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Third John-Yochanan Gimel

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Third John-Yochanan Gimel

To The Believing Remnant Of Yisrael

1 The zachen to the beloved Gaios, whom I love in The Emet.

2 Beloved, I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health, even as your chayim prospers.

3 For I rejoiced greatly, when the Yisraelite brothers came and testified of The Emet that is in you even as you have your halacha in The Emet.

4 I have no greater simcha than to hear that my children have their halacha in emet.

5 Beloved, do faithfully whatever you do for the Yisraelite brothers, and also for the gerim;

6 Who have borne witness of your ahava before the kehilla: who if you send them forward worthy of Ahloha, then you shall do tov:

7 Because for His Name’s sake they went forth, taking nothing from the goyim.

8 Therefore we should receive such men, that we might be their fellow helpers for The Emet.

9 I wrote to the Yisraelite kehilla: but Diotrephes, who loves to be in the first position among them, receives us not.

10 So, if I come, I will remember his deeds which he does, gossiping against us with lashon hara: and not content with that, neither does he himself receive the Yisraelite brothers and forbids them that would and casts them out of the kehilla.

11 Beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that which is tov. He that does tov is of YHUH: but he that does evil has not seen YHUH.

12 Demetrios has a tov report among all men and about The Emet itself: yes and we also bear record of him; and you know that our witness is emet.

13 I have many things to write, but I will not with ink and pen write to you:

14 But I trust I shall shortly see you and we shall speak panayim-el-panayim. Shalom be to you. Our chaverim greet you. Greet the chaverim by name. Ahmein. X 


  • 3ͬ ͩ JOHN 5 Biological Yisraelites.

  • 3ͬ ͩ JOHN 5 Believers not born as physical Yisraelites who have become Israel through Messiah.

  • 3ͬ ͩ JOHN 7 A clear reference here that believers are Yisraelites and not nations. Those who live like Israel are to do the work of YAH to bring esteem to His true Name, staying set apart from the pagans.

  • 3ͬ ͩ JOHN 10 Sheep stealing.