


The Heavenly Given Divisions Of Yamim

Days And Times

To Our Forefathers Yisrael By Moses

Sefer Ha-Yovleem-Scroll of Jubilees “The Little Genesis” Written By Moshe and dictated from YHUH through angels. A Jubilee or Yovel is a period of 49 years or 7 weeks. A Jubilee week is a period of 7 years. The Scroll of Jubilees has 50 Chapters one for each Jubilee from Ahdahm to the Promised Land. Many believe it is mentioned in Yahusha 8:34-35. Copies found at Qumran and Masada are in Hebrew. The Scroll of Jubilees is not a calendar at all; rather it is a revelation to Moshe, through angels, of the celebrations of YHUH in the heavens, given first to the patriarchs of Yisrael and later renewed in Torah for all of Yisrael.

This then is the history of the division of the yamim seen in The Torah and of the testimony, the events of the years in Jubilee weeks, the feasts of the brit and the Shabbats, of the Jubilees throughout all the years of the olam, as YHUH spoke to Moshe on Mount Senai, when he went up to receive the tables of The Torah and the commandments, according to the voice of YHUH, as He said to him. Go and come up to the top of the Mount.

1 And it came to pass in the first year of the exodus of the children of Yisrael out of Mitzrayim, in the third chodesh, on the sixteenth yom of the chodesh, that YHUH, spoke to Moshe, saying: Come up to Me on the Har and I will give you two tables of stone of The Torah and of the commandment, which I have written, that you may teach them.

2 And Moshe went up into the har of YHUH and the splendor of YHUH abode on Har Senai and a cloud overshadowed it six yamim.

3 And He called to Moshe on the seventh yom out of the midst of the cloud and the appearance of the splendor of YHUH was like a flaming fire on the top of the har.

4 And Moshe was on the Har forty yamim and forty laylot and YHUH taught him the earlier and the latter history of the division of all the yamim of The Torah and of the testimony.

5 And He said: Incline your lev to every word which I shall speak to you on this har and write them in a scroll, in order that their generations may see how I have not forsaken them for all the evil which they have done in transgressing the brit which I establish between Me and you, for their generations this yom on Har Senai.

6 And so it will come to pass when all these things come upon them, that they will recognize that I AM more tsadik than they in all their mishpatim and in all their actions and they will recognize that I have been truly with them.

7 And write for yourself all these Words which I declare to, you this yom, for I know their rebellion and their stiff neck, before I bring them into the land of which I swore to their avot, to Avraham and to Yitschaq and to Yaakov saying: Unto your zera will I give a land flowing with milk and honey.

8 And they will eat and be satisfied and they will turn to strange ahlahim, to ahlahim which cannot deliver them from any of their tribulation: and this witness shall be heard for a witness against them.

9. For they will forget all My mitzvoth, even all that I command them and they will walk after the goyim and after their uncleanness and after their shame and will serve their ahlahim and these will prove to them an offence and a tribulation and an affliction and a snare.

10. And many will perish and they will be taken captive and will fall into the hands of the enemy because they have forsaken My ordinances and My mitzvoth and the moadem of My brit and My Shabbats and My kadosh place which I have set apart for Myself in their midst and My sukkah and My sanctuary, which I have set apart for Myself in the midst of the land, that I should set My Name upon it and that it should dwell there.

11 And they will make to themselves high places and groves and graven images and they will worship, each his own graven image, so as to go astray and they will sacrifice their children to shedeem and to all the works of the error of their levavot.

12 And I will send witnesses to them, that I may witness against them but they will not hear and will slay the witnesses also and they will persecute those who seek The Torah and they will abrogate and change everything so as to work evil before My eyes.

13 And I will hide My face from them and I will deliver them into the hand of the goyim for captivity and for a prey and for devouring and I will remove them from the midst of the land and I will scatter them among the goyim.

14 And they will forget all of My Torah and all My mitzvoth and all My mishpatim and will go astray as to new chodashem and Shabbats and moadem and Yovleem and ordinances.

15 And after this they will turn to Me from among the goyim with all their lev and with all their nephesh and with all their strength and I will gather them from among all the goyim and they will seek Me, so that I shall be found of them, when they seek Me with all their lev and with all their nephesh.

16 And I will disclose to them abounding shalom with tzedakah and I will plant them as the plant of tzedakah, with all My lev and with all My nephesh and they shall be for a bracha and not for a curse and they shall be the head and not the tail.

17 And I will build My sanctuary-sukkah in their midst and I will dwell with them and I will be YHUH their Ahlohim and they shall be My People-AMI in emet and tzedakah.

18 And I will not forsake them nor fail them; for I AM YHUH their Ahlohim.

19 And Moshe fell on his face and made tefillah and said, O YHUH my Ahlohim, do not forsake Your people and Your inheritance, so that they should wander in the error of their levavot and do not deliver them into the hands of their enemies, the goyim, lest they should rule over them and cause them to sin against You.

20 Let your rachamim, O YHUH, be lifted up upon Your people and create in them an upright ruach and let not the ruach of Belial rule over them to accuse them before You and to ensnare them from all the paths of tzedakah, so that they may perish from before Your face.

21 But they are Your people and Your inheritance, which You have delivered with Your great Power from the hands of the Mitzrites: create in them a clean lev and a kadosh ruach and let them not be ensnared in their sins from now on until eternity.

22 And YHUH said to Moshe: I know their contrariness and their thoughts and their stiffneckedness and they will not be obedient till they confess their own sin and the sin of their avot.

23 And after this they will turn to Me in all tzedakah and with all their lev and with all their nephesh and I will brit-milah the foreskin of their lev and the foreskin of the lev of their zera and I will create in them a kadosh ruach and I will cleanse them so that they shall not turn away from Me from that yom to eternity.

24 And their naphsoth will cleave to Me and to all My mitzvoth and they will fulfill My mitzvoth and I will be their Abba and they shall be My children.

25 And they all shall be called children of the living YHUH and every malach and every ruach shall know, yes, they shall know that these are My children and that I AM their Abba in tzedakah and that I love them.

26 And write down for yourself all these Words which I declare to you on this har, the first and the last, which shall come to pass in all the divisions of the yamim in The Torah and in the testimony and in the weeks and the Yovleem to eternity, until I descend and dwell with them throughout eternity.

27 And He said to the Malach of The Presence: Write for Moshe from the beginning of creation till My sanctuary has been built among them for all eternity.

28 And YHUH will appear to the eyes of all and all shall know that I AM the Ahlohim of Yisrael and The Abba of all the children of Yaakov and Melech on Har Tzion for all eternity. And Tzion and Yahrushalayim shall be kadosh.

29 And The Malach of the Presence who went before the camp of Yisrael took the tables of the divisions of the years from the time of the creation, of The Torah and of the testimony of the weeks of the Yovleem, according to the individual years, according to all the number of the Yovleem, according, to the individual years, from the yom of the new creation when the shamayim and the earth shall be renewed and all their creation, according to the powers of the shamayim; and according to all the creation of the earth, until the sanctuary of YHUH shall be made in Yahrushalayim on Har Tzion; and all the luminaries shall be renewed for healing and for shalom and for blessing for all the elect of Yisrael; and that so it may be from that yom and to all the yamim of the earth.

2 And The Malach Of The Presence spoke to Moshe according to The Word of YHUH, saying: Write the complete history of the creation, how in six yamim YHUH Ahlohim finished all His works and all that He created and kept Shabbat on the seventh yom and set it apart for all ages and appointed it as an ot for all His works.

2 For on the first yom He created the shamayim which are above and the earth and the mayim and all the ruachim which serve before Him - the malachim of the presence and the malachim of kedusha and the malachim of the ruach of fire and the malachim of the ruach of the ruachim and the malachim of the ruach of the clouds and of darkness and of snow and of hail and of frost and the malachim of the voices and of the thunder and of the lightning and the malachim of the ruachim of cold and of heat and of winter and of spring and of autumn and of summer; and of all the ruachim of his creatures which are in the shamayim and in the earth, He created the abysses and the darkness, evening and lyla and the ohr, dawn and yom, which He has prepared in the da’at of His lev.

3 And upon it we saw His works and praised Him and lauded before Him on account of all His works; for seven great works did He create on the first yom.

4 And on the second yom He created the firmament in the midst of the mayim and the mayim were divided on that yom - half of them went up above and half of them went down below the firmament (that was) in the midst over the face of the whole earth. And this was the only work YHUH created on the second yom.

5 And on the third yom He commanded the mayim to pass from off the face of the whole earth into one place and the dry land to appear.

6 And the mayim did so as He commanded them and they retired from off the face of the earth into one place outside of this firmament and the dry land appeared.

7 And on that yom He created for them all the seas according to their separate gathering-places and all the rivers and the gatherings of the mayim in the mountains and on all the earth and all the lakes and all the dew of the earth and the zera which is sown and all sprouting things and fruit-bearing eytzim and eytzim of the wood and the Gan of Ayden, in Ayden and all. These four great works YHUH created on the third yom.

8 And on the fourth yom He assigned the shemesh and the yarayach and the cochavim and set them in the firmament of the shamayim, to give ohr upon all the earth and to rule over the yom and the lyla and divide the ohr from the darkness.

9 And YHUH appointed the shemesh to be a great ot in the earth for yamim and for Shabbats and for chodashem and for moadem and for years and for Shabbats of years and for Yovleem and for all moadem of the years.

10 And it divides the ohr from the darkness and for prosperity, that all things may prosper which shoot and grow in the earth. These three kinds He made-assigned on the fourth yom.

11 And on the fifth yom He created great sea monsters in the depths of the mayim, for these were the first things of flesh that were created by His Hands, the fish and everything that moves in the mayim and everything that flies, the birds and all their kind.

12 And the shemesh rose above them to prosper them and above everything that was on the earth, everything that shoots out of the earth and all fruit-bearing eytzim and all flesh. These three kinds He created on the fifth yom.

13 And on the sixth yom He created all the animals of the earth and all cattle and everything that moves on the earth.

14 And after all this He created man, a man-zachar and a woman-nekevah, created He them and gave him dominion over all that is upon the earth and in the seas and over everything that flies and over beasts and over cattle and over everything that moves on the earth and over the whole earth and over all this He gave him dominion. 

15 And these four kinds He created on the sixth yom. And there were altogether two and twenty kinds.

16 And He finished all His work on the sixth yom - all that is in the shamayim and in the earth and in the seas and in the abysses and in the ohr and in the darkness and in everything.

17 And He gave us a great ot, the Shabbat yom, that we should work six yamim but keep Shabbat on the seventh yom from all work.

18 And all the malachim of the Presence and all the malachim of kedoosha, these two great classes - He has told us to keep the Shabbat with Him in the shamayim and on earth.

19 And He said to us: Behold, I will separate to Myself a people from among all the peoples and these shall keep the Shabbat Yom and I will sanctify them to Myself as My People-Ami and will bless them; as I have sanctified the Shabbat Yom and do sanctify it to Myself, even so will I bless them and they shall be My People-Ami and I will be their Ahlohim.

20 And I have chosen the zera of Yaakov from among all that I have seen and have written him down as My bachor son and have sanctified him to Myself le-olam-va-ed; and I will teach them the Shabbat Yom, that they may keep Shabbat on it from all work.

21 And so He created an ot in accordance with which they should keep Shabbat with us on the seventh yom, to eat and to drink and to bless Him who has created all things as He has blessed and sanctified to Himself a peculiar people above all peoples and that they should keep Shabbat together with us.

22 And He caused His commands to ascend as a sweet savour acceptable before Him all the yamim.

23 There were 22 heads of mankind from Ahdam to Yaakov and 22 kinds of work were made until the seventh yom; this is blessed and kadosh; and the former also is blessed and kadosh; and this one serves with that one for kedusha and blessing.

24 And to this Yaakov and his zera it was granted that they should always be the blessed and kadosh ones of the first testimony and Torah, even as He had sanctified and blessed the Shabbat yom on the seventh yom.

25 He created the shamayim and earth and everything that He created in six yamim and YHUH made the seventh yom kadosh, for all His works; therefore He commanded on its behalf that, whoever does any work on it shall die and that he who defiles it shall surely die.

26 So command the children of Yisrael to observe this yom that they may keep it kadosh and not do on it any work and not to defile it, as it is more kadosh than all other yamim.

27 And whoever profanes it shall surely die and whoever does on it any work shall surely die eternally that the children of Yisrael may observe this yom throughout their generations and not be rooted out of the land; for it is a kadosh yom and a blessed yom.

28 And everyone who observes it and keeps Shabbat on it from all his work, will be kadosh and blessed throughout all yamim like us.

29 Declare and say to the children of Yisrael The Torah of this yom both that they should keep Shabbat on it and that they should not forsake it in the error of their levavot; and that it is not lawful to do any work on it, which is unseemly, to do on it their own pleasure and that they should not prepare on it anything to be eaten or drunk and that it is not lawful to draw mayim, or bring in or take out on it through their gates any burden, which they had not prepared for themselves on the sixth yom in their dwellings.

30 And they shall not bring in nor take out from bayit to bayit on that yom; for that yom is more kadosh and blessed than any Yovelyom of the Yovleem; on this we kept Shabbat in the shamayim before it was made known to any flesh to keep Shabbat on it on the earth.

31 And The Creator of all things blessed it but he did not sanctify all peoples and goyim to keep Shabbat on it but Yisrael alone: them alone He permitted to eat and drink and to keep Shabbat on it on the earth.

32 And The Creator of all things blessed this yom which He had created for blessing and making it kadosh and splendid above all yamim.

33 This Torah and testimony was given to the children of Yisrael as a Torah le-olam-va-ed to their generations.

3 And on the six yamim of the second week we brought, according to the Word of YHUH, to Ahdam all the beasts and all the cattle and all the birds and everything that moves on the earth and everything that moves in the mayim, according to their kinds and according to their types: the beasts on the first yom; the cattle on the second yom; the birds on the third yom; and all that which moves on the earth on the fourth yom; and that which moves in the mayim on the fifth yom.

2 And Ahdam named them all by their respective names and as he called them, so was their name.

3 And on these five yamim Ahdam saw all these, male and female, according to every kind that was on the earth but he was alone and there was found no helpmeet-ezer kenegdo for him.

4 And YHUH said to us: It is not tov that the man has become alone: let us make a suitable helpmeet for him.

5 And YHUH our Ahlohim caused a deep sleep to fall upon him and he slept and He took for the woman one rib from among his ribs and this rib was the origin of the woman from among his ribs and He built up the flesh in its place and built the woman.

6 And He awoke Ahdam out of his sleep and on awaking he rose on the sixth yom and He brought her to him and he knew her and said to her: This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called my isha; because she was taken from her husband.

7 Therefore shall man and isha be echad and therefore shall a man leave his abba and his eema and cleave to his isha and they shall be one flesh.

8 In the first week was Ahdam created and the rib - his isha: in the second week He showed her to him: and for this reason the commandment was given to keep in their defilement, for a male seven yamim and for a female fourteen yamim.

9 And after Ahdam had completed forty yamim in the land where he had been created, we brought him into the Gan of Ayden to till and keep it but his isha they brought in on the eightieth yom and after this she entered into the Gan of Ayden.

10 And for this reason the commandment is written on the heavenly tablets in regard to her that gives birth: If she bears a male, she shall remain in her uncleanness seven yamim according to the first week of yamim and thirty and three yamim shall she remain in the dahm of her purifying and she shall not touch any kadosh thing, nor enter into the sanctuary, until she accomplishes these yamim which are required in the case of a male child.

11 But in the case of a female child she shall remain in her uncleanness two weeks of yamim, according to the first two weeks and sixty-six yamim in the dahm of her purification and they will be in all eighty yamim.

12 And when she had completed these eighty yamim we brought her into the Gan of Ayden, for it is the most kadosh place in the earth and every eytz that is planted in it is kadosh.

13 Therefore, there was ordained regarding her who bears a male or a female child the statute of those yamim that she should touch no kadosh thing, nor enter into the sanctuary until these yamim for the male or female child are accomplished.

14 This is The Torah and testimony which was written down for Yisrael, in order that they should observe it all the yamim.

15 And in the first week of the first Yovel, Ahdam and his isha were in the Gan of Ayden for seven years tilling and keeping it and we gave him work and we instructed him to do everything that is suitable for tillage.

16 And he tilled the Garden and was naked and knew it not and was not ashamed and he protected the garden from the birds and beasts and cattle and gathered its fruit and ate and put aside the residue for himself and for his isha and put aside that which was being kept.

17 And after the completion of the seven years, which he had completed there, seven years exactly and in the second chodesh, on the seventeenth yom of the chodesh, the nachash came and approached the woman and the serpent said to the woman, Has YHUH commanded you, saying, You shall not eat of every eytz of the Gan?

18 And she said to it, Of all the fruit of the eytzim of the Gan YHUH has said to us, Eat; but of the fruit of the eytz which is in the midst of the Gan YHUH has said to us, You shall not eat of it, neither shall you touch it, lest you die. And the serpent said to the woman, You shall not surely die: for YHUH does know that on the yom you shall eat of it, your eyes will be opened and you will be as Ahlohim and you will know tov and evil.

20 And the woman saw the eytz that it was agreeable and pleasant to the eye and that its fruit was tov for food and she took of it and eat;

21 And when she had first covered her shame with fig leaves, she gave of it to Ahdam and he ate and his eyes were opened and he saw that he was naked.

22 And he took fig leaves and sewed them together and made an apron for himself and covered his shame.

23 And YHUH cursed the serpent and was angry with it le-olam-va-ed.

24 And He was angry with the woman because she listened to the voice of the serpent and did eat; and He said to her: I will greatly multiply your sorrow and your pains: in sorrow you shall bring forth children and your desire shall be for your husband’s role and yet, he will govern over you.

25 And to Ahdam also He said, Because you have listened to the voice of your isha and have eaten of the eytz of which I commanded you that you should not eat of it, cursed be the ground for your sake: thorns and thistles shall it bring forth to you and you shall eat your lechem by the sweat of your face, until you return to the earth from where you were taken; for earth you are and to earth shall you return.

26 And He made for them coats of skin and clothed them and sent them forth from the Gan of Ayden.

27 And on that yom on which Ahdam went forth from the Gan, he offered as a sweet savor an offering, frankincense, galbanum and stacte and spices in the boker with the rising of the shemesh from the yom when he covered his shame.

28 And on that yom was closed the mouth of all beasts and of cattle and of birds and of whatever walks and of whatever moves, so that they could no longer speak: for they had all spoken one with another with one lip and with one tongue.

29 And He sent out of the Gan of Ayden all flesh that was in the Gan of Ayden and all flesh was scattered according to its kinds and according to its types to the places which had been created for them.

30 And to Ahdam alone did He give the ability to cover his shame, of all the beasts and cattle.

31 On this account, it is prescribed on the heavenly tablets as touching all those who know the mishpat of The Torah that they should cover their shame and should not uncover themselves as the goyim uncover themselves.

32 And on the first yom of the fourth chodesh, Ahdam and his isha went forth from the Gan of Ayden and they dwelt in the land of Elda in the land of their creation.

33 And Ahdam called the name of his isha Chavah.

34 And they had no son until the first Yovel and after this he knew her.

35 Now he tilled the land as he had been instructed in the Gan of Ayden.

4 And in the third week in the second Yovel she gave birth to Cayin and in the fourth she gave birth to Avel and in the fifth she gave birth to her daughter Awan.

2 And in the first year of the third Yovel, Cayin slew Hevel because YHUH accepted the sacrifice of Hevel and did not accept the offering of Cayin.

3 And he slew him in the field: and his dahm cried from the ground to the shamayim, complaining because he had slain him.

4 And YHUH reproved Cayin because of Hevel because he had slain him and he made him a fugitive on the earth because of the dahm of his brother and he cursed him upon the earth.

5 And on this account it is written on the heavenly tables, Cursed is he who smites his neighbor treacherously and let all who have seen and heard say, Ahmein; and the man who has seen murder and not declared it, let him be cursed as the other.

6 And for this reason we announce when we come before YHUH our Ahlohim all the sin which is committed in the shamayim and on earth and in ohr and in darkness and everywhere.

7 And Ahdam and his isha mourned for Hevel four weeks of years and in the fourth year of the fifth week they became joyful and Ahdam knew his isha again and she bare him a son and he called his name Seth; for he said YHUH has raised up a second zera to us in the earth instead of Hevel; for Cayin slew him.

8 And in the sixth week he begat his daughter Azura.

9 And Cayin took Awan his sister to be his isha and she bare him Chanok at the close of the fourth Yovel. And in the first year of the first week of the fifth Yovel, houses were built on the earth and Cayin built a city and called its name after the name of his son Chanok.

10 And Ahdam knew Eve his isha and she bare yet nine sons.

11 And in the fifth week of the fifth Yovel Seth took Azura his sister to be his isha and in the fourth (year of the sixth week) she bare him Enos.

12 He began to call on The Name of YHUH on the earth.

13 And in the seventh Yovel in the third week Enos took Noam his sister to be his isha and she bare him a son in the third year of the fifth week and he called his name Kenan.

14 And at the close of the eighth Yovel Kenan took Mualeleth his sister to be his isha and she bare him a son in the ninth Yovel, in the first week in the third year of this week and he called his name Mahalalel.

15 And in the second week of the tenth Yovel Mahalalel took to him as isha Dinah, the daughter of Barakiel the daughter of his abba's brother and she bare him a son in the third week in the sixth year and he called his name Yared, for in his yamim the malachim of YHUH descended on the earth, those who are named the Ireem, that they should instruct the children of men and that they should do mishpat and tzedakah on the earth.

16 And in the eleventh Yovel, Yared took to himself an isha and her name was Baracha, the daughter of Rasuyal, a daughter of his abba's brother, in the fourth week of this Yovel and she bare him a son in the fifth week, in the fourth year of the Yovel and he called his name Chanok.

17 And he was the first among men that are born on earth who learned writing and da’at and chochmah and who wrote down the signs of the shamayim according to the order of their chodashem in a scroll, that men might know the moadem of the years according to the order of their separate chodashem.

18 And he was the first to write a testimony and he testified to the sons of men among the generations of the earth and recounted the weeks of the Yovleem and made known to them the yamim of the years and set in order the chodashem and recounted the Shabbats of the years as we made them, known to him.

19 And what was and what will be, he saw in a vision of his sleep, as it will happen to the children of men throughout their generations until the Yom of Judgment; he saw and understood everything and wrote his testimony, Sefer Chanok and placed the testimony on earth for all the children of men and for their generations.

20 And in the twelfth Yovel, in the seventh week of it, he took to himself an isha and her name was Ednah, the daughter of Dan-El, the daughter of his abba's brother and in the sixth year in this week she bare him a son and he called his name Methushelach.

21 And he was moreover with the malachim of YHUH these six Yovleem of years and they showed him everything which is on earth and in the shamayim, the rule of the shemesh and he wrote down everything, Sefer Chanok.

22 And he testified to the Watchers, who had sinned with the daughters of men; for these had begun to unite themselves, so as to be defiled, with the daughters of men and Chanok testified against them all.

23 And he was taken from among the children of men and we conducted him into Gan Ayden in majesty in the shamayim and kavod and behold, there he writes down the condemnation and mishpat of the olam and all the wickedness of the children of men.

24 And on account of it YHUH brought the mayim of the flood upon all the land of Ayden; for there he was set as an ot and that he should testify against all the children of men, that he should recount all the deeds of the generations until the yom of condemnation.

25 And he burnt the incense of the sanctuary, even sweet spices acceptable before YHUH on the Har, the Beit HaMikdash, The Har of Gan Ayden.

26 For YHUH has four places on the earth, the Gan of Ayden and the Har of the East and this Har on which you are this yom, Har Senai and Har Tzion which will be sanctified in the new creation for the kedusha of the earth; through it will the earth be sanctified from all its guilt and its uncleanness throughout the generations of the olam.

27 And in the fourteenth Yovel Methuselach took to himself an isha, Edna the daughter of Azrial, the daughter of his abba's brother, in the third week, in the first year of this week and he begat a son and called his name Lamech.

28 And in the fifteenth Yovel in the third week Lamech took to himself an isha and her name was Betenos the daughter of Baraki'il, the daughter of his abba's brother and in this week she bare him a son and he called his name Noach, saying, This one will comfort me for my trouble and all my work and for the ground which YHUH has cursed.

29 And at the close of the nineteenth Yovel, in the seventh week in the sixth year of it, Ahdam died and all his sons buried him in the land of his creation and he was the first to be buried in the earth.

30 And he lacked seventy years of one thousand years; for one thousand years are as one yom in the testimony of the shamayim, Psalm 90:4; and therefore was it written concerning the eytz of da’at: On the yom that you eat of it you shall die. For this reason he did not complete the years of this yom; for he died during it.

31 At the close of this Yovel Cayin was killed after him in the same year; for his bayit fell upon him and he died in the midst of his bayit and he was killed by its stones; for with a stone he had killed Havel and by a stone was he killed in tzadik mishpat.

32 For this reason it was ordained on the heavenly tablets: With the instrument or the same manner with which a man kills his neighbor, with the same shall he be killed; after the manner that he wounded him, in like manner shall they deal with him.

33 And in the twenty-fifth Yovel Noach took to himself an isha and her name was Emzara, the daughter of Rake'el, the daughter of his abba's brother, in the first year in the fifth week and in the third year of it she bare him Shem, in the fifth year of it she bare him Ham and in the first year in the sixth week she bare him Yapheth.

5 And it came to pass when the children of men began to multiply on the face of the earth and daughters were born to them, that the malachim of YHUH saw them on a certain year of this Yovel, that they were beautiful to look upon; and they took themselves wives of all whom they chose and they bare to them sons and they were nephilim.

2 And Torahlessness increased on the earth and all flesh corrupted its derech, men and cattle and beasts and birds and everything that walks on the earth - all of them corrupted their derachot and their orders and they began to devour each other and Torahlessness increased on the earth and every imagination of the thoughts of all men was evil continually.

3 And YHUH looked upon the earth and behold it was corrupt and all flesh had corrupted its orders and all that were upon the earth had worked all manner of evil before His eyes.

4 And He said that He would destroy man and all flesh upon the face of the earth which He had created.

5 But Noach found free unmerited chen before the eyes of YHUH.

6 And against the malachim whom He had sent upon the earth, He was exceedingly angry and He gave commandment to root them out of all their dominion and He ordered us to bind them in the depths of the earth and behold they are bound in the midst of them and are kept separate from clean malachim.

7 And against their sons went forth a command from before His face that they should be smitten with the sword and be removed from under the shamayim.

8 And He said: My Ruach shall not always abide on man; for they also are flesh and their yamim shall be one hundred and twenty years.

9 And He sent His sword into their midst that each should slay his neighbor and they began to slay each other until they all fell by the sword and were destroyed from the earth.

10 And their avot were witnesses of their destruction and after this they were bound in the depths of the earth le-olam-va-ed, until the yom of the great condemnation, when mishpat is executed on all those who have corrupted their derachot and their works before YHUH.

11 And He destroyed all from their places and there was not left one of them whom He judged not according to all their wickedness.

12 And He made for all His works a new and tzadik nature, so that they should not sin in their whole nature le-olam-va-ed but should be all tzadik each in his kind always.

13 And the mishpat of all is ordained and written on the heavenly tablets in tzedakah, even the mishpat of all who depart from the derech, which is ordained for them to walk in; and if they walk not in it, mishpat is written down for every creature and every kind.

14 And there is nothing in the shamayim or on earth, or in ohr or in darkness, or in Sheol or in the depth, or in the place of darkness (which will not be judged); and all their mishpatim are ordained and written and engraved.

15 In regard to all He will judge, the great according to his greatness and the small according to his smallness and each according to his own halacha.

16 And He is not one who will regard the person of any, nor is He one who will receive gifts, if He says that He will execute mishpat on each: if one gave everything that is on the earth, He will not regard the gifts or the person of any, nor accept anything at his hands, for He is a Tzadek Shophet.

17 And of the children of Yisrael it has been written and ordained: If they turn to Him in tzedakah, He will forgive all their transgressions and pardon all their sins.

18 It is written and ordained that He will show rachamim to all who turn from all their guilt once each year on Yom Kippur.

19 And as for all those who corrupted their derachot and their thoughts before the flood, no man's person was accepted save that of Noach alone; for his person was accepted in behalf of his sons, whom YHUH saved from the mayim of the flood on his account; for his lev was tzadik in all his derachot, according as it was commanded regarding him and he had not departed from anything that was ordained for him.

20 And YHUH said that he would destroy everything which was upon the earth, both men and cattle and beasts and fowls of the air and that which moves on the earth.

21 And He commanded Noach to make him an ark that he might save himself from the mayim of the flood.

22 And Noach made the ark in all respects as He commanded him, in the twenty-seventh Yovel of years, in the fifth week in the fifth year on the first yom of the first chodesh.

23 And he entered in the sixth year, in the second chodesh, on the first yom of the second chodesh, until the sixteenth; and he entered and all that we brought to him, into the ark and YHUH closed it from without on the seventeenth evening.

24 And YHUH opened seven floodgates of the shamayim and the mouths of the fountains of the great deep, seven mouths in number.

25 And the floodgates began to pour down mayim from the shamayim forty yamim and forty laylot and the fountains of the deep also sent up mayim, until the whole olam was full of mayim.

26 And the mayim increased upon the earth: fifteen cubits did the mayim rise above all the high mountains and the ark was lifted up above the earth and it moved upon the face of the mayim.

27 And the mayim prevailed on the face of the earth five chodashem - one hundred and fifty yamim.

28 And the ark went and rested on the top of Luvar, one of the mountains of Ararat.

29 And on the first yom in the fourth chodesh the fountains of the great deep were closed and the floodgates of the shamayim were restrained; and on the first yom of the seventh chodesh all the mouths of the abysses of the earth were opened and the mayim began to descend into the deep below.

30 And on the first yom of the tenth chodesh the tops of the mountains were seen and on the first yom of the first chodesh the earth became visible.

31 And the mayim disappeared from above the earth in the fifth week in the seventh year of it and on the seventeenth yom in the second chodesh the earth was dry.

32 And on the twenty-seventh of it he opened the ark and sent forth from it beasts and cattle and birds and every moving thing.

6 And on the first yom of the third chodesh he went forth from the ark and built an altar on that har.

2 And he made keporah for the earth and took a kid and made keporah by its dahm for all the guilt of the earth; le olam va-ed; everything that had been on it had been destroyed, except those that were in the tayvah with Noach.

3 And he placed the fat of it on the altar and he took an ox and a goat and a sheep and kids and salt and a turtle-dove and the young of a dove and placed a burnt sacrifice on the altar and poured on it an offering mixed with oil and sprinkled wine and strewed frankincense over everything and caused a tov savor to arise, acceptable before YHUH.

4 And YHUH smelled the tov savor and He made a brit with him that there should not be anymore a flood to destroy the earth; that all the yamim of the earth zera time and harvest should never cease; cold and heat and summer and winter and yom and lyla should not change their order, nor cease le-olam-va-ed.

5 And you, increase and multiply upon the earth and become many upon it and be a bracha upon it. The fear of you and the dread of you I will inspire in everything that is on earth and in the sea.

6 And behold I have given to you all beasts and all winged things and everything that moves on the earth and the fish in the mayim and all things for food; as the green herbs, I have given you all things to eat.

7 But flesh, with the chayim of it, with the dahm, you shall not eat; for the chayim of all flesh is in the dahm, lest your dahm of your lives be required. At the hand of every man, at the hand of every beast will I require the dahm of man.

8 Whoso sheds man's dahm by man shall his dahm be shed, for in the image of YHUH made He man.

9 And you increase and multiply on the earth.

10 And Noach and his sons swore that they would not eat any dahm that was in any flesh and he made a brit before YHUH le-olam-va-ed throughout all the generations of the earth in this chodesh.

11 On this account He spoke to you that you should make a brit with the children of Yisrael in this chodesh on Shavuot, upon the Har Senai, with an oath and that you should sprinkle dahm upon them because of all the Words of the brit, which YHUH made with them le-olam-va-ed.

12 And this testimony is written concerning you that you should observe it continually, so that you should not eat on any yom any dahm of beasts or birds or cattle during all the yamim of the earth and the man who eats the dahm of beast or of cattle or of birds during all the yamim of the earth, he and his zera shall be rooted out of the land.

13 And command the children of Yisrael to eat no dahm, so that their names and their zera may be before YHUH our Ahlohim continually.

14 And for this Torah there is no limit of yamim, for it is le-olam-va-ed. They shall observe it throughout their generations, so that they may continue supplicating on your behalf with dahm before the altar; every yom and at the time of boker and evening they shall seek forgiveness on your behalf perpetually before YHUH that they may keep it and not be rooted out.

15 And He gave to Noach and his sons an ot that there should not again be a flood on the earth.

16 He set His bow in the cloud for an ot of the eternal brit that there should not again be a flood on the earth to destroy it all the yamim of the earth.

17 For this reason it is ordained and written on the heavenly tablets, that they should celebrate the Moed of Weeks in this chodesh once a year, to renew the brit every year.

18 And this whole moed was celebrated in the shamayim from the yom of creation till the yamim of Noach - twenty six Yovleem and five weeks of years and Noach and his sons observed it for seven Yovleem and one week of years, 350 years, till the yom of Noach's death and from the yom of Noach's death, his sons, Ham and Japheth, did away with it until the yamim of Avraham and they ate dahm.

19 But Avraham observed it and Yitschaq and Yaakov and his children observed it up to your yamim and in your yamim the children of Yisrael forgot it until you celebrated it anew on this har.

20 And you command the children of Yisrael to observe this moed in all their generations for a commandment to them: one yom in the year in this chodesh, the third, they shall celebrate the moed.

21 For it is the Moed of Weeks and the Moed of First Fruits: this moed is twofold and of a double nature: according to what is written and engraved concerning it, so celebrate it.

22 For I have written in the scroll of the first Torah, in that which I have written for you, that you should celebrate it in its season, one yom in the year and I explained to you its sacrifices that the children of Yisrael should remember and should celebrate it throughout their generations in this chodesh, one yom in every year.

23 And on the first yom of the first chodesh and on first yom of the fourth chodesh and on the first yom of the seventh chodesh and on the first yom of the tenth chodesh are the annual yamim of remembrance and the yamim of the moadem in the four divisions of the year. These are written and ordained as a testimony le-olam-va-ed.

24 And Noach ordained them for himself as moadem for the generations le-olam-va-ed, so that they have become thereby a memorial to him.

25 And on the first yom of the first chodesh he was told to make for himself an tayvah and also on that yom the earth became dry and he opened the tayvah and saw the earth.

26 And on the first yom of the fourth chodesh the mouths of the depths of the abyss beneath were closed. And on the first yom of the seventh chodesh all the mouths of the abysses of the earth were opened and the mayim began to descend into them.

27 And on the first yom of the tenth chodesh the tops of the mountains were seen and Noach was glad.

28 And on this account he ordained them for himself as moadem for a memorial le-olam-va-ed and so are they ordained for all Yisrael.

29 And they placed them on the heavenly tablets, each had thirteen weeks; from one to another passed their memorial, from the first to the second and from the second to the third and from the third to the fourth.

30 And all the yamim of the commandment will be fifty two weeks of yamim and these will make the entire year complete. So it is engraved and ordained on the heavenly tablets.

31 And there is no neglecting this commandment for a single year from year to year; no year can have thirteen chodashem or more than fifty two weeks.

32 And command the children of Yisrael that they observe the years according to this reckoning, three hundred and sixty four yamim and these will constitute a complete year and they will not disturb its time from its yamim and from its moadem; le olam va-ed will take place in them according to their testimony and they will not leave out any yom nor disturb any moadem.

33 But if they do neglect and do not observe them according to His commandment, then they will disturb all their moadem and the years will be dislodged from this order and they will disturb the moadem and the years will be dislodged and they will neglect their ordinances.

34 And all the children of Yisrael will forget and will not find the derech of the years and will forget the new chodashem and moadem and the Shabbats and they will go wrong as to all the order of the years.

35 For I know and from now on will I declare it to you and it is not of my own devising; for the scroll is written before me and on the heavenly tablets the division of yamim is ordained, lest they forget the moadem of the brit and walk according to the moadem of the goyim after their error and after their ignorance.

36 For there will be those who will assuredly make observations of the yarayach - how it disturbs the moadem and comes in from year to year ten yamim too soon.

37 For this reason the years will come upon them when they will disturb the order and make an abominable yom, the yom of testimony and an unclean yom a moed yom and they will confound all the yamim, the kadosh with the unclean and the unclean yom with the kadosh; for they will go wrong as to the chodashem and Shabbats and moadem and Yovleem.

38 For this reason I command and testify to you that you may testify to them; for after your death your children will disturb them, so that they will not make the year three hundred and sixty-four yamim only and for this reason they will go wrong as to the new chodashem and moadem and Shabbats and moadem and they will eat all kinds of dahm with all kinds of flesh.

7 And in the seventh week in the first year of it, in this Yovel, Noach planted vines on the har on which the tayvah had rested, named Luvar, one of the Ararat Hareem and they produced fruit in the fourth year and he guarded their fruit and gathered it in this year in the seventh chodesh.

2 And he made wine and put it into a vessel and kept it until the fifth year, until the first yom, on the first yom of the first chodesh.

3 And he celebrated with simcha the yom of this moed and he made a burnt sacrifice to YHUH, one young ox and one ram and seven sheep, each a year old and a kid of the goats, that he might make keporah thereby for himself and his sons.

4 And he prepared the kid first and placed some of its dahm on the flesh that was on the altar which he had made and all the fat he laid on the altar where he made the burnt sacrifice and the ox and the ram and the sheep and he laid all their flesh upon the altar.

5 And he placed all their offerings mixed with oil upon it and afterwards he sprinkled wine on the fire which he had previously made on the altar and he placed incense on the altar and caused a sweet savor to ascend acceptable before YHUH his Ahlohim.

6 And he rejoiced and drank of this wine, he and his children with simcha.

7 And it was evening and he went into his tent and being drunk he lay down and slept and was uncovered in his tent as he slept.

8 And Ham saw Noach his abba naked and went forth and told his two brethren without.

9 And Shem took his garment and arose, he and Yahpheth and they placed the garment on their shoulders and went backward and covered the shame of their abba and their faces were backward.

10 And Noach awoke from his sleep and knew all that his younger son had done to him and he cursed his son and said: Cursed be Kanaan; an enslaved eved shall he be to his brethren.

11 And he blessed Shem and said: Blessed be YHUH Ahlohim of Shem and Kanaan shall be his eved.

12 YHUH shall enlarge Yapheth and YHUH shall dwell in the dwelling of Shem and Kanaan shall be his eved.

13 And Ham knew that his abba had cursed his younger son and he was displeased that he had cursed his son and he parted from his abba, he and his sons with him, Cush and Mitzraim and Put and Kanaan.

14 And he built for himself a city and called its name after the name of his isha Ne'elatama'uk.

15 And Yapheth saw it and became envious of his brother and he too built for himself a city and he called its name after the name of his isha Adataneses.

16 And Shem dwelt with his abba Noach and he built a city close to his abba on the har and he too called its name after the name of his isha Sedeqetelebab.

17 And behold these three cities are near Har Luvar; Sedeqetelebab fronting the har on its east; and Na'eltama'uk on the south; Adatan Eses towards the west.

18 And these are the sons of Shem: Eylam and Asshur and Arpachshad, this son was born two years after the flood- and Lud and Aram.

19 The sons of Yapheth: Gomer and Magog and Madai and Yavan, Tubal and Meshech and Tiras: these are the sons of Noach.

20 And in the twenty-eighth Yovel Noach began to enjoin upon his sons' sons the ordinances and mitzvoth and all the mishpatim that he knew and he exhorted his sons to observe tzedakah and to cover the shame of their flesh and to bless their Creator and esteem abba and eema and love their neighbor and guard their naphsoth from fornication and uncleanness and all iniquity.

21 For owing to these three things came the flood upon the earth, namely, owing to the fornication in which the Watchers against The Torah of their ordinances went whoring after the daughters of men and took themselves wives of all which they chose: and they made the beginning of uncleanness.

22 And they begat sons the Naphidim and they were all unlike one another and they devoured one another: and the Giants slew the Naphilim and the Naphilim slew the Eljo and the Eljo mankind and one man another, a chain of death.

23 And everyone sold himself to work iniquity and to shed much dahm; and the earth was filled with iniquity.

24 And after this they sinned against the beasts and birds and all that moves and walks on the earth: and much dahm was shed on the earth and every imagination and desire of men imagined vanity and evil continually.

25 And YHUH destroyed everything from off the face of the earth; because of the wickedness of their deeds and because of the dahm which they had shed in the midst of the earth He destroyed everything.

26 And we were left, I and you, my sons and everything that entered with us into the tayvah; and behold I see your works before me that you do not walk in tzedakah: for in the derech of destruction you have begun to walk and you are parting one from another and are envious one of another and so it comes that you are not in harmony, my sons, each with his brother.

27 For I see and behold the shedim have begun their seductions against you and against your children and now I fear on your behalf, that after my death you will shed the dahm of men upon the earth and that you, too, will be destroyed from the face of the earth.

28 For whoso sheds man's dahm and whoso eats the dahm of any flesh, shall all be destroyed from the earth.

29 And there shall not be left any man that eats dahm, or that sheds the dahm of man on the earth, nor shall there be left to him any zera or descendants living under the shamayim; for into Sheol shall they go; and into the place of condemnation shall they descend and into the darkness of the deep shall they all be removed by a violent death.

30 There shall be no dahm seen upon you of all the dahm there shall be all the yamim in which you have killed any beasts or cattle or whatever flies upon the earth and work a tov work to your naphsoth by covering that which has been shed on the face of the earth.

31 And you shall not be like him who eats with dahm but guard yourselves that none may eat dahm before you: cover the dahm, for so have I been commanded to testify to you and your children, together with all flesh.

32 And allow not the nephesh to be eaten with the flesh, that your dahm, which is your chayim, may not be required at the hand of any flesh that sheds it on the earth.

33 For the earth will not be clean from the dahm which has been shed upon it; for only through the dahm of him that shed it will the earth be purified throughout all its generations.

34 And now, my children listen: work mishpat and tzedakah that you may be planted in tzedakah over the face of the whole earth and your tehilla lifted up before YHUH my Ahlohim, Who saved me from the mayim of the flood.

35 And behold, you will go and build for yourselves cities and plant in them all the plants that are upon the earth and moreover all fruit-bearing eytzim.

36 For three years the fruit of everything that is eaten will not be gathered: and in the fourth year its fruit will be accounted kadosh and they will offer the bikkurim, acceptable before YHUH, who created the shamayim and earth and all things. Let them offer in abundance the first of the wine and the oil as first-fruits on the altar of YHUH, Who receives it; and what is left let the avadim of the bayit of YHUH eat before the altar which receives it.

37 And in the fifth year make the release, so that you release it in tzedakah and you shall be tzadik and all that you plant shall prosper.

38 For so did Chanok, the abba of your abba, command his son and Methuselach his son Lamech who commanded me, all the things which his avot commanded him.

39 And I also will give you commandment, my sons, as Chanok commanded his son in the first Jubilee while still living; the seventh in his generation, he commanded and testified to his son and to his son's sons until the yom of his death.

8 In the twenty-ninth Yovel, in the first week, in the beginning of it Arpachshad took himself an isha and her name was Rasu'eya, the daughter of Susan, the daughter of Elam and she bare him a son in the third year in this week and he called his name Kainan.

2 And the son grew and his abba taught him writing and he went to seek for himself a place where he might seize for himself a city.

3 And he found a writing which former generations had carved on the rock and he read what was on it and he transcribed it and sinned owing to it; for it contained the teaching of the Watchers in accordance with which they used to observe the omens of the shemesh and yarayach and cochavim, in all the signs of the shamayim and all its secrets.

4 And he wrote it down and said nothing regarding it; for he was afraid to speak to Noach about it lest he should be angry with him on account of it.

5 And in the thirtieth Yovel, in the second week, in the first year of it, he took himself an isha and her name was Melka, the daughter of Madai, the son of Yapheth and in the fourth year he begat a son and called his name Shelach; for he said: Truly I have been sent.

6 And in the fourth year he was born and Shelach grew up and took to himself an isha and her name was Mu'ak, the daughter of Kesed, his abba's brother, in the one and thirtieth Yovel, in the fifth week, in the first year of it.

7 And she bare him a son in the fifth year of it and he called his name Eber: and he took to himself an isha and her name was Azurad, the daughter of Nevrod, in the thirty-second Yovel, in the seventh week, in the third year of it.

8 And in the sixth year of it, she bare him son and he called his name Peleg; for in the yamim when he was born the children of Noach began to divide the earth among themselves: for this reason he called his name Peleg.

9 And they divided it secretly among themselves and told it to Noach.

10 And it came to pass in the beginning of the thirty-third Yovel that they divided the earth into three parts, for Shem and Ham and Yahpheth, according to the inheritance of each, in the first year in the first week, when one of us who had been sent, was with them.

11 And he called his sons and they drew near to him, they and their children and he divided the earth into the lots, which his three sons were to take in possession and they reached forth their hands and took the writing out of the bosom of Noach, their abba.

12 And there came forth on the writing as Shem's lot the middle of the earth, Yahrushalayim, which he should take as an inheritance for himself and for his sons for the generations of eternity, from the middle of the har range of Rafa, from the mouth of the mayim from the River Tina and his portion goes towards the west through the midst of this river and it extends until it reaches the mayim of the abysses, out of which this river goes forth and pours its mayim into the Sea Me'at and this river flows into the Great Sea. And all that is towards the north is Yapheth's and all that is towards the south belongs to Shem.

13 And it extends till it reaches Karaso: this is in the bosom of the tongue which looks towards the south.

14 And his portion extends along the Great Sea and it extends in a straight line till it reaches the west of the tongue which looks towards the south: for this sea is named the tongue of the Mitzrite Sea.

15 And it turns from here towards the south towards the mouth of the great sea on the shore of its mayim and it extends to the west to 'Afra and it extends until it reaches the mayim of the River Gihon and to the south of the mayim of Gihon, to the banks of this river.

16 And it extends towards the east, till it reaches the Gan of Ayden, to the south of it, to the south and from the east of the whole land of Ayden and of the whole east, it turns to the east and proceeds till it reaches the east of the har named Rafa and it descends to the bank of the mouth of the river Tina.

17 This portion came forth by lot for Shem and his sons, that they should possess it le-olam-va-ed to his generations le-olam-va-ed.

18 And Noach rejoiced that this portion came forth for Shem and for his sons and he remembered all that he had spoken with his mouth in prophecy; for he had said: Blessed be YHUH Ahlohim of Shem and may YHUH dwell in the dwelling of Shem.

19 And he knew that the Gan of Ayden is the Kadosh of Kedosheem and the dwelling of YHUH and Har Senai the centre of the desert and Har Tzion - the center of the navel of the earth: these three were created as kadosh places facing each other.

20 And he blessed YHUH Ahlohim, Who had put The Word of YHUH into his mouth le-olam-va-ed.

21 And he knew that a blessed portion and a bracha had come to Shem and his sons to the generations le-olam-va-ed - the whole land of Ayden and the whole land of the Yam Suf and the whole land of the east and India and on the Yam Suf and the mountains of it and all the land of Bashan and all the land of Levanon and the islands of Kaftur and all the mountains of Sanir and Amana and the mountains of Asshur in the north and all the land of Elam, Asshur and Bavel and Suzan and Ma'edai and all the mountains of Ararat and all the region beyond the sea, which is beyond the mountains of Asshur towards the north, a blessed and spacious land and all that is in it is very tov.

22 And for Ham came forth the second portion, beyond the Gichon towards the south to the right of the Gan and it extends towards the south and it extends to all the mountains of fire and it extends towards the west to the sea of 'Atel and it extends towards the west till it reaches the sea of Ma'uk, that sea into which everything which is not destroyed descends.

23 And it goes forth towards the north to the limits of Gadir and it goes forth to the coast of the mayim of the sea to the mayim of the Great Sea till it draws near to the River Gichon and goes along the River Gichon till it reaches the right of the Gan of Ayden.

24 And this is the land which came forth for Ham as the portion which he was to occupy le-olam-va-ed for himself and his sons to their generations le-olam- va-ed.

25 And for Yahpheth came forth the third portion beyond the River Tina to the north of the outflow of its mayim and it extends north-easterly to the whole region of Gog and to all the country east of it.

26 And it extends northerly to the north and it extends to the mountains of Qelt towards the north and towards the sea of Ma'uk and it goes forth to the east of Gadir as far as the region of the mayim of the sea.

27 And it extends until it approaches the west of Fara and it returns towards 'Aferag and it extends easterly to the mayim of the Sea of Me'at.

28 And it extends to the region of the River Tina in a north-easterly direction until it approaches the boundary of its mayim towards the Har Rafa and it turns round towards the north.

29 This is the land which that came forth for Yahpheth and his sons as the portion of his inheritance which he should possess for himself and his sons, for their generations le-olam-va-ed; five great islands and a great land in the north.

30 But it is cold and the land of Ham is hot and the land of Shem is neither hot nor cold but it is of blended cold and heat.

9 And Ham divided land among his sons and the first portion came forth for Cush towards the east and to the west of him for Mizraim and to the west of him for Put and to the west of him and to the west of it on the sea for Kanaan.

2 And Shem also divided among his sons and the first portion came forth for Ham and his sons, to the east of the River Tigris till it approaches the east, the whole land of India and on the Yam Suf on its coast and the mayim of Dedan and all the mountains of Mebri and Ela and all the land of Suzan and all that is on the side of Pharnak to the Yam Suf and the River Tina.

3 And for Asshur came forth the second portion, all the land of Asshur and Nineveh and Shinar and to the border of India and it ascends and skirts the river.

4 And for Arpachshad came forth the third portion, all the land of the region of the Chaldees to the east of the Euphrates, bordering on the Yam Suf and all the mayim of the desert close to the tongue of the sea which looks towards Mitzrayim, all the land of Levanon and Sanir and 'Amana to the border of the Euphrates.

5 And for Aram there came forth the fourth portion, all the land of Mesopotamia between the Tigris and the Euphrates to the north of the Chaldees to the border of the mountains of Asshur and the land of Arara.

6 And there came forth for Lud the fifth portion, the mountains of Asshur and all appertaining to them till it reaches the Great Sea and till it reaches the east of Asshur his brother.

7 And Yahpheth also divided the land of his inheritance among his sons.

8 And the first portion came forth for Gomer to the east from the north side to the river Tina; and in the north there came forth for Magog all the inner portions of the north until it reaches to the sea of Me'at.

9 And for Madai came forth as his portion that he should posses from the west of his two brothers to the islands and to the coasts of the islands.

10 And for Yavan came forth the fourth portion every island and the islands which are towards the border of Lud.

11 And for Tuval there came forth the fifth portion in the midst of the tongue which approaches towards the border of the portion of Lud to the second tongue, to the region beyond the second tongue to the third tongue.

12 And for Meshech came forth the sixth portion, all the region beyond the third tongue till it approaches the east of Gadir.

13 And for Tiras there came forth the seventh portion, four great islands in the midst of the sea, which reach to the portion of Ham and the islands of Kamaturi, came out by lot for the sons of Arpachshad as his inheritance.

14 And so the sons of Noach divided to their sons in the presence of Noach their abba and he bound them all by an oath, placing a curse on everyone that sought to seize the portion which had not fallen to him by his lot.

15 And they all said, Ahmein Ve Ahmein for themselves and their sons le-olam-va-ed throughout their generations till the yom of mishpat, on which YHUH Ahlohim shall judge them with a sword and with fire for all the unclean wickedness of their errors, with which they have filled the earth with transgression and uncleanness and fornication and sin.

10 And in the third week of this Yovel the unclean shedim began to lead astray the children of the sons of Noach and to make deception and destroy them.

2 And the sons of Noach came to Noach their abba and they told him concerning the shedim which were leading astray and blinding and slaying his son’s sons.

3 And he made tefillah before YHUH his Ahlohim and said:YHUH of the ruachim of all flesh, who have showed rachamim to me and have saved me and my sons from the mayim of the flood and have not caused me to perish as You did the sons of perdition; for Your free unmerited pardon has been great towards me and great has been Your rachamim to my nephesh; let Your free unmerited pardon be lifted up upon my sons and let not wicked ruachim rule over them, lest they should destroy them from the earth.

4 But You bless me and my sons, that we may increase and multiply and replenish the earth.

5 And You know how Your Ireem, the avot of these ruachim, acted in my yom: and as for these ruachim which are living, imprison them and hold them fast in the place of condemnation and let them not bring destruction on the sons of Your eved, my Ahlohim; for these are malignant and created in order to destroy.

6 And let them not rule over the ruachim of the living; for You alone can exercise dominion over them. And let them not have power over the sons of the tzadik from now on and le-olam-va-ed.

7 And YHUH our Ahlohim help us to bind them all.

8 And the chief of the ruachim, Mastema, came and said:YHUH, Creator, let some of them remain before me and let them listen to my voice and do all that I shall say to them; for if some of them are not left to me, I shall not be able to execute the power of my will on the sons of men; for these are for corruption and leading astray before my mishpat, for great is the wickedness of the sons of men.

9 And He said: Let the tenth part of them remain before him and let nine parts descend into the place of condemnation.

10 And one of us He commanded that we should teach Noach all their medicines; for He knew that they would not walk in tzedakah, nor strive in tzedakah.

11 And we did according to all His Words: all the malignant evil ones we bound in the place of condemnation and a tenth part of them we left that they might be subject before s.a.tan on the earth.

12 And we explained to Noach all the medicines of their diseases, together with their seductions, how he might heal them with herbs of the earth.

13 And Noach wrote down all things in a scroll as we instructed him concerning every kind of medicine. So the evil ruachim were precluded from hurting the sons of Noach.

14 And he gave all that he had written to Shem, his eldest son; for he loved him exceedingly above all his sons.

15 And Noach slept with his avot and was buried on Har Luvar in the land of Ararat, modern Turkey.

16 Nine hundred and fifty years he completed in his chayim, nineteen Yovleem and two weeks and five years.

17 And in his chayim on earth he excelled all the children of men save Chanok because of the tzedakah, in which he was perfect. For Chanok's office was ordained for a testimony to the generations of the olam, so that he should recount all the deeds of generation to generation, till the Yom of Judgment.

18 And in the three and thirtieth Yovel, in the first year in the second week, Peleg took to himself an isha, whose name was Lomna the daughter of Sina'ar and she bare him a son in the fourth year of this week and he called his name Reu; for he said: Behold the children of men have become evil through the wicked purpose of building for themselves a city and a tower in the land of Shinar.

19 For they departed from the land of Ararat eastward to Shinar; for in his yamim they built the city and the tower, saying, Go to, let us ascend thereby into the shamayim.

20 And they began to build and in the fourth week they made brick with fire and the bricks served them for stone and the clay with which they cemented them together was asphalt which comes out of the sea and out of the fountains of mayim in the land of Shinar.

21 And they built it: forty three years were they building it; its breadth was 203 bricks and the height of a brick was the third of one; its height amounted to 5,433 cubits and 2 palms and the extent of one wall was thirteen stades and of the other thirty stades.

22 And YHUH our Ahlohim said to us: Behold, they are one people and this they begin to do and now nothing will be withheld from them. Go to, let Us go down and confound their language so that they may not understand one another's speech and they may be dispersed into cities and goyim and one purpose will no longer abide with them until the Yom HaDin.

23 And YHUH descended and we descended with him to see the city and the tower which the children of men had built.

24 And He confounded their language and they no longer understood one another's speech and they ceased then to build the city and the tower.

25 For this reason the whole land of Shinar is called Bavel because YHUH did there confound all the language of the children of men and from there they were dispersed into their cities, each according to his language and his nation.

26 And YHUH sent a mighty ruach against the tower and overthrew it upon the earth and behold it was between Asshur and Bavel in the land of Shinar and they called its name Overthrow.

27 In the fourth week in the first year in the beginning of it in the four and thirtieth Yovel, were they dispersed from the land of Shinar.

28 And Ham and his sons went into the land which he was to occupy, which he acquired as his portion in the land of the south.

29 And Kanaan saw the land of Levanon to the river of Mitzrayim, that it was very tov and he went not into the land of his inheritance to the west, that is to the sea and he dwelt in the land of Levanon, eastward and westward from the border of Yarden and from the border of the sea.

30 And Ham, his abba and Cush and Mizraim his brothers said to him: You have settled in a land which is not yours and which did not fall to us by lot: do not do so; for if you do, do so, you and your sons will fall in the land and be cursed through sedition; for by sedition you have settled and by sedition will your children fall and you shall be rooted out le-olam-va-ed.

31 Dwell not in the dwelling of Shem; for to Shem and to his sons did it come by their lot.

32 Cursed are you and cursed shall you be beyond all the sons of Noach, by the curse by which we bound ourselves by an oath in the presence of the Kadosh Shophet and in the presence of Noach our abba.

33 But he did not listen to them and dwelt in the land of Levanon from Hamath to the entering of Mitzrayim, he and his sons until this yom.

34 And for this reason that land is named Kanaan.

35 And Yahpheth and his sons went towards the sea and dwelt in the land of their portion and Madai saw the land of the sea and it did not please him and he begged a portion from Ham and Asshur and Arpachshad, his isha's brother and he dwelt in the land of Media, near to his isha's brother until this yom.

36 And he called his dwelling-place and the dwelling-place of his sons, Media, after the name of their abba Madai.

11 And in the thirty-fifth Yovel, in the third week, in the first year of it, Reu took to himself an isha and her name was Ora, the daughter of Ur, the son of Kesed and she bare him a son and he called his name Seroh, in the seventh year of this week in this Yovel.

2 And the sons of Noach began to war against each other, to take captive and to slay each other and to shed the dahm of men on the earth and to eat dahm and to build strong cities and walls and towers and individuals began to exalt themselves above the nation and to found the beginnings of malchutim and to go to war, people against people and nation against nation and city against city and all began to do evil and to acquire arms and to teach their sons war and they began to capture cities and to sell male and female slaves.

3 And Ur, the son of Kesed, built the city of Ara of the Chaldees and called its name after his own name and the name of his abba.

4 And they made for themselves molten images and they worshipped each the idol, the molten image which they had made for themselves and they began to make graven images and unclean idols and malignant ruachim assisted and seduced them into committing transgression and uncleanness.

5 And the sar Mastema exerted himself to do all this and he sent forth other ruachim, those which were put under his hand, to do all manner of wrong and sin and all manner of transgression, to corrupt and destroy and to shed dahm upon the earth.

6 For this reason he called the name of Seroh, Serug, for everyone turned to do all manner of sin and transgression.

7 And he grew up and dwelt in Ur of the Chaldees, near to the abba of his isha's eema and he worshipped idols and he took to himself an isha in the thirty-sixth Yovel, in the fifth week, in the first year of it and her name was Melka, the daughter of Kaber, the daughter of his abba's brother.

8 And she bare him Nachor, in the first year of this week and he grew and dwelt in Ur of the Chaldees and his abba taught him the researches of the Chaldees, to divine and prognosticate, according to the signs of the shamayim.

9 And in the thirty-seventh Yovel in the sixth week, in the first year of it, he took to himself an isha and her name was Yiaska, the daughter of Nestag of the Chaldees.

10 And she bare him Terach in the seventh year of this week.

11 And the sar Mastema sent ravens and birds to devour the zera which was sown in the land, in order to destroy the land and rob the children of men of their labors. Before they could plough in the zera, the ravens picked it from the surface of the ground.

12 And for this reason he called his name Terach because the ravens and the birds reduced them to destitution and devoured their zera.

13 And the years began to be barren, owing to the birds and they devoured all the fruit of the eytzim from the eytzim: It was only with great effort that they could save a little of all the fruit of the earth in their yamim.

14 And in this thirty-ninth Yovel, in the second week in the first year, Terach took to himself an isha and her name was Edna, the daughter of Avram, the daughter of his abba's sister.

15 And in the seventh year of this week she bare him a son and he called his name Avram, by the name of the abba of his eema; for he had died before his daughter had conceived a son.

16 And the child began to understand the errors of the earth that all went astray after graven images and after uncleanness and his abba taught him writing and he was two weeks of years old and he separated himself from his abba, that he might not worship idols with him.

17 And he began to make tefillah to The Creator of all things that He might save him from the errors of the children of men and that his portion should not fall into error after uncleanness and vileness.

18 And the zera time came for the sowing of zera upon the land and they all went forth together to protect their zera against the ravens and Avram went forth with those that went and the child was a lad of fourteen years.

19 And a cloud of ravens came to devour the zera and Avram ran to meet them before they settled on the ground and yelled at them before they settled on the ground to devour the zera and said, Descend not: return to the place where you came and they proceeded to turn back.

20 And he caused the clouds of ravens to turn back that yom seventy times and of all the ravens throughout all the land where Avram was there settled there not so much as one.

21 And all who were with him throughout all the land saw him yell at them and all the ravens turn back and his name became great in all the land of the Chaldees.

22 And there came to him this year all those that wished to sow and he went with them until the time of sowing ceased: and they sowed their land and that year they brought enough grain home and ate and were satisfied.

23 And in the first year of the fifth week Avram taught those who made implements for oxen, the artificers in wood and they made a vessel above the ground, facing the frame of the plough, in order to put the zera on it and the zera fell down there from upon the share of the plough and was hidden in the earth and they no longer feared the ravens.

24 And after this manner they made vessels above the ground on all the frames of the ploughs and they sowed and tilled all the land, according as Avram commanded them and they no longer feared the birds.

12 And it came to pass in the sixth week, in the seventh year of it, that Avram said to Terach his abba, saying, Abba.

2 And he said, Behold, Hinayne, my son. And he said, What help and profit have we from those idols which you do worship and before which you do bow yourself?

3 For there is no ruach in them; for they are dumb forms and a misleading of the lev.

4 Worship them not: Worship YHUH the Ahlohim of the shamayim, who causes the rain and the dew to descend on the earth; and does everything upon the earth and has created everything by His Word and all chayim is from before His face.

5 Why do you worship things that have no ruach in them? For they are the work of hands and on your shoulders do you bear them and you have no help from them; but they are a great cause of shame to those who make them and a misleading of the lev to those who worship them: Worship them not.

6 And his abba said to him, I also know it, my son but what shall I do with a people who have made me to serve before them?

7 And if I tell them the emet, they will slay me; for their nephesh cleaves to them to worship them and esteem them. Keep silent, my son, lest they slay you. And these words he spoke to his two brothers and they were angry with him and he kept silent.

9 And in the fortieth Yovel, in the second week, in the seventh year of it, Avram took to himself an isha and her name was Sarai, the daughter of his abba and his isha and she became his isha.

10 And Charan, his brother, took to himself an isha in the third year of the third week and she bare him a son in the seventh year of this week and he called his name Lot.

11 And Nachor, his brother, took to himself an isha.

12 And in the sixtieth year of the chayim of Avram, that is, in the fourth week, in the fourth year of it, Avram arose by lyla and burned the bayit of the idols and he burned all that was in the bayit and no man knew it.

13 And they arose in the lyla and sought to save their precious ahlahim from the midst of the fire.

14 And Charan rushed to save them but the fire blew over him and he was burnt in the fire and he died in Ur of the Chaldees before Terach his abba and they buried him in Ur of the Chaldees.

15 And Terach went forth from Ur of the Chaldees, he and his sons, to go into the land of Levanon and into the land of Kanaan and he dwelt in the land of Charan and Avram dwelt with Terach his abba in Charan two weeks of years.

16 And in the sixth week, in the fifth year of it, Avram sat up throughout the lyla on the first yom of the seventh chodesh, Yom Teruah & the Moed of Noach, to observe the cochavim from the evening to the boker, in order to see what would be the character of the year with regard to the rains and he was alone as he sat and observed.

17 And a word came into his lev and he said: All the signs of the cochavim and the signs of the yarayach and of the shemesh are all in the Hand of YHUH. Why do I search them out?

18 If He desires, He causes it to rain, boker and evening; And if He desires, He withholds it and all things are in His hand.

19 And he made tefillah that lyla and said, My Ahlohim,YHUH El-Elyon, You alone are my Ahlohim, So You and Your dominion have I chosen. And You have created all things and all things that are the work of Your hands.

20 Deliver me from the hands of evil ruachim who have dominion over the thoughts of men's levavot and let them not lead me astray from You my Ahlohim. And establish me and my zera le-olam-va-ed that we go not astray from now on and le-olam-va-ed.

21 And he said, Shall I return to Ur of the Chaldees who seek my face that I may return to them, am I to remain here in this place? The right derech before You prosper it in the hands of Your eved that he may fulfill it and that I may not walk in the deceitfulness of my lev, O YHUH my Ahlohim.

22 And he made an end of speaking and making tefillah and behold the Word of YHUH was sent to him through Me, saying: Get up from your country and from your kindred and from the bayit of your abba to a land which I will show you and I shall make you a great and numerous nation.

23 And I will bless you and I will make your name great and you shall be blessed in the earth and in you shall all families of the earth be blessed-mixed. And I will bless them that bless you and curse them that curse you.

24 And I will be Ahlohim to you and your son and to your son's son and to all your zera: fear not, from now on and to all generations of the earth I AM YHUH your Ahlohim.

25 And YHUH Ahlohim said: Open his mouth and his ears, that he may hear and speak with his mouth, with the language which has been revealed; for it had ceased from the mouths of all the children of men from the yom of the overthrow of Bavel.

26 And I opened his mouth and his ears and his lips and I began to speak with him in Ivrit in the tongue of the creation.

27 And he took the scrolls of his avot and these were written in Ivrit and he transcribed them and he began from now on to study them and I made known to him that which he could not understand and he studied them during the six rainy chodashem.

28 And it came to pass in the seventh year of the sixth week that he spoke to his abba and informed him, that he would leave Charan to go into the land of Kanaan to see it and return to him.

29 And Terach his abba said to him; Go in shalom: May the eternal YHUH make your derech straight. And YHUH be with you and protect you from all evil and grant to you free unmerited pardon, rachamim and chen before those who see you; and may none of the children of men have power over you to harm you; Go in shalom.

30 And if you see a land pleasant to your eyes to dwell in, then arise and take me to you and take Lot with you, the son of Charan your brother as your own son: YHUH be with you.

31 And Nachor your brother leave with me till you return in shalom and we go with you all together.

13 And Avram journeyed from Charan and he took Sarai, his isha and Lot, his brother Charan's son, to the land of Kanaan and he came into Asshur and proceeded to Shechem and dwelt near a lofty oak.

2 And he saw and, behold the land was very pleasant from the entering of Chamath to the lofty oak.

3 And YHUH said to him: To you and to your zera will I give this land.

4 And he built an altar there and he offered on it a burnt sacrifice to YHUH, who had appeared to him.

5 And he moved from there to the har Bethel on the west and Ai on the east and pitched his tent there.

6 And he saw and behold, the land was very wide and tov and everything grew on it - vines and figs and pomegranates, oaks and ilexes and terebinths and oil eytzim and cedars and cypresses and date eytzim and all eytzim of the field and there was mayim on the mountains.

7 And he blessed YHUH, Who had led him out of Ur of the Chaldees and had brought him to this land.

8 And it came to pass in the first year, in the seventh week, on the first yom of the first chodesh, Aviv One, that he built an altar on this har and called on The Name of YHUH: You, The Eternal YHUH, are my Ahlohim.

9 And he offered on the altar a burnt sacrifice to YHUH that He should be with him and not forsake him all the yamim of his chayim.

10 And he moved from there and went towards the south and he came to Chebron and Chebron was built at that time and he dwelt there two years and he went there into the land of the south, to Bealoth and there was a famine in the land.

11 And Avram went into Mitzrayim in the third year of the week and he dwelt in Mitzrayim five years before his isha was torn away from him.

12 Now Tanais in Mitzrayim was at that time built - seven years after Chebron.

13 And it came to pass when Pharaoh seized Sarai, the isha of Avram that YHUH plagued Pharaoh and his bayit with great plagues because of Sarai, Avram's isha.

14 And Avram was very wealthy by reason of possessions in sheep and cattle and donkeys and horses and camels and male avadim and female avadim and in silver and gold exceedingly. And Lot also his brother's son, was wealthy.

15 And Pharaoh gave back Sarai, the isha of Avram and he sent him out of the land of Mitzrayim and he journeyed to the place where he had pitched his tent at the beginning, to the place of the altar, with Ai on the east and Bethel on the west and he blessed YHUH his Ahlohim, Who had brought him back in shalom.

16 And it came to pass in the forty-first Yovel in the third year of the first week, that he returned to this place and offered on it a burnt sacrifice and called on The Name of YHUH and said: You, El-Elyon YHUH, are my Ahlohim le-olam-va-ed.

17 And in the fourth year of this week Lot parted from him and Lot dwelt in Sedom and the men of Sedom were sinners exceedingly.

18 And it grieved him in his lev that his brother's son had parted from him; for he had no children.

19 In that year when Lot was taken captive,YHUH said to Avram, after that Lot had parted from him, in the fourth year of this week: Lift up your eyes from the place where you are dwelling, northward and southward and westward and eastward.

20 For all the land which you see I will give to you and to your zera le-olam-va-ed and I will make your zera as the sand of the sea: though a man may number the dust of the earth, yet your zera shall not be numbered.

21 Arise, walk through the land in the length of it and the breadth of it and see it all; for to your zera will I give it. And Avram went to Chebron and dwelt there.

22 And in this year came Chedorlaomer, melech of Elam and Amraphel, melech of Shinar and Arioch melech of Sellasar and Tergal, melech of goyim, slew the melech of Amorah and the melech of Sedom fled and many fell through wounds in the Valley of Siddim, by the Salt Sea.

23 And they took captive Sedom and Ahdam and Zevoim and they took captive Lot also, the son of Avram's brother and all his possessions and they went to Dan.

24 And one who had escaped came and told Avram that his brother's son had been taken captive and Avram armed his household avadim.

25 And the household eved brought for Avram and for his zera, a tenth of the bikkurim to YHUH and YHUH ordained it as an ordinance le-olam-va-ed that they should give it to the kohanim who serve before Him, that they should possess it le-olam-va-ed.

26 And to this Torah there is no limit of yamim; for He has ordained it for the generations le-olam-va-ed that they should give to YHUH the tenth of everything, of the zera and of the wine and of the oil and of the cattle and of the sheep.

27 And He gave it to His kohanim to eat and to drink with simcha before Him.

28 And the melech of Sedom came to him and bowed himself before him and said: Our adon Avram, give to us the naphsoth which you have rescued but let the booty be yours.

29 And Avram said to him: I lift up my hands to El-Elyon YHUH, that from a thread to a shoe-latchet I shall not take anything that is yours lest you should say, I have made Avram rich; except only what the young men have eaten and the portion of the men who went with me - Aner, Eschol and Mamre. These shall take their portions.

14 After these things, in the fourth year of this week, on the first yom of the third chodesh, The Word of YHUH came to Avram in a dream, saying: Fear not, Avram; I AM your defender and your reward will be exceeding great.

2 And he said: YHUH, Ahlohim, what will You give me, seeing I go childless and the son of Maseq, the son of my handmaid, is El-Azar from Dameshek: he will be my heir and yet to me you have given no zera.

3 And He said to him: This man will not be your heir but one that will come out of your own bowels; he will be your heir.

4 And He brought him forth abroad and said to him: Look towards the shamayim and number the cochavim if you are able to number them.

5 And he looked toward the shamayim and beheld the cochavim. And He said to him: So shall your zera be.

6 And he believed in YHUH and it was counted to him for tzedakah.

7 And He said to him: I AM YHUH that brought you out of Ur of the Chaldees, to give you the land of the Kanaanites to possess it le-olam-va-ed; and I will be Ahlohim to you and to your zera after you.

8 And he said: YHUH, Ahlohim, by which shall I know that I shall inherit it?

9 And He said to him: Take a heifer of three years and a goat of three years and a sheep of three years and a turtle-dove and a pigeon.

10 And he took all these in the middle of the chodesh and he dwelt at the oak of Mamre, which is near Chebron.

11 And he built there an altar and sacrificed all these; and he poured their dahm upon the altar and divided them in the midst and laid them over against each other; but the birds divided he not.

12 And birds came down upon the pieces and Avram drove them away and did not allow the birds to touch them.

13 And it came to pass, when the shemesh had set, that an ecstasy fell upon Avram and lo, a horror of great darkness fell upon him and it was said to Avram: Know for certain that your zera shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs and they shall bring them into bondage and afflict them four hundred years.

14 And the nation also to whom they will be in bondage will I judge and after that they shall come forth there with much substance.

15 And you shall go to your avot in shalom and be buried in a tov old age.

16 But in the fourth generation they shall return here; for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet full.

17 And he awoke from his sleep-tardema and he arose and the shemesh had set; and there was a flame and behold. A furnace was smoking and a flame of fire passed between the pieces.

18 And on that yom YHUH made a brit with Avram, saying: To your zera will I give this land, from the river of Mitzrayim to the great river, the river Euphrates, the Kenites, the Kenizzites, the Kadmonites, the Perizzites and the Rephaim, the Phakorites and the Hivites and the Amorites and the Kanaanites and the Girgashites and the Jebusites.

19 And the yom passed and Avram offered the pieces and the birds and their fruit offerings and their drink offerings and the fire devoured them.

20 And on that yom we made a brit with Avram, according as we had covenanted with Noach in this chodesh; and Avram renewed the moed, Shavuot and ordinance for himself le-olam-va-ed.

21 And Avram rejoiced and made all these things known to Sarai his isha; and he believed that he would have zera but she did not bear.

22 And Sarai advised her husband Avram and said to him: Go in to Hagar, my Mitzrite maid: it may be that I shall build up zera with you by her.

23 And Avram listened to the voice of Sarai his isha and said to her, Do so. And Sarai took Hagar, her maid, the Mitzrite and gave her to Avram, her husband, to be his isha.

24 And he went in to her and she conceived and bare him a son and he called his name Ishmael, in the fifth year of this week and this was the eighty-sixth year in the chayim of Avram.

15 And in the fifth year of the fourth week of this Yovel, in the third chodesh, in the middle of the chodesh, Avram celebrated the moed of the first-fruits of the grain harvest.

2 And he offered new offerings on the altar, the first-fruits of the produce, to YHUH, a heifer and a goat and a sheep on the altar as a burnt sacrifice to YHUH; their fruit offerings and their drink offerings he offered upon the altar with frankincense.

3 And YHUH appeared to Avram and said to him:

4 I AM YHUH Almighty; approve yourself before Me and be perfect. And I will make My brit between Me and you and I will multiply you exceedingly. And Avram fell on his face and YHUH talked with him and said:

6 Behold My ordinance-Torah is with you and you shall be the abba of many goyim.

7 Neither shall your name anymore be called Avram but your name from now on, even le-olam-va-ed, shall be Avraham.

8 For the abba of many goyim have I made you. And I will make you very great and I will make you into goyim and melechim shall come forth from you.

9 And I shall establish My brit between Me and you and your zera after you, throughout their generations, for an eternal brit, so that I may be Ahlohim to you and to your zera after you.

10 And the land where you have been a dweller, the land of Kanaan, that you may possess it le-olam-va-ed and I will be their Ahlohim.

11 And YHUH said to Avraham: And as for you, keep My brit, you and your zera after you: and brit-milah every male among you and brit-milah your foreskins and it shall be a sign of an eternal brit between Me and you.

12 And the child on the eighth yom you shall brit-milah, every male throughout your generations, him that is born in the bayit, or whom you have bought with money from any stranger, whom you have acquired who is not of your zera.

13 He that is born in your bayit shall surely be made brit-milah and those whom you have bought with money shall be made brit-milah and My brit shall be in your flesh for an eternal ordinance.

14 And the male who is not made brit-milah in the flesh of his foreskin on the eighth yom, that nephesh shall be cut off from his people, for he has broken My brit.

15 And YHUH said to Avraham: As for Sarai your isha, her name shall no more be called Sarai but Sarah shall be her name.

16 And I will bless her and give you a son by her and I will bless him and he shall become a nation and melechim of goyim shall proceed from him.

17 And Avraham fell on his face and rejoiced and said in his lev: Shall a son be born to him that is a hundred years old and shall Sarah, who is ninety years old, bring forth?

18 And Avraham said to YHUH: O that Ishmael might live before You.

19 And YHUH said: Yes and Sarah also shall bear you a son and you shall call his name Yitschaq and I will establish My brit with him, an everlasting brit and for his zera after him.

20 And as for Ishmael also have I heard you and behold I will bless him and make him great and multiply him exceedingly and he shall beget twelve princes and I will make him a great nation.

21 But My brit will I establish with Yitschaq, whom Sarah shall bear to you, in these yamim, in the next year.

22 And He left off speaking with him and YHUH went up from Avraham.

23 And Avraham did according as YHUH had said to him and he took Ishmael his son and all that were born in his bayit and whom he had bought with his money, every male in his bayit and made brit-milah the flesh of their foreskin.

24 And on the same yom was Avraham made brit-milah and all the men of his bayit and all those, whom he had bought with money from the children of the stranger, were made brit-milah with him.

25 This Torah is for all the generations le-olam-va-ed and there is no cessation of the yamim and no omission of one yom out of the eight yamim; for it is an eternal ordinance, ordained and written on the heavenly tablets.

26 And everyone that is born, the flesh of whose foreskin is not made brit-milah on the eighth yom, belongs not to the children of the brit which YHUH made with Avraham but to the children of destruction; nor is there, moreover, any ot on him that he is YHUH’s but he is destined to be destroyed and slain from the earth and to be rooted out of the earth, for he has broken the brit of YHUH our Ahlohim.

27 For all the malachim of the presence and all the malachim of kedusha have been so created from the yom of their creation and before the malachim of the presence and the malachim of kedusha He has sanctified Yisrael, that they should be with Him and with His kadosh malachim.

28 And you command the children of Yisrael and let them observe the ot of this brit for their generations as an eternal ordinance and they will not be rooted out of the land.

29 For the command is ordained for a brit, that they should observe it le-olam-va-ed among all the children of Yisrael.

30 For Ishmael and his sons and his brothers and Esav,YHUH did not cause to approach Him and He chose them not; though they are the children of Avraham,yet because He knew them; and He chose Yisrael to be His people.

31 And He sanctified it and gathered it from among all the children of men; for there are many goyim and many peoples and all are His and over all goyim has He placed ruachim in authority to lead them, to allow them to go astray from Him.

32 But over Yisrael He did not appoint any malach or ruach to lead them astray, for He alone is their Ruler and He will preserve them and require them at the hand of His malachim and His ruachim and at the hand of all His powers, in order that He may preserve them and bless them and that they may be His and He may be theirs from now on le-olam-va-ed.

33 And now I announce to you that the children of Yisrael will not keep emet to this ordinance and they will not brit-milah their sons according to all this Torah; for in the flesh of their brit milah they will omit this brit milah of their sons and all of them, sons of Belial, will leave their sons without brit milah, as they were born.

34 And there will be great wrath from YHUH against the children of Yisrael because they have forsaken His brit and turned aside from His Word and provoked and blasphemed, inasmuch as they do not observe the ordinance of this Torah; for they have treated their members like the goyim, so that they may be removed and rooted out of the land. And there will no more be pardon or forgiveness to them for all the sin of this eternal error.

16 And on the first yom of the fourth chodesh we appeared to Avraham, at the oak of Mamre and we talked with him and we announced to him that a son would be given to him by Sarah his isha.

2 And Sarah laughed, for she heard that we had spoken these words with Avraham and we admonished her and she became afraid and denied that she had laughed on account of the words.

3 And we told her the name of her son, as his name is ordained and written in the heavenly tablets; Yitschaq,

4 And that when we returned to her at a set time, she would have conceived a son.

5 And in this chodesh YHUH executed his mishpatim on Sedom and Amorah and Zevoim and all the region of the Yarden and He burned them with fire and brimstone and destroyed them until this yom, even as I have declared to you all their works, that they are wicked and sinners exceedingly and that they defile themselves and commit fornication in their flesh and work uncleanness on the earth.

6 And, in like manner, YHUH will execute mishpat on the places where they have done according to the uncleanness of the Sedomites, like to the mishpat of Sedom.

7 But Lot we saved; for YHUH remembered Avraham and sent him out from the midst of the overthrow.

8 And he and his daughters committed sin upon the earth, such as had not been on the earth since the yamim of Ahdam till his time; for the man lay with his daughters.

9 And, behold, it was commanded and engraved concerning all his zera, on the heavenly tablets, to remove them and root them out and to execute mishpat upon them like the mishpat of Sedom and to leave no zera of the man on earth on the yom of condemnation.

10 And in this chodesh Avraham moved from Chebron and departed and dwelt between Kadesh and Shur in the mountains of Gerar.

11 And in the middle of the fifth chodesh he moved from there and dwelt at the Well of the Oath.

12 And in the middle of the sixth chodesh YHUH visited Sarah and did to her as He had spoken and she conceived.

13 And she bare a son in the third chodesh and in the middle of the chodesh, at the time of which YHUH had spoken to Avraham, on the moed of the bikkurim of the harvest, Shavuot, Yitschaq was born.

14 And Avraham made brit-milah upon his son on the eighth yom: he was the first that was made brit-milah according to the brit which is ordained le-olam-va-ed.

15 And in the sixth year of the fourth week we came to Avraham, to the Well of the Oath and we appeared to him, as we had told Sarah that we should return to her and she would have conceived a son.

16 And we returned in the seventh chodesh and found Sarah with child before us and we blessed him and we announced to him all the things which had been decreed concerning him, that he should not die until he should beget six sons more and should see them before he died; but that in Yitschaq should his name and zera be called:

17 And that all the zera of his sons should be goyim and be reckoned with the goyim; but from the sons of Yitschaq one should become a Kadosh zera and should not be reckoned among the goyim.

18 For He should become The Portion of YHUH and all his zera had fallen into the possession of YHUH, that it should be to YHUH a people for His possession above all goyim and that it should become a malchut and kohanim and a kadosh nation.

19 And we went our derech and we announced to Sarah all that we had told him and they both rejoiced with exceeding great simcha.

20 And he built there an altar to YHUH who had delivered him and who was making him rejoice in the land of his sojourning and he celebrated a moed of simchah in this chodesh seven yamim, Sukkot, near the altar which he had built at the Well of the Oath.

21 And he built booths for himself and for his avadim on this moed and he Avraham was the first to celebrate the Moed of Tabernacles on the earth.

22 And during these seven yamim he brought each yom to the altar a burnt offering to YHUH, two oxen, two rams, seven sheep, one he-goat, for a sin offering, that he might atone thereby for himself and for his zera.

23 And, as a thank-offering, seven rams, seven kids, seven sheep and seven he-goats and their fruit offerings and their drink offerings; and he burnt all the fat of it on the altar, a chosen offering to YHUH for a sweet smelling savor.

24 And boker and evening he burnt fragrant substances, frankincense and galbanum and stackte and nard and myrrh and spice and costum; all these seven he offered, crushed, mixed together in equal parts and pure.

25 And he celebrated this moed during seven yamim, rejoicing with all his lev and with all his nephesh, he and all those who were in his bayit and there was no stranger with him, nor any that was not in brit-milah.

26 And he blessed his Creator, Who had created him in that generation, for He had created him according to His tov pleasure; for Avraham knew and perceived that from him would arise The Plant of Tzedakah for the eternal generations and from him a kadosh zera, so that it should become like Him, Who had made all things.

27 And he blessed and rejoiced and he called the name of this moed The Moed of YHUH’s Simcha, acceptable to El-Elyon YHUH.

28 And we blessed him le-olam-va-ed and all his zera after him throughout all the generations of the earth because he celebrated this moed in its season, according to the testimony of the heavenly tablets.

29 For this reason it is ordained on the heavenly tablets concerning Yisrael, that they shall celebrate the Moed of Tabernacles-Sukkoth seven yamim with simcha, in the seventh chodesh, acceptable before YHUH - a statute le-olam-va-ed throughout their generations every year.

30 And to this there is no limit of yamim; for it is ordained le-olam-va-ed regarding Yisrael that they should celebrate it and dwell in booths and set wreaths upon their heads and take leafy boughs and willows from the brook.

31 And Avraham took branches of palm eytzim and the fruit of tov eytzim and every yom going round the altar with the branches seven times a yom in the boker, he praised and gave hodu to YHUH his Ahlohim for all things in simcha.

17 And in the first year of the fifth week Yitschaq was weaned in this Yovel and Avraham made a great banquet in the third chodesh, on the yom his son Yitschaq was weaned.

2 And Ishmael, the son of Hagar, the Mitzrite, was before the face of Avraham, his abba, in his place and Avraham rejoiced and blessed YHUH because he had seen his sons and had not died childless.

3 And he remembered the words which He had spoken to him on the yom on which Lot had parted from him and he rejoiced because YHUH had given him zera upon the earth to inherit the earth and he blessed with all his mouth The Creator of all things.

4 And Sarah saw Ishmael playing and dancing and Avraham rejoicing with great simcha and she became jealous of Ishmael and said to Avraham, Cast out this bondwoman and her son; for the son of this bondwoman will not be heir with my son, Yitschaq.

5 And the thing was grievous in Avraham's sight because of his maidservant and because of his son, that he should drive them from him.

6 And YHUH said to Avraham; Let it not be grievous in your sight because of the child and because of the bondwoman; in all that Sarah has said to you, listen to her words and do them; for in Yitschaq shall your name and zera be called.

7 But as for the son of this bondwoman I will make him a great nation because he is of your zera.

8 And Avraham rose up early in the boker and took lechem and a bottle of mayim and placed them on the shoulders of Hagar and the child and sent her away.

9 And she departed and wandered in the midbar of Beersheva and the mayim in the bottle was gone and the child thirsted and was not able to go on and fell down.

10 And his eema took him and cast him under an olive eytz and went and sat her down opposite him, at the distance of a bow-shot; for she said, Let me not see the death of my child as she sat she wept.

11 And a Malach of YHUH, one of the kadosh ones, said to her, Why weep, Hagar? Arise take the child and hold him in your hand; for YHUH has heard your voice and has seen the child.

12 And she opened her eyes and she saw a well of mayim and she went and filled her bottle with mayim and she gave her child to drink and she arose and went towards the midbar of Paran.

13 And the child grew and became an archer and YHUH was with him and his eema took him an isha from among the daughters of Mitzrayim.

14 And she bare him a son and he called his name Nevaioth; for she said,YHUH was near to me when I called upon Him.

15 And it came to pass in the seventh week, in the first year of it, in the first chodesh in this Yovel, on the twelfth of this chodesh, there were voices in the shamayim regarding Avraham, that he was faithful in all that He told him and that he loved YHUH and that in every affliction he was faithful.

16 And the sar Mastema came and said before YHUH, Behold, Avraham loves Yitschaq his son and he delights in him above all other things; command him to offer him as a burnt-offering on the altar and You will see if he will do this command and You will know if he is faithful in everything in which You do test him.

17 And YHUH knew that Avraham was faithful in all his afflictions; for He had tried him through his country and with famine and had tried him with the wealth of melechim and had tried him again through his isha, when she was torn from him and with brit milah; and had tried him through Ishmael and Hagar, his maid-eved, when he sent them away.

18 And in everything in which He had tried him, he was found faithful and his nephesh was not impatient and he was not slow to act; for he was faithful and a lover of YHUH.

18 And YHUH said to him, Avraham, Avraham; and he said, Behold, here am I. Hinayne.

2 And He said, Take your beloved son whom you love, even Yitschaq and go to the high country and offer him on one of the mountains which I will point out to you.

3 And he rose early in the boker and saddled his donkey and took his two young men with him and Yitschaq his son and clave the wood of the burnt offering and he went to the place on the third yom, and he saw the place afar off.

4 And he came to a well of mayim and he said to his young men, Abide here with the donkey and I and the lad shall go over there and when we have worshipped we shall come again to you.

5 And he took the wood of the burnt-offering and laid it on Yitschaq his son and he took in his hand the fire and the knife and they went both of them together to that place.

6 And Yitschaq said to his abba, Abba; and he said, Here am I, my son. And he said to him, Behold the fire and the knife and the wood; but where is the Lamb for the burnt-offering abba?

7 And he said,YHUH will provide Himself-The Lamb-for the burnt-offering, my son. And he drew near to the place of the Har of YHUH.

8 And he built an altar and he placed the wood on the altar and bound Yitschaq his son and placed him on the wood which was upon the altar and stretched forth his hand to take the knife to slay Yitschaq his son.

9 And I stood before him and before the sar Mastema and YHUH said, Tell him not to lay his hand on the lad, nor to do anything to him, for I have showed that he fears YHUH.

10 And I called to him from the shamayim and said to him: Avraham, Avraham and he was terrified and said: Behold, here am I, Hinayne.

11 And I said to him: Lay not your hand upon the lad, neither do anything to him; for now I have showed that you fear YHUH and have not withheld your son, your bachor son, from Me.

12 And the sar Mastema was put to shame; and Avraham lifted up his eyes and looked and, behold a ram caught by his horns and Avraham went and took the ram and offered it for a burnt-offering in the place of his son.

13 And Avraham called that place YHUH has seen-YHUH YIREH, so that it is said YHUH has seen: that is Har Tzion.

14 And YHUH called Avraham by his name a second time from the shamayim, as He caused us to appear to speak to him in The Name of YHUH.

15 And He said: By Myself have I sworn, says YHUH, Because you have done this thing, So have not withheld your son, your beloved son, from Me, That in blessing I will bless you and in multiplying I will multiply your zera, as the cochavim of the shamayim and as the sand which is on the seashore.

16 And your zera shall inherit the cities of its enemies, So in your zera shall all goyim of the earth be blessed-mixed; because you have obeyed My voice and I have showed to all that you are faithful to Me in all that I have said to you: Go in shalom.

17 And Avraham went to his young men and they arose and went together to Beersheva and Avraham;

18 Dwelt by the Well of the Oath. And he celebrated this moed every year, seven yamim with simchah and he called it The Moed of YHUH according to the seven yamim, Chag Matzoth-Unleavened Lechem during which he went out and returned in shalom.

19 And accordingly has it been ordained and written on the heavenly tablets regarding Yisrael and its zera that they should observe this moed seven yamim with the simcha of the moed.

19 And in the first year of the first week in the forty-second Yovel, Avraham returned and dwelt opposite Chebron, that is Qiryath Arba, two weeks of years.

2 And in the first year of the third week of this Yovel the yamim of the chayim of Sarah were accomplished and she died in Chebron.

3 And Avraham went to mourn over her and bury her and we tried him to see if his ruach was patient and he was not indignant in the words of his mouth; and he was found patient in this and was not disturbed.

4 For in patience of ruach he conversed with the children of Chet, to the intent that they should give him a place in which to bury his dead.

5 And YHUH gave him free unmerited chen before all who saw him and he sought out in gentleness the sons of Chet and they gave him the land of the double cave, Machpelah, over against Mamre, that is Chebron, for four hundred pieces of silver.

6 And they sought him saying, We shall give it to you for nothing; but he would not take it from their hands for nothing, for he gave the price of the place, the money in full and he bowed down before them twice and after this he buried his dead in the double cave of Machpelah.

7 And all the yamim of the chayim of Sarah were one hundred and twenty-seven years, that is, two Yovleem and four weeks and one year: these are the yamim of the years of the chayim of Sarah.

8 This is the tenth trial with which Avraham was tried and he was found faithful and patient in ruach.

9 And he said not a single word regarding the rumor in the land how that YHUH had said that He would give it to him and to his zera after him and he begged a place there to bury his dead; for he was found faithful and was recorded on the heavenly tablets as the chaver of YHUH.

10 And in the fourth year of it he took an isha for his son Yitschaq and her name was Rivkah the daughter of Bethuel, the son of Nachor, the brother of Avraham, the sister of Lavan and daughter of Bethuel; and Bethuel was the son of Melcha, who was the isha of Nachor, the brother of Avraham.

11 And Avraham took to himself a third isha, and her name was Keturah, from among the daughters of his household avadim, for Hagar had died before Sarah. And she bare him six sons, Zimram and Jokshan and Medan and Midian and Ishvak and Shuah, in the two weeks of years.

12 And in the sixth week, in the second year of it, Rivkah bare to Yitschaq two sons, Yaakov and Esav and;

13 Yaakov was a smooth and upright man and Esav was fierce, a man of the field and hairy and Yaakov dwelt in sukkot.

14 And the youths grew and Yaakov learned to write; but Esav did not learn, for he was a man of the field and a hunter and he learned war and all his deeds were fierce.

15 And Avraham loved Yaakov but Yitschaq loved Esav.

16 And Avraham saw the deeds of Esav and he knew that in Yaakov should his name and zera be called; and he called Rivkah and gave a commandment regarding Yaakov, for he knew that she too loved Yaakov much more than Esav.

17 And he said to her: My daughter, watch over my son Yaakov, For he shall be in my place on the earth, for a bracha in the midst of the children of men and for the splendor of the whole zera of Shem.

18 For I know that YHUH will choose him to be a people for possession to Himself, above all peoples that are upon the face of the earth.

19 And behold, Yitschaq my son loves Esav more than Yaakov but I see that you truly love Yaakov.

20 Add still further to your kindness to him and let your eyes be upon him in love; for he shall be a bracha to us on the earth from now on to all generations of the earth.

21 Let your hands be strong and let your lev rejoice in your son Yaakov; For I have loved him far beyond all my sons. He shall be blessed le-olam-va-ed and his zera shall fill the whole earth.

22 If a man can number the sand of the earth, His zera also shall be numbered.

23 And all the brachot with which YHUH has blessed me and my zera shall belong to Yaakov and his zera always.

24 And in his zera shall my name be blessed and the name of my avot, Shem and Noach and Chanok and Mahalalel and Enos and Seth and Ahdam.

25 And these shall serve to lay the foundations of the shamayim and to strengthen the earth, to renew all the luminaries which are in the firmament.

26 And he called Yaakov before the eyes of Rivkah his eema and kissed him and blessed him and said:

27 Yaakov, my beloved son, whom my nephesh loves, may YHUH bless you from above the firmament and may He give you all the brachot with which He blessed Ahdam and Chanok and Noach and Shem; and all the things of which He told me and all the things which He promised to give me, may He cause to cleave to you and to your zera le-olam-va-ed, according to the yamim of shamayim above the earth.

28 And the ruachim of Mastema shall not rule over you or over your zera to turn you from YHUH, who is your Ahlohim from now on le-olam-va-ed.

29 And may YHUH Ahlohim be an Abba to you; you the bacor son and to the people always.

30 Go in shalom, my son. And they both went forth together from Avraham.

31 And Rivkah loved Yaakov, with all her lev and with all her nephesh, very much more than Esav; but Yitschaq loved Esav much more than Yaakov.

20 And in the forty-second Yovel, in the first year of the seventh week, Avraham called Ishmael and his twelve sons and Yitschaq and his two sons and the six sons of Keturah and their sons.

2 And he commanded them that they should observe the derech of YHUH; that they should work tzedakah and love each his neighbor and act in this manner among all men; that they should each so walk with regard to them, so as to do just mishpat and tzedakah on the earth.

3 That they should brit-milah their sons, according to the brit which He had made with them and not deviate to the right hand or the left of all the paths which YHUH had commanded us; and that we should keep ourselves from all fornication and uncleanness and renounce from among us all fornication and uncleanness.

4 And if any woman or maid commit fornication among you, burn her with fire and let them not commit fornication with her after their eyes and their lev; and let them not take to themselves wives from the daughters of Kanaan; for the zera of Kanaan will be rooted out of the land.

5 And he told them of the mishpat of the giants and the mishpat of the Sedomites, how they had been judged on account of their wickedness and had died on account of their fornication and uncleanness and mutual corruption through fornication.

6 And guard yourselves from all fornication and uncleanness and from all pollution of sin, lest you make our name a curse and your whole chayim a hissing and all your sons to be destroyed by the sword and you become cursed like Sedom and all your remnant as the sons of Amorah.

7 I implore you, my sons, love YHUH of the shamayim and cleave to all His mitzvoth.

8 And walk not after their idols and after their uncleanness and make not for yourselves molten or graven ahlahim; for they are vanity and there is no ruach in them; for they are the work of men's hands and all who trust in them, trust in nothing.

9 Serve them not, nor worship them but serve El-Elyon YHUH and worship Him continually: and tikvah for His countenance always and work tzedakah before Him; that He may have pleasure in you and grant you His rachamim and send rain upon you boker and evening; and bless all your works which you have done upon the earth; and bless your lechem and your mayim; and bless the fruit of your womb and the fruit of your land; and the herds of your cattle and the flocks of your sheep.

10 And you will be for a bracha on the earth and all goyim of the earth will desire you; and bless your sons in my name, that they may be blessed as I am.

11 And he gave to Ishmael and to his sons and to the sons of Keturah, gifts and sent them away from Yitschaq his son and he gave everything to Yitschaq his son.

12 And Ishmael and his sons and the sons of Keturah and their sons, went together and dwelt from Paran to the entering in of Bavel in all the land which is towards the East facing the desert.

13 And these mixed with each other and their name was called Arabs and Ishmaelites.

21 And in the sixth year of the seventh week of this Yovel Avraham called Yitschaq his son and commanded him: saying, I am old and know not the yom of my death and am full of my yamim.

2 And behold, I am one hundred and seventy-five years old and throughout all the yamim of my chayim I have remembered YHUH and sought with all my lev to do His will and to walk uprightly in all His derachot.

3 My nephesh has hated idols and I have given my lev and ruach, that I might observe to do the will of Him Who created me.

4 For He is the living YHUH and He is kadosh and faithful and He is tzadik beyond all and there is with Him no accepting of men's persons and no accepting of gifts; for YHUH is tzadik and executes mishpat on all those who transgress His mitzvoth and despise His brit.

5 And you, my son, observe His mitzvoth and His ordinances and His mishpatim and walk not after the abominations and after the graven images and after the molten images.

6 And eat no dahm at all of animals or cattle, or of any bird which flies in the shamayim.

7 And if you do slay a victim as an acceptable shalom offering, slay it and pour out its dahm upon the altar and all the fat of the offering offer on the altar with fine flour and the meat offering mixed with oil, with its drink offering - offer them all together on the altar of burnt offering; it is a sweet savor before YHUH.

8 And you will offer the fat of the sacrifice of thank offerings on the fire which is upon the altar and the fat which is on the belly and all the fat on the inwards and the two kidneys and all the fat that is upon them and the loins and liver you shall remove, together with the kidneys.

9 And offer all these for a sweet savor acceptable before YHUH, with its meat-offering and with its drink-offering, for a sweet savor, the lechem of the offering to YHUH.

10 And eat its meat on that yom and on the second yom and let not the shemesh on the second yom go down upon it till it is eaten and let nothing be left over for the third yom; for it is not acceptable, for it is not approved and let it no longer be eaten and all who eat of it will bring sin upon themselves; for so I have found it written in the scrolls of my forefathers and in the words of Chanok and in the words of Noach.

11 And on all your oblations you shall sprinkle salt and let not the salt of the brit be lacking in all your oblations before YHUH.

12 And as regards to the wood of the sacrifices, beware lest you bring other wood for the altar in addition to these: cypress, bay, almond, fir, pine, cedar, savin, fig, olive, myrrh, laurel, aspalathus.

13 And of these kinds of wood lay upon the altar under the sacrifice, such as have been tested as to their appearance and do not lay on it any split or dark wood but hard and clean, without fault, a sound and new growth; and do not lay on it old wood, for its fragrance is gone; for there is no longer fragrance in it as before.

14 Besides these kinds of wood, there is none other that you shall place on the altar, for the fragrance is dispersed and the smell of its fragrance goes not up to the shamayim.

15 Observe this commandment and do it, my son, that you may be upright in all your deeds.

16 And at all times be clean in your gooff and wash yourself with mayim before you approach to offer on the altar and wash your hands and your feet before you draw near to the altar; and when you are done sacrificing, wash again your hands and your feet.

17 And let no dahm appear upon you nor upon your clothes; be on your guard, my son, against dahm, be on your guard exceedingly; cover it with dust.

18 And do not eat any dahm for it is the chayim of the nephesh; eat no dahm whatsoever.

19 And take no gifts for the dahm of man, lest it be shed with impunity, without mishpat; for it is the dahm that is shed that causes the earth to sin and the earth cannot be cleansed from the dahm of a man, except by the dahm of him who shed it.

20 And take no present or gift for the dahm of man: dahm for dahm, that you may be accepted before Ahlohim, El-Elyon YHUH; for He is the defense of the tov ones: and that you may be preserved from all evil and that He may save you from every kind of death.

21 I see, my son, that all the works of the children of men are sin and wickedness and all their deeds are uncleanness and an abomination and a pollution and there is no tzedakah with them.

22 Beware, lest you should walk in their derachot and tread in their paths and sin a sin to death before El-Elyon YHUH. Or, else, He will hide His face from you and give you back into the hands of your transgression and root you out of the land and your zera likewise from under the shamayim and your name and your zera shall perish from the whole earth.

23 Turn away from all their deeds and all their uncleanness and observe the ordinance of El-Elyon YHUH and do His will and be upright in all things.

24 And He will bless you in all your deeds and will raise up from you a Plant of Tzedakah through all the earth, throughout all generations of the earth and my name and your name shall not be forgotten under the shamayim le-olam-va-ed.

25 Go, my son in shalom. May El-Elyon YHUH, my Ahlohim and your Ahlohim, strengthen you to do His will; and may He bless all your zera and the residue of your zera for the generations le-olam-va-ed, with all tzadik brachot, that you may be a bracha in all the earth.

26 And he went out from him rejoicing.

22 And it came to pass in the first week in the forty-fourth Yovel, in the second year, that is, the year in which Avraham died, that Yitschaq and Ishmael came from the Well of the Oath to celebrate The Feast of Weeks - that is, The Feast of the First Fruits of the wheat harvest - to Avraham, their abba and Avraham rejoiced because his two sons had come.

2 For Yitschaq had many possessions in Beersheva and Yitschaq was inclined to go and see his possessions and to return to his abba.

3 And in those yamim Ishmael came to see his abba and they both came together and Yitschaq offered a sacrifice for a burnt offering and presented it on the altar of his abba which he had made in Chebron.

4 And he offered a thank offering and made a moed of simcha before Ishmael, his brother: and Rivkah made new cakes from the new grain and gave them to Yaakov, her son, to take them to Avraham, his grandfather, from the bikkurim of the land, that he might eat and bless The Creator of all things before he died.

5 And Yitschaq, too, sent by the hand of Yaakov to Avraham a best thank offering, that he might eat and drink.

6 And he ate and drank and blessed El-Elyon YHUH, Who has created the shamayim and earth, Who has made all the fat things of the earth and given them to the children of men, that they might eat and drink and bless their Creator.

7 And now I give hodu to You, my Ahlohim because You have caused me to see this yom: behold, I am one hundred and seventy five years, an old man and full of yamim and all my yamim have been in Your shalom.

8 The sword of the adversary has not overcome me in all that You have given me and my children all the yamim of my chayim until this yom.

9 My Ahlohim, may Your rachamim and Your shalom be upon Your eved and upon the zera of his sons, that they may be to You a chosen nation and an inheritance from among all the goyim of the earth from now on to all the yamim of the generations of the earth, to all the ages.

10 And he called Yaakov and said: My son Yaakov, may YHUH the Ahlohim of all bless you and strengthen you to do tzedakah and His will before Him and may He choose you and your zera that you may become a people for His inheritance according to His will always.

11 And my son Yaakov, draw near and kiss me. And he drew near and kissed him and he said: Blessed be my son Yaakov and all the sons of YHUH El-Elyon, to all the ages: may YHUH give to you a zera of tzedakah; and some of your sons may He sanctify in the midst of the whole earth; may goyim serve you and all the goyim bow themselves before your zera.

12 Be strong in the presence of men and exercise authority over all the zera of Seth. Then your derachot and the derachot of your sons will be justified. So that they shall become a kadosh nation.

13 May El-Elyon YHUH give you all the brachot with which He has blessed me and with which He blessed Noach and Ahdam; may they rest on the kadosh head of your zera from generation to generation le-olam-va-ed.

14 And may He cleanse you from all unrighteousness and impurity that you may be forgiven all the transgressions; which you have committed ignorantly. And may He strengthen you and bless you.

15 And may you inherit the whole earth and may He renew His brit with you. That you may be to Him a nation for His inheritance for all the ages and that He may be to you and to your zera the Ahlohim in emet and tzedakah throughout all the yamim of the earth.

16 And you, my son Yaakov, remember my words and observe the mitzvoth of Avraham your abba: Separate yourself from the goyim and eat not with them: and do not according to their works; and become not their associate; for their works are unclean and all their derachot are a pollution and an abomination and uncleanness.

17 They offer their sacrifices to the dead and they worship evil ruachim and they eat over the graves and all their works are vanity and nothingness.

18 They have no lev to understand and their eyes do not see what their works are and how they err in saying to a piece of wood: You are my ahlahim and to a stone: You are my ahlahim and you are my deliverer. And they have no lev of binah.

19 And as for you, my son Yaakov, may El-Elyon YHUH help you and the Ahlohim of the shamayim bless you and remove you from their uncleanness and from all their error.

20 Be warned, my son Yaakov, of taking an isha from any zera of the daughters of Kanaan; for all his zera is to be rooted out of the earth.

21 For, owing to the transgression of Ham, Kanaan erred and all his zera shall be destroyed from off the land and all the residue of it and none springing from him shall be saved on the yom of mishpat.

22 And as for all the worshippers of idols and the profane, there shall be no tikvah for them in the land of the living; and there shall be no remembrance of them on the earth, for they shall descend into Sheol and into the place of condemnation shall they go; as the children of Sedom were taken away, raptured from the earth, so will all those who worship idols be taken away.

23 Fear not, my son Yaakov and be not dismayed, O son of Avraham: May El-Elyon YHUH preserve you from destruction and from all the paths of error may He deliver you.

24 This bayit have I built for myself that I might put my name upon it in the earth: it is given to you and to your zera le-olam-va-ed and it will be named the Beit Avraham; it is given to you and to your zera le-olam-va-ed; for you will build my bayit and establish my name before YHUH le-olam-va-ed: your zera and your name will stand throughout all generations of the earth.

25 And he ceased commanding him and blessing him.

26 And the two lay together on one bed and Yaakov slept in the bosom of Avraham, his abba's abba and he kissed him seven times and his affection and his lev rejoiced over him.

27 And he blessed him with all his lev and said: El-Elyon YHUH, the Ahlohim of all and Creator of all, Who brought me forth from Ur of the Chaldees that He might give me this land to inherit it le-olam-va-ed and that I might establish a kadosh zera, Blessed be YHUH le-olam-va-ed. Ahmein.

28 And he blessed Yaakov and said: My son, over whom with all my lev and my affection I rejoice, may His free unmerited chen and His rachamim be lifted up upon Yaakov and upon his zera always.

29 And do not forsake him, nor bring him to nothing from now on to the yamim of eternity and may Your eyes be opened upon him and upon his zera, that You may preserve him and;

30 Bless him and may make him kadosh as a nation for Your inheritance; and bless him with all Your brachot from now on to all the yamim of eternity and renew Your brit and Your free unmerited chen with him and with his zera according to all Your tov pleasure to all the generations of the earth.

23 And he placed two fingers of Yaakov on his eyes and he blessed the El of all Ahlohim and he covered his face and stretched out his feet and slept the sleep of eternity and was gathered to his avot.

2 And notwithstanding all this Yaakov was lying in his bosom and knew not that Avraham, his abba's abba, was dead.

3 And Yaakov awoke from his sleep and behold Avraham was cold as ice and he said Abba, abba; but there was none that spoke and he knew then that he was dead.

4 And he arose from his bosom and ran and told Rivkah, his eema; and Rivkah went to Yitschaq in the lyla and told him; and they went together and Yaakov with them and a lamp was in his hand and when they had gone in they found Avraham lying dead.

5 And Yitschaq fell on the face of his abba and wept and kissed him.

6 And the voices were heard in the bayit of Avraham and Ishmael his son arose and went to Avraham his abba and wept over Avraham his abba, he and all the bayit of Avraham and they wept with a great weeping.

7 And his sons Yitschaq and Ishmael buried him in the double cave, near Sarah his isha and they wept for him forty yamim, all the men of his bayit and Yitschaq and Ishmael and all their sons and all the sons of Keturah in their places; and the yamim of weeping for Avraham were ended.

8 And he lived three Yovleem and four weeks of years, one hundred;

9 And seventy-five years and completed the yamim of his chayim, being old and full of yamim. For the yamim of the forefathers, of their chayim, were nineteen Yovleem; and after The Flood they began to grow less than nineteen Yovleem and to decrease in Yovleem and to grow old quickly and not to be full of their yamim by reason of manifold tribulations and the wickedness of their derachot, with the exception of Avraham.

10 For Avraham was perfect in all his mitzvoth with YHUH and well pleasing in tzedakah all the yamim of his chayim; and behold, he did not complete four Yovleem in his chayim, when he had grown old by reason of the wickedness around him and was full of his yamim.

11. And all the generations which shall arise from this time until the yom of the Great Judgment shall grow old quickly, before they complete two Yovleem and their da’at shall forsake them by reason of their old age and all their da’at shall vanish away.

12 And in those future yamim, if a man lives a Yovel and a-half of years, they shall surely say regarding him: He has lived long and the greater part of his yamim are pain and sorrow and tribulation and there is no shalom:

13 For calamity follows on calamity and wound on wound and tribulation on tribulation and evil tidings on evil tidings and illness on illness and all evil mishpatim such as these, one with another, illness and overthrow and snow and frost and ice and fever and chills and lethargy and famine and death and sword and captivity and all kinds of calamities and pains.

14 And all these shall come on an evil generation, which transgresses on the earth: their works are uncleanness and fornication and pollution and abominations.

15 Then they shall say: The yamim of the forefathers were many even, to a thousand years and were tov; but behold, the yamim of our chayim, if a man has lived many, are three score years and ten-70 and if he is strong, four score-80 years and even those are evil and there is no shalom in the yamim of this evil generation.

16 And in that generation the sons shall convict their avot and their zechanim of sin and unrighteousness and of the words of their mouth and the great wickedness which they perpetrate and concerning their forsaking the brit which YHUH made between them and Him that they should observe and do all His mitzvoth and His ordinances and all His Torah, without departing either to the right hand or the left.

17 For all have done evil and every mouth speaks iniquity and all their works are uncleanness and an abomination and all their derachot are pollution, uncleanness and destruction.

18 Behold the earth shall be destroyed on account of all their works and there shall be no zera of the vine and no oil; for their works are altogether faithless and they shall all perish together, beasts and cattle and birds and all the fish of the sea, on account of the children of men.

19 And they shall strive one with another, the young with the old and the old with the young, the poor with the rich, the lowly with the great and the beggar with the sar, on account of The Torah and the brit; for they have forgotten the mitzvoth and the brit and the moadem and chodasheem and the Shabbats and Yoveleem and all the mishpatim.

20 And they shall try with swords and war to turn them back into the derech; but they shall not return until much dahm has been shed on the earth, one by another.

21 And those who have escaped shall not return from their wickedness to the derech of tzedakah but they shall all exalt themselves to deceit and wealth, that they may each take all that is his neighbor’s and they shall claim and use the great Name of YHUH but not in emet and not in tzedakah and they shall defile the Kadosh Ha Kadosheem with their uncleanness and the corruption of their pollution.

22 And a great punishment shall befall the deeds of this generation from YHUH and He will give them over to the sword and to mishpat and to captivity to be plundered and devoured.

23 And He will wake up against them the sinners of the goyim, who have neither rachamim nor rachamim and who shall respect the person of no one, neither old nor young, nor anyone, for they are more wicked and strong to do evil than all the children of men. And they shall use violence against Yisrael and transgression against Yaakov and much dahm shall be shed upon the earth and there shall be none to gather and none to bury.

24 In those yamim they shall cry aloud and call and make tefillah that they may be saved from the hand of the sinners, the goyim; but none shall be saved.

25 And the heads of the children shall be white with grey hair and a child of three weeks shall appear old like a man of one hundred years and their stature shall be destroyed by tribulation and oppression.

26 And in those yamim the children shall begin to study the Torot and to seek the mitzvoth and to return to the derech of tzedakah.

27 And the yamim shall begin to grow many and increase among those children of men until their yamim draws near to one thousand years. And to a greater number of years than before will be the number of the yamim.

28 And there shall be no old man, or one who is not satisfied with his yamim, for all shall be as children and as youths.

29 And all their yamim they shall complete and live in shalom and in simcha and there shall be no s.a.tan, nor any evil destroyer; for all their yamim shall be yamim of blessing and healing.

30 And at that time YHUH will heal His avadim and they shall rise up and see great shalom and drive out their adversaries. And the tzadik shall see and be thankful and rejoice with simcha le-olam-va-ed and shall see all their mishpatim and all their curses on their enemies.

31 And their bones shall rest in the earth and their ruachim shall have much simcha and they shall know that it is YHUH who executes mishpat and shows rachamim to hundreds and thousands and to all that love Him.

32 And you, Moshe, write down these Words; for so are they written and they are recorded on the heavenly tablets for a testimony for the generations le-olam-va-ed.

24 And it came to pass after the death of Avraham that YHUH blessed Yitschaq his son and he arose from Chebron and went and dwelt at the Well of the Vision in the first year of the third week of this Yovel, seven years.

2 And in the first year of the fourth week a famine began in the land, besides the first famine, which had been in the yamim of Avraham.

3 And Yaakov made lentil pottage and Esav came from the field hungry. And he said to Yaakov his brother: Give me of this red pottage. And Yaakov said to him: Sell to me your bechora and I will give you lechem and also some of this lentil pottage.

4 And Esav said in his lev: I shall die; of what profit to me is this bechora ?

5 And he said to Yaakov: I give it to you. And Yaakov said: Swear to me, this yom and he swore to him.

6 And Yaakov gave his brother Esav lechem and pottage and he ate until he was satisfied and Esav despised his bechora ; for this reason was Esav's name called Edom, on account of the red pottage which Yaakov gave him for his bechora .

7 And Yaakov became the elder and Esav was brought down from his dignity.

8 And the famine was over the land and Yitschaq departed to go down into Mitzrayim in the second year of this week and went to the melech of the Philistines to Gerar, to Avimelech.

9 And YHUH appeared to him and said to him: Go not down into Mitzrayim; dwell in the land that I shall tell you of and sojourn in this land and I will be with you and bless you.

10 For to you and to your zera will I give all this land and I will establish My oath which I swore to Avraham your abba and I will multiply your zera as the cochavim of the shamayim and will give to your zera all this land.

11 And in your zera shall all the goyim of the earth be blessed-mixed because your abba obeyed My voice and kept My charge and My mitzvoth and My Torot and My ordinances and My brit; and now obey My voice and dwell in this land.

12 And he dwelt in Gerar three weeks of years.

13 And Avimelech charged concerning him and concerning all that was his, saying: Any man that shall touch him or anything that is his shall surely die.

14 And Yitschaq waxed strong among the Philistines and he acquired many possessions, oxen and sheep and camels and donkeys and a great household.

15 And he sowed in the land of the Philistines and brought in a hundred-fold and Yitschaq became exceedingly great and the Philistines envied him.

16 Now all the wells which the avadim of Avraham had dug during the chayim of Avraham, the Philistines had stopped them after the death of Avraham and filled them with earth.

17 And Avimelech said to Yitschaq: Go from us, for you are much mightier than we are and Yitschaq departed there in the first year of the seventh week and sojourned in the Valleys of Gerar.

18 And they dug again the wells of mayim which the avadim of Avraham, his abba, had dug and which the Philistines had closed after the death of Avraham his abba and he called their names as Avraham his abba had named them.

19 And the avadim of Yitschaq dug a well in the valley and found living mayim and the shepherds of Gerar strove with the shepherds of Yitschaq, saying: The mayim is ours; and Yitschaq called the name of the well Perversity because they had been perverse with us.

20 And they dug a second well and they strove for that also and he called its name Enmity. And he arose from there and they dug another well and for that they strove not and he called the name of it Room and Yitschaq said: Now YHUH has made room for us and we have increased in the land.

21 And he went up from there to the Well of the Oath in the first year of the first week in the forty-fourth Yovel.

22 And YHUH appeared to him that lyla, on the first yom of the first chodesh and said to him: I AM YHUH the Ahlohim of Avraham your abba; fear not, for I AM with you and shall bless you and shall surely multiply your zera as the sand of the earth, for the sake of Avraham my eved.

23 And he built an altar there, which Avraham his abba had first built and he called upon The Name of YHUH and he offered sacrifice to the Ahlohim of Avraham his abba.

24 And they dug a well and they found living mayim.

25 And the avadim of Yitschaq dug another well and did not find mayim and they went and told Yitschaq that they had not found mayim and Yitschaq said: I have sworn this yom to the Philistines and this thing has been announced to us.

26 And he called the name of that place the Well of the Oath; for there he had sworn to Avimelech and Ahuzzath his chaver and Phicol the prefect host and Or, his host.

27 And Yitschaq knew that yom that under constraint he had sworn to them to make shalom with them.

28 And Yitschaq on that yom cursed the Philistines and said: Cursed be the Philistines to the yom of wrath and indignation from the midst of all goyim; may YHUH make them a derision and a curse and an object of wrath and indignation in the hands of the sinners, the goyim and in the hands of the Kittim.

29 And whoever escapes the sword of the enemy and the Kittim, may the tzadik nation root them out in mishpat from under the shamayim; for they shall be the enemies and foes of my children throughout their generations upon the earth.

30 And no remnant shall be left to them, Nor one that shall be saved on the yom of the wrath of mishpat; for destruction and rooting out and expulsion from the earth is the whole zera of the Philistines and there shall no longer be left for these Caphtorim a name or a zera on the earth.

31 For though he ascend to the shamayim, there shall he be brought down and though he make himself strong on earth, there shall he be dragged forth and though he hide himself among the goyim, even from there shall he be rooted out; and though he descend into Sheol, there also shall his condemnation be great and there also he shall have no shalom.

32 And if he goes into captivity, by the hands of those that seek his chayim shall they slay him on the derech and neither name nor zera shall be left to him on all the earth; for into eternal cursing shall he depart.

33 And so is it written and engraved concerning him on the heavenly tablets, to do to him on the Yom of Judgment, so that he may be rooted out of the earth.

25 And in the second year of this week in this Yovel, Rivkah called Yaakov her son and spoke to him, saying: My son, do not take an isha of the daughters of Kanaan, as Esav, your brother, who took him two wives of the daughters of Kanaan and they have embittered my nephesh with all their unclean deeds: for all their deeds are fornication and lust and there is no tzedakah with them, for their deeds are evil.

2 And I, my son, love you exceedingly and my lev and my affection bless you every hour of the yom and watch of the lyla.

3 And now, my son, listen to my voice and do the will of your eema and do not take an isha of the daughters of this land but only of the bayit of my abba and of my abba's kindred. You shall take an isha of the bayit of my abba and El-Elyon YHUH will bless you and your children shall be a tzadik generation and a kadosh zera.

4 And then spoke Yaakov to Rivkah, his eema and said to her: Behold, eema, I am nine weeks of years old, sixty three and single and I neither know nor have I touched any woman, nor have I betrothed myself to any, nor even think of taking an isha of the daughters of Kanaan.

5 For I remember, eema, the words of Avraham, our abba, for he commanded me not to take an isha of the daughters of Kanaan but to take an isha from the zera of my abba's bayit and from my kindred.

6 I have heard before that daughters have been born to Lavan, your brother and I have set my lev on them to take an isha from among them.

7 And for this reason I have guarded myself in my ruach against sinning or being corrupted in all my derachot throughout all the yamim of my chayim; for with regard to lust and fornication, Avraham, my abba, gave me many commands.

8 And, despite all that he has commanded me, these two and twenty years my brother has striven with me and spoken frequently to me and said: My brother, take to isha, a sister of my two wives; but I refuse to do as he has done.

9 I swear before you, eema that all the yamim of my chayim I will not take an isha from the daughters of the zera of Kanaan and I will not act wickedly as my brother has done.

10 Fear not, eema; be assured that I shall do your will and walk in tzedakah and not corrupt my derachot le-olam-va-ed.

11 And she lifted up her face to the shamayim and extended the fingers of her hands and opened her mouth and blessed El-Elyon YHUH, who had created the shamayim and the earth and she gave Him hodu and tehilla.

12 And she said: Blessed be YHUH Ahlohim and may His Kadosh Name be blessed le-olam-va-ed, who has given me Yaakov as a pure son and a kadosh zera; for he is Yours and Yours shall his zera be continually and throughout all the generations le-olam-va-ed.

13 Bless him, O YHUH and place in my mouth the blessing of tzedakah, that I may bless him.

14 And at that hour, when The Ruach of tzedakah descended into her mouth, she placed both her hands on the head of Yaakov and said:

15 Blessed are you, YHUH of tzedakah and Ahlohim of the ages and may He bless you beyond all the generations of men. May He give you, my son, the derech of tzedakah and reveal tzedakah to your zera.

16 And may He make your sons many during your chayim and may they arise according to the number of the chodashem of the year. And may their sons become many and great beyond the cochavim of the shamayim and their numbers more than the sand of the sea.

17 And may He give them this tov land - as He said He would give it to Avraham and to his zera after him always and may they hold it as a possession le-olam-va-ed.

18 And may I see born to you, my son, blessed children during my chayim and a blessed and kadosh zera may all your zera be.

19 And as you have refreshed your eema's ruach during her chayim, the womb of her that bare you blesses you like this. My affection and my breasts bless you and my mouth and my tongue tehilla you greatly.

20 Increase and spread over the earth and may your zera be perfect in the simcha of the shamayim and earth le-olam-va-ed; And may your zera rejoice and on the great Yom of Shalom and may it have shalom.

21 And may your name and your zera endure to all the ages and may El-Elyon YHUH be their Ahlohim and may the Ahlohim of tzedakah dwell with them and by them may His sanctuary be built to all the ages.

22 Blessed be he that blesses you and all flesh that curses you falsely, may it be cursed.

23 And she kissed him and said to him; May YHUH of the olamim love you as the lev of your eema and her affection rejoice in you and bless you. And she ceased from blessing.

26 And in the seventh year of this week Yitschaq called Esav, his elder Son and said to him: behold, my son and behold my eyes are dim in seeing and I know not the yom of my death.

2 And now take your hunting weapons your quiver and your bow and go out to the field and hunt and catch me venison, my son and make me tasty meat, such as my nephesh loves and bring it to me that I may eat and that my nephesh may bless you before I die.

3 But Rivkah heard Yitschaq speaking to Esav.

4 And Esav went forth early to the field to hunt and catch and bring home to his abba.

5 And Rivkah called Yaakov, her son and said to him: Behold, I heard Yitschaq, your abba, speak to Esav, your brother, saying: Hunt for me and make me tasty meat and bring it to me that I may eat and bless you before YHUH before I die.

6 And now, my son, obey my voice in that which I command you: Go to your flock and fetch me two tov kids of the goats and I will make them tasty meat for your abba, such as he loves and you shall bring it to your abba that he may eat and bless you before YHUH before he dies and that you may be blessed.

7 And Yaakov said to Rivkah his eema: Emma, I shall not withhold anything which my abba would eat and which would please him: only I fear, my eema, that he will recognize my voice and wish to touch me.

8 And you know that I am smooth and Esav, my brother, is hairy and I shall appear before his eyes as an evildoer and shall do a deed which he had not commanded me and he will be angry with me and I shall bring upon myself a curse and not a bracha.

9 And Rivkah, his eema, said to him: Upon me be your curse, my son, only obey my voice.

10 And Yaakov obeyed the voice of Rivkah, his eema and went and fetched two tov and fat kids of the goats and brought them to his eema and his eema made them tasty meat such as he loved.

11 And Rivkah took the tov raiment of Esav, her elder son, which was with her in the bayit and she clothed Yaakov, her younger son, with them and she put the skins of the kids upon his hands and on the exposed parts of his neck.

12 And she gave the meat and the lechem which she had prepared into the hand of her son Yaakov.

13 And Yaakov went in to his abba and said: I am your son: I have done according as you told me: arise and sit and eat of that which I have caught, abba, that your nephesh may bless me.

14 And Yitschaq said to his son: How have you found it so quickly, my son?

15 And Yaakov said: Because YHUH your Ahlohim caused me to find it.

16 And Yitschaq said to him: Come near, that I may feel you, my son, if you are my son Esav or not.

17 And Yaakov went near to Yitschaq, his abba and he felt him and said:

18 The voice is Yaakov's voice but the hands are the hands of Esav and he discerned him not because it was the desire from the shamayim to remove his power of perception and Yitschaq discerned not, for his hands were hairy as his brother Esav's, so that he blessed him.

19 And he said: Are you my son Esav? And he said: I am your son: and he said, Bring near to me that I may eat of that which you have caught, my son, that my nephesh may bless you.

20 And he brought it near to him and he did eat and he brought him wine and he drank.

21 And Yitschaq, his abba, said to him: Come near and kiss me, my son.

22 And he came near and kissed him. And he smelled the smell of his raiment and he blessed him and said: Behold, the smell of my son is as the smell of a full field which YHUH has blessed.

23 And may YHUH give you of the dew of the shamayim and of the dew of the earth and plenty of grain and oil: Let goyim serve you and peoples bow down to you.

24 Be ruler over your brethren and let your eema's sons bow down to you; and may all the brachot with which YHUH has blessed me and blessed Avraham, my abba; be imparted to you and to your zera le-olam-va-ed: Cursed be he that curses you and blessed be he that blesses you.

25 And it came to pass as soon as Yitschaq had made an end of blessing his son Yaakov and Yaakov had gone forth from Yitschaq his abba he hid himself and Esav, his brother, came in from his hunting.

26 And he also made tasty meat and brought it to his abba and said to his abba: Let my abba arise and eat of my venison that your nephesh may bless me.

27 And Yitschaq, his abba, said to him: Who are you? And he said to him: I am your bachor, your son Esav: I have done as you have commanded me.

28 And Yitschaq was very greatly astonished and said: Who is he that has hunted and caught and brought it to me and I have eaten of all before you came and have blessed him: and he shall be blessed and all his zera le-olam-va-ed.

29 And it came to pass when Esav heard the words of his abba Yitschaq that he cried with an exceeding great and bitter cry and said to his abba: Bless me also, abba.

30 And he said to him: Your brother came with guile and has taken away your blessing. And he said: Now I know why his name is named Yaakov: behold, he has supplanted me these two times: he took away my bachor and now he has taken away my blessing.

31 And he said: Have you not reserved a bracha for me, abba? and Yitschaq answered and said to Esav: Behold, I have made him your ruler and all his brethren have I given to him for avadim and with plenty of grain and wine and oil have I strengthened him: And what now shall I do for you, my son?

32 And Esav said to Yitschaq, his abba: Have you but one blessing, O abba? Bless me, also, abba.

33 And Esav lifted up his voice and wept. And Yitschaq answered and said to him: Behold, far from the dew of the earth shall be your dwelling and far from the dew of the shamayim from above.

34 And by your sword will you live and you will serve your brother. And it shall come to pass when you become great and do shake his yoke from off your neck, you shall sin a complete sin to death and your zera shall be rooted out from under the shamayim.

35 And Esav kept threatening Yaakov because of the blessing with which his abba blessed him and he: said in his lev: May the yamim of mourning for my abba now come, so that I may slay my brother Yaakov.

27 And the words of Esav, her elder son, were told to Rivkah in a dream and Rivkah sent and called Yaakov her younger son,

2 And said to him: Behold Esav your brother will take vengeance on you so as to kill you.

3 Now, therefore, my son, obey my voice and arise and flee to Lavan, my brother, to Charan and tarry with him a few yamim until your brother's anger turns away and he removes his anger from you and forget all that you have done; then I will send and fetch you from there.

4 And Yaakov said: I am not afraid; if he wishes to kill me, I will kill him.

5 But she said to him: Let me not lose both my sons in one yom.

6 And Yaakov said to Rivkah his eema: Behold, you know that my abba has become old and does not see because his eyes are dull and if I leave him it will be evil in his eyes because I leave him and go away from you and my abba will be angry and will curse me. I will not go; when he sends me, then only will I go.

7 And Rivkah said to Yaakov: I will go in and speak to him and he will send you away.

8 And Rivkah went in and said to Yitschaq: I loathe my chayim because of the two daughters of Chet, whom Esav has taken him as wives; and if Yaakov takes an isha from among the daughters of the land such as these, for what purpose do I further live, for the daughters of Kanaan are evil.

9 And Yitschaq called Yaakov and blessed him and admonished him and said to him:

10 Do not take an isha of any of the daughters of Kanaan; arise and go to Mesopotamia, to the bayit of Bethuel, your eema's abba and take an isha from there of the daughters of Lavan, your eema's brother.

11 And YHUH Almighty bless you and increase and multiply you that you may become a melo ha-goyim and give you the brachot of my abba Avraham, to you and to your zera after you, that you may inherit the land of your sojourning and all the land which YHUH gave to Avraham: go, my son, in shalom.

12 And Yitschaq sent Yaakov away and he went to Mesopotamia, to Lavan the son of Bethuel the Syrian, the brother of Rivkah, Yaakov 's eema.

13 And it came to pass after Yaakov had arisen to go to Mesopotamia that the ruach of Rivkah was grieved after her son and she wept.

14 And Yitschaq said to Rivkah: My sister, weep not on account of Yaakov, my son; for he goes in shalom and in shalom will he return.

15 El-Elyon YHUH will preserve him from all evil and will be with him; for He will not forsake him all his yamim;

16 For I know that his derachot will be prospered in all things wherever he goes, until he returns in shalom to us and we see him in shalom.

17 Fear not on his account, my sister, for he is on the upright derech and he is a perfect man: and he is faithful and will not perish. Weep not.

18 And Yitschaq comforted Rivkah on account of her son Yaakov and blessed him.

19 And Yaakov went from the Well of the Oath to go to Charan on the first year of the second week in the forty-fourth Yovel and he came to Luz on the mountains, that is, Bethel, on the first yom of the first chodesh of this week and he came to the place at evening and turned from the derech to the west of the road that lyla: and he slept there; for the shemesh had set.

20 And he took one of the stones of that place and laid under the eytz and he was journeying alone and he slept.

21 And he dreamt that lyla and behold a ladder set up on the earth and the top of it reached to the shamayim and behold, the malachim of YHUH ascended and descended on it: and behold,YHUH stood upon it.

22 And he spoke to Yaakov and said: I AM YHUH Ahlohim of Avraham, your abba and the Ahlohim of Yitschaq; the land where you are sleeping, to you will I give it and to your zera after you.

23 And your zera shall be as the dust of the earth and you shall increase to the west and to the east, to the north and the south and in you and in your zera shall all the families of the goyim be blessed-mixed.

24 And behold, I will be with you and will keep you wheresoever you go and I will bring you again into this land in shalom; for I will not leave you until I do everything that I told you about.

25 And Yaakov awoke from his sleep and said, Truly this place is the Bayit of YHUH and I knew it not. And he was afraid and said: Dreadful is this place which is none other than the Bayit of YHUH and this is the Gate of the Shamayim.

26 And Yaakov arose early in the boker and took the stone which he had put under his head and set it up as a pillar for an ot and he poured oil upon the top of it. And he called the name of that place Bethel; but the name of the place was Luz at first.

27 And Yaakov vowed a vow to YHUH, saying: If YHUH will be with me and will keep me in this derech that I go and give me lechem to eat and raiment to put on, so that I come again to my abba's bayit in shalom, then shall YHUH be my Ahlohim and this stone which I have set up as a pillar for an ot in this place, shall be YHUH’s Bayit and of all that you give me, I shall give the tenth-maaser to you, my Ahlohim.

28 And he went on his journey and came to the land of the east, to Lavan, the brother of Rivkah and he was with him and served him for Rachel his daughter one week.

2 And in the first year of the third week he said to him: Give me my isha, for whom I have served you seven years; and Lavan said to Yaakov: I will give you your isha.

3 And Lavan made a moed and took Leah his elder daughter and gave her to Yaakov as an isha and gave her Zilpah his handmaid for a handmaid; and Yaakov did not know, for he thought that she was Rachel.

4 And he went in to her and behold, she was Leah; and Yaakov was angry with Lavan and said to him: Why have you dealt this derech with me? Did not I serve you for Rachel and not for Leah? Why have you wronged me?

5 Take your daughter and I will go; for you have done evil to me. For Yaakov loved Rachel more than Leah; for Leah's eyes were weak but her form was very pretty; but Rachel had beautiful eyes and a beautiful form.

6 And Lavan said to Yaakov: It is not so done in our country, to give the younger before the elder. And it is not right to do this; for so it is ordained and written in the heavenly tablets, that no one should give his younger daughter before the elder; but the elder, one is given first and after her the younger one; and the man who does so, they set down guilt against him in the shamayim and none is tzadik that does this thing, for this deed is evil before YHUH.

7 And command the children of Yisrael that they do not this thing; let them neither take nor give the younger before they have given the elder, for it is very wicked.

8 And Lavan said to Yaakov: Let the seven yamim of the moed of this one pass by and I shall give you Rachel, that you may serve me another seven years, that you may pasture my sheep as you did in the former week. And on the yom when the seven yamim of the moed of Leah had passed, Lavan gave Rachel to Yaakov, that he might serve him another seven years and he gave to Rachel, Bilhah, the sister of Zilpah, as a handmaid.

10 And he served yet other seven years for Rachel, for Leah had been given to him for nothing.

11 And YHUH opened the womb of Leah and she conceived and bare Yaakov a son and he called his name Reuven on the fourteenth yom of the ninth chodesh, in the first year of the third week.

12 But the womb of Rachel was closed, for YHUH saw that Leah was hated and Rachel loved.

13 And again Yaakov went in to Leah and she conceived and bare Yaakov a second son and he called his name Shimon, on the twenty-first of the tenth chodesh and in the third year of this week.

14 And again Yaakov went in to Leah and she conceived and bare him a third son and he called his name Lewi, in the first yom of the first chodesh in the sixth year of this week.

15 And again Yaakov went in to her and she conceived and bare him a fourth son and he called his name Yahudah, praiser of YHUH, on the fifteenth of the third chodesh, in the first year of the fourth week.

16 And on account of all this Rachel envied Leah, for she did not bear and she said to Yaakov: Give me children; and Yaakov said: Have I withheld from you the fruits of your womb? Have I forsaken you?

17 And when Rachel saw that Leah had borne four sons to Yaakov, Reuven and Shimon and Lewi and Yahudah, she said to him: Go in to Bilhah my handmaid and she will conceive and bear a son to me.

18 And she gave him Bilhah her handmaid as his isha. And he went in to her and she conceived and bare him a son and he called his name Dan, on the ninth of the sixth chodesh, in the sixth year of the third week.

19 And Yaakov went in again to Bilhah a second time and she conceived and bare Yaakov another son and Rachel called his name Napthali, on the fifth of the seventh chodesh, in the second year of the fourth week.

20 And when Leah saw that she had become sterile and did not bear, she envied Rachel and she also gave her handmaid Zilpah to Yaakov as an isha and she conceived and bare a son and Leah called his name Gad, on the twelfth of the eighth chodesh, in the third year of the fourth week.

21 And he went in again to her and she conceived and bare him a second son and Leah called his name Asher, on the second of the eleventh chodesh, in the fifth year of the fourth week.

22 And Yaakov went in to Leah and she conceived and bare a son and she called his name Yissacar, on the fourth of the fifth chodesh, in the fourth year of the fourth week and she gave him to a nurse.

23 And Yaakov went in again to her and she conceived and bare two children, a son and a daughter and she called the name of the son Zevulon and the name of the daughter Dinah, in the seventh of the seventh chodesh, in the sixth year of the fourth week.

24 And YHUH was gracious to Rachel and opened her womb and she conceived and bare a son and she called his name Yoseph, on the first yom of the fourth chodesh, in the sixth year in this fourth week.

25 And in the yamim when Yoseph was born, Yaakov said to Lavan: Give me my wives and sons and let me go to my abba Yitschaq and let me make a bayit; for I have completed the years in which I have served you for your two daughters and I will go to the bayit of my abba.

26 And Lavan said to Yaakov: Tarry with me for your wages and pasture my flock for me again and take your wages.

27 And they agreed with one another that he should give him as his wages those of the lambs and kids which were born black and spotted and white, these were to be his wages.

28 And all the sheep brought forth spotted and speckled and black, variously marked and they brought forth again lambs like themselves and all that were spotted were Yaakov's and those which were not were Lavan's.

29 And Yaakov's possessions multiplied exceedingly and he possessed oxen and sheep and donkeys and camels and male avadim and maid avadim.

30 And Lavan and his sons envied Yaakov and Lavan took back his sheep from him and he observed him with evil intent.

29 And it came to pass when Rachel had borne Yoseph that Lavan went to shear his sheep; for they were distant from him a three yamim journey.

2 And Yaakov saw that Lavan was going to shear his sheep and Yaakov called Leah and Rachel and spoke kindly to them that they should come with him to the land of Kanaan.

3 For he told them how he had seen everything in a dream, even all that He had spoken to him that he should return to his abba's bayit and they said: To every place where you go we will go with you.

4 And Yaakov blessed YHUH the Ahlohim of Yitschaq his abba and the Ahlohim of Avraham his abba's abba and he arose and mounted his wives and his children and took all his possessions and crossed the river and came to the land of Gilead and Yaakov hid his intention from Lavan and told him not.

5 And in the seventh year of the fourth week Yaakov turned his face toward Gilead in the first chodesh, on the twenty-first of it. And Lavan pursued after him and overtook Yaakov in the har of Gilead in the third chodesh, on the thirteenth of it.

6 And YHUH did not allow him to injure Yaakov; for he appeared to him in a dream by lyla.

7 And Lavan spoke to Yaakov. And on the fifteenth of those yamim Yaakov made a moed for Lavan and for all who came with him and Yaakov swore to Lavan that yom and Lavan also to Yaakov, that neither should cross the har of Gilead to the other with evil purpose.

8 And he made there a heap for a witness; so the name of that place is called: The Heap of Witness, after this heap.

9 But before they used to call the land of Gilead the land of the Rephaim; for it was the land of the Rephaim and the Rephaim were born there; giants whose height was ten, nine and eight, down to seven cubits, from 15 feet to 10.5 feet tall.

10 And their habitation was from the land of the children of Ammon to Har Hermon and the seats of their malchut were Karnaim and Ashtaroth and Edrei and Misur and Beon.

11 And YHUH destroyed them because of the evil of their deeds; for they were very malignant and the Amorites dwelt in their place, wicked and sinful and there is no people today which has done to the fullness all their sins and they have no longer length of chayim on the earth.

12 And Yaakov sent away Lavan and he departed into Mesopotamia, the land of the East and Yaakov returned to the land of Gilead.

13 And he passed over the Yavok in the ninth chodesh, on the eleventh of it. And on that yom Esav, his brother, came to him and he was reconciled to him and departed from him to the land of Seir but Yaakov dwelt in sukkot.

14 And in the first year of the fifth week in this Yovel he crossed the Yarden and dwelt beyond the Yarden and he pastured his sheep from the sea of the heap to Bethshan and to Dothan and to the forest of Akravim.

15 And he sent to his abba Yitschaq of all his substance, clothing and food and meat and drink and milk and butter and cheese and some dates of the valley.

16 And to his eema Rivkah also four times a year, between the times of the chodashem, between ploughing and reaping and between autumn and the rain season and between winter and spring, to the tower of Avraham.

17 For Yitschaq had returned from the Well of the Oath and gone up to the tower of his abba Avraham and he dwelt there apart from his son Esav.

18 For in the yamim when Yaakov went to Mesopotamia, Esav took to himself an isha Mahalath, the daughter of Ishmael and he gathered together all the flocks of his abba and his wives and went up and dwelt on Har Seir and left Yitschaq his abba at the Well of the Oath alone.

19 And Yitschaq went up from the Well of the Oath and dwelt in the tower of Avraham his abba on the mountains of Chebron,

20 And to that place Yaakov sent all that he did send to his abba and his eema from time to time, all they needed and they blessed Yaakov with all their lev and with all their nephesh.

30 And in the first year of the sixth week he went up to Salem, to the east of Shechem, in shalom, in the fourth chodesh.

2 And there they carried off Dinah, the daughter of Yaakov, into the bayit of Shechem, the son of Chamor, the Hivite, the sar of the land and he lay with her and defiled her and she was a little girl, a child of twelve years.

3 And he asked his abba and her brothers that she might be given to him as an isha. And Yaakov and his sons were furious because of the men of Shechem; for they had defiled Dinah, their sister and they spoke to them with evil intent and dealt deceitfully with them and beguiled them.

4 And Shimon and Lewi came unexpectedly to Shechem and executed mishpat on all the men of Shechem and slew all the men whom they found in it and left not a single one remaining in it: they slew all in violence because they had dishonored their sister Dinah.

5 And so let it not again be done from now on that a daughter of Yisrael be defiled; for mishpat is ordained in the shamayim against them that they should destroy with the sword all the men of the Shechemites because they had done shame in Yisrael.

6. And YHUH delivered them into the hands of the sons of Yaakov that they might exterminate them with the sword and execute mishpat upon them and that it might not again be done in Yisrael, that a virgin of Yisrael should be defiled.

7 And if there is any man who wishes in Yisrael to give his daughter or his sister to any man who is of the zera of the goyim he shall surely die and they shall stone him with stones; for he has done shame in Yisrael; and they shall burn the woman with fire because she has dishonored the name of the bayit of her abba and she shall be rooted out of Yisrael.

8 And let not an adulterous and no uncleanness be found in Yisrael throughout all the yamim of the generations of the earth; for Yisrael is kadosh to YHUH and every man who has defiled Yisrael shall surely die: they shall stone him with stones.

9 For so has it been ordained and written in the heavenly tablets regarding all the zera of Yisrael: he who defiles Yisrael shall surely die and he shall be stoned with stones.

10 And to this Torah there is no limit of yamim and no remission, nor any keporah: but the man who has defiled his daughter shall be rooted out in the midst of all Yisrael because he has given of his zera to Moloch and done impiously so as to defile it.

11 And you, Moshe, command the children of Yisrael and exhort them not to give their daughters to the goyim and not to take for their sons any of the daughters of the goyim for this is abominable before YHUH.

12 For this reason I have written for you in the Words of The Torah all the deeds of the Shechemites, which they did against Dinah and how the sons of Yaakov spoke, saying: We will not give our daughter to a man who is not in brit-milah; for that is a reproach to us.

13 And it is a reproach to Yisrael, to those who live and to those that take the daughters of the goyim; for this is unclean and abominable to Yisrael.

14 And Yisrael will not be free from this uncleanness if it has an isha of the daughters of the goyim, or has given any of its daughters to a man who is from the goyim.

15 For there will be plague upon plague and curse upon curse and every mishpat and plague and curse will come: if he does this thing, or hides his eyes from those who commit uncleanness, or those who defile the sanctuary of YHUH, or those who profane His kadosh Name, then will the whole nation together be judged for all the uncleanness and profanity of this man.

16 And there will be no consideration of persons and no receiving at his hands of fruits and offerings and burnt offerings and fat nor the fragrance of sweet savor, so as to accept it: and so it will be for every man or woman in Yisrael who defiles the sanctuary.

17 For this reason I have commanded you, saying: Testify this testimony to Yisrael: see how the Shechemites fared and their sons: how they were delivered into the hands of two sons of Yaakov and they slew them under tortures and it was reckoned to them for tzedakah and it is written down to them for tzedakah.

18 And the zera of Lewi was chosen for the kohanut and to be Lewiym, that they might minister before YHUH, as we do, the malachim, continually and that Lewi and his sons may be blessed le-olam-va-ed; for he was zealous to execute tzedakah and mishpat and vengeance on all those who arose against Yisrael.

19 And so they inscribe as a testimony, Lewi’s chen, on the heavenly tablets, blessing and tzedakah before the Ahlohim of all:

20 And we remember the tzedakah which the man fulfilled during his chayim, at all periods of the year; until a thousand generations they will record it and it will come to him and to his descendants after him and he, Lewi, has been recorded on the heavenly tablets as a chaver and a tzadik man.

21 All this account I have written for you and have commanded you to say to the children of Yisrael, that they should not commit sin nor transgress the ordinances nor break the brit which has been ordained for them but that they should fulfill it and be recorded as My chaverim.

22 But if they transgress and work uncleanness in every derech, they will be recorded on the heavenly tablets as adversaries and they will be destroyed out of the Sefer Ha-Chayim and they will be recorded in the scroll of those who will be destroyed and with those who will be rooted out of the earth.

23 And on the yom when the sons of Yaakov slew Shechem, a writing was recorded in their chen in the shamayim that they had executed tzedakah and vengeance on the sinners and it was written for a bracha.

24 And they brought Dinah, their sister, out of the bayit of Shechem and they took captive everything that was in Shechem, their sheep and their oxen and their donkeys and all their wealth and all their flocks and brought them all to Yaakov their abba.

25 And he reproached them because they had put the city to the sword for he feared those who dwelt in the land, the Kanaanites and the Perizzites.

26 And the dread of YHUH was upon all the cities which are around about Shechem and they did not rise to pursue after the sons of Yaakov; for terror had fallen upon them.

31 And on the first yom of the chodesh Yaakov spoke to all the people of his bayit saying: Purify yourselves and change your garments and let us arise and go up to Bethel, where I vowed a vow to Him on the yom when I fled from the face of Esav my brother because He has been with me and brought me into this land in shalom and put away the strange ahlahim that are among you.

2 And they gave up the strange ahlahim and that which was in their ears and which was on their necks and the idols which Rachel stole from Lavan her abba she gave wholly to Yaakov. And he burnt and broke them to pieces and destroyed them and hid them under an oak which is in the land of Shechem.

3 And he went up on the first yom of the seventh chodesh to Bethel. And he built an altar at the place where he had slept and he set up a pillar there and he sent word to his abba Yitschaq to come to him to his sacrifice and to his eema Rivkah.

4 And Yitschaq said: Let my son Yaakov come and let me see him before I die.

5 And Yaakov went to his abba Yitschaq and to his eema Rivkah, to the bayit of his abba Avraham and he took two of his sons with him, Lewi and Yahudah and he came to his abba Yitschaq and to his eema Rivkah.

6 And Rivkah came forth from the tower to the front of it to kiss Yaakov and embrace him; for her ruach had revived when she heard: Behold Yaakov your son has come; and she kissed him.

7 And she saw his two sons and she recognized them and said to him: Are these your sons, my son? and she embraced them and kissed them and blessed them, saying: In you shall the zera of Avraham become illustrious and you shall prove a bracha on the earth.

8 And Yaakov went in to Yitschaq his abba, to the chamber where he lay and his two sons were with him and he took the hand of his abba and stooping down he kissed him and Yitschaq clung to the neck of Yaakov his son and wept upon his neck.

9 And the darkness left the eyes of Yitschaq and he saw the two sons of Yaakov, Lewi and Yahudah and he said: Are these your sons, my son? For they are just like you.

10 And he said to him that they were truly his sons: And you have truly seen that they are truly my sons.

11 And they came near to him and he turned and kissed them and embraced them both together.

12 And The Ruach of Prophecy, YAHUSHA, came down into his mouth and he took Lewi by his right hand and Yahudah by his left.

13 And he turned to Lewi first and began to bless him first and said to him: May the Ahlohim of all,YHUH of all the ages, bless you and your children throughout all the ages.

14 And may YHUH give to you and to your zera greatness and great splendor and cause you and your zera, from among all flesh, to approach Him to serve in His sanctuary as the malachim of the presence and as the kadosh ones. Even as they, shall the zera of your sons be for splendor and greatness and kedusha and may He make them great le-olam-va-ed.

15 And they shall be shophtim and princes and chiefs of all the zera of the sons of Yaakov; they shall speak the Word of YHUH in tzedakah and they shall judge all His mishpatim in tzedakah. And they shall declare My derachot to Yaakov and My paths to Yisrael. The blessing of YHUH shall be given in their mouths to bless all the zera of the Beloved One.

16 Your eema has called your name Lewi, So justly has she called your name; you shall be joined to YHUH and be the companion of all the sons of Yaakov; let His shulchan be yours and you and your sons eat of it; and may your shulchan be full to all generations and your food fail not to all the ages.

17 And let all who hate you fall down before you and let all your adversaries be rooted out and perish; and blessed be he that blesses you and cursed be every nation that curses you.

18 And to Yahudah he said: May YHUH give you strength and power to tread down all that hate you; A sar shall you be, you and one of your sons, over the sons of Yaakov; May your name and the name of your sons go forth and traverse every land and region.

19 Then shall the goyim fear before your face and all the goyim shall quake and all the peoples shall quake. In you shall be the help of Yaakov and in you shall be found the YAHUSHA of Yisrael.

20 And when you sit on the kesay of kavod and tzedakah, There shall be great shalom for all the zera of the sons of the Beloved; Blessed be he that blesses you, So all that hate you and afflict you and curse you shall be rooted out and destroyed from the earth and be cursed.

21 And turning he kissed him again and embraced him and rejoiced greatly; for he had seen the sons of Yaakov his son indeed.

22 And he went forth from between his feet and fell down and bowed down to him and he blessed them and rested there with Yitschaq his abba that lyla and they eat and drank with simcha.

23 And he made the two sons of Yaakov sleep, the one on his right hand and the other on his left and it was counted to him for tzedakah.

24 And Yaakov told his abba everything during the lyla, how YHUH had showed him great rachamim and how he had prospered him in all his derachot and protected him from all evil.

25 And Yitschaq blessed YHUH the Ahlohim of his abba Avraham, who had not withdrawn his rachamim and his tzedakah from the sons of his eved Yitschaq.

26 And in the boker Yaakov told his abba Yitschaq the vow which he had vowed to YHUH and the vision which he had seen and that he had built an altar and that everything was ready for the sacrifice to be made before YHUH as he had vowed and that he had come back to set him on a donkey.

27 And Yitschaq said to Yaakov his son: I am not able to go with you; for I am old and not able to bear the derech: go, my son, in shalom; for I am one hundred and sixty-five years old this yom; I am no longer able to journey; set your eema on a donkey and let her go with you.

28 And I know, my son, that you have come on my account and may this yom be blessed on which you have seen me alive and I also have seen you, my son.

29 May you prosper and fulfill the vow which you have vowed; and put not off your vow; for you shall be called to account as touching the vow; now therefore make haste to perform it and may He be pleased, Who has made all things, to Whom you have vowed the vow.

30 And he said to Rivkah: Go with Yaakov your son; and Rivkah went with Yaakov her son and Devorah with her and they came to Bethel.

31 And Yaakov remembered the tefillah with which his abba had blessed him and his two sons, Lewi and Yahudah and he rejoiced and blessed YHUH the Ahlohim of his avot, Avraham and Yitschaq.

32 And he said: Now I know that I have an eternal tikvah- tiqvah and my sons also, before the Ahlohim of all; and so is it ordained concerning the two; and they record it as an eternal testimony to them on the heavenly tablets how Yitschaq blessed them.

32 And he abode that lyla at Bethel and Lewi dreamed that they had ordained and made him the kohen of El-Elyon YHUH, him and his sons le-olam-va-ed; and he awoke from his sleep and blessed YHUH.

2 And Yaakov rose early in the boker, on the fourteenth of this seventh chodesh and he gave a maaser of all that came with him, both of men and cattle, both of gold and every vessel and garment, yes, he gave maaser of all.

3 And in those yamim Rachel became pregnant with her son Benyamin. And Yaakov counted his sons from him upwards and to Lewi fell to the portion of YHUH and his abba clothed him in the garments of the kohanut and filled his hands.

4 And on the fifteenth of this chodesh, Sukkot, he brought to the altar fourteen oxen from among the cattle and twenty-eight rams and forty-nine sheep and seven lambs and twenty-one kids of the goats as a burnt-offering on the altar of sacrifice, well pleasing for a sweet savor before YHUH.

5 This was his offering, in consequence of the vow which he had vowed that he would give a tenth, with their fruit-offerings and their drink offerings.

6 And when the fire had consumed it, he burnt incense over them on the fire and for a thank-offering two oxen and four rams and four sheep, four male goats and two sheep of a year old and two kids of the goats; and so he did daily for seven yamim.

7 And he and all his sons and his men were eating this with simcha there during seven yamim and blessing and thanking YHUH, Who had delivered him out of all his tribulation and had given him his vow.

8 And he tithed all the clean animals and made a burnt sacrifice but the unclean animals he gave not to Lewi his son and he gave him all the naphsoth of the men.

9 And Lewi discharged the priestly office at Bethel before Yaakov his abba in preference to his ten brothers and he was a kohen there and Yaakov gave his vow: so he tithed again the maaser to YHUH and sanctified it and it became kadosh to Him.

10 And for this reason it is ordained on the heavenly tablets as a Torah for the tithing again from the maaser to eat before YHUH from year to year, in the place where it is chosen that His Name should dwell and to this Torah there is no limit of yamim le-olam-va-ed.

11 This ordinance is written that it may be fulfilled from year to year in eating the second maaser before YHUH in the place where it has been chosen and nothing shall remain over from it from this year to the year following.

12 For in its year shall the zera be eaten till the yamim of the gathering of the zera of the year and the wine till the yamim of the wine and the oil till the yamim of its season.

13 And all that is left of it and becomes old, let it be regarded as polluted: let it be burnt with fire, for it is unclean.

14 And so let them eat it together in the sanctuary and let them not allow it to become old.

15 And all the ma’aser of the oxen and sheep shall be kadosh to YHUH and shall belong to his kohanim, which they will eat before Him from year to year; for so is it ordained and engraved regarding the maaser on the heavenly tablets.

16 And on the following lyla, on the twenty-second yom of this chodesh renewal, Yaakov resolved to build that place and to surround the court with a wall and to sanctify it and make it kadosh le-olam-va-ed, for himself and his children after him.

17 And YHUH appeared to him by lyla and blessed him and said to him: Your name shall not be called Yaakov but Yisrael shall they call your name.

18 And He said to him again: I AM YHUH, Who created the shamayim and the earth and I will increase you and multiply you exceedingly and melechim shall come forth from you and they shall judge everywhere wherever the foot of the sons of men has trodden.

19 And I will give to your zera all the earth which is under the shamayim and they shall judge all the goyim according to their desires and after that they shall get possession of the whole earth and inherit it le-olam-va-ed.

20 And He finished speaking with him and He went up from him and Yaakov looked till He had ascended into the shamayim.

21 And he saw in a vision of the lyla and behold a malach descended from the shamayim with seven tablets in his hands and he gave them to Yaakov and he read them and knew all that was written in it, which would befall him and his sons throughout all the ages.

22 And he showed him all that was written on the tablets and said to him: Do not build this place and do not make it an eternal sanctuary and do not dwell here; for this is not the place. Go to the bayit of Avraham your abba and dwell with Yitschaq your abba until the yom of the death of your abba.

23 For in Mitzrayim you shall die in shalom and in this land you shall be buried with kavod in the sepulcher of your avot, with Avraham and Yitschaq.

24 Fear not, for as you have seen and read it, so shall it all be; and write down everything as you have seen and read.

25 And Yaakov said: YHUH, how can I remember all that I have read and seen? And He said to him: I will bring all things to your remembrance.

26 And He went up from him and he awoke from his sleep and he remembered everything which he had read and seen and he wrote down all the Words which he had read and seen.

27 And he celebrated there yet another added yom and he sacrificed on it according to all that he sacrificed on the former yamim and called its name The Addition, for this yom was added BUT the former yamim he called The Feast.

28 And so it was manifested that it should be and it is written on the heavenly tablets: so it was revealed to him that he should celebrate it and add it to the seven yamim of the moed.

29 And its name was called The Addition Yom because that it was recorded among the yamim of the moed yamim, according to the number of the counting of the yamim of the year.

30 And in the lyla, on the twenty-third of this chodesh, Devorah, Rivkah's nurse, died and they buried her beneath the city under the oak of the river and he called the name of this place, The River of Devorah and the oak, The oak of the Mourning of Devorah.

31 And Rivkah went and returned to her bayit to his abba Yitschaq and Yaakov sent by her hand rams and sheep and male-goats that she should prepare a meal for his abba such as he desired.

32 And he went after his eema until he came to the land of Kabratan and he dwelt there.

33 And Rachel bore a son in the lyla and called his name son of my sorrow; for she suffered in giving him birth: but his abba called his name Benyamin, on the eleventh of the eighth chodesh in the first of the sixth week of this Yovel.

34 And Rachel died there and she was buried in the land of Ephratha the same is Beth-Lechem and Yaakov built a pillar on the grave of Rachel, on the road above her grave.

33 And Yaakov went and dwelt to the south of Magdala Dra'ef. And he went to his abba Yitschaq, he and Leah his isha, on the first yom of the tenth chodesh.

2 And Reuven saw Bilhah, Rachel's maid, the concubine of his abba, bathing in mayim in a secret place and he lusted for her.

3 And he hid himself at lyla and he entered the bayit of Bilhah at lyla and he found her sleeping alone on a bed in her bayit.

4 And he lay with her and she awoke and saw and behold Reuven was lying with her in the bed and she uncovered the border of her covering and seized him and cried out and discovered that it was Reuven.

5 And she was ashamed because of him and released her hand from him and he fled.

6 And she lamented because of this thing exceedingly and did not tell it to anyone.

7 And when Yaakov returned and sought her, she said to him: I am not clean for you, for I have been defiled in regards to you; for Reuven has defiled me and has lain with me in the lyla and I was asleep and did not discover it until he uncovered my skirt and slept with me.

8 And Yaakov was exceedingly angry with Reuven because he had lain with Bilhah because he had uncovered his abba's skirt.

9 And Yaakov did not approach her again because Reuven had defiled her. And as for any man who uncovers his abba's skirt, his deed is wicked exceedingly, for he is abominable before YHUH.

10 For this reason it is written and ordained on the heavenly tablets that a man should not lie with his abba's isha and should not uncover his abba's skirt, for this is unclean: they shall surely die together, the man who lies with his abba's isha and the woman also, for they have done uncleanness on the earth.

11 And there shall be nothing unclean before YHUH our Ahlohim in the nation which He has chosen for Himself as a possession.

12 And again, it is written a second time: Cursed be he who lies with the isha of his abba, for he has uncovered his abba's shame; and all the kadosh ones of YHUH said Ahmein ve Ahmein.

13 And, Moshe, command the children of Yisrael that they observe this word; for it entails a punishment of death; and it is unclean and there is no keporah le-olam-va-ed to atone for the man who has committed this, but he is to be put to death and slain and stoned with stones and rooted out from the midst of the people of YHUH our Ahlohim.

14 For to no man who does so in Yisrael is it permitted to remain alive a single yom on the earth, for he is abominable and unclean.

15 And let them not say: to Reuven was granted chayim and forgiveness after he had lain with his abba's concubine and to her also though she had a husband and her husband Yaakov, his abba, was still alive.

16 For until that time there had not been revealed the ordinance and mishpat and Torah in its completeness for all but in your yamim Moshe, it has been revealed, as a Torah for all moadem and yamim and an everlasting Torah for the everlasting generations.

17 And for this Torah there is no consummation of yamim and no keporah for it but they must both be rooted out in the midst of the nation: on the yom on which they committed it they shall slay them.

18 And you, Moshe, write it down for Yisrael that they may observe it and do according to these Words and not commit a sin to death; for YHUH our Ahlohim is Shophet, Who respects not persons and accepts not gifts. And tell them these Words of the brit, that they may hear and observe and be on their guard with respect to them and not be destroyed and rooted out of the land; for uncleanness and an abomination and a contamination and pollution are all they who commit it on the earth before our Ahlohim.

20 And there is no greater sin than the fornication which they commit on earth; for Yisrael is a kadosh nation to YHUH its Ahlohim and a nation of inheritance and a priestly and royal nation and for His own possession; and there shall no such uncleanness appear in the midst of the kadosh nation.

21 And in the third year of this sixth week Yaakov and all his sons went and dwelt in the bayit of Avraham, near Yitschaq his abba and Rivkah his eema.

22 And these were the names of the sons of Yaakov: the bacorReuven, Shimon, Lewi, Yahudah, Yissacar, Zevulon, the sons of Leah; and the sons of Rachel, Yoseph and Benyamin; and the sons of Bilhah, Dan and Naphtali; and the sons of Zilpah, Gad and Asher; and Dinah, the daughter of Leah, the only daughter of Yaakov.

23 And they came and bowed themselves to Yitschaq and Rivkah and when they saw them they blessed Yaakov and all his sons and Yitschaq rejoiced exceedingly, for he saw the sons of Yaakov, his younger son and he blessed them.

34 And in the sixth year of this week of this forty-fourth Yovel Yaakov sent his sons to pasture their sheep and his avadim with them to the pastures of Shechem.

2 And the seven melechim of the Amorites assembled themselves together against them, to slay them, hiding themselves under the eytzim and to take their cattle as a prey.

3 And Yaakov and Lewi and Yahudah and Yoseph were in the bayit with Yitschaq their abba; for his ruach was sorrowful and they could not leave him: and Benyamin was the youngest and for this reason remained with his abba.

4 And there came the melechim of Taphu and the melechim of Aresa and the melechim of Seragan and the melechim of Selo and the melechim of Ga'as and the melechim of Bethoron and the melechim of Ma'anisakir and all those who dwell in these mountains and who dwell in the woods in the land of Kanaan.

5 And they announced this to Yaakov saying: Behold, the melechim of the Amorites have surrounded your sons and plundered their herds.

6 And he arose from his bayit, he and his three sons and all the avadim of his abba and his own avadim and he went against them with six thousand men, who carried swords.

7 And he slew them in the pastures of Shechem and pursued those who fled and he slew them with the edge of the sword and he slew Aresa and Taphu and Saregan and Selo and Amanisakir and Ga, as and he recovered his herds.

8 And he prevailed over them and imposed tribute on them that they should pay him tribute five fruit products of their land and he built Rovel and Tamnatares.

9 And he returned in shalom and made shalom with them and they became his avadim, until the yom that he and his sons went down into Mitzrayim.

10 And in the seventh year of this week he sent Yoseph to learn about the welfare of his brothers from his bayit to the land of Shechem and he found them in the land of Dothan.

11 And they dealt treacherously with him and formed a plot against him to slay him but changing their minds, they sold him to Ishmaelite merchants and they brought him down into Mitzrayim and they sold him to Potiphar, the eunuch of Pharaoh, the chief of the cooks, the kohen of the city of Elew.

12 And the sons of Yaakov slaughtered a kid and dipped the coat of Yoseph in the dahm and sent it to Yaakov their abba on the tenth of the seventh chodesh.

13 And he mourned all that lyla, the lyla before Yom Kippur, for they had brought it to him in the evening and he became feverish with mourning for his death and he said: An evil beast has devoured Yoseph; and all the members of his bayit mourned with him that yom and they were grieving and mourning with him all that yom.

14 And his sons and his daughter rose up to comfort him but he refused to be comforted for his son.

15 And on that yom Bilhah heard that Yoseph had perished and she died mourning him and she was living in Qafratef and Dinah also, his daughter, died after Yoseph had perished.

16 And there came these three mournings upon Yisrael in one chodesh, the seventh chodesh. And they buried Bilhah over against the tomb of Rachel and Dinah also his daughter, they buried there.

17 And he mourned for Yoseph one year and did not cease, for he said Let me go down to the grave mourning for my son.

18 For this reason it is ordained for the children of Yisrael that they should afflict themselves on the tenth of the seventh chodesh - on the yom that the news which made him weep for Yoseph came to Yaakov his abba - that they should make keporah for themselves on it with a young goat on the tenth yom of the seventh chodesh, once a year, for their sins; for they had grieved the affection of their abba regarding Yoseph his son.

19 And this yom has been ordained that they should grieve on it for their sins and for all their transgressions and for all their errors, so that they might cleanse themselves on that yom once a year.

20 And after Yoseph perished, the sons of Yaakov took to themselves wives. The name of Reuven's isha is Ada; and the name of Shimon’s isha is Adlba'a, a Kanaanite; and the name of Lewi's isha is Malka, of the daughters of Aram, of the zera of the sons of Terach; and the name of Yahudah's isha, Betasu'el, a Kanaanite; and the name of Yissacar's isha, Hezaqa: and the name of Zevulon's isha, Ni'iman; and the name of Dan's isha, 'Egla; and the name of Naphtali's isha, Rasu'u, of Mesopotamia; and the name of Gad's isha, Maka; and the name of Asher's isha, 'Iyona; and the name of Yoseph's isha, Asenath, the Mitzrite; and the name of Benyamin's isha, Iyasaka.

21 And Shimon repented and took a second isha from Mesopotamia as did his brothers.

35 And in the first year of the first week of the forty-fifth Yovel Rivkah called Yaakov, her son and commanded him regarding his abba and regarding his brother, that he should esteem them all the yamim of his chayim.

2 And Yaakov said: I will do everything as you have commanded me; for this thing will be kavod and greatness to me and tzedakah before YHUH, that I should esteem them.

3 And you too, eema, know from the time I was born until this yom, all my deeds and all that is in my lev, that I always think tov concerning all.

4 And how then should I not do this thing which you have commanded me, that I should esteem my abba and my brother.

5 Tell me, eema, what perversity have you seen in me, that I might turn away from it, so that no rachamim will be upon me?

6 And she said to him: My son, I have not seen in you all my yamim any perversity but only tzadik mitzvoth. And yet I will tell you the emet, my son: I shall die this year and I shall not survive this year in my chayim; for I have seen in a dream the yom of my death, that I should not live beyond a hundred and fifty-five years: and behold I have completed all the yamim of my chayim which I am to live.

7 And Yaakov laughed at the words of his eema because his eema had said to him that she should die; and she was sitting opposite to him in possession of her strength and she was not infirm in her strength; for she went in and out and saw and her teeth were strong and no ailment had touched her all the yamim of her chayim.

8 And Yaakov said to her: Blessed am I, eema, if my yamim approach the yamim of your chayim and my strength remain with me as your strength: and you will not die, for you are joking with me regarding your death.

9 And she went in to Yitschaq and said to him: One petition I make to you: make Esav swear that he will not injure Yaakov, nor pursue him with enmity; for you know Esav's thoughts that they are perverse from his youth and there is no tov in him; for he desires after your death to kill him.

10 And you know all that he has done since the yom Yaakov his brother went to Charan until this yom: how he has forsaken us with his whole lev and has done evil to us; your flocks he has taken to himself and carried off all your possessions from before your face.

11 And when we implored and sought him for what was our own, he did as a man who was taking pity on us.

12 And he is bitter against you because you did bless Yaakov your perfect and upright son; for there is no evil but only tov in him and since he came from Charan to this yom he has not robbed us of anything, for he brings us everything in its season always and rejoices with all his lev when we take from his hands and he blesses us and has not departed from us since he came from Charan until this yom and he remains with us continually at home giving us kavod.

13 And Yitschaq said to her: I, too, know and see the deeds of Yaakov who is with us, how that with all his lev he gives us kavod; but I loved Esav formerly more than Yaakov because he was the bachor; but now I love Yaakov more than Esav, for he has done manifold evil deeds and there is no tzedakah in him, for all his halachot are unrighteousness and violent and there is no tzedakah around him.

14 And now my lev is troubled because of all his deeds and neither he nor his zera is to be saved, for they are those who will be destroyed from the earth and who will be rooted out from under the shamayim, for he has forsaken YHUH the Ahlohim of Avraham and gone after the idolatry of his pagan wives and after their uncleanness and after their error, he and his children.

15 And you ask me to make him swear that he will not slay Yaakov his brother? Even if he swears, he will not abide by his oath and he will not do tov but evil only.

16 But if he desires to slay Yaakov, his brother, into Yaakov's hands will he be given and he will not escape from his hands, for he will descend into his hands.

17 And fear not on account of Yaakov; for the Guardian of Yaakov is great and powerful and esteemed and praised more than the guardian of Esav.

18 And Rivkah sent and called Esav and he came to her and she said to him: I have a petition, my son, to make to you and do promise to do it, my son.

19 And he said: I will do everything that you say to me and I will not refuse your petition.

20 And she said to him: I ask you that the yom I die, you will take me in and bury me near Sarah, your abba's eema and that you and Yaakov will love each other and that neither will desire evil against the other but have mutual love only and so you will prosper, my sons and be with kavod in the midst of the land and no enemy will rejoice over you and you will be a bracha of rachamim, in the eyes of all those that have ahava for you.

21 And he said: I will do all that you have told me and I shall bury you on the yom you die near Sarah, my abba's eema, as you have desired that her bones may be near your bones.

22 And Yaakov, my brother, also, I shall love above all flesh; for I have not a brother in all the earth but him only: and this is no great merit for me if I love him; for he is my brother and we were sown together in your gooff and together came we forth from your womb and if I do not love my brother, whom shall I love?

23 And I, myself, beg you to exhort Yaakov concerning me and concerning my sons, for I know that he will assuredly be melech over me and my sons, for on the yom my abba blessed him, he made him the higher one and me the lower one.

24 And I swear to you that I shall love him and not desire evil against him all the yamim of my chayim but tov only.

25 And he swore to her regarding all this matter. And she called Yaakov before the eyes of Esav and gave him a commandment according to the words which she had spoken to Esav.

26 And he said: I shall do your pleasure; believe me that no evil will proceed from me or from my sons against Esav and I shall be first in nothing but in love only.

27 And they eat and drank, she and her sons that lyla and she died, three Yovleem and one week and one year old, on that lyla and her two sons, Esav and Yaakov, buried her in the double cave Machpelah near Sarah, their abba's eema.

36 And in the sixth year of this week Yitschaq called his two sons Esav and Yaakov and they came to him and he said to them: My sons, I am going the derech of my avot, to the eternal bayit where my avot are.

2 So bury me near Avraham my abba, in the double cave in the field of Ephron the Hittite, where Avraham purchased a sepulcher to bury in; in the sepulcher which I dug for myself, there bury me.

3 And this I command you, my sons, that you practice tzedakah on the earth, so that YHUH may bring upon you all that YHUH said that he would do to Avraham and to his zera.

4 And love one another, my sons, your brothers as a man who loves his own nephesh and let each seek in what derech he may benefit his brother and act together on the earth; and let them love each other as their own naphsoth.

5 And concerning the question of idols, I command and admonish you to reject them and hate them and love them not, for they are full of deception for those that worship them and for those that bow down to them.

6 Remember my sons, YHUH Ahlohim of Avraham your abba and how I too worshipped Him and served Him in tzedakah and in simcha, that He might multiply you and increase your zera as the cochavim of the shamayim in multitude and establish you on the earth, as the plant of tzedakah which will not be rooted out to all the generations le-olam-va-ed.

7 And now I shall make you swear a great oath, as YHUH lives, for there is no oath which is greater than it by The Name, magnificent and full of kavod, great and splendid, wonderful and mighty, Which created the shamayim and the earth and all things together; that you will fear Him and worship Him only. And that each will love his brother with affection and tzedakah and that neither will desire evil against his brother from now on le-olam-va-ed all the yamim of your chayim, so that you may prosper in all your deeds and not be destroyed.

8 And if either of you devises evil against his brother, know that from now on everyone that devises evil against his brother shall fall into His Hand and shall be rooted out of the land of the living and his zera shall be destroyed from under the shamayim.

9 But on the yom of turbulence and cursing and indignation and anger, with flaming devouring fire as He burnt Sedom, so likewise will He burn his land and his city and all that is his and he shall be blotted out of the scroll of the discipline of the children of men and not be recorded in the scroll of chayim but in that which is appointed to destruction; and he shall depart into eternal cursing; so that their condemnation may be always renewed in hate and in cursing and in wrath and in torment and in indignation and in plagues and in disease le-olam-va-ed.

10 I say and testify to you, my sons, according to this mishpat, which shall come upon the man who wishes to injure his brother.

11 And he divided all his possessions between the two on that yom and he gave the larger portion to him that was the bacorand the tower and all that was about it and all that Avraham possessed at the Well of the Oath.

12 And he said: This larger portion I will give to the bachor.

13 And Esav said, I have sold to Yaakov and given my bechora to Yaakov; to him let it be given and I have not a single word to say regarding it, for it is his.

14 And Yitschaq said, May a bracha rest upon you, my sons and upon your zera this yom, for you have given me shalom and my lev is not pained concerning the bechora, lest you should work wickedness on account of it.

15 May El-Elyon YHUH bless the man that works tzedakah, him and his zera le-olam-va-ed.

16 And he ended commanding them and blessing them and they ate and drank together before him and he rejoiced because there was one mind between them and they went forth from him and rested that yom and slept.

17 And Yitschaq slept on his bed that yom rejoicing; and he slept the eternal sleep and died one hundred and eighty years old.

18 He completed twenty-five weeks and five years;

19 And his two sons Esav and Yaakov buried him.

20 And Esav went to the land of Edom, to the mountains of Seir and dwelt there.

21 And Yaakov dwelt in the mountains of Chebron, in the tower of the land of the sojourning of his abba Avraham and he worshipped YHUH with all his lev and according to the visible mitzvoth, according as He had divided the yamim of his generations.

22 And Leah his isha died in the fourth year of the second week of the forty-fifth Yovel and he buried her in the double cave near Rivkah his eema to the left of the grave of Sarah, his abba's eema.

23 And all her sons and his sons came to mourn over Leah his isha with him and to comfort him regarding her,

24 For he was lamenting her, for he loved her exceedingly after Rachel her sister died; for she was perfect and upright in all her halachot and gave Yaakov kavod all the yamim that she lived with him; he did not hear from her mouth a harsh word, for she was gentle and peaceful and upright and had great kavod.

25 And he remembered all her deeds which she had done during her chayim and he lamented her exceedingly; for he loved her with all his lev and with all his nephesh.

37 And on the yom that Yitschaq the abba of Yaakov and Esav died, the sons of Esav heard that Yitschaq had given the portion of the elder to his younger son Yaakov and they were very angry.

2 And they strove with their abba, saying Why has your abba given Yaakov the portion of the elder and passed over you, although you are the elder and Yaakov the younger?

3 And he said to them Because I sold my bechora to Yaakov for a small mess of lentils and on the yom my abba sent me to hunt and catch and bring him something that he should eat and bless me, he came with guile and brought my abba food and drink and my abba blessed him and put me under his hand.

4 And now our abba has caused us to swear, me and him, that we shall not mutually devise evil, either against his brother and that we shall continue in love and in shalom each with his brother and not make our derachot corrupt.

5 And they said to him, We shall not listen to you to make shalom with him; for our strength is greater than his strength and we are more powerful than he is; we shall go against him and slay him and destroy him and his sons. And if you will not go with us, we shall do harm to you also.

6 And now listen to us: Let us send to Aram and Philistia and Moab and Ammon and let us choose for ourselves chosen men who are ardent for battle and let us go against him and do battle with him and let us exterminate him from the earth before he grows strong.

7 And their abba said to them, Do not go and do not make war with him lest you fall before him.

8 And they said to him, This too, is exactly your mode of action from your youth until this yom and you are putting your neck under his yoke. We shall not listen to these words.

9 And they sent to Aram and to Aduram to the chaver of their abba and they hired along with them one thousand fighting men, chosen men of war.

10 And there came to them from Moab and from the children of Ammon, those who were hired, one thousand chosen men and from Philistia, one thousand chosen men of war and from Edom and from the Horites one thousand chosen fighting men and from the Kittim mighty men of war.

11 And they said to their abba: Go forth with them and lead them or else we shall slay you.

12 And he was filled with wrath and indignation on seeing that his sons were forcing him to go before them to lead them against Yaakov his brother. But afterwards he remembered all the evil which lay hidden in his lev against Yaakov his brother;

13 And he remembered not the oath which he had sworn to his abba and to his eema that he would devise no evil all his yamim against Yaakov his brother.

14 And notwithstanding all this, Yaakov knew not that they were coming against him to battle and he was mourning for Leah his isha, until they approached very near to the tower with four thousand warriors and chosen men of war.

15 And the men of Chebron sent to him saying, Behold your brother has come against you, to fight you, with four thousand with the sword and they carry shields and weapons; for they loved Yaakov more than Esav. So they told him; for Yaakov was a more liberal and merciful man than Esav.

16 But Yaakov would not believe it until they came very near to the tower.

17 And he closed the gates of the tower; and he stood on the battlements and spoke to his brother Esav and said, Noble is the comfort with which you have come to comfort me for my isha who has died. Is this the oath that you did swear to your abba and again to your eema before they died? You have broken the oath and the moment that you did swear to your abba were you condemned.

18 And then Esav answered and said to him, Neither the children of men nor the beasts of the earth have any oath of tzedakah which in swearing they have sworn a valid oath le-olam-va-ed; but every yom they devise evil one against another and how each may slay his adversary and foe.

19 And you do hate me and my children le-olam-va-ed. And there is no observing the tie of brotherhood with you.

20 Hear these words which I declare to you, If the boar can change its skin and make its bristles as soft as wool, or if it can cause horns to sprout forth on its head like the horns of a stag or of a sheep, then will I observe the tie of brotherhood with you; and if the breasts separated themselves from their eema, for you have not been a brother to me.

21 And if the wolves make shalom with the lambs so as not to devour or do them violence and if their levavot are towards them for tov, then there shall be shalom in my lev towards you.

22 And if the lion becomes the chaver of the ox and makes shalom with him and if he is bound under one yoke with him and ploughs with him, then will I make shalom with you.

23 And when the raven becomes white as the raza, then know that I have loved you and shall make shalom with you. You shall be rooted out and your sons shall be rooted out and there shall be no shalom for you.

24 And when Yaakov saw that he was so wickedly disposed towards him with his lev and with all his nephesh, as to slay him and that he had come springing like the wild boar, which comes upon the spear that pierces and kills it and recoils not from it;

25 Then he spoke to his own and to his avadim that they should attack him and all his companions in self defense.

38 And after that Yahudah spoke to Yaakov, his abba and said to him: Bend your bow, abba and send forth your arrows and cast down the adversary and slay the enemy; and may you have the power, for we shall not slay your brother, for he is such as you and he is like you let us give him this kavod.

2 Then Yaakov bent his bow and sent forth the arrow and struck Esav, his brother on his right breast and slew him.

3 And again he sent forth an arrow and struck Adoran the Aramaean, on the left breast and drove him backward and slew him.

4 And then went forth the sons of Yaakov, they and their avadim, dividing themselves into companies on the four sides of the tower.

5 And Yahudah went forth in front and Naphtali and Gad with him and fifty avadim with him on the south side of the tower and they slew all they found before them and not one individual of them escaped.

6 And Lewi and Dan and Asher went forth on the east side of the tower and fifty men with them and they slew the fighting men of Moab and Ammon.

7 And Reuven and Yissacar and Zevulon went forth on the north side of the tower and fifty men with them and they slew the fighting men of the Philistines.

8 And Shimon and Benyamin and Chanok, Reuven's son, went forth on the west side of the tower and fifty men with them and they slew of Edom and of the Horites four hundred men, stout warriors; and six hundred fled and four of the sons of Esav fled with them and left their abba lying slain, as he had fallen on the hill which is in Aduram.

9 And the sons of Yaakov pursued after them to the mountains of Seir. And Yaakov buried his brother on the hill which is in Aduram and he returned to his bayit.

10 And the sons of Yaakov pressed hard upon the sons of Esav in the mountains of Seir and bowed their necks so that they became avadim of the sons of Yaakov.

11 And they sent to their abba to inquire, whether they should make shalom with them or slay them.

12 And Yaakov sent word to his sons that they should make shalom and they made shalom with them and placed the yoke of servitude upon them, so that they paid tribute to Yaakov and to his sons always.

13 And they continued to pay tribute to Yaakov until the yom that he went down into Mitzrayim.

14 And the sons of Edom have not got quit the yoke of servitude which the twelve sons of Yaakov had imposed on them until this yom.

15 And these are the melechim that reigned in Edom before there reigned any melech over the children of Yisrael until this yom in the land of Edom.

16 And Bela, the son of Beor, reigned in Edom and the name of his city was Danava.

17 And Bela died and Jobav, the son of Zara of Boser, reigned in his place.

18 And Jobav died and Asam, of the land of Teman, reigned in his place.

19 And Asam died and Adath, the son of Barad, who slew Midian in the field of Moab, reigned in his place and the name of his city was Avith.

20 And Adath died and Salman, from Amaseqa, reigned in his place.

21 And Salman died and Shaul of Ra'avot by the river, reigned in his place.

22 And Shaul died and Ba'elunan, the son of Achvor, reigned in his place.

23 And Ba'elunan, the son of Achbor died and Adath reigned in his place; and the name of his isha was Maitavith, the daughter of Matarat, the daughter of Metabedza'ab.

24 These are the melechim who reigned in the land of Edom.

39 And Yaakov dwelt in the land of his abba's sojourning in the land of Kanaan.

2 These are the generations of Yaakov. And Yoseph was seventeen years old when they took him down into the land of Mitzrayim and Potiphar, a eunuch of Pharaoh, the chief cook bought him.

3 And he set Yoseph over all his bayit and the blessing of YHUH came upon the bayit of the Mitzrite on account of Yoseph and YHUH prospered him in all that he did.

4 And the Mitzrite committed everything into the hands of Yoseph; for he saw that YHUH was with him and that YHUH prospered him in all that he did.

5 And Yoseph's appearance was comely and very beautiful was his appearance and his master's isha lifted up her eyes and saw Yoseph and she loved him and asked him to lie with her.

6 But he did not surrender his nephesh and he remembered YHUH and the words which Yaakov, his abba, used to read from among the words of Avraham, that no man should commit fornication with a woman who has a husband; that for him the punishment

of death has been ordained in the shamayim before El-Elyon YHUH and the sin will be recorded against him in the eternal scrolls continually before YHUH.

7 And Yoseph remembered these words and refused to lie with her.

8 And she sought him for a year but he refused and would not listen.

9 But she embraced him and held him fast in the bayit in order to force him to lie with her and closed the doors of the bayit and held him fast; but he left his garment in her hands and broke through the door and fled without from her presence.

10 And the woman saw that he would not lie with her and she accused him in the presence of his adon, saying Your Ivri eved, whom you love, sought to force me sexually so that he might lie with me; and it came to pass when I lifted up my voice that he fled and left his garment in my hands when I held him and he broke the door.

11 And the Mitzrite saw the garment of Yoseph and the broken door and heard the words of his isha and cast Yoseph into prison into the place where the prisoners were kept whom the melech imprisoned.

12 And he was there in the prison; and YHUH gave Yoseph chen in the sight of the chief of the prison guards and rachamim before him, for he saw that YHUH was with him and that YHUH made all that he did to prosper.

13 And he committed all things into his hands and the chief of the prison guards knew of nothing that was with him, for Yoseph did everything and YHUH perfected it.

14 And he remained there two years. And in those yamim Pharaoh, melech of Mitzrayim was angry against his two eunuchs, against the chief butler and against the chief baker; and he put them in the ward, in the ward of the chief cook, in the prison where Yoseph was kept.

15 And the chief of the prison guards appointed Yoseph to serve them; and he served before them.

16 And they both dreamed a dream, the chief butler and the chief baker and they told it to Yoseph.

17 And as he interpreted it to them so it befell them and Pharaoh restored the chief butler to his office and the chief baker he slew, as Yoseph had interpreted to them.

18 But the chief butler forgot Yoseph in the prison, although he had informed him what would befall him and did not remember to inform Pharaoh how Yoseph had told him, for he forgot.

40 And in those yamim Pharaoh dreamed two dreams in one lyla concerning a famine which was to be in all the land and he awoke from his sleep and called all the interpreters of dreams that were in Mitzrayim and magicians and told them his two dreams and they were not able to declare them.

2 And then the chief butler remembered Yoseph and spoke of him to the melech and he brought him forth from the prison and he told his two dreams before him.

3 And he said before Pharaoh that his two dreams were echad and he said to him: Seven years shall come in which there shall be plenty over all the land of Mitzrayim; and after that seven years of famine, such a famine as has not been in all the land.

4 And now let Pharaoh appoint overseers in all the land of Mitzrayim and let them store up food in every city throughout the yamim of the years of plenty and there will be food for the seven years of famine and the land will not perish through the famine, for it will be very severe.

5 And YHUH gave Yoseph chen and rachamim in the eyes of Pharaoh and Pharaoh said to his avadim. We shall not find such a wise and discreet man as this man, for The Ruach of YHUH is with him.

6 And he appointed him second in his malchut and gave him authority over all of Mitzrayim and caused him to ride in the second chariot of Pharaoh.

7 And he clothed him with kingly garments and he put a gold chain upon his neck and a herald proclaimed before him El, El Wa Abirer and placed a ring on his hand and made him ruler over all his bayit and magnified him and said to him. Only regarding the kesay shall I be greater than you.

8 And Yoseph ruled over all the land of Mitzrayim and all the princes of Pharaoh and all his avadim and all who did the melech's business loved him for he walked in tzedakah for he was without pride and arrogance and he had no respect of persons and did not accept bribes but he judged in tzedakah all the people of the land.

9 And the land of Mitzrayim was in shalom before Pharaoh because of Yoseph, for YHUH was with him and gave him chen and rachamim for all his generations before all those who knew him and those who heard about him and Pharaoh's malchut was well ordered and there was no demonic beings influencing the land and no evil person in it.

10 And the melech called Yoseph's name Sephantiphans and gave Yoseph an isha the daughter of Potiphar, the daughter of the pagan kohen of Heliopolis, the chief cook.

11 And on the yom that Yoseph stood before Pharaoh he was thirty years old.

12 And in that year Yitschaq died. And it came to pass as Yoseph had said in the interpretation of his two dreams, according as he had said it, there were seven years of plenty over all the land of Mitzrayim and the land of Mitzrayim abundantly produced, one measure producing eighteen hundred measures.

13 And Yoseph gathered food into every city until they were full of grain until they could no longer count and measure it for its multitude.

41 And in the forty-fifth Yovel, in the second week in the second year, Yahudah took for his bacor Er, an isha from the daughters of Aram, named Tamar.

2 But he hated and did not lie with her because his eema was of the daughters of Kanaan and he wished to take him an isha from the kinsfolk of his eema but Yahudah, his abba, would not permit him.

3 And this Er, the bacor of Yahudah, was wicked and YHUH slew him.

4 And Yahudah said to Onan, his brother Go in to your brother's isha and perform the duty of a husband's brother to her and raise up zera to your brother.

5 And Onan knew that the zera would not be his but his brother's only and he went into the bayit of his brother's isha and spilled the zera on the ground and he was wicked in the eyes of YHUH and He slew him.

6 And Yahudah said to Tamar, his daughter-in-law: Remain in your abba's bayit as a widow till Shelach my son is grown up and I shall give you to him as an ish.

7 And he grew up; but Bedsu'el, the isha of Yahudah, did not permit her son Shelach to marry.

8 And Bedsu'el, the isha of Yahudah, died in the fifth year of this week. And in the sixth year Yahudah went up to shear his sheep at Timnah.

9 And they told Tamar: Behold your abba-in-law goes up to Timnah to shear his sheep. And she put off her widow's clothes and put on a veil and adorned herself and sat in the gate on the derech to Timnah.

10 And as Yahudah was going along he found her and thought her to be a harlot and he said to her: Let me come in to you; and she said to him Come in and he went in to her.

11 And she said to him: Give me my hire; and he said to her: I have nothing in my hand except my ring that is on my finger and my necklace and my staff which is in my hand.

12 And she said to him, Give them to me until you do send me my hire and he said to her: I will send to you a kid of the goats; and he gave them to her and she conceived by him.

13 So Yahudah went to his sheep and she went to her abba's bayit.

14 And Yahudah sent a kid of the goats by the hand of his shepherd, an Adullamite and he found her not; and he asked the people of the place, saying: Where is the harlot who was here?

15 And they said to him; There is no harlot here with us. And he returned and informed him and said to him that he had not found her: I asked the people of the place and they said to me: There is no harlot here.

16 And he said: Let her keep them lest we become a cause of derision. And when she had completed three chodashem, it was manifest that she was with child and they told Yahudah, saying: Behold Tamar, your daughter-in-law, is with child by whoredom.

17 And Yahudah went to the bayit of her abba and said to her abba and her brothers: Bring her forth and let them burn her, for she has done uncleanness in Yisrael.

18 And it came to pass when they brought her forth to burn her that she sent to her abba-in-law the ring and the necklace and the staff, saying: Discern whose are these, for by him am I with child.

19 And Yahudah acknowledged and said: Tamar is more tzadik than I am. And therefore let them burn her not.

20 And for that reason she was not given to Shelach,

21 And he did not again approach her; and after that she bare two sons, Peretz and Zerach, in the seventh year of this second week.

22 And then the seven years of fruitfulness were accomplished of which Yoseph spoke to Pharaoh.

23 And Yahudah acknowledged that the deed which he had done was evil, for he had lain with his daughter in law and he esteemed it hateful in his eyes and he acknowledged that he had transgressed and gone astray, for he had uncovered the skirt of his deceased son and he began to lament and to supplicate before YHUH because of his transgression.

24 And we malachim told him in a dream that it was forgiven him because he supplicated earnestly and lamented and did not again commit whoredom.

25 And he received forgiveness because he turned from his sin and from his ignorance, for he transgressed greatly before YHUH our Ahlohim; and everyone that acts like that, everyone who lies with his daughter in law, married and not a widow, let them burn him with fire, that he may burn in it, for there is uncleanness and pollution upon them, with eternal fire let them burn them.

26 And you command the children of Yisrael that there be no uncleanness among them, for anyone who lies with his daughter in law, married and not a widow, or with his eema in law, married and not a widow, has done uncleanness; with fire let them burn the man who has lain with her and likewise the woman and He will turn away wrath and punishment from Yisrael.

27 And to Yahudah we malachim said that his two sons had not lain with her and for this reason his zera was established for a second generation and would not be rooted out.

28 For in singleness of eye he had gone and sought for punishment, namely, according to the mishpat of Avraham, which he had commanded his sons, Yahudah had sought to burn her with fire.

42 And in the first year of the third week of the forty-fifth Yovel the famine began to come into the land and the rain refused to be given to the earth, for none fell.

2 And the earth grew barren but in the land of Mitzrayim there was food, for Yoseph had gathered the zera of the land in the seven years of plenty and had preserved it.

3 And the Mitzrites came to Yoseph that he might give them food and he opened the storehouses where there was the grain of the first year and he sold it to the people of the land for gold.

4 And Yaakov heard that there was food in Mitzrayim and he sent his ten sons that they should procure food for him in Mitzrayim; but Benyamin he did not send and they arrived among those that went there.

5 And Yoseph recognized them but they did not recognize him; and he spoke to them and questioned them and he said to them; Are you not spies and have you not come to explore the roads of the land?

6 And he put them in prison. And after that he set them free again and detained Shimon alone and sent off his nine brothers.

7 And he filled their sacks with grain and he put their gold in their sacks and they did not know it.

8 And he commanded them to bring their younger brother, for they had told him their abba was living and their younger brother as well.

9 And they went up from the land of Mitzrayim and they came to the land of Kanaan; and they told their abba all that had befallen them and how the adon of the country had spoken roughly to them and had seized Shimon until they should bring Benyamin.

10 And Yaakov said: Me have you bereaved of my children. Yoseph is not and Shimon also is not and now you will take Benyamin away? On me has your wickedness come.

11 And he said: My son will not go down with you lest he fall sick; for their eema gave birth to two sons; and one has perished and this one also you will take from me. If for example he took a fever on the road, you would bring down my old age with sorrow to death.

12 For he saw that their money had been returned to every man in his sack and for this reason he feared to send him.

13 And the famine increased and became sore in the land of Kanaan and in all lands except in the land of Mitzrayim, for many of the children of the Mitzrites had stored up their zera for food from the time when they saw Yoseph gathering zera together and putting it in storehouses and preserving it for the years of famine.

14 And the people of Mitzrayim fed themselves on it during the first year of their famine.

15 But when Yisrael saw that the famine was very sore in the land and that there was no deliverance, he said to his sons: Go again and buy food for us that we die not.

16 And they said: We shall not go; unless our youngest brother goes with us, we shall not go.

17 And Yisrael saw that if he did not send him with them, they should all perish by reason of the famine

18 And Reuven said: Give him into my hand and if I do not bring him back to you, slay my two sons instead of his nephesh.

19 And he said to him: He shall not go with you. And Yahudah came near and said: Send him with me and if I do not bring him back to you, let me bear the blame before you all the yamim of my chayim.

20 And he sent him with them in the second year of this week on the first yom of the chodesh and they came to the land of Mitzrayim with all those who went and they had presents in their hands, stacte, almonds, terebinth nuts and pure honey.

21 And they went and stood before Yoseph and he saw Benyamin his brother and he recognized him and said to them: Is this your youngest brother? And they said to him: It is he. And he said YHUH be kind to you, my son.

22 And he sent him into his bayit and he brought forth Shimon to them and he made a feast for them and they presented to him the gift which they had brought in their hands.

23 And they eat before him and he gave them all a portion but the portion of Benyamin was seven times larger than that of any of theirs.

24 And they ate and drank and arose and remained with their donkeys.

25 And Yoseph devised a plan by which he might learn their thoughts as to whether thoughts of shalom prevailed among them and he said to the steward who was over his bayit: Fill all their sacks with food and return their money to them into their vessels; and my cup, the silver cup out of which I drink, put it in the sack of the youngest and send them away.

43 And he did as Yoseph had told him and filled all their sacks for them with food and put their money in their sacks and put the cup in Benyamin's sack.

2 And early in the boker they departed and it came to pass that, when they had gone from there, Yoseph said to the steward of his bayit: Pursue them, run and seize them, saying, For tov you have repaid me with evil; you have stolen from me the silver cup out of which my adon drinks. And bring back to me their youngest brother and fetch him quickly before I go forth to my seat of mishpat.

3 And he ran after them and said to them according to these words.

4 And they said to him:YHUH forbid that your avadim should do this thing and steal from the bayit of your adon any utensil and the money also which we found in our sacks the first time, we your avadim brought back from the land of Kanaan.

5 How then and why should we steal any utensil? Behold here we are and our sacks; search and wherever you find the cup in the sack of any man among us, let him be slain and we and our donkeys will serve your adon.

6 And he said to them: Not so, the man with whom I find it, him only shall I take as an eved and you shall return in shalom to your bayit.

7 And as he was searching in their vessels, beginning with the eldest and ending with the youngest, it was found in Benyamin's sack.

8 And they tore their garments and loaded their donkeys and returned to the city and came to the bayit of Yoseph and they all bowed themselves on their faces to the ground before him.

9 And Yoseph said to them: You have done evil. And they said: What shall we say and how shall we defend ourselves? Our adon has discovered the transgression of his avadim; behold we are the avadim of our adon and our donkeys also.

10 And Yoseph said to them: I too fear YHUH; as for you; go to your homes and let your brother be my eved, for you have done evil. Know you not that a man delights in his cup, as I with this cup?

11 And yet you have stolen it from me. And Yahudah said: O my adon, let your eved, I ask, speak a word in my adon's ear; two brothers did your eved's eema bear to our abba: one went away and was lost and has not been found and this one alone is left of his eema and your eved our abba loves him and his chayim also is bound up with the chayim of this lad.

12 And it will come to pass, when we go to your eved our abba and the lad is not with us, that he will die and we shall bring down our abba with sorrow to death.

13 Now rather let me, your eved, abide instead of the boy as a bondsman to my adon and let the lad go with his brethren, for I became guarantor for him at the hand of your eved our abba; and if I do not bring him back, your eved will bear the blame to our abba le-olam-va-ed.

14 And Yoseph saw that they were all behaving tov with one another and he could not refrain himself and he told them that he was Yoseph.

15 And he conversed with them in the Ivrit tongue and fell on their neck and wept.

16 But they knew him not and they began to weep. And he said to them: Weep not over me but hurry and bring my abba to me; and you see that it is my mouth that speaks and the eyes of my brother Benyamin see.

17 For behold this is the second year of the famine and there are,

18 Still five years without harvest or fruit of eytzim or ploughing. Come down quickly, you and your households, so that you perish not through the famine and do not be grieved about your possessions, for YHUH sent me before you to set things in order that many people might live.

19 And tell my abba that I am still alive and you see that YHUH has made me as an abba to Pharaoh and ruler over his bayit and over all the land of Mitzrayim.

20 And tell my abba of all my splendor and all the riches and splendor that YHUH has given me.

21 And by the command of the mouth of Pharaoh he gave them mirkavot and provisions for the derech and he gave them all multi colored raiment and silver.

21 And to their abba he sent raiment and silver and ten donkeys which carried grain and he sent them away.

23 And they went up and told their abba that Yoseph was alive and was measuring out grain to all the goyim of the earth and that he was ruler over all the land of Mitzrayim.

24 And their abba did not believe it, for he was beside himself in his mind; but when he saw the wagons which Yoseph had sent, the chayim of his ruach revived and he said: It is enough for me if Yoseph lives; I will go down and see him before I die.

44 And Yisrael took his journey from Charan from his bayit on the first yom of the third chodesh and he went on the derech of the Well of the Oath and he offered a sacrifice to YHUH the Ahlohim of his abba Yitschaq on the seventh of this chodesh.

2 And Yaakov remembered the dream that he had seen at Bethel and he feared to go down into Mitzrayim.

3 And while he was thinking of sending word to Yoseph to come to him and that he would not go down, he remained there seven yamim, if perhaps he could see a vision as to whether he should remain or go down.

4 And he celebrated the harvest moed of the first-fruits with old grain, for in all the land of Kanaan there was not a handful of zera in the land, for the famine was over all the beasts and cattle and birds and also over man.

5 And on the sixteenth YHUH appeared to him and said to him, Yaakov, Yaakov; and he said, Here am I, Hinayne.

6 And He said to him: I AM YHUH the Ahlohim of your avot, the Ahlohim of Avraham and Yitschaq; fear not to go down into Mitzrayim, for I will there make of you a great nation; I will go down with you and I will bring you up again and in this land shall you be buried and Yoseph shall put his hands upon your eyes. Fear not; go down into Mitzrayim.

7 And his sons rose up and his son’s sons and they placed their abba and their possessions upon wagons.

8 And Yisrael rose up from the Well of the Oath on the sixteenth of this third chodesh and he went to the land of Mitzrayim.

9 And Yisrael sent Yahudah before him to his son Yoseph to examine the land of Goshen, for Yoseph had told his brothers that they should come and dwell there that they might be near him.

10 And this was the best land in the land of Mitzrayim and near to him, for all of them and also for the cattle.

11 And these are the names of the sons of Yaakov who went into Mitzrayim with Yaakov their abba; Reuven, the bachor of Yisrael;

12 And these are the names of his sons Chanok and Pallu and Chetzron and Carmi-five.

13 Shimon and his sons; and these are the names of his sons: Yemuel and Yamin and Ohad and Yachin and Zohar and Shaul, the son of the Zephasite woman-seven.

14 Lewi and his sons; and these are the names of his sons: Gershon and Kohat and Merari-four. Yahudah and his sons; and these are the names of his sons: Shelach and Peretz and Zerach-four.

15 Yissachar and his sons; and these are the names of his sons: Tola and Phua and Yashuv and Shimron-five.

17 Zevulon and his sons; and these are the names of his sons: Sered and Elon and Yahleel-four.

18 And these are the sons of Yaakov and their sons whom Leah bore to Yaakov in Mesopotamia, six and their one sister, Dinah and all the naphsoth of the sons of Leah and their sons, who went with Yaakov their abba into Mitzrayim, were twenty-nine and Yaakov their abba being with them, they were thirty.

19 And the sons of Zilpah, Leah's handmaid, the isha of Yaakov, who bore to Yaakov, Gad and Ashur.

20 And there are the names of their sons who went with him into Mitzrayim. The sons of Gad: Ziphion and Chaggi and Shuni and Ezbon, Eri and Areli and Arodi-eight.

21 And the sons of Asher: Imnah and Ishvah and Ishvi and Beriyah and Serah, their one sister-six.

22 All the naphsoth were fourteen and all those of Leah were forty-four.

23 And the sons of Rachel, the isha of Yaakov: Yoseph and Benyamin.

24 And there were born to Yoseph in Mitzrayim before his abba came into Mitzrayim, those whom Asenath, daughter of Potiphar pagan kohen of Heliopolis bare to him, Manasseh and Ephraim-three.

25 And the sons of Benyamin: Bela and Becher and Ashvel, Gera and Naaman and Ehi and Rosh and Muppim and Chuppim and Ard-eleven.

26 And all the naphsoth of Rachel were fourteen.

27 And the sons of Bilhah, the handmaid of Rachel, the isha of Yaakov, whom she bare to Yaakov, were Dan and Naphtali.

28 And these are the names of their sons who went with them into Mitzrayim. And the sons of Dan were Chushim and Samon and Asudi and Iyaka and Salomon-six.

29 And they died the year in which they entered into Mitzrayim and there was left to Dan, Chushim alone.

30 And these are the names of the sons of Naphtali Yahziel and Guni and Yezer and Shallum and Iv.

31 And Iv, who was born after the years of famine, died in Mitzrayim.

32 And all the naphsoth of Rachel were twenty-six.

33 And all the naphsoth of Yaakov which went into Mitzrayim were seventy naphsoth. These are his children and his children's children, in all seventy but five died in Mitzrayim before Yoseph and had no children.

34 And in the land of Kanaan two sons of Yahudah died, Er and Onan and they had no children and the children of Yisrael buried those who perished and they were reckoned among the seventy non Yisraelite goyim.

45 And Yisrael went into the country of Mitzrayim, into the land of Goshen, on the first yom of the fourth chodesh, in the second year of the third week of the forty-fifth Yovel.

2 And Yoseph went to meet his abba Yaakov, to the land of Goshen and he fell on his abba's neck and wept.

3 And Yisrael said to Yoseph: Now let me die since I have seen you and now may YHUH Ahlohim of Yisrael be blessed; the Ahlohim of Avraham and the Ahlohim of Yitschaq, who has not withheld His rachamim and His free unmerited pardon from His eved Yaakov.

4 It is enough for me that I have seen your face while I am yet alive; yes, emet is the vision which I saw at Bethel. Blessed be YHUH my Ahlohim le-olam-va-ed and blessed be His Name.

5 And Yoseph and his brothers ate lechem before their abba and drank wine and Yaakov rejoiced with exceeding great simcha because he saw Yoseph eating with his brothers and drinking before him and he blessed The Creator of all things, Who had preserved him and had preserved for him his twelve sons.

6 And Yoseph had given to his abba and to his brothers as a gift the right of dwelling in the land of Goshen and in Rameses and all the regions round about, which he ruled over before Pharaoh. And Yisrael and his sons dwelt in the land of Goshen, the best part of the land of Mitzrayim and Yisrael was one hundred and thirty years old when he came into Mitzrayim.

7 And Yoseph nourished his abba and his brethren and also their possessions with lechem as much as they desired for the seven years of the famine.

8 And the land of Mitzrayim suffered by reason of the famine and Yoseph acquired all the land of Mitzrayim for Pharaoh in return for food and he got possession of the people and their cattle and everything for Pharaoh.

9 And the years of the famine were accomplished and Yoseph gave to the people in the land zera and food that they might sow the land in the eighth year, for the river had overflowed all the land of Mitzrayim.

10 For in the seven years of the famine it had not overflowed and had irrigated into only a few places on the banks of the river but now it overflowed.

11 And the Mitzrites sowed the land and it bore much grain that year. And this was the first year of the fourth week of the forty-fifth Yovel.

12 And Yoseph took of the grain of the harvest, the fifth part for the melech and left four parts for them for food and for zera and Yoseph made it an ordinance for the land of Mitzrayim until this yom.

13 And Yisrael lived in the land of Mitzrayim seventeen years and all the yamim which he lived were three Yovleem, one hundred and forty-seven years and he died in the fourth year of the fifth week of the forty-fifth Yovel.

14 And Yisrael blessed his sons before he died and told them everything that would befall them in the land of Mitzrayim; and he made known to them what would come upon them in the yamim ha-acharonim and blessed them and gave to Yoseph two portions in the land of Kanaan.

15 And he slept with his avot and he was buried in the double cave-Machpelah in the land of Kanaan, near Avraham his abba in the grave which he dug for himself in the double cave Machpelah in the land of Chebron.

16 And he gave all his scrolls and the scrolls of his avot to Lewi his son that he might preserve them and renew them for his children until this yom.

46 And it came to pass that after Yaakov died the children of Yisrael multiplied in the land of Mitzrayim and they became a great nation and they were of one accord in lev, so that brother loved brother and every man helped his brother and they increased abundantly and multiplied exceedingly, ten weeks of years, all the yamim of the chayim of Yoseph.

2 And there was no demonic control nor any evil all the yamim of the chayim of Yoseph which he lived after his abba Yaakov, for all the Mitzrites esteemed the children of Yisrael, all the yamim of the chayim of Yoseph.

3 And Yoseph died being a hundred and ten years old; seventeen years he lived in the land of Kanaan and ten years he was an eved and three years in prison and eighty years he was under the melech, ruling all the land of Mitzrayim.

4 And he died and all his brethren and all that generation.

5 And he commanded the children of Yisrael before he died that they should carry his bones with them when they went forth from the land of Mitzrayim.

6 And he made them swear regarding his bones, for he knew that the Mitzrites would not again bring forth and bury him in the land of Kanaan, for Makamaron, melech of Kanaan, while dwelling in the land of Ashur, fought in the valley with the melech of Mitzrayim and slew him there and pursued after the Mitzrites to the gates of Ermon.

7 But he was not able to enter, for another, a new melech, had become melech of Mitzrayim and he was stronger than Makamaron and so he returned to the land of Kanaan and the gates of Mitzrayim were closed and none went out and none came into Mitzrayim.

8 And Yoseph died in the forty sixth Yovel, in the sixth week, in the second year and they buried him in the land of Mitzrayim and all his brethren died after him.

9 And the melech of Mitzrayim went forth to war with the melech of Kanaan in the forty-seventh Yovel, in the second week in the second year and the children of Yisrael brought forth all the bones of the children of Yaakov except the bones of Yoseph and they buried them in the field in the double cave Machpelah in the har.

10 And the most of them returned to Mitzrayim but a few of them remained in the mountains of Chebron and Amram your abba remained with them.

11 And the melech of Kanaan was victorious over the melech of Mitzrayim and he closed the gates of Mitzrayim.

12 And he devised an evil device against the children of Yisrael of afflicting them.

13 And he, the new leader of Mitzrayim said to the people of Mitzrayim: Behold the people of the children of Yisrael have increased and multiplied more than us. Come and let us deal wisely with them before they become too many and let us afflict them with avdooth before war comes upon us and before they too fight against us; or else they will join themselves to our enemies and get up out of our land, for their levavot and faces are always towards the land of Kanaan.

14 And he set over them taskmasters to afflict them with avdooth; and they built strong cities for Pharaoh, Pithom and Raamses and they built all the walls and all the fortifications which had fallen in the cities of Mitzrayim.

15 And they made them serve with rigor and the more they dealt wickedly with them, the more they increased and multiplied. And the people of Mitzrayim developed great hate for the children of Yisrael.

47 And in the seventh week, in the seventh year, in the forty seventh Yovel, your abba went forth from the land of Kanaan and you were born in the fourth week, in the sixth year of it, in the forty-eighth Yovel; this was the time of great tribulation on the children of Yisrael.

2 And Pharaoh, melech of Mitzrayim, issued a command regarding them that they should cast all their male children which were born into the river.

3 And they cast them in for seven chodashem until the yom that you were born.

4 And your eema hid you for three chodashem and they told regarding her. And she made a tayvah for you and covered it with pitch and asphalt and placed it in the flags on the bank of the river and she placed you in it seven yamim and your eema came by lyla and nursed you and by yom Miryam, your sister, guarded you from the birds.

5 And in those yamim Tharmuth, the daughter of Pharaoh, came to bathe in the river and she heard your voice crying and she told her maidens to bring you forth and they brought you to her.

6 And she took you out of the tayvah and she had rachamim on you.

7 And your sister said to her: Shall I go and call one of the Ivri women to nurse and nurture this baby for you?

8 And she said to her: Go. And she went and called your eema Yochebed and she gave her wages and she nursed you.

9 And afterwards, when you were grown up, they brought you to the daughter of Pharaoh and you became her son and Amram your abba taught you writing and after you had completed three weeks they brought you into the royal court.

10 And you were three weeks of years at court until the time when you did go forth from the royal court and did see a Mitzrite smiting your chaver who was of the children of Yisrael and you did slay him and hid him in the sand.

11 And on the second yom you did see two of the children of Yisrael striving together and you did say to him who was doing the wrong: Why do you smite your brother?

12 And he was angry and indignant and said: Who made you a sar and a shophet over us? Will you kill me as you killed the Mitzrite yesterday? And you did fear and fled on account of these words.

48 And in the sixth year of the third week of the forty ninth Yovel you did depart to dwell in the land of Midian, five weeks and one year. And you did return into Mitzrayim in the second week in the second year in the fiftieth Yovel.

2 And you yourself know what He spoke to you on Har Senai and what sar Mastema desired to do with you when you were returning into Mitzrayim.

3 Did he not with all his power seek to slay you and deliver the Mitzrites out of your hand when he saw that you were sent to execute mishpat and vengeance on the Mitzrites?

4 And I delivered you out of his hand and you did perform the signs and wonders which you were sent to perform in Mitzrayim against Pharaoh and against all his bayit and against his avadim and his people.

5 And I YHUH executed a great vengeance on them for Yisrael's sake and smote them through the plagues of dahm and frogs, lice and dog-flies and malignant boils breaking forth in blains; and their cattle by death; and by hail-stones, thereby He destroyed everything that grew for them; and by locusts which devoured the residue which had been left by the hail and by darkness; and by the death of the bacor of men and animals and on all their idols I YHUH took vengeance and burned them with fire.

6 And everything was sent through your hand that you should declare these things before they were done and you did speak with the melech of Mitzrayim before all his avadim and before his people.

7 And everything took place according to your words; ten great and terrible mishpatim came on the land of Mitzrayim that you might execute vengeance on it for Yisrael.

8 And I YHUH did everything for Yisrael's sake and according to His brit, which he had ordained with Avraham that He would take vengeance on them, as they had brought them by force into bondage.

9 And the sar Mastema stood up against you and sought to cast you into the hands of Pharaoh and he helped the Mitzrite sorcerers,

10 And they stood up and did before you the evils; indeed we permitted them to work but the remedies we did not allow to be done by their hands.

11 And I YHUH smote them with malignant ulcers and they were not able to stand, for we destroyed them so that they could not perform a single ot.

12 And notwithstanding all these signs and wonders the sar Mastema was not put to shame because he took courage and cried to the Mitzrites to pursue after you with all the powers of the Mitzrites, with their mirkavot and with their horses and with all the hosts of the peoples of Mitzrayim.

13 And I stood between the Mitzrites and Yisrael and We delivered Yisrael out of his hand and out of the hand of his people and I YHUH brought them through the midst of the sea as if it were dry land.

14 And all the peoples whom he brought to pursue after Yisrael, I YHUH our Ahlohim cast them into the midst of the sea, into the depths of the abyss beneath the children of Yisrael, even as the people of Mitzrayim had cast their children into the river. He took vengeance on 1,000,000 of them and one thousand strong and energetic men were destroyed, on account of each suckling of the children of your people which they had thrown into the river.

15 And on the fourteenth yom and on the fifteenth and on the sixteenth and on the seventeenth and on the eighteenth the sar Mastema was bound and imprisoned behind the children of Yisrael that he might not accuse them.

16 And on the nineteenth We let them loose that they might help the Mitzrites and pursue the children of Yisrael.

17 And he hardened their levavot and made them stubborn and the device was devised by YHUH our Ahlohim that He might smite the Mitzrites and cast them into the sea.

18 And on the fourteenth, We bound him that he might not accuse the children of Yisrael on the yom when they asked the Mitzrites for vessels and garments, vessels of silver and vessels of gold and vessels of bronze, in order to spoil the Mitzrites in return for the bondage in which they had forced them to serve.

19 And We did not lead forth the children of Yisrael from Mitzrayim empty handed.

49 Remember the mitzvah which I YHUH commanded you concerning the Pesach, that you should celebrate it in its season on the fourteenth of the first chodesh, that you should kill it between the evenings and that they should eat it by lyla on the same evening [14th], until the shemesh comes on the fifteenth.   

2 For on this lyla-the beginning of the moed and the beginning of the simcha - you were eating the Pesach in Mitzrayim, when all the powers of Mastema had been let loose to slay all the bachorim in the land of Mitzrayim, from the bachor of Pharaoh to the bachor of the captive eved in the mill and to the cattle.

3 And this is the ot which I YHUH gave them: into every bayit on the lintels of which they saw the dahm of a lamb of the first year, into that bayit they should not enter to kill but should pass-over it, that all those should be saved that were in the bayit because the ot of the dahm that was on its lintels.

4 And the powers of YHUH did everything according as YHUH commanded them and they passed by all the children of Yisrael and the plague came not upon them to destroy from among them, any nephesh either of cattle or man or dog.

5 And the plague was very grievous in Mitzrayim and there was no bayit in Mitzrayim where there was not at least one dead with weeping and lamentation.

6 And all Yisrael was eating the flesh of the Pesach Lamb and drinking the wine and were praising, blessing and giving hodu to YHUH Ahlohim of their avot and were ready to go forth from under the yoke of Mitzrayim and from the evil bondage.

7 And remember this yom all the yamim of your chayim and observe it from year to year, all the yamim of your chayim, once a year, on its yom, according to all The Torah written and do not cease from celebrating it on the exact yom and the exact chodesh, Aviv 14.

8 For it is an eternal ordinance and engraved on the heavenly tablets regarding all the children of Yisrael that they should observe it every year on its yom, once a year, throughout all their generations; and there is no end to this ordinance, for this is ordained le-olam-va-ed.

9 And the man who is free from uncleanness and does not come to observe it on occasion of its yom, so as to bring an acceptable offering before YHUH and to eat and to drink before YHUH on the yom of its moed, that man who is clean and close at hand, shall be cut off: because he offered not the offering of YHUH in its appointed moed, he shall take the guilt upon himself.

10 Let the children of Yisrael come and observe the Pesach on the yom of its fixed time, on the fourteenth yom of the first chodesh, between the evenings, beyn ha-arbayem, from the third part of the yom to the third part of the lyla, for two portions of the yom are given to the ohr and a third part to the evening.

11 This is that which I YHUH commanded you that you should observe it between the evenings, beyn ha-arbayem.

12 And it is not permissible to slay it during any period of the ohr but during the period bordering on the evening; and let them eat it at the time of the evening, until the third part of the lyla; and whatever is left over of all its flesh from the third part of the lyla and onwards, let them burn it with fire.

13 And they shall not cook it with mayim, nor shall they eat it raw but roast on the fire: they shall eat it with diligence, its head with the inwards of it and its feet they shall roast with fire and not break any bone of it; for of the children of Yisrael no bone shall be crushed.

14 For this reason I YHUH commanded the children of Yisrael to observe the Pesach on the yom of its fixed time and they shall not break a bone of it; for it is a moed yom and also a yom commanded, so that there may be no changing its yom and chodesh le-olam-va-ed but on the yom of its moed, let it be observed.

15 And command the children of Yisrael to observe the Pesach throughout their yamim, every year, once a year on the yom of its fixed time; and it shall become for a memorial, well pleasing before YHUH and no plague shall come upon them, to slay them or to smite them in that year in which they celebrate the Pesach in its season, in every detail according to His command.

16 And they shall not eat it outside the sanctuary of YHUH but before the sanctuary of YHUH and all the people of the kehilla of Yisrael shall celebrate it in its appointed season.

17 And every man who has come upon its yom shall eat it in the sanctuary of your Ahlohim before YHUH from twenty years old and upward; for so is it written and ordained that they should eat it in the sanctuary of YHUH.

18 And when the children of Yisrael come into the land which they are to possess, into the land of Kanaan and set up the sukkah of YHUH in the midst of the land, in one of their tribes until the Beit HaMikdash of YHUH has been built in the land, let them come and celebrate the Pesach in the midst of the Mishkan of YHUH and let them kill it before YHUH from year to year.

19 And in the yamim when the Beit HaMikdash has been built in The Name of YHUH in the land of their inheritance, they shall go there and kill the Pesach in the evening, at sunset, at the third part of the yom.

20 And they shall offer its dahm on the threshold of the altar and shall place its fat on the fire which is upon the altar and they shall eat its flesh roasted with fire in the court of the Beit HaMikdash which will be sanctified in The Name of YHUH.

21 And they may not celebrate the Pesach in their cities, nor in any place except before the Mishkan of YHUH or before His Beit HaMikdash where His Name will dwell; and so they shall not go astray from YHUH.

22 And you, Moshe, command the children of Yisrael to observe the ordinances of the Pesach, as it was commanded to you; declare to them every year the yom and also the yamim of Chag Matzoth, that they should eat only matzah seven yamim and that they should observe its moed and that they bring a sacrifice every yom during those seven yamim of simcha before YHUH on the altar of YHUH your Ahlohim.

23 For you celebrated this moed with haste when you went forth from Mitzrayim until you entered into the midbar of Shur; for on the shore of the sea you completed it.

50 And after this Torah I made known to you the yamim of the Shabbats in the desert of Sin, which is between Elim and Senai.

2 And I told you of the Shabbats of the land on Har Senai and I told you of the Yovel years in the Shabbats of years: but the year of it have I not told you until you enter the land which you are to possess.

3 And the land also shall keep its Shabbats when they dwell upon it and they shall know the Yovel year.

4 So I have ordained for you the year-weeks and the years and the Yovleem: there are forty nine Yovleem from the yamim of Ahdam until this yom and one week and two years: and there are yet forty years to come for learning the mitzvoth of YHUH, until they pass over into the land of Kanaan, crossing the Yarden to the west.

5 And the Yoveleem shall continue, until Yisrael is cleansed from all guilt of fornication and uncleanness and pollution and sin and error and dwells with confidence in all the land; and there shall be no more s.a.tan or any evil one; and the land shall be clean from that time le-olam-va-ed.

6 And behold the mitzvoth regarding the Shabbats - I have written them down for you - and all the mishpatim of its instructions.

7 Six yamim shall you labor but on the seventh yom is the Shabbat of YHUH your Ahlohim. In it you shall do no manner of work, you and your sons and your men-avadim and your maid-avadim and all your cattle and the ger also who is with you.

8 And the man that does any work on it shall die: whoever desecrates that yom, whoever lies with his isha, or whoever says he will do something on it, that he will set out on a journey on it in regard to any buying or selling: and whoever draws mayim on it which he had not prepared for himself on the sixth yom and whoever takes up any burden to carry it out of his tent or out of his bayit shall die.

9 You shall do no work whatsoever on the Shabbat Yom, except what you have already prepared for yourselves on the sixth yom, so as to eat and drink and rest and keep Shabbat free from all work on that yom and to bless YHUH your Ahlohim, who has given you a yom of moed and a kadosh yom: and a yom of the kadosh malchut for all of Yisrael is this yom among their yamim, le-olam-va-ed.

10 For great is the kavod which YHUH has given to Yisrael that they should eat and drink and be satisfied on this moed yom and rest on it from all their labors which belongs to the labors of the children of men; except burning frankincense and bringing oblations and sacrifices before YHUH for yamim and for Shabbats.

11 This work alone shall be done on the Shabbat yamim, in the sanctuary of YHUH your Ahlohim; that they may atone for Yisrael with sacrifices continually from yom to yom, for a memorial, well pleasing before YHUH and that He may receive them always from yom to yom according as you have been commanded.

12 And every man who does any work on it, or goes on a journey, or tills his farm, whether in his bayit or any other place and whoever lights a fire, or rides on any beast or travels by ship on the sea, or by air and whoever strikes or kills anything or slaughters a beast or a bird or whoever catches an animal or a bird or a fish or whoever fasts or makes war on the Shabbats:

13 The man who does any of these things on the Shabbat shall die, so that the children of Yisrael shall observe the Shabbats according to the mitzvoth regarding the Shabbats of the land, as it is written in the heavenly tablets, which He gave into my hands, that I should write out for you the laws of the moadem and the moadem times, according to the division of their yamim. Here then is completed the account of the division of the yamim. X


Sefer Ha-Yovleem-Scroll of Jubilees “The Little Genesis” Written By Moshe and dictated from YHUH through angels. A Jubilee or Yovel is a period of 49 years or 7 weeks. A Jubilee week is a period of 7 years. The Scroll of Jubilees has 50 Chapters one for each Jubilee from Ahdahm to the Promised Land. Many believe it is mentioned in Joshua 8:34-35. Copies found at Qumran and Masada are in Hebrew. The Scroll of Jubilees is not a calendar at all; rather it is a revelation to Moshe, through angels, of the celebrations of YHUH in the heavens, given first to the patriarchs of Yisrael and later renewed in Torah for all of Yisrael.

This then is the history of the division of the yamim seen in The Torah and of the testimony, the events of the years in Jubilee weeks, the feasts of the brit and the Shabbats, of the Jubilees throughout all the years of the olam, as YHUH spoke to Moshe on Mount Senai, when he went up to receive the tables of The Torah and the commandments, according to the voice of YHUH, as He said to him. Go and come up to the top of the Mount.

  • JUBILEES 1:1 Shavuot Step one. The entire nation received the Torah 3 days later as per Exodus 19:11.

  • JUBILEES 1:4 YAH gave Mosheh the true calendar guarded in heaven after it was previously given to Enoch.

  • JUBILEES 1:14 This has come to pass fully, including all those who read into Genesis chapter one about a moon-yarayach, when the lesser light are the stars not the unreliable moon.

  • JUBILEES 1:16 Israel His People.

  • JUBILEES 1:26 Coming of Moshiach when all the former times will be restored.

  • JUBILEES 1:27 Yahusha gave the Torah and Jubilees to Moses.

  • JUBILEES 1:29 As seen in Exodus, Yahusha led the prople, as well as gave the Torah and the times of heaven to Israel.

  • JUBILEES 1:29 In the promised kingdom the times will be restored. Jubilees then is our reminder of that promise.

  • JUBILEES 2:1 Yahusha gave the Torah and the times of heaven to Moses and Israel.

  • JUBILEES 2:9 This is now crystal clear that the sun and stars alone determine these days as seen in the correct translation of Genesis 1:16 which reads: And Elohim made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the lyla: therefore namely the cochavim.

  • JUBILEES 2:15 The 22 letters in the Hebrew Alphabet.

  • JUBILEES 2:17 The true weekly Shabbat started on earth on day 7 of week one of Aviv, of the first year of recreation.

  • JUBILEES 2:18 YAH, the angels and Israel all keep the same day that was Shabbat without a calendar and is on a recurring weekly cycle of 7.

  • JUBILEES 2:24 Jubilees is seen as a second revelation to Torah.

  • JUBILEES 3:9 The origin of this Torah command.

  • JUBILEES 3:17 The very date that the flood gates of heaven were opened in Noah’s day, in part to cleanse and reverse the approach of the devil to the woman on the same day.

  • JUBILEES 3:28 Seems like all the animals spoke Hebrew way back when.

  • JUBILEES 3:32 Adam and Eve were created outside the Garden and simply were placed there to be with YAH.

  • JUBILEES 4:14 It seems like marrying a sister was allowed up to a certain point of revelation from YAH and then fully outlawed in the giving of Torah.

  • JUBILEES 4:20 Edna appears several times as the name of a wife. So it seems that Enoch’s wife was honored in later generations, as women were called Edna as some sort of title, honoring Enoch’s wife whether or not that was their real name.

  • JUBILEES 4:25 The actual place of the original Garden is Mt. Moriah in the land of Moriah-Eden.

  • JUBILEES 5:8 This Scripture has a double application. First historical - 120 more years before the flood of Noach. Second prophetic - 120 Jubilees until the kingdom of YAH on earth. 120 x 49 or x 50 = 6,000 years of man’s rule. The Book of Jubilees demonstrates that all the Jubilees that have occurred until the Promised Land was entered; which was 50 Jubilee cycles, in about 1500 BC. By doing the math 3,500 years later, we can see that there were 70 Jubilee cycles since then, for a grand total of 120 Jubilee cycles. To discern the time we are in and be a people prepared for their Master’s return, the scriptures of Jubilees must once again be taken very seriously, as they are wrestled back from the submersion wiles of the devil and his religious cohorts. The Book of Jubilees alone demonstrates to us that the prophetic aspect of Genesis 6:3 is about to be fulfilled with the return of The Ben Ahdahm – The Son of Man.

  • JUBILEES 6:24 The 4 season makers became the 4 feasts of Noah and are the key to the Enoch calendar.

  • JUBILEES 6:30 Any calendar that is biblical must have 52 weeks, not 56 or 48. 52 weeks every year is a sign of the true calendar.

  • JUBILEES 6:34 Yes and this is why calendar confusion has set in. We have ignored the warnings.

  • JUBILEES 8:19 Jerusalem.

  • JUBILEES 10:12 Enoch and Noah knew all about herbs and oils for healing.

  • JUBILEES 10:17 Other than Messiah, Enoch was the greatest of all our patriarchs an apostle of time, a doctor of medicine and many other things. Only Enoch and Messiah fully pleased Father YAH. No wonder religion has come against both.

  • JUBILEES 10:25 Large cities and urban blight are part of the curse.

  • JUBILEES 12:14 Seems like Abraham was responsible for his brother’s untimely death.

  • JUBILEES 12:25 Hebrew was restored to Abraham first after the tower fell.

  • JUBILEES 12:26 Confirms that Adam and Eve spoke Hebrew with YAH.

  • JUBILEES 12:27 Even with tremendous revelations, some study is still required. 2nd Tim 2:15. No doubt he devoured the writings of Noah and Enoch both written in Hebrew as stated earlier in Jubilees.

  • JUBILEES 12:30 Abraham felt responsible for Lot due to his fire killing Charan. We see this played out later in his actions towards Lot.

  • JUBILEES 13:29 Abraham’s practice of the second greatest commandment; after obeying the first and greatest one seen in Matthew chapter 22.

  • JUBILEES 15:1 Shavuot.

  • JUBILEES 15:27 Angels are created circumcised.

  • JUBILEES 15:27 Circumcision of heart and flesh is a prerequisite for entry into heaven.

  • JUBILEES 16:18 A prophecy of the coming Melech Messiah coming out of the chosen seed of Jacob.

  • JUBILEES 16:26 Messiah.

  • JUBILEES 16:30 Stolen by the Christmas crowd.

  • JUBILEES 17:4 Jealousy is not a fruit of The Ruach and must be repented of and forsaken and not excused away, as western society does, as if people have a right to be jealous. It must be put to death with the help of The Ruach or it will continue to break up patriarchal families in Israel.

  • JUBILEES 18:3 Aviv 14-Month 1 day 14, three days after s.a.tan came to YAH for permission.

  • JUBILEES 18:12 That is why, The Lamb of YAH, was born when the year began in the constellation of Aires-The Ram.

  • JUBILEES 18:19 Chag Matzoth-Feast of Unleavened Bread.

  • JUBILEES 19:11 Not a sin but rather a blessing to have many helpmates.

  • JUBILEES 19:25 Seems like the patriarchs will be honored in helping to restore the sun, moon and stars, to work in perfect harmony in eternity.

  • JUBILEES 20:4 Abraham’s commands and warnings were against foreign wives not polygyny.

  • JUBILEES 21:10 This is very significant. While Israelites can eat meat and fish this confirms the Torah where all such food must be eaten before day 3, meaning, while it is most fresh. This would probably eliminate most restaurants for our people, as we prepare our own meals in accordance with these clear warnings or catch our own meat.

  • JUBILEES 21:16 Hygiene plus a carryover into the Aaronic priesthood.

  • JUBILEES 23:11 A prophecy of future declining age and dementia.

  • JUBILEES 23:19 There is a connection between shorter life and the forgetting of the true times of Enoch and YAH.

  • JUBILEES 23:21 A prophecy about the future corruption of the priesthood by the Sadducees and the latter Maccabean period. This corruption led to high kohanim like Ciaphas, who entered the Holy of Holies; many before him were struck down instantly.

  • JUBILEES 23:23 Speaking of the 70 CE Roman exile of Jewish Israel. This also may refer to the Ephramite exile of 721 BCE into Assyria.

  • JUBILEES 23:27 The promised millennial kingdom the atid lavoh.

  • JUBILEES 25:7 With one being that one way to avoid lust and fornication was plural marriage.

  • JUBILEES 25:16 There never was a 13th month in the correct calendar.

  • JUBILEES 25:20 Messianic kingdom for 1,000 years.

  • JUBILEES 27:27 Like most believers, Jacob made tithing conditional looking for a weasel clause, when it’s a command for favor and abundance. Favor and abundance does not always get harvested as money. Keep that in mind.

  • JUBILEES 28:15 Judah was born on Shavuot and we see the connection between Shavuot and the Lion of Judah in the Book of Acts when Judah’s offspring, The Messiah, poured forth the Set Apart Spirit.

  • JUBILEES 29:7 Seems like Shavuot is not only important as both Torah and The Set Apart Spirit would be given on this day but seems like YAH is correcting other dates for the Feast of Weeks in religious practices, by emphasizing through repetition, the correct time for the feast, always falling in the middle of month # 3, not at the beginning of month 3. We see this feast occurring throughout the Book of Jubilees.

  • JUBILEES 29:16 These are the 4 marker days included in the year but not the months. Jacob is seen following the same calendar as Enoch.

  • JUBILEES 29:16 A righteous Israelite man will provide for aging parents as seen in the case of Jacob.

  • JUBILEES 29:20 Honoring parents as commanded in Torah, they way that Israelites and not the government are to provide for their aged parents.

  • JUBILEES 30:2 Tzadik Israelites don’t take child brides but young women are fine with parental blessing.

  • JUBILEES 30:7 Be not unequally yoked with a non-born again Yisraelite, an eternal command.

  • JUBILEES 30:17 Seen by YAH as was the zealous acts of Phineas as a righteous response, although in the natural it seems like an overreaction and an unmeasured response.

  • JUBILEES 31:3 Feast of Trumpets.

  • JUBILEES 31:19 Indeed salvation is from Israel through Judah. A messianic prophecy.

  • JUBILEES 31:32 The Messiah and the priesthood are eternal ordinances revealed from heaven.

  • JUBILEES 32:2 Kept his vow on Sukkoth which would become the annual Sukkoth tithe.

  • JUBILEES 32:10 The annual Sukkoth tithe is an eternal command.

  • JUBILEES 32:20 The day after Sukkoth the “Added Day” and its great meaning, when Jacob became Israel.

  • JUBILEES 32:21 Tablets of prophecy and one tablet for each of the 7 days of Sukkoth and the 7 annual feasts of YAH in Leviticus ch.23.

  • JUBILEES 32:29 The added day # 8 after Tabernacles is counted in the days of the 364 day year as well as in month 7.

  • JUBILEES 33:9 Truly Bilah was victimized as her husband would not have relations with her again.

  • JUBILEES 33:12 A plural marriage reference, as note, this is not the violator’s mother; which would make it incense; uncovering the father’s skirt, means his other wife or wives.

  • JUBILEES 33:13 Until Yahusha came to pardon all and any sins by His finished work..

  • JUBILEES 33:20 In other words better think twice before adopting a Torah based Israelite lifestyle, as then sex can only be done in heterosexual monogamy or plural heterosexual marriage. All other fornications must be stopped.

  • JUBILEES 34:12 Day of Atonement.

  • JUBILEES 34:17 From one Day of Atonement to another.

  • JUBILEES 34:19 A Shabbat Shabbaton always an annual Shabbat on the Enoch calendar.

  • JUBILEES 34:21 Plural marriage will always be kosher for YAH’s people, despite changing cultures.

  • JUBILEES 36:10 Let those who are saved and yet violate the 2nd great command of Matthew 22:35-39 be not deceived. If they lie, accuse and slander their brothers falsely, without 3 eye witnesses [not 3E mails], they will enter the same eternal torment of Esav, followed by the eternal death of those not redeemed. What this says it says to all believers for all times, with the fear of YAH and with ears to hear.

  • JUBILEES 36:21 No oral Torah, sorry. All commands are written,

  • JUBILEES 36:24 Quite a different picture of Leah than we had imagined.

  • JUBILEES 38:2 A new detail not given elsewhere but Jubilees.

  • JUBILEES 38:9 An act of mercy.

  • JUBILEES 41:5 On was slain for refusing the Levirate command, not for masturbation as the church teaches. In this case plural marriage is actually a command, as a man with a wife or wives must still perform the command to a deceased brother and his wife or wives.

  • JUBILEES 41:12 In Torah technically Tamar was free to remarry, including to her father in law, as she was a widow from the family of Aram. That is not the sin. The sin was the whoredom committed outside of marriage.

  • JUBILEES 41:21 As proof that this marriage was legal, the messianic line came through Peretz, as Matthew 1:3 calls Tamar Judah’s wife.

  • JUBILEES 41:23 Judah was mistaken. The sin was whoredom with a daughter of Israel, not the marriage itself.

  • JUBILEES 41:25 In Torah stoning is for capital crimes; therefore all references in Jubilees to burning with fire, not a Torah method, must mean the fire of the second death in the Lake of Fire, Revelation 20, where YAH does the burning, after the millennial kingdom, when the unrighteous will cease to exist. This confirms the Tanach and the Renewed Covenant’s declaration of the burning and cessation of the wicked.

  • JUBILEES 44:33 In Acts chapter 7 Stephen quotes 75, confirming the account in Jubilees. From these 75, 5 died, leaving 70, so we see that both reckonings are correct and that we have a clear record that the apostles, knew and used The Book of Jubilees as did their Master.

  • JUBILEES 45:16 Apparently Jacob wrote some pre Torah books.

  • JUBILEES 46:3 Eighty is significant as Joseph is a type of Messiah who came to deliver and preserve Israel in the 80th Jubilee. Moses also was 80 when he came to deliver Israel.

  • JUBILEES 46:9 Apparently all the sons of Israel are buried in Machpelah in unmarked graves for some reason; perhaps the markers were removed by Edom’s sons.

  • JUBILEES 46:13 This can only occur through plural marriages, as anyone with logic and knowledge of Israelite living can discern.

  • JUBILEES 46:14 Guess who built the great pyramids? Those that had the teachings of Enoch, our fathers, with the knowledge of the solar year, as seen in their design.

  • JUBILEES 47:1 In this chapter through the end of the book, YAH speaks directly to the book’s author, Moses himself, about his own birth and upbringing, through the exodus and the Passover and the renewed Shabbat instructions.

  • JUBILEES 48:13 Messiah.

  • JUBILEES 49:1 The observance of both Passover and Atonement begin at sundown. The actual days, as do all 364 days, arrives at sunrise.

  • JUBILEES 49:7 By adding an unscriptural 13th month, Passover is postponed every 3 years, or 7 times in 19 years, in the popular “solar lunar calendars”. No wonder the rabbis have agreed to conspire to suppress this Little Genesis.

  • JUBILEES 49:17 While in Israel, only the sanctuary must be used when Passover is celebrated; however once outside the land of Israel, it can be celebrated as it was in Egypt, in every home. This command refers only to them while in the land and is not a prohibition against celebrating it outside the sanctuary and the land. Torah declares Passover an appointed time in all dwellings, in all places, for all generations.

  • JUBILEES 49:21 The first Passover was in homes. So there is no reason why they should not be in homes today. These verses speak of the time when the Tabernacle [in Shiloh] and later the Moriah Temple, were in the land of Israel-Canaan. At those times, no Passover could be eaten except there, as did Messiah, who ate all his Passovers in Jerusalem when the Temple stood. However, with the Temple’s destruction, we have returned to the pattern of the first and original Passover, awaiting the rebuilding of the Moriah complex.

  • JUBILEES 50:2 Seems like the actual year we are in will only be known once we return to the land from all the nations where we have been driven, which is why the exact Hebrew year remains a mystery.

  • JUBILEES 50:5 Or, until the kingdom of Messiah, when the 120 Jubilee cycles will be completed; and we are close. Until then, the prophetic Jubilee cycles continue, whether in or out of the land.

  • JUBILEES 50:8 Sex in marital relations is forbidden by YAH on Shabbat, the exact opposite of rabbinical Judaism.

  • JUBILEES 50:8 No long distance travel on Shabbat.

  • JUBILEES 50:9 The weekly Shabbat is also a foreshadow of the coming millennial kingdom, when the 7,000th year from Adam starts and Messiah reigns on earth.

  • JUBILEES 50:12 Several points are needed; war is permitted any day as long as it is in self defense. YAH does not ask us to neglect our priestly duties to defend or families and nation on Shabbat; rather the reason for war must be legitimate. Critics of Jubilees see this as a contradiction to Torah which it is not. Additionally a weekly Shabbat is for joy not fasting.

  • JUBILEES 50:13 The Book of Jubilees was the book most prevalent among the Zadokite kohanim, as well as the Masada martyrs and probably the Nazarene Yisraelites as well. This shows us that that many in the time of Messiah’s first advent considered it as inspired Scripture over and above other books, both canonical and non-canonical. It is for this reason that it is being restored to its former esteem in the last of the last days. http://www.jta.org/1965/04/01/archive/fragments-of-hebrew-original-of-book-of-jubilees-found-in-massada