Tyrannus.

10 And this continued for around two years; so that all those who dwelt in Asia Minor heard The Word of The Master YAHUSHA-YHUH, Yahudim, Greeks and Arameans.

11 And YHUH worked special nisim by the hands of Shaul:

12 So that even from the clothes on his gooff were brought to the sick handkerchiefs, or aprons and the diseases departed from them, the shadim went out from them and the insane were restored.

13 Then certain roving Yahudim, exorcists, took it upon themselves to call out over those who had shadim in the Name of The Master YAHUSHA-YHUH, saying, We adjure you by YAHUSHA-YHUH who Shaul proclaims.

14 And there were seven sons of Skeua, a Yahudi and the head of the roving exorcist kohanim, who did the same thing.

15 And the evil shad answered and said, YAHUSHA-YHUH I know and Shaul I know; but who are you?

16 And the man in whom the evil ruach was leaped on them and overcame them and prevailed against them, so that they fled out of that bayit naked, beaten and wounded.

17 And this was known to all the Yahudim and Greeks also dwelling at Ephsiyah; and fear fell on them all and the Name of the Savior YAHUSHA-YHUH was magnified.

18 And many that believed came and confessed and showed their s.a.tanic deeds.

19 Many of them also who used magic brought their books together and burned them before all men: and they counted the price of the books and found it fifty thousand pieces of silver.

20 So mightily grew The Word of YHUH and prevailed.

21 After these things were ended, Shaul purposed in The Ruach, when he had passed through Makedonia and Achayah, to go to Yahrushalayim, saying, After I have been there, I must also see Romiyah.

22 So he sent into Makedonia two of them that attended to him, Timtheous and Erastos; but he himself stayed in Asia Minor for a while.

23 At the same time there arose a big stir about The Derech.

24 For a certain man named Demetrius, a silversmith, who made silver shrines for Artemis the pagan mighty one, brought no small gain to the craftsmen;

25 When he called together the shrine makers and said, Sirs, you know that by this craft we have our wealth.

26 Moreover you see and hear, that not only at Ephsiyah, but almost throughout all of Asia Minor, this Shaul has persuaded and turned away many people, saying that they are not mighty ones which we make with our hands:

27 So that not only our livelihood is in danger to come to nothing; but also that the shrine of the great female mighty one Artemis should be despised and her magnificence should be destroyed, whom all in Asia Minor and the olam worships.

28 And when they heard these sayings, they were full of wrath and cried out, saying, Great is Artemis of the Ephesians.

29 And the entire city was filled with confusion: and having caught Gaius and Aristarchus, men of Makedonia, Shaul’s companions in travel, they rushed with one accord into the theatre.

30 And when Shaul would have entered into the mob, the talmidim did not allow him.

31 And certain of the officials of Asia Minor, who were his chaverim, sent for him, desiring that he would not risk his chayim in the theatre.

32 Some therefore cried one thing and some another: for the mob was confused; and most did not know why they had come together.

33 And they drew Alexander out of the multitude, the Yahudim putting him forward. And Alexander motioned for silence with his hand and would have made his defense to the people.

34 But when they knew that he was a Yahudi, all with one voice for about two hours cried out, Great is Artemis of the Ephesians.

35 And when the mayor had quieted the people, he said, You men of Ephsiyah, what man is there that knows not how that the city of the Ephesians is a worshipper of the great female mighty one Artemis and her image which fell down from Zeus in the shamayim?

36 Seeing then that these things cannot be spoken against, you should be quiet, do nothing in haste.

37 For you have brought here these men, who are neither robbers of temples, nor blasphemers of your female mighty one.

38 Therefore if Demetrius and the craftsmen who are with him, have a matter against any man, the courts are open and there are proconsuls: let them accuse one another.

39 But if you inquire anything concerning any other matters, it shall be determined in a lawful court.

40 For we are in danger to be called to an account for this yom’s riot, there being no reason we can give to account for this mob scene.

41 And when he had spoken, he dismissed the crowd.

20 And after the uproar had ceased, Shaul called to him the talmidim and embraced them and departed to go into Makedonia.

2 And when he had gone over those parts and had given them much exhortation, he came into Greece,

3 And there he stayed three chodashem. And when the unbelieving Yahudim lay in wait for him, as he was about to sail into Syria, he purposed to return through Makedonia.

4 And there accompanied him into Asia Minor Sopater from Berea; and from Tesloniqyah, Aristarchos and Secundos; and Gaios from Derbe and Timtheous; and from Asia Minor, Tuchicos and Trophimos.

5 These going on ahead waited for us at Troas.

6 And we sailed away from Philippi after the yamim of Chag Matzoth, and came to them at Troas in five yamim; where we stayed seven yamim.

7 And moreover on one of The Shabbats, when the talmidim came together to break lechem, Shaul proclaimed to them, ready to depart the next yom; and continued his speech until midnight.

8 And there were many lights in the upper chamber, where they were gathered together.

9 And there sat in a window a certain young man named Eutuchos, who fell into a deep sleep: and as Shaul was sharing a long teaching, he sank into deep sleep and fell down from the third loft and was picked up dead.

10 And Shaul went down and fell on him and embraced him and said, Don’t worry; for his chayim is now in him.

11 When he therefore had come up again and had broken lechem and eaten and talked a long while, even until daybreak he then departed.

12 And they brought the young man alive and rejoiced exceedingly.

13 And we went ahead by ship and sailed to Assos, there intending to take in Shaul: for so had he appointed, having gone there by land.

14 And when he met with us at Assos, we took him in and came to Mitulene.

15 And we sailed there and came the next yom opposite Chios; and the next yom we arrived at Samos and stayed at Trogullium; and the next yom we came to Miletus.

16 For Shaul had determined to sail by Ephsiyah because he would not spend the time in Asia Minor: for he rushed, if it were still possible for him, to be at Yahrushalayim for Chag Shavuot.

17 And from Miletus he sent to Ephsiyah and called the zechanim of the kehilla of Yisrael.

18 And when they had come to him, he said to them, You know, from the first yom that I came into Asia Minor, what kind of lifestyle I had with you at all times,

19 Serving YHUH with all humility of mind and with many tears and temptations, what befell me by the lying in wait of the unbelieving Yahudim:

20 And how I kept back nothing that was profitable for you, but have showed you and have taught you publicly and from bayit to bayit,

21 Testifying both to the Yahudim and also to the Greeks, teshuvah before YHUH and emunah toward our Master YAHUSHA-YHUH Ha Moshiach.

22 And now, see, I go bound in The Ruach to Yahrushalayim, not knowing the things that shall befall me there:

23 Except that The Ruach Hakodesh witnesses in every city, saying that prison and afflictions await me.

24 But none of these things move me, neither count I my chayim dear to myself, so that I might finish my course with simcha and the service, which I have received from The Master YAHUSHA-YHUH, to testify The Besorah of the chen of YHUH.

25 And now, see, I know that you all, among whom I have gone proclaiming the malchut of YHUH, shall see my face no more.

26 Therefore I take you to record this yom that I am pure from the dahm of all men.

27 For I have not held back to declare to you the complete counsel of YHUH.

28 Take heed therefore to yourselves and to all the flock, over which The Ruach Hakodesh has made you overseers, to feed the kehilla of Yisrael in YHUH, which He has purchased with His own dahm.

29 For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock.

30 Also from among your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away talmidim after themselves.

31 Therefore watch and remember, that for about three years I ceased not to warn every one lyla and yom with tears.

32 And now, Yisraelite brothers, I commend you to YHUH and to The Word of His chen, which is able to build you up and to give you an inheritance among all them who are kadosh.

33 I have coveted no man’s silver, or gold, or apparel.

34 Yes, you yourselves know, that these hands have supplied my necessities, for me and for those that were with me.

35 I have showed you all things, how that by working hard you also must support the weak and to remember The Words of The Master YAHUSHA-YHUH, how He said, It is more blessed to give than to receive.

36 And when he had spoken this, he kneeled down and made tefillah with them all.

37 And they all wept hard and fell on Shaul’s neck and kissed him,

38 Sorrowing most of all for The Words that he spoke, that they should see his face no more. And they accompanied him to the ship.

21 And it came to pass, that after we had separated from them and had launched, we came with a straight course to Coos and the yom following to Rhodes and from there to Patara:

2 And finding a ship sailing over to Phoenicia, we went aboard and set out.

3 Now when we had seen Cyprus, we left it on the left hand and sailed into Syria and landed at Tsor: for there the ship was to unload her cargo.

4 And finding talmidim, we stayed there seven yamim: who said to Shaul through The Ruach that he should not go up to Yahrushalayim.

5 And when we had accomplished those yamim, we departed and went our derech; and they all brought us on our derech, with their wives and children, until we were out of the city: and we kneeled down on the shore and made tefillah.

6 And when we had taken our leave one of another, we sailed; and they returned home again.

7 And when we had finished our course from Tsor, we came to Ptolemais and greeted the Yisraelite brothers and stayed with them one yom.

8 And the next yom we that were of Shaul’s group departed and came to Caesarea: and we entered into the bayit of Philip the Proclaimer, who was one of the seven; and stayed with him.

9 And the same man had four daughters, virgins, who did prophesy.

10 And as we stayed there many yamim, there came down from Yahudah a certain navi,named Hagav.

11 And when he had come to us, he took Shaul’s girdle and bound his own hands and feet and said, This says The Ruach Hakodesh, So shall the Yahudim at Yahrushalayim bind the man that owns this girdle and shall deliver him into the hands of the pagans.

12 And when we heard these things, both we and those of that place, begged him not to go up to Yahrushalayim.

13 Then Shaul answered, What do you mean by weeping and breaking my lev? For I am ready not only to be bound, but also to die at Yahrushalayim for the Name of The Master YAHUSHA-YHUH.

14 And when he would not be persuaded, we ceased, saying, The will of YHUH be done.

15 And after those yamim we prepared and went up to Yahrushalayim.

16 There went with us also certain of the talmidim of Caesarea and brought with them Menason of Cyprus, an old talmid, with whom we should lodge.

17 And when we had come to Yahrushalayim, the Yisraelite brothers received us with simcha.

18 And the yom following Shaul went in with us to Yaakov; and all the zechanim were present.

19 And when he had greeted them, he declared particularly what things YHUH had done among the goyim by his service.

20 And when they heard it, they gave tehilla to YHUH and said to him, You see, brother, how many tens of thousands there are who believe among the Yahudim; and they are all zealous for the Torah:

21 And they are wrongly informed about you, that you teach all the Yahudim who are among the goyim to forsake Moshe’s Torah, saying that they should not brit-milah their children, neither walk after the halacha of Torah.

22 What is this therefore? The multitudes will hear that you have come.

23 So do what we tell you: We have four men who have a Nazarite vow on them;

24 Take them and cleanse yourself with them and pay their expenses, that they may shave their heads: and then all will know that those things, of which they were informed about you, are false and nothing; but that you yourself also have your halacha orderly, guarding all of the Torah.

25 As touching the returning goyim which believe, we have written and concluded that they keep themselves from things offered to idols and from dahm and from strangled things and from fornication.*

26 Then Shaul took the men and the next yom cleansed himself with them and entered into the Beit HaMikdash, to signify the completion of the yamim of their separation, until the offering should be given for every one of them.

27 And when the seven yamim were almost ended, the Yahudim who were from Asia Minor, when they saw him in the Beit HaMikdash, stirred up all the people and laid hands on him,

28 Crying out, Men of Yisrael, help: This is the man, that teaches all men everywhere against the people of Yisrael and the Torah and this makom kadosh: and furthermore he brought

Greeks into the Beit HaMikdash and has polluted this makom kadosh.

29 For they had been seen before with him in the city, Trophimos the Ephesian, whom they supposed that Shaul had brought into the Beit HaMikdash.

30 And all the city was moved and the people ran together: and they took Shaul and dragged him out of the Beit HaMikdash: and immediately shut the doors.

31 And as they went about to kill him, news came to the chief captain of the company, that all Yahrushalayim was in an uproar.

32 He immediately took soldiers and centurions and ran down to them: and when they saw the chief captain and the soldiers, they stopped beating Shaul.

33 Then the chief captain came near and took him and commanded him to be bound with two chains; and demanded to know who he was and what he had done.

34 And some cried one thing, some another, among the multitude: and when he could not know the real reason for the tumult, he commanded him to be carried into the headquarters.

35 And when he came to the stairs, so it was, that he had to be carried by the soldiers because of the violence of the people.

36 For the multitude of the unbelieving people followed after him, shouting, Away with him.

37 And as Shaul was about to be led into the headquarters, he said to the chief captain, May I speak to you? The chief captain said, Can you speak Greek?

38 Are not you that Mitzri, who a while back made a revolt and led out into the wilderness four thousand men that were assassins?

39 But Shaul said, No. I am a man, a Yahudi of Tarsus, a city in Cilikia, a citizen of a well known city: and, I beg you, allow me to speak to my people Yisrael.

40 And when he had given him permission, Shaul stood on the stairs and motioned with the hand to the people. And when there was a great silence, he spoke to them in the Avrit tongue, saying,

22 Men, Yisraelite brothers and ahvot of Yisrael, listen to my defense, which I make to you now.

2 And when they heard that he spoke in the Avrit tongue, they kept even quieter and he said,

3 I am indeed a man who am a Yahudi, born in Tarsus, a city in Cilikia, yet brought up in this city at the yeshiva of Gamliel and taught according to the perfect manner of the Torah of the ahvot and was zealous towards Ahloha, as you all are this yom.

4 And I persecuted the Derech to the death, binding and delivering into prisons both men and women.

5 As also the Kohen HaGadol does bear me witness and all the zechanim of the Sanhedrin: from whom also I received letters to the Yisraelite brothers and went to Dameshek, to bring them who were there bound to Yahrushalayim, to be punished.

6 And it came to pass, that, as I made my journey and had come near to Dameshek around noon, suddenly there shone from the shamayim a Great Ohr all around me.

7 And I fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to me, Shaul, Shaul, why do you persecute Me personally?

8 And I answered, Who are You, Master? And He said to me, I AM YAHUSHA-YHUH of Natzeret, whom you persecute.

9 And they that were with me saw The Ohr and were afraid; but they did not hear the voice of Him that spoke to me.

10 And I said, What shall I do, Master? And YAHUSHA-YHUH said to me, Arise and go into Dameshek; and there it shall be told you all things which are appointed for you to do.

11 And when I could not see for the tifereth of that Ohr, being led by the hand of those that were with me, I came into Dameshek.

12 And one Chananyah, a devout man following the Torah, having a tov report among all the Yahudim who dwelt there,

13 Came to me and stood and said to me, Brother Shaul, receive your sight. And the same hour I looked up at him.

14 And he said, The Ahloha of our ahvot has chosen you, that you should know His will and see that Tzadik-One and should hear the voice from His mouth.

15 For you shall be His witness to all men of what you have seen and heard.

16 And now why do you delay? Arise and be immersed and wash away your sins, calling on the Name of YHUH.

17 And it came to pass, that, when I had come again to Yahrushalayim, even while I made tefillah in the Beit HaMikdash, I went into a trance;

18 And saw Him saying to me, Hurry and get quickly out of Yahrushalayim: for they will not receive your testimony concerning Me.

19 And I said, Master, they know that I imprisoned and beat in every synagogue those that believed on You:

20 And when the dahm of Your martyr Tzephanyah was shed, I also was standing by and approving of his death and held the garments of those that killed him.

21 And He said to me, Depart: for I will send you far and from here on out to the goyim.

22 And they gave him their attention up to this Word and then lifted up their voices and said, Away with such a fellow from the olam: for it is not fit that he should even live.

23 And as they shouted, they cast off their clothes and threw dust into the air,

24 The chief captain commanded him to be brought into the headquarters and ordered that he should be examined after a scourging and beating; that he might know the reason they shouted against him.

25 And as they bound him with straps, Shaul said to the captain that stood by, Is it lawful for you to scourge a man that is a citizen of Romiyah and yet uncondemned?

26 When the captain heard that, he went and told the chief captain, saying, Be careful what you do: for this man is a citizen of Romiyah.

27 Then the chief captain came and said to him, Tell me, are you a Romiyah citizen? He said, Ken.

28 And the chief captain answered, I paid a great price for my citizenship. And Shaul said, But I was freely born as a Romiyah citizen.

29 Then right away those who should have examined him left him alone: and the chief captain also was worried, after he knew that he was a Romiyah citizen because he had bound him unlawfully.

30 On the next yom because he desired to know the emet reason why he was accused by the unbelieving Yahudim, he unbound and released him and commanded the chief kohanim and all their Sanhedrin to appear and brought Shaul down and set him before them.

23 And Shaul, intently beholding the Sanhedrin, said, Men and Yisraelite brothers, I have lived in all tov conscience before YHUH until this yom.

2 And the Kohen HaGadol Chananyah commanded them that stood by him to hit him on the mouth.

3 Then said Shaul to him,YHUH shall hit you, you whited wall: for you sit to judge me by the Torah and then command me to be hit contrary to the Torah.

4 And they that stood by said, Do you even revile Ahloha’s Kohen HaGadol?

5 Then said Shaul, I did not know brothers, that he was the Kohen HaGadol: for it is written, You shall not speak evil of the ruler of your people.

6 But when Shaul perceived that the one part were Tzadukim and the other Prushim, he cried out in the Sanhedrin, Men and brothers, I am a Prush, the son of a Prush: because of my tikvah in the resurrection of the dead – the meechayai hamaytiim – I am being questioned.

7 And when he had said this, there arose a dissension between the Prushim and the Tzadukim: and the multitude was divided.

8 For the Tzadukim say that there is no resurrection, or heavenly malachim and shadim: but the Prushim confess both.

9 And there arose a great tumult: and the Sophrim who were of the Prushim’s viewpoint arose, saying, We find no evil in this man: but if a ruach, or a heavenly malach has spoken to him, let us not fight against Ahloha.

10 And when there arose a great dissension, the chief captain, fearing lest Shaul might have been pulled to pieces by them, commanded the soldiers to go down and to take him by force from among them and to bring him into the headquarters.

11 And the lyla following YAHUSHA-YHUH stood by him and said, Be of tov ruach, Shaul: for as you have testified of Me in Yahrushalayim, so must you bear witness in Romiyah.

12 And when it was daylight, certain of the Yahudim banded together and bound themselves under a curse, saying that they would neither eat nor drink until they had killed Shaul.

13 And there were more than forty who had made this conspiracy.

14 And they came to the chief kohanim and zechanim and said, We have bound ourselves under a great curse, that we will eat nothing until we have killed Shaul.

15 Now therefore you with the Sanhedrin tell the chief captain so that he brings him down to you tomorrow and pretend as if you are seeking more information from him: and we, whenever he comes near, are ready to kill him.

16 And when Shaul’s nephew heard of their lying in wait, he went and entered into the headquarters and told Shaul.

17 Then Shaul called one of the centurions to him and said, Bring this young man to the chief captain: for he has something to tell him.

18 So he took him and brought him to the chief captain and said, Shaul the prisoner called me to him and asked me to bring this young man to you, who has something to tell you.

19 Then the chief captain took him by the hand and went with him aside privately and asked him, What is that you have to tell me?

20 And he said, The unbelieving Yahudim have agreed to ask you that you would bring down Shaul tomorrow into the Sanhedrin, as though they would inquire something of him more fully.

21 But do not yield to them: for they lie in wait for him more than forty men who, have bound themselves with an oath, that they will neither eat nor drink until they have killed him: and now they are ready, looking for the promise from you.

22 So the chief captain then let the young man depart and said, See that you tell no man that you have showed these things to me.

23 And he called to him two centurions, saying, Make ready two hundred soldiers to go to Caesarea and seventy horsemen and two hundred spearmen, at three in the boker;

24 And provide them beasts that they may set Shaul on them and bring him safely to Felix the governor.

25 And he wrote a letter after this manner:

26 Claudius Lysias sends greetings to the most excellent Governor Felix.

27 This man was taken by the unbelieving Yahudim and would have been killed by them: then I came with an army and rescued him, having understood that he was a citizen of Romiyah.

28 And when I wanted to know the reason why they accused him, I brought him out into their Sanhedrin:

29 Whom I perceived to be accused of questions about their Torah, but to have nothing laid to his charge worthy of death, or even of prison.

30 And when it was told to me how the unbelieving Yahudim lay in wait for the man, I sent right away to you and gave commandment to his accusers also to speak before you exactly what they had against him. Farewell.

31 Then the soldiers, as it was commanded them, took Shaul and brought him by lyla to Antipatris.

32 On the next yom they left the horsemen to go with him and returned to the headquarters:

33 Who, when they came to Caesarea and delivered the letter to the governor, presented Shaul also before him.

34 And when the governor had read the letter, he asked what province he was from. And then he understood that he was of Cilikia;

35 I will listen to you, when your accusers have also come, he said. And he commanded him to be kept in Herod’s Praetorium.

24 And after five yamim Chananyah the Kohen HaGadol descended with the zechanim and with a certain orator named Tertullus, who informed the governor against Shaul.

2 And when he was called out, Tertullus began to accuse him, saying, Seeing that by you we enjoy great shalom and that very worthy deeds are done to this nation by your care,

3 We accept it always and in all places, most noble Felix, with all hodu.

4 But, that I not weary you with long explanations, I ask you that you would listen to us in your kindness just a few of our words.

5 For we have found this man a pestilent fellow and a mover of sedition among all the Yahudim throughout the olam and a ringleader of the sect of the Natsarim:

6 Who also has gone about to profane the Beit HaMikdash: whom we took and would have judged according to our Torah.

7 But the chief captain Lysias came upon us and with great violence took him away out of our hands,

8 Commanding his accusers to come to you: so that by examining him yourself you will have the da’at of all these things, of which we accuse him.

9 And the unbelieving Yahudim also agreed, saying that these things were so.

10 Then Shaul, after the governor had motioned to him to speak, answered, Knowing that you have been for many years a shophet to this nation, I gladly defend myself:

11 So that you may understand, about twelve yamim ago I went up to Yahrushalayim to worship.

12 And they neither found me in the Beit HaMikdash disputing with any man, nor stirring up the people, neither in the synagogues, nor in the city:

13 Neither can they prove the things of which they now accuse me.

14 But this I confess to you, that after the Derech which they call heresy, so I worship the Ahloha of my ahvot, believing all things which are written in the Torah and in the Neviim:

15 Having tikvah toward Ahloha, which they themselves also believe, that there shall be a resurrection of the dead, both of the tzadikim and the unjust.

16 It is for this reason that I labor, to always have a conscience void of offence toward Ahloha and toward men.

17 Now after many years I came to bring assistance to my nation and terumah offerings.

18 At which time certain Yahudim from Asia Minor found me cleansed in the Beit HaMikdash, neither with a multitude, nor with tumult.

19 Who should be here before you and object, if they had something against me.

20 Or, else let those here say, if they have found any evil doing in me, while I stood before the Sanhedrin,

21 Except it be for this one declaration, that I shouted standing among them, It is regarding the resurrection of the dead that I am called into questioning by you this yom.

22 And when Felix heard these things, having more exact da’at of the Derech, he deferred and said, When Lysias the chief captain shall come down, I will decide your matter.

23 And he commanded a captain to keep Shaul and to let him have liberty and that he should not forbid any of his acquaintances to attend to, or visit him.

24 And after certain yamim, when Felix came with his isha Drusilla, who was a female Yahudi, he sent for Shaul and heard him concerning the emunah in The Moshiach.

25 And as he reasoned of tzedakah, self-control and the mishpat to come, Felix trembled and answered, Go your derech for now; when I have some time, I will call for you.

26 He hoped also that money should have been given to him by Shaul, that he might free him: therefore he sent for him often and communed with him.

27 But after two years Porcius Festus succeeded Felix: and Felix, willing to do the unbelieving Yahudim a favor, left Shaul in prison.

25 Now when Festus had come into the province, after three yamim he ascended from Caesarea to Yahrushalayim.

2 Then the Kohen HaGadol and the leaders of the Yahudim informed him against Shaul and begged him,

3 Asking a favor from him, that he would send him to Yahrushalayim, laying wait in the derech to kill him.

4 But Festus answered, that Shaul should be kept at Caesarea and that he himself would depart there shortly.

5 Let them therefore, said he, which among you are able, go down with me and accuse this man, if there be any wickedness in him.

6 And when he had stayed among them more than ten yamim, he went down to Caesarea; and the next yom sitting on the mishpat seat commanded Shaul to be brought out.

7 And when he had come, the unbelieving Yahudim who came down from Yahrushalayim stood around and laid many and grievous complaints against Shaul, which they could not prove.

8 When he answered for himself he said, Neither against the Torah of the Yahudim, neither against the Beit HaMikdash, nor yet against Kaiser, have I offended in any thing at all.

9 But Festus, willing to do the unbelieving Yahudim a favor, answered Shaul and said, Will you go up to Yahrushalayim and there be judged of these things before me?

10 Then said Shaul, I stand at Kaiser’s mishpat seat, where I ought to be judged: to the Yahudim have I done no wrong, as you very well know.

11 For if I be an offender, or have committed anything worthy of death, I refuse not to die: but if there be none of these things of which these accuse me, no man may deliver me to them. I appeal to Kaiser.

12 Then Festus, when he had conferred with the Sanhedrin, answered, Have you appealed to Kaiser? To Kaiser shall you go.

13 And after certain yamim Melech Agrippa and Bernice came to Caesarea to greet Festus.

14 And when they had been there many yamim, Festus declared Shaul’s cause to the melech, saying, There is a certain man left in prison by Felix:

15 About whom, when I was at Yahrushalayim, the chief kohanim and the zechanim of the Yahudim informed me, desiring to have mishpat against him.

16 To whom I answered, It is not the manner of the Romayim to deliver any man to die, before the one accused has an opportunity to answer the accusers face to face and have a chance to answer for himself concerning the crime laid against him.

17 Therefore, when they were come here, without any delay on the next yom I sat on the mishpat seat and commanded the man to be brought out.

18 Against whom when the accusers stood up, they brought none of the accusations about such things as I thought:

19 But had certain issues against him about their own worship and about someone named YAHUSHA-YHUH, who was dead, whom Shaul affirmed to be alive.

20 And because I was uncertain about these matters, I asked him whether he would go to Yahrushalayim and there be judged on these matters.

21 But when Shaul had appealed to be kept for a hearing before Augustus, I commanded him to be kept until I might send him to Kaiser.

22 Then Agrippa said to Festus, I would also like to hear the man myself. Tomorrow, he said, you shall hear him.

23 And the next yom, when Agrippa had come and Bernice, with great show and had entered into the place of hearing, with the commanders and important men of the city, at Festus’s commandment Shaul was brought out.

24 And Festus said, Melech Agrippa and all men who are here present with us, you see this man, about whom all the multitude of the Yahudim have dealt with me, both at Yahrushalayim and also here, screaming that he should not live any longer.

25 But when I found that he had committed nothing worthy of death and that he himself had appealed to Augustus, I have determined to send him.

26 Of whom I have no certain charges to write to my master. Therefore I have brought him out before you and especially before you, O melech Agrippa, so that, after your examination, I might have something to charge him with.

27 For it seems to me unreasonable to send a prisoner and not signify the crimes brought against him.

26 Then Agrippa said to Shaul, You are permitted to speak for yourself. Then Shaul stretched out his hand and answered for himself:

2 I think of myself as favored, Melech Agrippa because I shall answer for myself this yom before you touching all the things that I am accused of by the unbelieving Yahudim:

3 Especially because I know you to be expert in all customs and questions which are among the Yahudim: therefore I ask you to listen to me patiently.

4 My manner of chayim from my youth, which was from the start known by my own nation of Yisrael at Yahrushalayim, is known by all the Yahudim;

5 Who knew me from the beginning, if they would testify, that after the strictest sect of our observance I lived as a Prush with their excellent teaching.

6 And now I stand and am judged for the tikvah of the promise made by YHUH to our ahvot:

7 To which promise our twelve tribes, diligently praying to Ahloha yom and lyla, have tikvah to come. For which tikvah’s sake, Melech Agrippa, I am accused by the unbelieving Yahudim.

8 Why should it be thought a thing incredible with you, that YHUH should raise the dead?

9 I truly thought to myself, that I should do many things contrary to the Name of YAHUSHA-YHUH of Natzeret.

10 Which things I also did in Yahrushalayim: and many of the Yisraelite kidushim did I lock in prison, having received authority from the chief kohanim; and when they were put to death, I gave my voice against them.

11 And I punished them often in every synagogue and compelled them to blaspheme; and being exceedingly mad at them, I persecuted them even to foreign cities.

12 While doing this, as I went to Dameshek with authority and commission from the chief kohanim,

13 At midday, O Melech, I saw on the road an ohr from the shamayim, greater than the brightness of the shemesh, shining all around me and on those who journeyed with me.

14 And when we all were fallen to the ground, I heard a voice speaking to me and saying in Avrit, Shaul, Shaul, why do you persecute Me? It is hard for you to offer against Me this worthless resistance.

15 And I said, Who are You, Master? And He said, I AM YAHUSHA-YHUH whom you persecute.

16 But rise and stand upon your feet: for I have appeared to you for this purpose, to make you an eved and a witness both of these things which you have seen and of those things which I will reveal to you;

17 Delivering you from the people, and from the goyim, to whom I now send you,

18 To open their eyes and to turn them from darkness to ohr and from the power of s.a.tan to YHUH, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among them who are kadosh by emunah that is in Me.

19 Therefore, O Melech Agrippa, I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision:

20 But showed it first to them of Dameshek and at Yahrushalayim and throughout all the borders of Yahudah and then to the goyim, that they should make teshuvah and turn to YHUH and do mitzvoth meet for teshuvah.

21 For these reasons the unbelieving Yahudim caught me in the Beit HaMikdash and went about to kill me.

22 Having therefore obtained help from YHUH, I continue to this yom, witnessing both to small and great, saying no other things than those, which the neviim and Moshe Rabainu said, would come:

23 That The Moshiach should suffer and that He should be the first that should rise from the dead and should show Ohr to the people and to the goyim.

24 And as he was speaking for himself, Festus said with a loud voice, Shaul, you are beside yourself; much learning has made you meshugas.

25 But he said, I am not crazy, most noble Festus; but speak out The Words of emet and common sense.

26 For the melech knows of these things, before whom also I speak freely: for I am persuaded that none of these things are hidden from you; for this thing was not done in a corner.

27 Melech Agrippa, do you believe the neviim? I know that you believe.

28 Then Agrippa said to Shaul, You almost are persuading me to be a Natsar-a branch.

29 And Shaul said, I would to Ahloha, that not only you, but also all that hear me today, might become fully as I am, except for these chains.

30 And when he had spoken all this, the melech rose up and the governor and Bernice and they that sat with them:

31 And when they had left, they talked between themselves, saying, This man does nothing worthy of death, or of prison.

32 Then said Agrippa to Festus; This man could have been set free, if he had not appealed to Kaiser.

27 And when it was determined that we should sail into Italy, they delivered Shaul and certain other prisoners to one named Julius, a captain of the Augustan regimen.

2 And entering into a ship from Adramyttium, we launched, meaning to sail by the borders of Asia Minor; with Aristarchos, a Makedonian of Tesloniqyah, being with us.

3 And the next yom we landed at Tzidon. And Julius courteously treated Shaul and gave him liberty to go to his chaverim to refresh himself.

4 And when we had launched from there, we sailed under Cyprus because the winds were contrary.

5 And when we had sailed over the sea of Cilikia and Pamphylia, we came to Mura, a city of Lucia.

6 And there the captain found a ship from Alexandria sailing into Italy; and he put us on board.

7 And when we had sailed slowly many yamim and barely were come opposite Cnidus, the wind did not allow us to proceed, we sailed close to Crete, off Salmone;

8 And, hardly passing it, came to a place which is called The Fair Havens; near the city of Lasea.

9 Now we remained there a long time, even until the Yom Kippur fast was past, and since it had become dangerous for anyone to sail, Shaul admonished them,

10 And said to them, Sirs, I perceive that this voyage will be with hurt and much damage, not only of the cargo and ship, but also of our chayim.

11 Nevertheless the captain believed the navigator and the owner of the ship, more than those things that were spoken by Shaul.

12 And because the harbor was not suited to winter in, most advised to depart from there also, if by any means they might get to Phoenicia and spend the winter there; which is a harbor of Crete, facing southwest and northwest.

13 And when the south wind blew softly, supposing that they had obtained their purpose, leaving there, they sailed close by Crete.

14 But not long after there arose against us a hurricane, called Euroclydon.

15 And when the ship was caught and could not hold up against the wind, we yielded control of it.

16 And passing under a certain island that is called Clauda, we could hardly retain the ship’s lifeboat:

17 Which when they had taken it up, we girded up and prepared the ship and, feared lest we should fall into the downward rapids, we pulled down the sail and drifted.

18 And we being exceedingly tossed with the hurricane, the next yom they began to throw our belongings into the sea;

19 And the third yom we cast out with our own hands the rigging of the ship.

20 And when neither shemesh nor cochavim in many yamim appeared and the hurricane beat on us, all tikvah that we should be saved was then lost.

21 But after a long abstinence from food Shaul stood out in the midst of them and said, Sirs, you should have listened to me and not have sailed from Crete, only to have experienced this harm and loss.

22 And now I exhort you to be of tov courage: for there shall be no loss of any man’s chayim among you, but only of the ship.

23 For there stood by me this lyla a Heavenly Malach of YHUH, whose I am and whom I serve,

24 Saying, Fear not, Shaul; you must be brought before Kaiser: and, look,YHUH has given you all them that sail with you.

25 Therefore, sirs, be of tov courage: for I believe YHUH, that it shall be even as it was told to me.

26 But first we must run aground upon a certain island.

27 But when the fourteenth lyla was come, as we were driven up and down in the Adriatic Sea, about midnight the sailors determined that they had drawn near to some country;

28 And taking sounding measurements, they found it twenty fathoms: and when they had gone a little further, they sounded again and found it fifteen fathoms.

29 Then fearing lest we should run aground, they dropped four anchors out of the stern and made tefillah for the yom to come.

30 And as the sailors were about to flee out of the ship, when they had let down the lifeboat into the sea, under pretense as though they were casting out anchors to fasten the ship,

31 Shaul said to the captain and to the soldiers, If these people do not stay in the ship, they cannot survive.

32 Then the soldiers cut off the ropes of the lifeboat and let it fall off.

33 And while the yom was dawning, Shaul sought them all to take food, saying, This yom is the fourteenth yom that you have stayed and continued fasting, having taken nothing.

34 Therefore I beg you to take some food: for this is for your health: for there shall not a hair fall from the head of any of you.

35 And when he had spoken, he took lechem and gave hodu to YHUH in the presence of them all: and when he had broken it, he began to eat.

36 Then were they all of tov courage and they also took some food.

37 And we were in the ship a total of two hundred seventy six beings.

38 And when they had eaten enough, they lightened the ship and cast out the wheat into the sea.

39 And when it was yom, they did not recognize the land: but they discovered a certain bay with a shore, into which they planned, if it were possible, to run the ship.

40 And when they had cut off the anchors, they threw them into the sea and loosed the rudder ropes and hoisted up the main sail to the wind and made it to shore.

41 And falling into a place where two seas met, they ran the ship aground; and the front stuck fast and remained unmovable, but the back of it was broken with the violence of the waves.

42 And the soldiers’ counsel was to kill the prisoners, lest any of them should swim away and escape.

43 But the captain, willing to save Shaul, kept them from their purpose; and commanded that those who could swim should cast themselves first into the sea and go to land:

44 And the rest, some on boards and some on broken pieces of the ship. And so it came to pass, that they all escaped safely to land.

28 And having come to safety, then they learned that the island was called Melita.

2 And the barbarians who lived there showed us much kindness: for they lit a fire and received each one of us because of the falling rain and because of the cold.

3 And when Shaul had gathered a bundle of sticks and laid them on the fire, there came a viper out of the heat and bit his hand.

4 And when the barbarians saw the creature hanging on his hand, they said among themselves, No doubt this man is a murderer, who, though he has escaped the sea, yet mishpat does not allow him to have his chayim.

5 And he shook off the viper into the fire and felt no harm.

6 But they looked to see when he would swell up, or die suddenly: but after they had looked a great while and saw no harm come to him, they changed their minds and said that he was a mighty Ahloha.

7 In the same area were lands belonging to the chief of the island, whose name was Publius; who received us and lodged us at his home for three yamim most courteously.

8 And it came to pass, that The Abba of Publius lay sick of a fever and of a bowel pain: to whom Shaul entered in and made tefillah and laid his hands on him and healed him.

9 So when this was done, others also, who had diseases in the island, came and were healed:

10 Who also honored us with many honors; and when we departed, they gave us such basic things as were necessary.

11 And after three chodashem we departed in a ship from Alexandria, which had wintered on the island, whose carved figurehead was Castor and Pollux.

12 And landing at Syracuse, we stayed there three yamim.

13 And from there we got hold of a compass and came to Rhegium: and after one yom the south wind blew and we came the next yom to Puteoli:

14 Where we found Yisraelite brothers and were invited to stay with them for seven yamim: and so we went toward Romiyah.

15 And from there, when the Yisraelite brothers heard of us, they came to meet us as far as Appiiforum and the Three Taverns: who when Shaul saw, he gave hodu to YHUH and took courage.

16 And when we came to Romiyah, the captain delivered the prisoners to the captain of the guard: but Shaul was allowed to dwell by himself with a soldier that kept him.

17 And it came to pass, that after three yamim Shaul called the rulers of the Yahudim together: and when they had come together, he said to them, Men and Yisraelite brothers, though I have committed nothing against the Yahudim, or the Torah of our ahvot, yet was I delivered as a prisoner from Yahrushalayim into the hands of the Romayim.

18 Who, when they had examined me, would have let me go because there was no reason for death to be brought against me.

19 But when the unbelieving Yahudim spoke against it, I was obliged to appeal to Kaiser; not that I had anything to accuse my nation of.

20 For this cause therefore have I called for you, to see you and to speak with you: because it is for the tikvah of Yisrael that I am bound with these chains.

21 And they said to him, We neither received letters out of the province of Yahudah concerning you, neither did any of the Yisraelite brothers that came here show, or speak any lashon hara against you.

22 But we desire to hear from you what you think: for as concerning this sect, we know that everywhere it is spoken against.

23 And when they had appointed him a yom, there came many to him into his lodging; to whom he expounded and testified about the malchut of YHUH, persuading them concerning YAHUSHA-YHUH, both out of the Torah of Moshe and out of the Neviim, from boker until evening.

24 And some believed the things that were spoken and some believed not.

25 And when they agreed not among themselves, they departed, after Shaul had spoken one final word, Well did The Ruach Hakodesh speak by Yeshayahu the navi to our ahvot,

26 Saying, Go to this people and say, Hearing you shall hear and shall not understand; and seeing you shall see and not perceive:

27 For the lev of this people is grown hardened and their ears are dull of hearing and their eyes have they closed; lest they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears and understand with their lev and should make teshuvah and I should then heal them.

28 Be it known therefore to you, that the YAHUSHA-YHUH of YHUH is being sent to the goyim, and that they will listen to it.

29 And when he had said these words, the Yahudim departed and had great reasoning and arguing among themselves.

30 And Shaul dwelt two full years in his own rented bayit at his own expense and received all that came in to him,

31 Proclaiming the malchut of YHUH and teaching those things about YAHUSHA-YHUH Ha Moshiach: with all confidence, no man forbidding him. Ahmein. X


  • ACTS 1:1 See note on Luke 1:3. 

  • ACTS 1:4 Aramaic Peshitta.

  • ACTS 1:6 When there is togetherness in believing Israel, the main concern will be the restoration and regathering of the two houses. These folks hardly agreed on anything, but with one accord were concerned that Messiah was returning to The Father without Efrayim and Judah first being joined again as one in YAH’s hand. This question set in a future tense, is valid and ample evidence that the restoration was paramount in Messiah’s ministry and moreover had never fully taken place previously, at the time of the Jews’ return from Babylonian exile, nor in Hezekiah’s, or Josiah’s days, as some erroneously claim.

  • ACTS 1:7 Messiah answered them in the future tense in verses 7-8, illustrating that His Father had not yet revealed the exact future timing of the full restoration to anyone. The question posed by the disciples and Messiah’s answer, forever dismisses any attempt to contrive, or fabricate some supposedly well-known, past reunion of the two houses, five hundred years before Messiah came in the flesh.

  • ACTS 1:8 Note the plan for regathering Israel clearly outlined. In context, this commission is given in response to the disciples’ question on how to restore Israel. He told them that they could not know when it would be fully accomplished, but He told them the method by which it would come to pass. He sent them out to all Israel, both in Judea, in Samaria and the entire world. There is only one Great Commission, not three. In all three areas, lost sheep of Israel are to be found.

  • ACTS 1:10 In context, two messengers representing both houses that would be coming together by the proclaiming of the Good News.

  • ACTS 1:11 Physically, bodily and back to the Mt. of Olives.

  • ACTS 1:12 As determined by the Sanhedrin of that day. This concept became part of the Jewish oral law.

  • ACTS 1:14 The upper room was the place where the tefillah meeting of the leaders of Renewed Covenant Israel took place, but was not the place where the Spirit fell. The error of superimposing this tefillah venue onto and into the events of chapter 2 has resulted in untold horror, tragedy and error, as seen in the alleged birth of a so-called gentile church.

  • ACTS 1:24 They made tefillah and asked simply because there were twelve disciples from each of the twelve tribes ordained for kingdom rulership and the one that needed to be chosen was one who was first and foremost faithful and also one who would be from the same tribe that Judas was from. Only YAH knew that for certain.

  • ACTS 1:25 As opposed to a faithful Yisraelite, who is said to be gathered to his people.

  • ACTS 2:2 The House is not a room. And is not an upper room. It is merely a Hebraic way of identifying the place as the House of YAH on Mt. Moriah. Even in the land of Israel today, the Temple Har is known as Har HaBayit, or the Mountain of the House. The Spirit fell in The Temple, or the “House” of YAH , since that was the only place Yisraelites would be gathered by commandment according to Deut. 16 and Lev. 23. Had these Yisraelites been in an upper room, the Set-Apart-Spirit could not have been given, since they would be in disobedience to the Torah, as would YAH , if He gave it to those who were not in His House, but rather in a tefillah room of their own choosing. The so-called church as a separate entity from Israel, was never born on that day, since the events were promised and prophesied and fulfilled to Yisraelites in the Temple in YAH’s House.

  • ACTS 2:3 Another indication that Israel was being renewed, as opposed to a gentile church being birthed, as the Torah was also given in voices of thunderings, or (as the sages teach) in the 70 known tongues of the nations. The Torah was now being placed in their hearts and this sign of divided tongues indicated that very implanting within the disciples.

  • ACTS 2:5 Note that these people were not pagans but returning Yisraelites in varying stages of return. No pagans would go and worship YAH on Shavuot/Feast of Weeks. Later in verses 8-11 we see that these men were Yisraelites but not Jews, even though the term Jew is used here to include other Yisraelites both natural and by conversion.

  • ACTS 2:5 The term “every nation” is indicative of non-Jewish Yisraelites, since this was before the exile of 70CE and the Jews at that time had not yet been exiled to every nation under heaven like they are today, which had in fact occurred to Efrayim at that time.

  • ACTS 2:6 The “multitudes of the nations.” We see both the devout Jews and the multitudes from the nations coming together around the feasts as the restoration work begins.

  • ACTS 2:6 Native tongue of the many Yisraelite nations that were visiting.

  • ACTS 2:9 The Parthians and Medes in Acts 2:9, are identified as an area where Efrayim (ten tribes) was scattered, according to I Chronicles 5:26. The Gozan River was in the area of Medo-Persia. They later formed a large part of the Scythian peoples, who later would settle Northwest Europe as the invading Anglo-Saxon and barbarian nations. The Eylamites in Acts 2:9, were most likely descendents of Ullam, son of Sheresh, son of Maachah, son of Manasseh, son of Joseph. Eylamites descended from Ullan, son of Maachah, son of Manasseh, son of Yoseph.

  • ACTS 2:9 The exiles from Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia and Asia, were all to be considered the dispersed exiled chosen people according to Peter in 1 Peter 1.1.

  • ACTS 2:10 Known in Hebrew as Yireh-YAH , or YAH fearers who were not natives.

  • ACTS 2:10 Clearly many non-Yisraelites by birth were also in YAH’s House joining Israel and thus being Israel as seen by the term gerim/strangers and Yireh-YAH converts. Notice that Libyans and Egyptians also become Israel and received the seal of the Spirit.

  • ACTS 2:11 Arabs can and have always been welcome to become Israel based on Torah terms.

  • ACTS 2:12 Most believers still don’t clearly see the significance of this event, seeing it as the birth of a new religion, or non-Yisraelite entity, rather than as the fulfillment of Jeremiah 31:31.

  • ACTS 2:14 A clear two-house reference. The Jews and those non-Jews staying for the feast.

  • ACTS 2:16 Joel's prophesy in Joel 2:28-32 was given exclusively to Yisraelites and not to pagans, or nations. Peter states that this Yisraelite prophecy is fulfilled in the men and women standing there that day. This prophecy states that the “all flesh” under consideration in the context of Joel 2:27, is the flesh of Israel and Israel alone. In Joel 2:27, YAH states that this promise is to Israel, since it is He who dwells in the midst of Israel. YAH further elaborates about this last days outpouring of the Spirit upon all Yisraelite flesh in Joel chapter 2:28, 29. The promised outpouring of the Spirit would take place upon your sons, your daughters, your old men, your young men, your men servants and your female servants. Obviously the key word here is “your,” or Joel’s people. If we are honest with Scripture and we let Scripture interpret Scripture, the "all flesh" that received the Spirit had to be Israel’s sons, daughters, young men, old men and all sojourners among them. Israel was being renewed without any new church being born.

  • ACTS 2:20 At the second coming.

  • ACTS 2:21 MarYah in the Peshitta, literally meaning that to call on YAH through Messiah is salvation itself.

  • ACTS 2:22 The multitudes from all the nations despite not being Jewish, or speaking Hebrew, are called “Israel” by Peter.

  • ACTS 2:23 Messiah’s death was arranged by the will of The Father, in order to redeem man individually and Israel collectively, as seen in John 10:16-17. This was and remains The Father’s plan to cleanse all His children from both houses. The Jews did not kill Messiah. The Father’s predetermined plan did.

  • ACTS 2:24 Peshitta term khabelyeh in context means ropes not pain.

  • ACTS 2:25 Geneva Bible.

  • ACTS 2:34 Dawid’s spirit ascended only after the resurrection of Messiah and his body remains in the grave for the return of Messiah.

  • ACTS 2:36 In the setting, an obvious reference to kol, or all Israel, or those returning from both houses.

  • ACTS 2:38 Aramaic Mar-YAH Messiah, a clear reference to His deity.

  • ACTS 2:39 A Hebraic idiom as outlined in Ephesians 2:13 and Daniel 9:7 and elsewhere, that speak of the 10 tribes of Efrayim-Israel.

  • ACTS 2:39 The perpetual promise to all of Joel’s regenerated children, even as many as are generations away.

  • ACTS 2:41 Further proof that this event could not have taken place in the so called “upper room” since that tiny upper room of the last supper can't hold 3,000 people, or even 120 and certainly did not have a baptismal pool.

  • ACTS 2:42 Three times daily.

  • ACTS 2:46 The final proof that these events did not birth an upper room church, as by definition they could not continue in the temple, unless they were there in the first place.

  • ACTS 2:46 This is a remez (scriptural hint) on the unity of Israel being restored from house to house, between Judah and Efrayim.

  • ACTS 3:12 All Israel.

  • ACTS 3:21 This does not mean that Messiah will not return until all things are fully restored as some teach. Rather He will not return until He has begun an irreversible process in all things that need restoration, such as His Father's Name, Torah and the two houses of Israel. What He starts will be completed in the millennium.

  • ACTS 3:25 See note on Genesis 12:3.

  • ACTS 4:10 Kol Israel/all Israel. Both houses.

  • ACTS 4:13 Messiah can take all kind of Yisraelites and turn them into Torah scholars.

  • ACTS 4:16 Geneva Bible.

  • ACTS 4:36 Peshitta.

  • ACTS 5:4 The Set-Apart Spirit here is clearly called YAH , since YAH and His power are one.

  • ACTS 5:16 Hebrew word for demons.

  • ACTS 5:28 Not much has changed. When you teach His Word in YAH’s and Messiah’s true Name, you’ll often be told to be quiet.

  • ACTS 5:32 Only those who obey His commandments truly receive the Spirit.

  • ACTS 5:35 Both houses.

  • ACTS 6:1 This conflict prevails in the congregation to this day. There are those who are content with the lies of their fathers and desire to perpetuate a Hellenistic approach to Messiah, including diverse forms of paganism. The Hebrew, on the other hand, desires a full and rewarding return to the faith that was initially and eternally given to the people of Nazarene inheritance.

  • ACTS 6:5 Greek converts, especially in Asia Minor, were clearly lost sheep as outlined elsewhere.

  • ACTS 6:7 By coming to Messiah, these false kohanim not from Zadok, came back into the true priesthood, in the order of the King of the Zadokites-the Malki-Tzedek priesthood and became saved & legitimate kohanim.

  • ACTS 6:9 More early fighting between Jewish believers and Greek converts, who assembled in various places, including this place known as the Synagogue of Freedom, or Freemen. There is little doubt that these were in fact the early seeds of the later-developed Roman-Greek church system, that paraded and boasted in their status as freemen, or those freed from obedience and compliance to Torah.

  • ACTS 7:13 Speaking in remez/hint of the revelation of Joseph, or the 10 tribes of Efrayim to Judah, the second time Messiah comes.

  • ACTS 7:14 Quoting LXX.

  • ACTS 7:23 It’s never too late to leave Egypt and return to your people Israel.

  • ACTS 7:30 Messiah.

  • ACTS 7:38 Acts 7:38 speaks of the eidta, or congregation (mistranslated as “church” in most English Bibles) that was in the wilderness, which clearly indicates that those of first-century Israel thought that the people being called forth in Messiah, were “one and the same” with those of ancient Israel. YAH’s Spirit, not man, wrote this Acts 7 quotation. He placed this verse here, to make sure that the disciples understood, just as Stephen the Jewish martyr understood things. Namely, that the Renewed Covenant Yisraelite community was the historic and prophetic continuation of the people of Israel, made up of twelve tribes plus strangers. It is not the birth of a new and separate entity of elect called “the church.” It is the historic continuation of Israel, through Messiah’s renewal of Israel. But, ultimately, this congregation has a name and it is not “Messianic Judaism,” or “Christian church,” but “Israel.” Hence the term “eidta,” or “congregation” of Israel.

  • ACTS 7:38 In The LXX (Greek Septuagint) the Hebrew word for “congregation,” or “kahal” Israel was translated by 70 Jewish rabbis in 150 CE into the Greek word ekklesia – the same word used here in the “Greek New Testament” for all Renewed Covenant congregations throughout the Renewed Covenant, meaning that the authors considered the congregations that believed in Messiah as the same Israel that was at Mt. Senai.

  • ACTS 7:38 Apparently Stephen also believed that the Torah was still in effect after Messiah came, since he calls the Torah’s teachings “ongoing,” or “living words.”

  • ACTS 7:43 Saturn was the planet associated with Moloch and at its northern most point the hexagram is clearly seen. A nasty symbol. Israel’s biblical symbol is the seven branched Menorah.

  • ACTS 7:43 Speaking of Israel's exile to all four corners of the earth for practicing idolatry, even in a separate competing tabernacle for Moloch, during the 40 years in the wilderness.

  • ACTS 7:51 In the twenty times the word “uncircumcised” appears in most English translations, only once, here in Acts 7:51, does it appear in the Greek as aperitome (a negation of peritome). Surprisingly this one exception refers not to nations but to Jews. The other nineteen times it is an altogether different word, akrobustia and as shared elsewhere in the footnotes on Galatians, it refers to Efrayim returning, as those whose foreskins were cut according to brit, but nevertheless tossed away by a willful forsaking of the brit.

  • ACTS 7:56 Why standing? Because Messiah honored him as the first Renewed Covenant martyr and stood in his esteem.

  • ACTS 8:1 This among many other persecutions was used by YAH , to spread both the message and the people of the message, so that they would go gathering the lost sheep.

  • ACTS 8:5 A city of Efrayim.

  • ACTS 8:9 Ena-na in Aramaic, a term for YAH.

  • ACTS 8:27 This man was not a “eunuch” as most translations render these verses. He was a faithful convert and was in Jerusalem for one of the three feasts of Deuteronomy 16:16. The Torah forbids a eunuch from worshipping in the temple, or from being a convert in Israel according to Deuteronomy 23:1. All eunuchs are excluded from the people of Israel. The solution is found in the Aramaic word for both eunuch and faith-filled man, which is mahimna, which in this case clearly means a faithful believer, to whom Phillip proclaimed Messiah.

  • ACTS 8:27 A black man, who had joined himself to Israel, either as a stranger in the gates, or a seeking Efraimite.

  • ACTS 8:39 When this man returned to Kush, or Ethiopia, he went around proclaiming the Good News and much of Ethiopia and later India received the Good News. If this man had children and was an Efraimite, or even a Jew, then today millions of Ethiopians and Indians (from India) are believing Yisraelites. As we see, Israel is not limited to the white Caucasians. Rather Israel is Joseph’s coat of many colors.

  • ACTS 9:2 True believers prior to the hellenization of the faith met in Torah-honoring synagogues and congregations.

  • ACTS 9:4 Note that Messiah chose to speak Hebrew not Greek, as Shaul is his Hebrew name. He also calls him Shaul not Paul.

  • ACTS 9:11 The remez/hint here is beautiful as Paul is in a place known as the straight and narrow way and from the House of Judah ready to be called to the nations to find his Efraimite brothers, yet is still blind to that call in the House of Judah where he is residing.

  • ACTS 9:15 Many today still don’t truly understand the call of Paul to the children of Israel in Judea and in the nations, seeing him as some sort of apostle to pagan nations alone. Also note that the call of Paul (as it is with all of us) is the proclamation of the kingdom, sealed in and by the Name of YAH. Most versions of the Good News are devoid of the true Name and therefore not sealed by The Father.

  • ACTS 9:16 Those who use the true Names of The Father and The Son will be under extraordinary pressure to compromise.

  • ACTS 9:20 A pattern we see throughout his ministry and the pattern given to him by The Father YAH.

  • ACTS 9:27 Mar-YAH in Aramaic used in reference to Messiah, showing Messiah to be YAH fully manifested.

  • ACTS 9:29 The same battle rages today. Hebrews who desire the faith of Messiah versus those with a mere mental assent to the Greco-Roman version called Je- - s. How could Paul be a Hellenist, when he argued with them over their false anti-Torah views?

  • ACTS 10:2 Greek: Strong’s H #2152 Eusebes; Sabbath keeping.

  • ACTS 10:11 Probably a tallit/tefillah shawl.

  • ACTS 10:11 Four-cornered tefillah shawl represents the four corners of Israel’s exiles. Israel’s exiles were scattered into the four corners of the globe.

  • ACTS 10:12 Unclean foods are not even considered to be food according to YAH’s commands.

  • ACTS 10:15 In context as seen later, YAH was not reversing the eternal laws of keeping kosher, but was showing Peter that Israel’s exiles were about to return in an unclean state, or condition. As such, his unkosher/unclean attitude towards them had to change, or they would not be received back into the commonwealth. The vision is well-timed, as Cornelius the non-Jew, is about to seek his rightful place among the people of Israel. The “kill and eat” part, would soon be understood as YAH showing Peter that all men who were willing, would soon be considered clean, regardless of whether, or not they were Jewish.

  • ACTS 10:17 If YAH was reversing the kosher food laws, then why did Peter not know it and why was he confused and not sure, since certain groups claim that this was exactly what was being done here.

  • ACTS 10:19 The voice of YAH came three times, one for each of the three arriving men.

  • ACTS 10:28 A completely rabbinical command not found in Torah, that went right along with the same mentality that added the wall of separation into the outer court in Solomon’s Temple. This idea of not sharing Torah with other nations is unscriptural. What Israel was forbidden from doing was mixing, or dwelling with other nations, but was never prohibited to teach and be a light to and for them.

  • ACTS 10:28 Here then is the full understanding of the vision. It was not as many false religions teach to reverse the eternal laws of YAH. Rather, it was to show the Jews that those previously unclean men and women in the globe’s four corners, would be cleansed by Messiah's mercy and as such should be received into the community of Israel.

  • ACTS 10:35 Faith and commands.

  • ACTS 10:37 The message was proclaimed in both the north and the south, or in both houses of Israel.

  • ACTS 10:48 Proper method of immersion is in Messiah’s Name and His authority.

  • ACTS 11:18To recover Israel’s lost sheep, who had become the fullness of the nations.

  • ACTS 11:19 If Judah, was scattered in these areas, how much more and further was Efrayim scattered? Phoenicia was a well-known colony of Israel in the days of Solomon, as outlined in Scripture and by author Steven Collins in The Ten Lost Tribes Of Israel Found.

  • ACTS 11:25 To find someone who actually spoke Greek.

  • ACTS 11:26 This term is “Christian” as it appears in both the Aramaic and Greek versions. This was a derogatory term, as those at Antioch made fun of the “little moshiachs.” The fact that the Greek preserves this term through transliteration from the Aramaic and not translation, is further evidence that this was a title assigned "by men to men,” and never by YAH. For when YAH speaks such as in Galatians 6:16, or through the use of eidta/ekklessia, all believers in Messiah are called and known as Israel. If one is called a “Christian,” it is man’s terminology. If one is called Israel, he has adopted YAH’s terminology and viewpoint.

  • ACTS 13:1A man of color in exile most likely Efrayim-Israel.

  • ACTS 13:2 The work of rescuing Efrayim-Israel from the nations.

  • ACTS 13:6 A very interesting remez/hint here with this Jew named Jesus a real devil in disguise, seeking to stop Israel from hearing the Good News. Historically we have seen this play out, as the devil has again disguised himself as a person named “Jesus the son,” or “bar-Jesus,” who breaks Torah, eats bacon and hates Jews. This is mere sorcery designed to enslave and confuse the masses from recognizing and accepting the real Messiah, who lived and does yet live.

  • ACTS 13:11 A valid punishment, considering Jesus is affiliated with shemesh infatuation such as Sun Day, Easter Sun-Day and Whit Sun-Day and Sun-Day Pentecost worship and more.

  • ACTS 13:14 Following the pattern and looking for the lost sheep in both houses, while still keeping Shabbat. In all the nations this remained Shaul’s pattern.

  • ACTS 13:16 Men of Israel are Judah and the Yireh-YAH , or YAH -fearers were mostly returning Efrayim.

  • ACTS 13:26 Two-house reference.

  • ACTS 13:33 Note: That even strangers and Yireh-YAH were called Israel’s children by Paul.

  • ACTS 13:45 Efrayim in the nations.

  • ACTS 14:1 Two houses in the synagogue.

  • ACTS 14:22 A reference to the Great end-time Tribulation, or Israel’s trouble.

  • ACTS 15:1 This is what was known as man’s dogmas that started returning Efraimites off on the wrong foot by circumcising them before they held true faith, conviction and understanding. These promoters of their own oral laws of their community, violated the biblical pattern of Abraham and other converts, who were circumcised after they knew what they believed and were ready to fulfill more Torah commands.

  • ACTS 15:5 The question becomes when to circumcise them and learn all of Torah, not if they should move on to full compliance. The argument centers around when. The Pharisees said that circumcision and Torah obedience are not progressive, but rather prerequisites to kingdom entry and salvation. The Pauline view is that these things will come in due time, but by not allowing YAH to work progressively and selectively, these men will be confused, hardened, discouraged and not ready for unity and reconciliation with their Jewish brothers.

  • ACTS 15:9 Note that all believers are Israel and there is to be no difference between believers, meaning divisions into Jew and non-Jew, or Torah-keeping versus those who are told they do not have to keep Torah. All such classifications are an abomination to YAH. All Israel must follow Torah and love Messiah.

  • ACTS 15:10 Added oral laws of men being taught as if they were Torah and clouding the difference between man’s law and YAH’s Torah. This burden Peter speaks of is man’s oral laws, that are being presented as if it were the real and the full Torah. Neither Yisraelites of that day nor the disciples could keep all those added burdens.

  • ACTS 15:14 Efraimites and others coming from out of the pagan nations will be called to carry and proclaim His Name. Israel will be a people that knows and proclaims YAH’s Name.

  • ACTS 15:15 Amos 9:11-12.

  • ACTS 15:16 Strong’s Greek # 456 anoikodomeo. “To rebuild” in a future tense. Greek equivalent of Hebrew banah; Strong’s Hebrew #1129, as used (“to rebuild”) in Jeremiah 31:4. This means that the rebuilding of both houses into the Tabernacle of Dawid of all twelve tribes was still a future event in the first century, not an alleged past one in 520 BCE as some try to claim.

  • ACTS 15:16 The focus of the Renewed Covenant in Acts 15:15-16 is the rebuilding, the return, the re-establishment of the Tabernacle of Dawid, which had fallen. Thus for the Tabernacle of Dawid to be rebuilt, the original components would have to be used. Obviously, the components are the twelve tribes living in harmony and unity under the new and Greater Dawid, The Messiah Verse 17 of Acts 15 tells you that this rebuilding will be done by finding and rescuing the nations, or the nations “upon whom My Name is (already) called.”

  • ACTS 15:17 Yisraelite nations.

  • ACTS 15:19 The Greek word here in verse 19, often wrongly translated as merely “turning” (to Eloha), which is Strong’s Greek # 1994 epistrepho. Epistrepho literally means “returning, reverting, or coming again.” These “nations” are returning. One cannot return unless they at some prior point were Israel, making up part of Dawid’s Tabernacle, or dwelling place.

  • ACTS 15:20 To start their progressive journey back, with circumcision towards the end of that journey, they are to now rejoin Judah, in the rebuilt tabernacle. The place to do so was at the feasts in shulchan fellowship. So by forsaking idolatry and fornication, they would remove two major abominations that Jews would find repulsive. Things not strangled and not having blood are food principles of shochet/slaughter, where the animal must not be strangled, but will have its throat cut along with having all its blood drained out. This will allow common kosher food at the shulchan of brotherhood. These four items are not the full requirement for returnees from the nations, but merely a start, so as not to place the full Torah obligations on them too fast.

  • ACTS 15:20 Geneva Bible.

  • ACTS 15:21 The returning tribes were to continue their Torah education in The Shabbat portions read every week, in every city, from which they came. Then, eventually all the details would be received and incorporated into their lifestyles. Sadly, most religions stop reading in the previous verse and try to make a case for non-Jews not having to obey all of Torah. A careful study of these verses proves that YAH requires all Israel to be equal with identical requirements and the identical benefits and blessings, associated with Torah compliance.

  • ACTS 15:21 Note also that all believers are required to keep and guard The Shabbat and not to pick their own favorite day of worship, out of the proverbial hat.

  • ACTS 16:3 Proof that circumcision was approved of in Renewed Covenant Israel, as long as done in proper order. Obviously this man was mature enough to be ready to travel with Paul, as opposed to John Mark and thus ready for a full Torah commitment.

  • ACTS 16:6 Apparently based on his first journey, there was a proliferation and abundance of the Good News in Asia and YAH wanted Paul to head west to reach Greek-speaking wandering sheep in Eastern Europe.

  • ACTS 16:9 A vision from YAH that allowed the Good News to reach the lost sheep of Israel in a key area. This vision is directly related to the regathering of the two houses, since it is YAH directing Paul's steps, so as to find those wandering sheep in Europe.

  • ACTS 16:12 Former, or current Yisraelite colony?

  • ACTS 16:13 An Efraimite, or Jewish congregation in exile meeting on Shabbat consisting of only women, which is fine in Israel.

  • ACTS 16:14 Not a pagan even though not a believer and certainly proof that Paul did not go looking for true pagans, but lost Yisraelites. The pattern is firm and secure as we see in all his travels.

  • ACTS 16:21 Torah.

  • ACTS 16:21 Not much has changed in religious circles.

  • ACTS 17:2 As seen, he was not looking for pagans.

  • ACTS 17:4 Jews.

  • ACTS 17:4 Efrayimites.

  • ACTS 17:17 Efrayimites.

  • ACTS 17:26 All of mankind comes from Adam and Eve and even later from Noah. Therefore the promise to fill all nations with the seed of one man, Jacob, should not be surprising, or shocking.

  • ACTS 17:26 Moadem, or feasts, or appointed times.

  • ACTS 18:3 Makers of tallitot, or tefillah shawls.

  • ACTS 18:4 Both houses in the synagogue.

  • ACTS 18:10 YAH already had many of His people there even before the Good News was proclaimed, indicating communities of believing Efraimites and Hellenistic Jews.

  • ACTS 18:15 Paul clearly was teaching the true Name of YAH and the Jews of Corinth “freaked out” as many Jewish brothers often do still today. They dragged him to the government officials because of his use of the true Name and the Good News as well.

  • ACTS 18:17 Pagans.

  • ACTS 18:21 Paul kept and taught others how to guard, the feasts.

  • ACTS19:9 Geneva Bible.

  • ACTS 19:17 Two houses.

  • ACTS 20:6 All these men kept the Feast of Unleavened Bread with Efraimites in Philippi.

  • ACTS 20:16 He kept the feasts and counted the omer as well.

  • ACTS 20: 20 “House to house” in remez/hint level of Hebraic understanding, is to Jews and to Greeks and Arameans, so that his work was to all Israel in the nations.

  • ACTS 20:21 Two-house reference.

  • ACTS 20:28 The blood of YAH -Eloha is a reference to His deity.

  • ACTS 20:29 All kinds, but in specific context, anti-Messiah missionaries.

  • ACTS 21:2 According to Scripture (First Kings 9:27-28) and history, the Phoenicians were Yisraelites as far back as the days of king Solomon. These Phoenician city-states helped build YAH’s Temple and later traveled the world with their fleets. According to many they had even reached North America, with Phoenician inscriptions having been verified there. The Phoenician and Hebrew alphabets are virtually identical.

  • ACTS 21:13Are you ready to die for the kiddushat hashem, or the set apartness of the Name YAH ?

  • ACTS 21:20 This is a reference to Devarim/Deuteronomy 33:17, where Israel was prophesied to become the tens of thousands of Efrayim-Israel and the thousands of Manasseh. Many of these settled amongst Judah and along with Jewish-Israel, loved Messiah and His Torah.

  • ACTS 21:21 Paul taught and performed circumcision as seen in Acts 16:1. What he did not allow was immediate circumcision to those coming to faith, as the first step in that return, but postponed it to be one of the last steps.

  • ACTS 21:24 This is a test by the elders designed to do three things. First, to see if Paul objects. If so, they’ll know that the accusations are true. Secondly, this Torah command is designed to be a witness to other Jews, that the accusation is a lie. Thirdly, it is a command to the poor brothers and they can receive assistance in ending their vow. If there ever was a time, or place, or an opportunity for Paul to refuse to perform this Torah command, or to tell the elders that they were wrong, or any other such thing, this was his big chance. He had the attention of the entire believing Jewish leadership, as well as the leaders of unbelieving Judah. But as seen a couple of verses later, he did obey and did show the world for all times, that he did and taught the Torah, but just didn’t do it in the way the Pharisees demanded that he do it.

  • ACTS 21:25 See notes on Acts 15:19-21.

  • ACTS 21:28 Returning Efraimites who were despised in their return.

  • ACTS 21:33 Symbolically Paul who was carrying the burden, or captivity of both houses of Israel upon his arms, as he later admits (Acts 28:20) that it is for the hope and restoration of all Israel’s 12 tribes that he is in the chains.

  • ACTS 22:1 Jewish-Israel.

  • ACTS 22:15 Not just to pagans, but all men filling the nations.

  • ACTS 22:19 First-century Yisraelites did not go to Sunday church and neither should we.

  • ACTS 22:21 To all Yisraelite nations, or Efrayim.

  • ACTS 22:22 The crowd wanted him dead, for he had the nerve to go out and bring Efrayim home to be equal heirs in Israel. When they heard of YAH’s love for the nations, they lost control. The same attitude sadly holds true today in both believing and non-believing Judah.

  • ACTS 23:5An obvious reference to his bad eyesight.

  • ACTS 23:11 Two-house reference.

  • ACTS 24:5 Yisraelite believers were first called Notsrim, a fulfillment of the prophecies that YAH would save a preserved handful of remnant Yisraelites. The terms “preserved” and “watchmen,” depending on the context in the First Covenant, both mean Notsrim. Since today Notsrim in Hebrew means Christian and since neither the true first-century disciples nor the modern Nazarenes care to be lumped in with that term as it is used today, it may indeed be preferable to use Netsarim. Netsarim means branches, seeing that we are the true branches of the Vine, who Scripture tells us is Messiah our King.

  • ACTS 24:14 Both traditional Judaism and Christianity will always consider Nazarene Yisraelites heretics. Even pagans will see fit to pass some kind of mishpat.

  • ACTS 24:15 The believers’ hope is the resurrection, not a myth called a rapture.

  • ACTS 25:19 If you are living a daily Nazarene Yisraelite lifestyle, many will have questions and take issue with your “new” style of worship.

  • ACTS 26:7 The promises were made to all twelve tribes and Paul states plainly that he has this hope of the resurrection of the dead for all twelve tribes defining his faith and his mission. The twelve tribes are found today in both houses of Israel.

  • ACTS 26:14 Apparently Messiah still doesn’t speak Greek.

  • ACTS 26:17 Judah.

  • ACTS 26:17 Efrayim.

  • ACTS 26:20 Two-house reference.

  • ACTS 26:23 Two-house reference.

  • ACTS 27:9 Paul did not travel on The Day of Atonement.

  • ACTS 28:20 Paul's ministry to the nations was for the hope of the restoration, regathering and homecoming of all Yisraelites and never to establish a separate non-Yisraelite entity.

  • ACTS 28:20 Both houses.

  • ACTS 28:22 Nazarene Yisraelites remain a sect of Hebraic faith and not a separate “gentile” entity.

  • ACTS 28:22 Being a Torah-keeping Nazarene Yisraelite will cause your enemies to multiply.

  • ACTS 28:23 Notice that the message remains the same. It is the message of the kingdom, spoken of by Messiah as being restored through Him and all the Scriptures speak of this kingdom.

  • ACTS 28:27 Both houses of Israel have the same problem. A refusal to repent and seek truth from bondage and error.

  • ACTS 28:28 Two-house reference.

  • ACTS 28:31 Of course this was to change later as he was slain as a martyr.